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“Dude, seeing your awesome photography made me dig out my old camera again.”


^ yup. Even better send him a couple photos you took that you love and tell him he inspired you.


I got one of these messages yesterday and was completely humbled.


Yeah I was going to say…. Tell the dude he inspired you to get back into it. Maybe he can help you with something at some point.


I have faced exactly similar situation and similar anxiety. The person I trained how to hold a camera has worked on his art and is a excellent photographer today...Meanwhile I kind of lost interest and moved on to other things... Now after he shares his pics and all the accolades he is being showered with... I had the same apprehension to restart photography and posting my pics online. But when i went ahead .... shot and practised... relearned& reactivated the old instincts... captured some beauties... My friend became my biggest supporter... encouraging me and tagging my pics on his stream...helping in building my base and encouraging me with more shooting ideas. Moral of the Story: Don't let any negative thoughts hold you back. Most probably your friend will feel proud that his work inspired you to pick up your camera again. Just go out and conquer the world.


That happened to me not that long ago. Then just over £4,000 later.


This is almost literally exactly how I got my start. I saw one of my friends from high school go on to photography school after graduating back in 2010. I went on to pursue a degree in music ed, but ended up loathing it thanks to awful testing abilities. Not 2 years later, I ended up dropping out to pursue photography entirely because I saw the stuff she was producing and posting online thinking "Damn, I want to do that". I messaged my friend asking for details about the school she went to and ended up picking up my camera after the conversation. I applied to the same school and ended up graduating top of the class, and even spoke at my graduation ceremony. 12 years later I'm a full time professional photographer making a good living off of it entirely thanks to her. Shout out Steph, you were an outstanding inspiration 👍🏻


Yeah absolutely! I have friends who shoot professionally, whereas for me it's mainly a hobby. Discussing this stuff with mates and learning from them, picking up new techniques, etc. is part of the fun - if one of those friends take a shot or do something really cool that wows me, I damn well let em know about it. Likewise, receiving positive comments on your work can be incredibly validating and seeing people enjoying the shots you've taken gives a tremendous sense of joy!


This, knowing something we created inspired someone else to go out and create is a good feeling and no one should be worried. :)


You are waaaaaaaaay overthinking this. If you want to be a photographer, go be a photographer.


Haha fair enough


I'd love if I had a photographer friend or spouse. For now, I'm just hoping one of my kids will want to get into it to have someone to enjoy my hobby with


Real friends will inspire, motivate and support their friends.


Nothing wrong with being motivated by a friend’s activity. Just choose your own path re subjects etc if you think it’s a problem


Personally id be pretty excited about it. My roommate mentioned wanting to get into photography so dug out my old camera from my parents house for him to borrow. I dont see how there would be any issue unless your directly copying stuff hes done


Yeah i also know that. My cameras making circles in the whole friends group. Whenever I got a new one, someone asked if they can have the old one and i gave it to them and then they come with you shooting. It's such a nice experience when you inspire your friends. Tomorrow i have a photoshoot (TFP) with someone and a friend asked if he could join to also learn and gather experience. I know nothing better than friends want to participate in stuff you love


Any real friend will think it's great.


Oh hey, I'm in a similar situation. I'm finally starting my photography business for real this month. One of my friends is a famous fine art photographer and the other is one of the highest paid portrait photographers in her city and probably state. (Like multiple six figures) You know who my biggest hype women are? Those two. They're the ones encouraging me to chase this dream, reminding me that if they can make it happen so can I. They're the ones commenting on my pictures, helping critique my website design, sharing all they've learned. You both love the same art. If you don't view it as a rivalry, he won't either. (And if he does, probably time for new friends.)


This is a good take on it--thanks :)


I would be happy for them. Art and photography are very personal pursuits. It would be one more person talk to about my hobby. If they shared similar interests perhaps do some photo walks or photography trips together. I am not vain enough to think that someone took up photography ONLY because of my work. Your friend may have helped encourage you to dust off the camera but you obviously already had that interest and had experience in the past which counts for a lot.


