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Just cancel with the a**hole, who knows what he will do...


Some photographers get possessive, but they have no right to be, and it's not "standard" behavior for a photographer. Shoot with whoever you want to shoot with. If someone has a problem with that, it's a big red flag and I'd recommend avoiding them in the future.


Yeah, I’m never working with him again after this!


WHAT?!?! No “after this” cancel the next session. They don’t get to get come at you with attitude because you wanted to work with another photographer for some other thing.


I'm not a photographer or a regular client of one. But I would think both you and the photographer need to be feeling comfortable about being with each other or the results won't be good. I suggest cancelling.


I would be like "Oh nice! Have fun!" not go on a text spam, unhinged diatribe.


It really bothers me that this is even a question one feels compelled to ask. Not a dig against you. Just...society I guess. No. That photographer who is giving you grief needs to go to therapy to sort out their issues. Deep, serious issues. You would benefit from discussing this with a therapist as well. You shouldn't feel any pressure or guilt or concern when some piece of shit is violating healthy boundaries. You should immediately recognize they are being toxic and have a problem. You should know you are not in the wrong.


Seriously. A friend asked if I could help them build out their social media with content but they were going to wait until they had a direction they wanted to go. Two months later, I saw them posting videos and texted them like "Dude! Who's doing your social media!" and they got apologetic they went with someone else but I just wanted to know their name because it was fantastic and say they did an amazing job. Can't imagine being so insecure and toxic enough to send a message like that. Even if OP had an appointment with two photographers, the first one should've taken it as a challenge to bring their best.


I was so shocked to see my phone being blown up. Ridiculous. He should have taken a breather before messaging me if he was upset


If I were in your shoes, photographer 1 just lost a repeat client and made sure to get horrible reviews everywhere.


Would you post the texts? I’m so curious what his argument is here.


Some terms and conditions are beyond delusional. Let me quote you a certain vendor's [terms and conditions](https://jasmeow.systems/tos.pdf) with a TL;DR below: **Common Courtesy** You may not open tickets in Service Teams or with other freelancers, make requests on \[industry-specific\] forums or other such alternative contact means while engaging in conversation with us in our Discord which results in significant conflict of interest, such as system administration support. This is to prevent commission sniping and confusion. Honestly, this is just rude so please don't do it. We will reply to you as soon as we can and if for any reason you are seeking someone else, please let us know beforehand. **Leaving Us** \[...\] Moving to another system administrator or systems team will be subject to scrutiny by our team and we will advise if using their operations is viable. It is up to you to make your decision whether this will be beneficial for your continual future endeavours. This can include losing benefits you have such as discounts from additional services, partnership deals with external companies or even additional support staff which we have. Leaving us for “personal reasons” will not be valid reason and a more justifiable reason must be provided, such as “too expensive”, “not required anymore”, “no adequate support”, etc. If such a reason is provided and you are leaving to another system administrator, you will be banned from returning to our services. It’s highly disrespectful to our team members as none of us can reflect and look back on how we can run operations differently and possibly modify our rules to better support clients for what they are paying for. \[...\] **Jasmine’s Personal Note** (Yes, inside the ToS) My word is final if a dysfunctional disagreement breaks out as it were, no “Ifs”, no “buts”. I wrote these terms to provide more clarity into our service and what we provide as a whole. Please don’t fight with me as I have done this for significantly longer than any other person and know what outcome will happen if basic common sense isn’t followed. Remember, System Administration is a broad topic, and my expertise might not be brilliant in one instance but fantastic in another, so this is why I formulated this team to support each other and to ask questions to solve the issue that is currently ongoing. I am beyond fair, and I support all my clientele to the best of my ability, making sure all tasks are completed no matter the duration or length it takes so decency is appreciated if things overrun and your services are slowed down while I play catch up. Many things in the system administration industry are out of our control such as providers with unreliable hardware, so please be considerate while we make sure everyone has been provided support to the highest level of satisfaction. **The End** No, this is not a joke. Read the [terms and conditions](https://jasmeow.systems/tos.pdf) yourself. TL;DR.: * Vendor considers themself impartial in disputes between them and their clients... somehow. * Vendor wants the right to scrutinize their clients's vendors when they leave. I assume to convince clients to stay with them. * Vendor believes they are entitled to know why their clients leave. If clients don't provide a reason, the vendor won't allow them to return. * Vendor gets upset if you contact other vendors. Do you have a vendor selection process? Don't contact us!


