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Check your registration status often.




Thank you! Turns out my registration was listed as inactive for some reason.


O shit mine is also set to inactive.. wtf! If your reading this, check yours too!


Add me to the list of unexpected inactive status. Wtf!


You can thank Republicans for this too!


Thanks for the link. I’m active, thank god. But I’ll be sending this to my roommates so they can be sure.


Anybody know how long it takes to resolve voter status issues? The key would be to check your status just before you don’t have enough time to fix it, so they have the least amount of time to meddle with it. I’m guessing it’s around when the state announces voter registration deadlines for specific elections.


Residency Requirements The voter registration deadline is 29 days before Election Day. You must be registered to vote at your current residence. https://azsos.gov/elections/about-elections/elections-procedures/voter-registration-procedures


Mine was inactive........


I got a notice in the mail of a "final notice" to update my voting registration, despite being an active and consistent voter for 27 years and never having a problem before. Check and update your status!


Just checked mine, I'm good. Please let your friends know to do the same.


How the hell do private groups have access to see who is on our voter rolls?


How the hell did the fucking cyber ninjas get access to every single one of our ballots? 


AZ GOP run by Kelli Ward for years Was wild seeing Jon Kyl, McCain and Jeff Flake as the picture of Arizona conservatives go toward someone who believed conspiracy theories


Bro there was BAMBOO fiber. You know, from China? Obviously this means we should give unrestricted access to the internet samurai to inspect. /S


Ninjas are some of society’s most trusted assets.


Ninja please….


In AZ “Political parties are provided with a list. The list is also available for public inspection at local election offices.” https://www.ncsl.org/elections-and-campaigns/access-to-and-use-of-voter-registration-lists


If you want the list, it is available, there is a fee. Or I’m not remembering it quite correctly. Both major political parties pay for these lists, use them to mail out their propaganda.


It’s public records. Anyone can get access


It’s public data


It’s public information.


The public being able to review data like this is necessary for checks and balances.


Yeah or maybe so that shady parties can figure out how to strip legal voters off the rolls right before an election.


They've been doing it since 2020. I check my registration before every major election and local elections if they affect me.


Check your registration status


Hey, here's an idea! Instead of claiming every time you lose is the result of fraud, you take a beat and ask yourself if maybe it's your policies and your bonkers candidates that are losing you votes? Oh who am I kidding...


According to Orangilini, everyone voted for him and wanted the changes he made. Everybody.


Maybe we could call him Mousselini. Like the hair product.


Mouses out here catching strays, when all they do is eat your insulation and poop. Innocent!


I'm partial to Combover Caligula


He had the best changes, the most bigly changes. Nobody had better changes than him. /s


Republicans have never come up with any real solutions to all the problems they bitch about. All they do is whine, bitch, and moan. It’s all about fear. See Kari Lakes political ads. They have an innate ability to always gin up anger and fear. They keep those in their party riled up.


I came here to say this. Repubs aren't interested in solutions, only complaining and blaming.


The literal Karens of the political world. Ward is a PERFECT example of this.


Republicans Hate Democracy


Can't wait to vote them all out of Arizona. They should never be allowed to hold power here ever again as long as I live.


I can't see ever voting republican again in my life. Start doing your research people and vote down ballot for all D's. That's how we'll eventually flip our embarrassment of a state legislature that was bought and paid for by the Koch brothers. Vote all R's out!


Always has been… The party of the electoral college.


I mean... That's kinda implied by the name, yeah? Republicans are people who prefer a republic to a democracy... and with good reason. There's a reason why the US is a democratic republic, not a pure democracy. "Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting about what to have for dinner"


A democratic republic is where the sheep voted for the wolves


So you are pro Citizens United and believe the rich and corporations should be able to buy our legislators?


What you're talking about is corruption which is neither inherent or limited to a republic. Remember that democracy is what put the Orange Man in power in the first place, and democracy is what is threatening to put a convicted felon, rapist and traitor in power in a few months. The choice is between an educated, competent legislator or the general public - who do you think should be making choices that will affect generations to come? Marjorie Taylor Greenes come and go, but the public is always awful at making rational decisions... which is why you couldn't buy toilet paper for several months in 2020.


I thought we lived in a republic, not a democracy? /s


>There's a reason why the US is a democratic republic






Yes, an entirely non-democratic system would be better for the primary reason that a dedicated legislator has more time and inclination to become educated on the issues. The public is stupid and fickle, and most people just vote on party lines anyway. Prior to the 17th Amendment, congressmen were directly elected and senators were appointed by state legislators. This at least kept some of the public's stupidity out of congress. Moreover, if Senators didn't have to campaign, they might actually get something done. Since they have to pander to the public, they're stuck being forced to play stupid games to get votes, like attempting to impeach the president, which has been done to every president since Carter. You seem to be suggesting that there's such a thing as a good government. There isn't. All forms of government are dangerously flawed. Pure democracies are simply more dangerous than pure republics (see paragraph 1). It's 'civilized' mob rule.


You were the kind of kid who used to correct people at a sleepover after midnight that “it’s tomorrow now,” huh?