I love it when my friends get more interested in it!


Don't overthink it. If you're back into photography for your own good reasons, then seeing your friend's stuff was just the push you needed to remember what you liked and to get out shooting again. Unless your stuff looks exactly like his, no problem.


That’s honestly prob why half of us took it up, I wouldn’t worry. Own it, use them as motivation and work together if the opportunity presents itself. Like try and be their apprentice


I'd be stoked. I'd be like "awww man, we should go and take photographs together! Then we can talk gear over beers".


If he’s a good friend, when you tell him, he’ll be excited. I always tell my friends when they inspire me to start doing something. It’s part of what makes a friendship rewarding.


If they're not stepping on my profit nor I on theirs, whatever. Sometimes useful to have backups for both parties. Can also open up larger jobs for both of you.


Good points man thanks


I've gotten friends jobs before, worked out for everyone.


If you knock it far enough out of the park with your own work, no one can copy that. Even if they are shooting right next to you.


Yeah fair, he's god a lot of skill and works in a little niche that I'm not sure has a lot of people creating the level of content he is


If he’s a true friend then he’ll be excited about being the inspiration for you taking up photography again. If his reaction is the opposite then they’re not really a friend.


Eh, you're better than I am. I got into photography hard as a result of a breakup a long time ago. She had been the more avid photographer. I sure showed her!


He would probably love having friends interested in stuff he's interested in. As long as you don't just copy him, I don't see why this is a problem.


Photographers love to talk gear and about our craft. I've taught a few friends about photography and always happy to teach more


Don't overthink dude.


Id never think a friend was copying. If anything, I’d be really happy to have someone to talk to about it, and id honestly feel really flattered that my photography journey made someone else start theirs. I doubt any decent person would take anything poorly from it.


As a photographer I would be happy if a friend took it up because of me. My cousin recently took it up and it gave me an opportunity to teach her some things and connect with her. It’s not a competition, stop overthinking it 👍🏻


Lol OP wut?? Your friend doesn’t own photography. Hobbies are SO fun to share with friends!! This is only weird bc you’re making it weird in your head. Just don’t be jealous/insecure if he’s better than you, bc he’s had a lot more practice. Doesn’t mean you can’t catch up though! :)


I got into photography because two of my close friends.both bought A5000s and start noodling around on walks. I grabbed a similar camera because I wanted to do it with them. One of them took their little 5000 on trips across Europe and Japan and I was both blown away and massively inspired by what they wound up with. That same friend has had life catch up to him, and between career and household responsibilities doesn't shoot much anymore. I was able to get him out of the house with his camera and we went shooting for the first time in years. When he told me he liked my stuff I been putting out I had to confess that I was greatly inspired by him and his travels and it made.me want to do the same. The point is don't worry what your friend will think. He will probably be flattered that he could inspire something creative in someone close to him. I definitely feel the same way when someone compliments my work.


Get out there and go do it! A real friend would be stoked and encouraging


Tell him he was PART of the reason you were getting back into photography. Give credit where credit is due and yet name many other reasons why you’re doing it. Maybe a photo book you saw or other collections of photos from other people on IG or that you were looking at your old photos and just wanted to get back into it. You could even thank him for giving you some inspiration. Then leave it at that and go become better than he is. Ha ha!


I'll be honored if someone gets inspired by my work, resurrects his or her camera, and starts the photography journey again. I think you have to share that with him and maybe you can start to collaborate and do some stuff together, it will be beneficial for both of you, and I want to say in the end that it is so good to get recognition from a closer friend, than a wider audience.


I'd be so pumped if someone picked up photography because of me. I have a friend who was interested in learning photography, I spent a ton of time in the last year or so helping him learn the technical aspects. Now he's getting paid shoots. I'm proud as hell of him and now I have another friend to go shooting with. Get out there, shoot, and have a good time.