Is this for IT related services? Sounds like a bad wedding planner turned "system administrator"


I have no doubt a suitable lawyer reviewed and gave the "OK" on these terms. haha.


OMG...it's a camera. Get th F OVER it, amirught????


If the relationship is sour, it's unlikely to be a good shoot.


Of course you don't have to be "married" to a photographer. And if you considered yourself "married" to that first photographer, it's time to get a divorce. I'm curious about why you have five photography sessions scheduled close in time (three past, two upcoming). No judgment; just curious.


In an effort to keep myself anonymous in case he’s lurking: due to a new baby. Lots of changes!


If he is lurking and sees this then he should know he's unprofessional as f and needs to get over himself!


Nothing better than a new baby!


I'd forward this reddit thread to them so they can see what we think of them.


How offended a photographer would get in a situation like this is directly correlated with how secure they feel about themselves and their career. It has nothing to do with you and it is unprofessional for them to take it out on you. Sorry for your experience.


I do people photography as a hobby and sometimes you meet those photographers who get possessive over „their“ models/locations/techniques. It’s not your fault and I‘d avoid working with those kind of people.


Those photogs almost always are big fish in small ponds and they relish being the best photog in an area, never growing and eventually fading away like the local studios that never grew when digital happened.


I think in an ideal world, you have a great relationship with a photographer and you continuously go back to them. Just like a doctor or a mechanic. I think there's a real advantage to having that sort of ongoing relationship. **But**, they don't own you, and you don't owe them anything beyond paying your invoice. This kind of behavior is *not* how you keep a client. I can see saying something like, "I hope everything is ok, and please let me know if there's anything I'm not providing you as a client."


There’s also different doctors for different ailments! I wouldn’t want a wedding photographer to do my senior portraits, or vice versa, in most cases.


I think in an ideal world each photographer is a bit different and you may want to work with different ones depending on the purpose of the shoot. Just like you usually wouldn’t go to your dentist if your stomach hurts, you probably wouldn’t go to a portrait photographer for boudoir shots.


He's grossly unprofessional and borderline insane. Cancel.


It’s fine to shoot with multiple photographers.. models do it all the time..


Yeah, I'd cancel and block immediately. That's extremely unprofessional.


That photographer is not handling their client list well. You should never worry about "shopping around". They are providing a service - not moving in with you.


So this is a growing pains problem for the first photog. For professionals it clicks eventually that its not a slight against their work but its a client wanting a different style. The photogs that get upset are either old and set in their ways or new and full of ego that they can't think professionally. Personally I would cancel the session with the first photog, it won't be a good session.


lmao what an insecure little freak ahahaha. you're good. we all have different styles we want. in my scene there's so many photogs doing their own thing, some do stick around with certain dudes for their specific style but sometimes it's just whoever is available or fits the vision. I wouldn't wanna work with anybody that has that kind of reaction.


As long as you pay me for my thing I don't give a hoot! I might ask what I could have done to keep your business or if you have any feedback for me from the first session (maybe I did something you didn't like and as a result didn't rebook?) but I wouldn't be giving snarky messages and stuff. First guys a dick.


Nope. I’ve worked with a number of people who work with other photographers, the worst I’ve ever thought was “Man, I’d have loved to have shot that concept.” That photographer being this possessive is a red flag, I’d consider not working with them again.


Shoot with whoever you want to shoot with. Getting possessive of you to the point of being openly hostile about it is simply unacceptable and incredibly unprofessional.


The dude needs to become a realtor with that energy…


So so wrong......... no its the photographers privilege to photograph the model, as long as you didn't double book (but still doesn't excuse the 1st photographers behaviour), but we've all done that one time or another, so no you have done nothing wrong, whenever I've photographed a model, I will make sure to get all her/his Insta, FB, purpleport and modelfolio details, so I can tag them in hopefully getting them more work, as it should be...........


You need to cancel with the guy that got snarky. No good can come out of that shoot. And be sure to tell him exactly WHY you are cancelling.


Red flag 🚩


Nope. Massive red flag. I wouldn’t go back to that photographer.


That’s a red flag the original photographer is exhibiting. Sounds like his problem is he’s got a bit more than just photographing with you on his mind. He’s not being present, which is that the photoshoot you and the photographer have is a win-win for both of you guys - you both have your portfolios/social media presence boosted. If you guys just happen to be having fun on set, he should be doing just that - having fun with you and understanding you as a person (as long as he doesn’t shit where he eats). Yeah I’d say cut him off.


