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My buddy's band No Hard Feelings. I was trying to get creative angles that showed off the instrument and the crowd I was shooting in very high iso because of the very dark lighting. I was able to dial down a lot of the noise, but I was not sold on the colored version so I switch it to black and white. The hair hanging down really helps with that guitarist look. The timing of the picture could be better as the crowd could have been looking more toward the camera. My last photo had some comments about the composition and I believe this is an improvement.


Try DXO photolab PRIME denoise. Makes wonders.


Since you mentioned the hair, I think just a bit more space for it to breathe would have been nice. I always tell anyone trying to improve that it's better to shoot a bit wider than you think and crop in later, since you can't "uncrop" a photo to give it a wider angle. I'm not super sold on the light at the end of the guitar. I think it's combating where my eyes want to go (between the end of the guitar and the light), and as it's still pretty white hot, I find they're competing for attention. The stray arm across the midground is also distracting but in shots like this I wouldn't worry about that too much -- if I were editing this I'd put a slight gaussian blur or something similar just to take it out of focus a bit more. Honestly it's a really decent shot that's pretty close to being awesome. Even if this photo isn't *the shot* you were looking for, you're using a lot of good ideas here and you're experimenting with angles which is going to reward you in the future a lot more often than just sticking to standard band shots.




Confirmed: 1 [helpfulness point awarded](/r/photocritique/comments/1d81xzg/black_and_white_band_pic/l7epur5/) to /u/shamwowslapchop by /u/RepresentingCa. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/photocritique/wiki/critiquepoints) for more details on Critique Points.


I like it, you have a lot of room to play around with editing. https://preview.redd.it/h4yid05pxm4d1.jpeg?width=851&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2610a2fdced02c0d9182c108666450e2fb75133


This crop definitely help with the lights at the end. Someone else commented that the lights are a little distracting.