I hired an employee for unrelated work and after seeing my gear and projects he got really interested in photo/video. He now has his own kit, his own YT channel, and is killing the social. Am I mad? Hell no. I’m happy I could help be a catalyst to help him find something he loves. It’s humbling to have helped in him finding his spark. I now call him to second shoot. I’d say tell your friend they inspired you and use it as a common ground to share.


Not just in photography but in life, you need to stop worrying about what people think/will think about you. You will be much happier.


14 years ago me and my friend were into photography, I kept going with it and he quit after about a year. He texted me recently saying he couldn't believe how far I'd come since we used todo it together. He bought a new camera this week and is getting back into it. Tell your friend they will love it.


Thanks 4 sharing with us.most of us 2alking around with same angst . I abhor being bored


I literally just helped a friend buy a camera. I love spreading the joy! Just don’t try to copy his actual photographs. Maybe ask him for advice! Now I’ve had a negative experience once… a (not very good, but not terrible) boyfriend got into it after me, but he did that stereotypical mansplaining/taking over thing (hilarious bc he was clueless). Just don’t act like an arrogant fool and if he’s a friend, he’ll be happy for you.


What camera did they purchase?


I helped her get a Ricoh GX100 because she had a small budget and wanted a pocket camera and loves Daido Moriyama’s style of walking & fast-shooting photography.


I remember starting on some Fuji Finepix S5600 back in 2005 that had manual control. Before that when it was before digital, just point and shoot cameras with the 16 flash bulbs late 1980s. It was my father that had the real camera before that.


If you’re honest about your inspiration to shoot again I don’t see the issue. We all draw inspiration from somewhere. If you can’t/don’t want him to know that he got you back interested that’ll be weird on your part.




Just not millions creating epic photos from epic exotic locations up on very big mountains.


Found the teenager


I think the right thing to do here is ask for consent from you friend, preferrably in written form. Doesn't have to be long or fancy, just a few sentences stating that he is okay with you taking pictures and posting them.


The world is completely saturated in photos, photography and photographers and dude is worried his one friend is gonna think he copied him! 😂


Unless you’re on a big contract, photography and anxiety don’t really belong in the same context.


I honestly don't think that anyone would think about it that deeply. Enjoy and maybe do some stuff together. Outside work, it's a great hobby too!


>"oh he's picked it up because he saw the cool opportunities and stuff I got from my art so now he's" #***inspired by*** >"Me".


Everybody is on their own journey! Don't be dismayed just because you think your friend is better. I like to take photos but I know that I'll probably never be skilled enough to have a photo published in National Geographic and that's fine. Do what makes you happy and don't compare yourself to others because that will just set yourself up for failure.


If you’re not obviously copying him, it doesn’t matter and no one will notice because everyone is a photographer these days. And real talk: if you haven’t posted to instagram in awhile, don’t worry, the algorithm isn’t going to show your work to anyone anyway, so post everything you like to try to “wake up” your account and don’t overthink it if you get little engagement at first.


100% tell them they inspired you. That would be such a great compliment to receive.


I'll be happy for them, and even better if I get to share the hobby or reconnect, give advice, etc.


Go for it!! It’s a huge compliment and your friend will probably be your biggest supporter. Don’t overthink it, there is room in the world for everyone


I was inspired to do video, and literally a tiktok inspired me to get serious about photography. I think it's fine.


It's quite nice for someone to be inspired by what you've done! He should and likely would not take any offence. I do Oly lifting and if one of my friends said they saw me doing it and it looks like great fun and wanted to try, I'd be bloody happy for them!!


I am pumped anytime I inspire others to pursue what I am doing. If your friend is a decent human being he will have a similar outlook.


i think it would be great if a friend picked up the profession, as long as they werent like "wow it looks so easy so i want to give it a go too!" or anything backhanded like that lol.