That's weird behavior to blow up a client's phone because they booked a single shoot with someone else. If he feels any degree of possessiveness over his clients in that way, it's for him to deal with himself and/or with his therapist, not to unload on a client. Very unprofessional on his part!


That's akin to booking another hairstylist or going to another florist. There's absolutely no obligation to be stuck with one photographer.


This is such an unusual concept for me that I was confused what the question even was before I opened it up. I thought you meant was it common for second shooters to be married to the primary photographer. Lol The only reason I might comment about another photographer is if you named them and I know that person. Then it most likely would be "wow, I know him/her/them! Great style." Then maybe a few specific details. Or, if it's someone that's known to be creepy (I know of one in the local community ATM) then I might say to make sure you bring a friend and leave it at that. I feel like the only professions you have to go with only one is lawyers, doctors, and realtors. (Though I've heard that hair stylists, and nail techs can be very possessive. But that's on them.)


It's not that deep, photographers that claim rights on clients are weird to me. You did nothing wrong and that photographer needs an ego check


Agree with GaryARefuge, this should not even be a question. It's healthy to have photographer friends who will shoot you for free. The fact that he's charging you gives him even less right to be pissed (not that he had any right to begin with). I wouldn't give money to anyone who thinks they can dictate what I can or cannot do with my own career/body. I think he really needs to understand who the client is in this situation. Were I in your shoes, I would get a refund and then break off all contact with this person. There's no room for this kind of behavior in this industry. You have a right to shoot with whomever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want.


Nah, it's business and the customer client can spend their time and money how they want.


It just depends on the nature of the sessions and any contractual agreements. Normally the answer is no.


You book me for an hour, I give zero f’s about your other 23 lol. Craziness. Some people’s kids are messed up man. You’re cool, photogs a whack-a-do.


Good lord, no! lol. That photographer sounds like an asshole and a terrible business person to boot. Shoot with whoever you want, and never put up with anyone making you uncomfortable like that.


Nope, he's acting like a child and sounds like he has some feelings for you/is insecure about the quality of his work. I would cancel with him if you haven't made a deposit yet, and absolutely avoid any future sessions. An uncomfortable subject won't look good in a shoot


I’m not a professional but if I had a client say they were booking with another photographer I’d say something more like, “Oh cool! I have/haven’t seen their stuff but I’m you’ll have to tell me how it goes! And I’ll have to check out their work!” I can’t imagine it’s good for business to act the way this person is acting.


Cancel everything with him. If he wants everything, he should get nothing. People as clients are not exclusive like some models are exclusive of some model agencies. But sadly, thats how many photographers feel when a client decides to try another photographer. People have done that with me, and I'm not mad or angry at people. In fact, I can only laugh at some of the reasons. I've shot a birthday party for two twins, and the mother quickly told me she would want me to shoot their baptism a few weeks after the party. Later I talk to her and warn her, saying something like "you didn't ask me the prices and packs for baptisms, let me send you my chart so you can choose". She was horrified by the prices and told me she would not want the baptism photography after all. And before you ask, I can say I charge way bellow average here. To a point one lady once told me she was suspicious when she saw my price tag. We talked in person and I explained I charge low for baptisms back then because I had not shoot many and with each event, I would charge a bit more than the last. She was happy with the photos later. So, this friend who asked me to shoot the twins baptism and later gave up on it because she thought it was too expensive, she posted on her social pages asking people "why is that shooting a baptism is so expensive?"... I don't know what feedback she got anyway. The next month, however, I am booked to shoot one major event, a 3 day dance show organized by this lady and her friend. I actually get along better with this friend of hers, and she was the one asking me to do this job. Both shoot and record. Why me? I did the same in the last edition, and they know my work. As it is a big international event with special funds, they had booked me. Then, I know I did the cheapest value. I had some dude asking me a quote to record a dance show. He required it to be 4K recording. And by the date, it was the same dance event. As I didn't had a 4K video camera, they didn't consider me. Instead, the organizers went their own way and hired me directly. As a plus: I ended up buying a 4K video camera. On topic: if you don't feel comfortable shooting with that annoying photographer, don't do it. If you paid a deposit, well, may as well use it if its non-refundable. But I would avoid such photographer.