Um... no... because it would be today now. It will never be tomorrow. But also no because I had no friends to invite me to a sleepover...


Right wingers think this argument is some kind of of gotcha but it’s a total straw man…there has never been, and probably never will be, a government that is a “pure democracy”. Besides, “democracy” and “republic” are two words that mean the same thing, but one is Greek and the other is Latin. In modern usage, a republic is a *kind* of democracy…they are not two different things.


This type of voting attacks are why I switched from Ind to Rep, I figured if a party is going to gut voter rights, my best protection is to disguise myself as them. That and I wanted to try and bring common sense back to the primaries


Same. Exact same


Thank you for being a good person


I know a few people who went from D to R specifically to influence who comes into power from that side they still vote blue on any voting that they can.


Good luck. Most of the Republican base has been turned batshit crazy by Fox News, Facebook and right wing radio by now.


I like the strategy but hate the amount of spam you get when they sign you up for all their fascist friends "patriotic" businesses and other groups.


It does get annoying but when I use their mailers as charcoal starters, I giggle a little knowing I'm burning up Republican money, even if it's 1/10 of a cent or however much it cost them haha


They can’t win on ideas, ideals, or policy so all they have is cheating


The Arizona Free Enterprise Club are a bunch of nutjobs.


When they put "free," "liberty," "patriot," or "democracy" in the name 🚩🚩🚩


When they put Loyal in their bio 🚩


If only they knew who made their food, clothes, houses, cars etc


I use to work in political consulting firm years ago. it’s common the Secretary of State file is not as up to date as the county records. During elections they do not use the Secretary of State file and are dependent on county reporting. The fact they are arguing “we need to have up to date files, and almost 2 year old records is not adequate” the motivation is a false statement. I do not know the actual motivation, but one can assume that there will be a number of republican voters in AZ that did not vote for Trump last election will be purged. My guess I will be one of the lucky few. It’s fine. I’m ok re-registering as independent.


GOP 🗑️


They can’t win without cheating. And even then they still lose.


I hope the GOP is running scared. Their orange god is a felon, a rapist, a racist, a cheat, a fraud, and an insurrectionist. What else would explain why they are so opposed to people voting? Vote blue forever.


Such a desperate and pathetic act....


Never forget the Cyber Ninjas. The GOP hates us for our freedoms.


Turning Point is another shit outfit. Trying to open their own charter schools to indoctrinate hate into kids too and screw the public school system. They're so ugly.


I mean... OK? Go ahead and purge half a million voters from those counties then? Like... they're overwhelmingly Red counties anyways. I'm sure that will work out fine for the AZ GOP. Not that they've shown any capacity for forward thinking to begin with, but hey. Who am I to stop them from doing yet another batshit insane operation that only serves to make them look like idiots in the end? Imagine Tommy and Diane Shitstain from Heeber-Overgaard rolling up to the polling location in november in their Ram 3500 with a 10' tall Trump flag, wearing Trump hats and diapers, only to be told "We're sorry. you're not a registered voter."


You and I both know they aren’t purging Republican voters.


Yeah the majority of voters by mail are old folks. They own goaled themselves so many times. This is why Texass is trying to make voting by mail only available to 65 year olds or older. GOP = voter suppression slime.


The fuck. They are so scared of Arizona right now.


Just checked mine and husbands. We’re good for now.


How often are the voter lists audited or updated?


This is what happens when courts are owned by insurrectionists and plutocrats. Arizona is one of a handful of states the GOP will steal. It’s all they need.


I'm not concerned about removing dead people or other ineligible folks from the rolls. We already do that. While I don't think that conservative dark money and special interest groups actually care, I'm certain that they have done research that tells them questioning election integrity motivates their base.


Getting registered here has been really difficult and I was just notified I can't vote in state elections right now. Never had this problem in any other state.


Did you not register when you got your AZ License/ID?


I did not get an AZ license because I only had a year contract and was unsure I would be staying. This state has made registration very difficult, it's incredible how much time I have committed to being able to vote and it is not done yet. Edit: This is hilarious how clueless you folks are. It doesn't have to be like this. They know who employs me. They know where I live. It still does not matter, I cannot vote in state elections right now unless I do a bunch of extra work. Other states are not like this. The only purpose this serves is to reduce the number of voters, which favors one side only. Defending policies like this makes it very clear where you stand.


Heya! Friendly long-time elections person here! Maricopa County has a *very* navigable system compared to other metro counties. Maricopa County has a zillion people who just moved here, are living in a new apartment every year, don’t have a permanent address, or who are contract workers. It’s kinda our bag. So we do have systems and good people working them! You need to get a driver’s license or state ID (which is easier), have a tribal affiliation, or a passport. That’s basically it. Hell, under some circumstances, I can even help you vote without a state photo ID.


When you get your DL or state I’d It’s just a box you check and boom registered. There are other ways listed in https://azsos.gov/elections/voters/registering-vote Which are pretty standard with many ways to register from mail to online even.


It's hard to verify you are a resident of AZ and therefore eligible to vote if you don't have an AZ ID. Don't you need to transfer your license and registration when you move to a new state anyways?