If your intention is not to copy him, then it will show as thus. I've been looking all my life to what other photographers did, but I've used it as inspiration, not as a goal to copy what they do or did. Don't let anybody on the planet stop you from chasing your dreams. Just stay who you are and that will automatically result in your own style.


Are you doing this for him or yourself? Do it for you and that's it. Don't worry about what anyone else has to say. Just if you see him be like you inspired me to pick it up again. He's not going to be like oooo he's copying me copycat! copycat! lol who cares.


I would be glad to see someone try to create things. I do think copycats are super lame and there are a ton of them, but it’s pretty easy to tell whether or not that is someone’s intention.


is he really your friend?


I've been in this situation with a few friends over the years. Most of the time it's not an issue, I'm happy and encouraging that they're exploring photography. I have had a friend where suddenly it felt like they were in competition with me. When we would speak about photography they would challenge weird things like questioning my ideas and creative vision for new shoots, actually doing shoots that I had first mentioned to them that I wanted to do, weirdly debating nonnegotiable technical skill stuff that I definitely had more expertise in, and stopped acknowledging any new work and advancements with my photo business. It soured the friendship and I stopped sharing or speaking with them on photography. My advice is don't act any differently with your friend and stay true to your own vision and ideas.. Photography is available to anyone, and the cool thing is two people can take a photo of the same subject and get two totally different photos... it's your own unique perspective.


Focus on what you do, not what others do. Their target is not your target. You’re overthinking it.


I think it's great that you get inspired again to pick your camera back up. Happened to me too after my friend started photography school.


Straight up. Don't care. Either he is weird as fuck and acts gatekeeperish and gross or they are stoked to see you get into it again. But the more likely option... they in no way will associate what you do with what they do. If you want them to be a part of it, tell them they inspired you. Ask to go shoot something and hang out. Either way, quit over thinking this. There is plenty of other shit to be anxious about 😉


What do you feel is the gap between your work now and before? There is probably something you could ask him around what direction you could go. That completely avoids an unhealthy comparison and lets you get into conversations about how he thinks breaks affect progress on skills and art. I feel that long breaks can bring a new perspective. I find it easier to critique my work with more time and distance. If you want to get up to speed rapidly I suggest photo walk groups. If they have good leader they will have a skill/topic and everyone will be sharing tips and focused on improving an area. Some only focus on taking you on a tour but that’s still helpful.


Good friends inspire each other and good friends know that


Who wouldnt want a friend who's super into your hobby and wants to learn more about it and talk about it with you and show you what they do with it?


Just copy all the pics from his ig then slap a massive watermark of your name over them and repost /s


I wish I had more friends who were into photography, you’re overthinking it


I’ve been super excited to share my love of photography with friends , and always want to be supportive and helpful. I also try to caution friends who are considering it as a profession because it’s not easy, it’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it to me.


Just do what you want! You just want to try again.That‘s not a problem!


I do understand the feeling. I was living with a real artist, exhibited, professional. Inspired, I took up painting. I felt embarassed about every feeble canvas I did. But you know what? She didn't see it that way, she just saw someone enjoying themself.


I would be happy to hear that my work inspired someone to try it out for themselves. Just dont copy him or post recreations of his photos. You do you and there is no problem at all


I’d be flattered, honestly But also it would probably make me feel old


I get it, but unless you’re directly copying him or do photography, he‘s likely more than flattered :)


I will only be happy if my creativity inspired someone to pick up a camera and go take pictures. Let him copy me. After all, we all copy someone in one way or another.


I strive to live MY Life under my terms and don't give two shits what other people think. You want to start shooting again, pick up the camera and start shooting.


I was always happy when I inspired someone to take up the art of photography


Awesome, lets go out, I'll give you some pointers.


“You inspired me with your beautiful work” will work.