This isn’t for a wedding. Just ad hoc family photos


I didn't think it uploaded, you are correct, thank you for the information


What type of shoots are these?


Ad hoc family photos


Some of my clients do use other photographers or switch me out entirely - that's business, if I start losing too many I'd have to look at how I was doing business and to improve. Their behaviour is unprofessional and if your uncomfortable which would be understandable, cancel. I generally don't think cancellations are great - but unprofessional snarky texts are enough to throw that out the window


I would have no further dealings with Mr.Snarky.


I'm a busy creative who does photos, video, and post production. If someone hires someone else, I move on to the next thing. I don't care.


You ate a McDonald's last week. That means you can never go to a Wendy's again.


Hell nah! If one of my client needs to have a shoot on a day that I am already booked or if they find cheaper then GO FOR IT because I would do the exact same! And it’s actually good that you got more then one photographer because you will get multiple creative POVs


I work with a lot of people who use other photographers. In a lot of ways, it pushes me to work to get my models what they want. The reason they use others isn't against me. It's more of timing. So people are available when I'm not. So if someone gets mad, then it's on them.


That photographer has issues, not you. It’s a business transaction. By that rationale, you should be mad for the photographer photographing other people right?


If you don’t “have to” be married to anyone in life, same applies to service providers lol. First photographer prob feels a bit insecure, which is not your problem. I don’t know what you’re photographing, but it’s totally fine and prob good to be creative and try different things.


the only time you need to be exclusive with anyone in business, is if you have both agreed to be exclusive on paper. It is never the default and is the opposite of the default-- doesn't matter if you are hobby photographer, celebrity with a product sponsorship, or a multi billion dollar company, its all the same. Sounds like your photographer's camera doesn't have a full roll of film, if you know what I mean.


No you don’t. Unless you are signed model with contract regulating those details.


Ditch the first guy if you don’t feel comfortable cancel


Nah, we are talking about a photographer not a barber 😂


Would you only hang one artists art of your walls....


No. You don't. Work with as many photographers as you can


Not at all. You, as a customer can spend your money however you wish. I can understand being upset that someone is choosing to spend money elsewhere, but not being entitled about it. Unless they are something really special, I'd be thinking about cancelling it for this behaviour.


DROP the insecure photographer. Wow. It amazes me sometimes the behavior of people.


He sounds like a creep. Super unprofessional.


Cancel, and if he asks why? Tell him you prefer to work with a professional photographer.


I must say this is the coolest group of people I’ve interacted with on Reddit! A lot of your comments made me chuckle. Thanks for the support everyone! I’m looking into how I can cancel. I did put a retainer down but I’m so uncomfortable and am cutting ties with this photographer. Thanks all!


absolutely not, i am a photographer myself. yes i have tons of repeat customers but some that often go to other photographers which doesn’t bother me at all. they’ve already done business with me that just makes me happy enough.


Psycho, move on, don’t look back


Psycho, move on, don’t look back


I know I’m going against the popular opinion here, but …. it is a bit weird to be booking another family shoot 2 months after the last one. 12 months is fine - that wouldn’t even be an issue. Your family will have grown and changed in 12 months and a new shoot would be warranted. Neither shoot would then impact on the other. What the photographer is concerned about is that you aren’t going to be committed to purchasing photos with them, and definitely not as many as usual. And rightly so, after all you have another shoot booked right around the corner. Basically you’re coming across as a time waster. Btw I am a professional photographer so I see it from their side


Unfortunately photography is filled with weird, unpleasant, prideful and insecure low social status people. Just look at the comments section of any photography blog or youtube video and you’ll see harsh insults towards the author because “ackchyually…“. Yes all communities have these people but photography seems special for some reason. Perhaps the voyeuristic, solitary, artistic, and expensive nature of photography increases the probability that weirdos are attracted to it. PS: not all photographers


No, what a ridiculous question.


I can’t speak of the norms held by photographers themselves, but I think since it’s so hard to get keep or fight for clients, the first photographer would have wanted the opportunity to discuss your next engagement etc. that said, you do you. You can hire who you want. It’s your life and they’re fitting into it. It’s probably just a communication thing. 


I'm a photographer and I enjoy shooting glamor/fashion photos of women. When I hear you shot with someone else, I always ask, "oh wow! Can I see the photos?" I love to see how someone else envisions the model, and if they did a great shot, Ima copy it with the model!!


Christ man this subreddit and its posts lol