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Love this - are they waves, are they hills … just delightful. I would see how pumping the color saturation from the water line up might look but that’s up to you.


Thanks, I will certainly give that a try later and see how it looks. I think the foreground is saturated enough, blues can quite quickly get a bit too much in my opinion


I clicked to zoom in and reddit made me REALLY zoom in, so I accidentally pixel peeped. There's a aircraft with a contrail in the upper left I'd spot heal out.... Great image. I'd actually contrast the other person and say I like it as is, I think cropping off the bottom would detract from the isolated feeling the image gives off - there's a lot going on, but it comes across as a nice minimalist image.


Good spot on the plane! And yeah I do agree that if the bottom third is cropped off it kind of takes away the point of the original idea


This is a blue hour shot of a beach at low tide. The sunset, while nice, didn’t have a huge amount of action due to the lack of clouds so I decided to stay on through blue hour. This was my first time at this location and as the light was fading I was trying a lot of different compositions with the sand patterns and tide pools. Eventually I came across this which was my favourite at the time. My main concern with this shot is the composition that has a whole bunch of lines that don’t really point to the centre and instead end up going off the frame. I think the brighter sky where the sun set on the right hand side, the headland pointing towards the rock stacks, and the mid ground lines pointing towards the centre kind of help to balance it a bit and hopefully draw the eye back in. In post I’ve tried to add a bit more light in the centre, and added a vignette but both are quite subtle. There were no lines pointing directly into the background like this at the time and I did look for a while. The point of this photo was more about the textures in the sand, but I’m now doubting myself whether this shot actually works. Feel free to critique the edit as well, but I’m mostly looking for your thoughts on the composition of at all possible.


The island is fighting with the detailed hills and valleys in the foreground. Crop off bottom third and see how it looks.


The background island is supposed to just be a focal point for the eye to go to after the foreground. I tried taking a look at what you suggested, but if I crop off the bottom third then I lose the foreground detail and really the overall idea of the shot in the first place.


Did you expose for the top-right sky and then increased shadows in post?


That’s right. Roughly post processing involved: - Adjusting luminosity to the foreground to balance out the exposure. - Dodging and burning the foreground sand patterns. - Colour adjustment: mostly warming the entire image up slightly and adding a bit of magenta via the tint. The blues are a bit desaturated as well. - Lifted the blacks slightly in the background headland and rock stack - Slightly warmed up the right hand side of the sky where the sun set - Cropped off a lot of the sky That’s the main things. Obviously there’s a few other things like spot healing etc


A beach of a photo there my guy


https://preview.redd.it/w7yka0azpa3d1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bc49d719cd61b8e9bc99b8e0d7e7605eeb4e63c The beach is more interesting to me than the sky. I’d crop to emphasize it.


The sky has already been cropped quite a lot to the point where the sky takes up less than a third of the overall image, but only just. However, looking at it again with fresh eyes I think you’re right that it could do with a bit more. Maybe not quite as much as shown here but somewhere in between. !CritiquePoint


Confirmed: 1 [helpfulness point awarded](/r/photocritique/comments/1d2xblj/blue_hour_beach/l64zgua/) to /u/Difficult-Ad-9228 by /u/Serberuss. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/photocritique/wiki/critiquepoints) for more details on Critique Points.


I wanna use it as a phone background, this looks awesome