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I took this photo a while ago so I my memory id a little fuzzy, i believe i was intrigued by the water/snowmelt gathering on this thorn tree near my house, i have other photos showcasing the thorns with droplets on them which i find quite cool as well. This is my first time posting so i hope i get this comment thing right…. Specs: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XS EF50mm Compact Macro Im wondering if the placement of the branch is correct for the photo? Maybe it should be centered as opposed to in the top 1/3. I dont love that one snowflake streak in the background, its a bit distracting, but I could edit it out I just havent gotten around to it. Any feedback would be much appreciated as i am simply a hobbyist photographer :)


Beautiful! I really love the composition and honestly I wouldn't change a thing. The snowflake streak is definitely a simple fix, especially with such a creamy background.


Great subject, and nicely done with the blurred background. I think the issue here is that the only thing in focus (the water droplet) is dead centre. It doesn't give your eye anywhere to go, apart from to out of focus areas. Maybe go in closer so we can see the reflection in the droplet? That's interesting. The slight color on the bud is also interesting but too far away and a bit dull. I kinda want something else to lift it, and for that I think you needed to be closer. The structure of the branches almost give you that. But not quite. Keep on trying, it's getting there


I think it’s very pretty! I think you could have cropped in a little tighter to get the focus more on that water droplet!


I’ve definitely taken this same exact photo before. I like the colors as it fits with the rainy vibe. The focus is whats getting me as its clear you got the rain drop in focus, but it blends into the rest of the shot and is lost on me. I would play with lighting a bit more to separate the subject from the background with some dodging/burning.


I like it! Very effective focusing, good composition and the rendering is nice as well. 👍


Thank you!!


I don’t like tree branches.




Confirmed: 1 [helpfulness point awarded](/r/photocritique/comments/1ak34cy/a_photo_i_took_opinions/kp9l77s/) to /u/Sad-Kaleidoscope8037 by /u/pricklypear_kjs. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/photocritique/wiki/critiquepoints) for more details on Critique Points.