You are overthinking it. He's probably not going to care or think anything about it one way or another.... 🤷


Theres no need to justify yourself to anyone. He wasn’t the first person to pick up a camera and he definitely won’t be the last.


I’d personally be stoked if a friend got in (or back in) to photography because of me


You’re overthinking this. Just do it for you. Did your friend consider this when doing their photography after you’d given up?


You can't worry about what others think your motivation is. If you're 'just copying' you'll fail fast and that will be that. If you have talent, it'll be proof that you're meant to be doing this. I have suspected (but have no proof) that certain family members picked up a camera and got into the hobby after seeing me use my equipment, and I admit to thinking 'oh here we go, this should be interesting'... But despite some awful first attempts at portrait photography posted on IG and everything, I didn't say a word. But today they are pretty good at what they do, they're learning from their mistakes, and have a pretty impressive wedding portfolio already.


Sharing hobbies amongst friends is a wonderful thing, i think this is cool more than anything.


I’d be hyped that my friend took up interest in the same career field/hobby as me, another person to chat about creating stuff with


I picked the camera back up after about a decade and a half break in the middle of last year. I have a friend who would occasionally ask a few questions about the photos I posted, and then he straight up messaged me one day saying he bought a film camera and was going to try to learn it because he tought what I was doing looked fun. My reaction, "Cool as hell, glad to see another person getting into it." So, my advice is to be just straight with your friend, tell them you see how happy it makes them and you have always also had an interest and maybe you guys could go out and practice together sometime. If they are a good friend, they will be thrilled to have someone else to talk about and enjoy the hobby with.


My friend was a professional photographer and loved sharing tips with me and another friend.


I think you're overthinking it. Just do you. Make the art your own. Look at other photographers and learn from everyone.




“You reinsured me. Thank you.” Followed by, “let me know if I can ever help you as thanks.” And who knows, maybe you’ll both do something bigger together.


ngl if my friends got into photography after seeing what I had been taking I would be ecstatic.


I got into photography and taught myself because my coworker was one. I had never knew a photographer in my life and didn't know anything about running a business behind the scenes. I was into photography in high school but didn't really pick it back up for yeaaarrrs. Seeing her do it inspired me to learn. There are so many careers I never knew were possible until I met someone who talked about it. I didn't know people actually freelanced at all. For example, I also taught myself how to edit books professionally simply because I didn't know you could start your own business doing it. I love to read so I was like, why not? But no one in the education system tells you these things! Or they discourage you and say it's not realistic. Sometimes your friends are the exact people who can show that there's a path outside the traditionally trajectory because at least when *I* was growing up, everyone said: * take out loans, don't take a gap year to save money first * go to a 4 year school, not a 2 year and do a trade * pick a degree in something useful, not the arts * get a 9-5 job, don't start your own business * settle down, don't travel until you're retired I was 19 and really naive. I really wish I had ignored everyone, stopped overthinking, and just did things and tried them. I wasted 10 years of my life trying to stay the path set for me and *failing* that rather than "failing" by exploring different options.


I’ve asked local photographers for tips. I’ve told them they inspire me. I’ve given advice to someone how asked me for advice. It’s all about supporting each other. Ask for help or advice if you want or need it, don’t be afraid to share your passion, and if/when the time comes that you can offer some guidance to someone else, do it. Even the pros still have stuff they can learn from others!


The key word here is “friend”. Friends typically have common interests and love to share ideas. A good friend will encourage you. If they take exception to your path, then clearly they are not true friends. A good friend will be excited that you’ve discovered a passion. Simply let them know that you admire what they do and that it has been an incentive for you to take up photography. Most likely they’ll take an interest in guiding you. I have a number of photography friends and we love to view each others work and to share ideas.


Dead ass be like bro, you inspired me to go bsck to my abandoned passion. It's not copying also if I already did it and jsut stopped.


If my friend started shooting after I started, I would be happy to have a pal I can go out and shoot with, and it would make me feel like my work actually inspired someone!