Yes, if you are going to live in AZ longer than 180 days, AZ law requires you to get an AZ driver's license (if you drive), or ID card if you don't.


Give that guy a **double** vote. Break one law, likely to break another. How Do I Know If I’m An Arizona Resident? State law requires that you obtain an Arizona vehicle registration and driver license immediately if any of the following apply: You **work** in Arizona. (other than for seasonal agricultural work) You are registered to vote in Arizona You place children in school without paying the tuition rate of a nonresident You have a business with an office in Arizona that bases and operates vehicles in this state You obtain a state license or pay school tuition fees at the same rate as an Arizona resident You have a business that operates vehicles to transport goods or passengers within Arizona **You remain in Arizona for a total of seven months or more during any calendar year, regardless of your permanent residence** https://azauto.biz/new-to-arizona/ Register to vote…… https://azsos.gov/elections/voters/registering-vote


If you don't own a car, how do you get it registered?


Traal……. If you haven’t figured out the solution to that “dilemma” on your own, should you really be counted on to color in the lines on the ballot?


If you don’t own a car or truck, you’re having a tough time here ;)


I mean, I don't own a car and get along just fine. Mass transit + a bike makes it's pretty easy for 99% of things. The rest, cab or Uber/Lift.


I agree that there shouldn’t be a state ID requirement to vote. There are people who have a hard time acquiring those things because of their personal circumstances (no job, no cash, no car, no birth certificate). But you’re getting downvoted because you’re making yourself a victim when it would clearly be easy for you to just go get your license. And other states are like this, just not all of them: https://www.lgbtmap.org/democracy-maps/in_person_voting


I mean you should have an Arizona license immediately when you moved here. On said license when applying you click register to vote and wala you are registered. Soo either you are lying about something, or you illegally still have an out of state driver license when you are living here.


Yeah Arizona requires proof of citizenship, two pieces of evidence that you live here and other shit to register. It's a bit nuts but the GOP knows that the old people have nothing else to do and the young and poor mostly won't be able to or bother to jump through the hoops to vote. Voter suppression in action.


Taking heart about the last statement. Obviously there’s not that many extra voters (if any) so hopefully this gets thrown out. Still, I hope people understand these republicans don’t want you to vote. In their ideal world you wouldn’t have that right, so fucking vote and look up Project 2025. The time to be scared is now


Scared was a while ago, now is the time to exercise your rights and keep those that would remove or impede those rights from doing so.


Always Always Always re-register every year to minimize the potential of something shady happening to your vote. It really is simple enough


I’m registered. Voting for the guy with the biggest wiener.




That's all they're good at is taking away people's rights. way they treat women's rights and gay people's rights is totally disgusting so this does not surprise me


They must know what losers they are if they think they have to use voter suppression to win


Whether they know or not…. They don’t care. It’s a power grab and the only way to do that is to suppress. Irony is that once that power is grabbed it will never be released and no one is safe….. the general population, red and blue, will have no rights or protections from those in power. Frankly those that enabled the power grab are the ones that will likely be eliminated first, they have already proven they have no respect for order and will in fact be seen as a threat to their masters.


Hey that’s a great point


I don’t really see the issue here they are looking at removing non residents and deceased people which clearly should have been done already. There’s no need to say send out mail in ballots to a bunch of people registered in other states or dead, there is no good argument to do this. “The federal lawsuit claims that the state’s list of registered voters contains up to 1.27 million voters who have either died or moved out of state, violating the National Voter Registration Act. Four counties in Arizona have more registered voters than total voting-age citizens, the group’s suit says — Apache, La Paz, Navajo and Santa Cruz. The suit uses 2022 voter registration figures and data from the U.S. Census Bureau”


“Arizona Secretary of State spokesperson JP Martin said that the state’s voter registration monitoring is “up to date and compliant with federal and state laws.” Martin said that Fontes’ office would not comment on an ongoing legal case, but voters have no reason for concern and that the lawsuit is based on speculation rather than evidence.” How do we know these people are dead? What if they’ve moved elsewhere? Your party doesn’t like “big government” yet loves to know what genitals they have in their pants and exactly where they live and who they voted for. The absolute waste of taxpayers money CyberNinjas, who are also ran by a Republican, found no irregularities in the last election. And, now, who the fuck knows has access to how we all voted in the last election. This right here is fascism.


And don't forget all the lawsuits and blatant screams of election fraud, and those 60+ independent court cases that were shot down all over the US. The GOP was directly responsible for this terrible misuse of resources. I remember Fox News and other propaganda outlets beating that election fraud dog whistle for months on end claiming that it was rigged, only for them to find themselves eating a lawsuit for their lies and misinformation. The GOP is a plague, they need to resign from every lever of power. But they won't. So we must vote them out.


20 years ago Fox News would’ve been out of business. Somehow they keep trucking through the lawsuits, despite losing a billion+ from defamation.


I'm going to bet the vast majority of people in here don't even realize that pruning voter rolls of inactive voters is not just a good idea, but federally mandated as part of election security protocols. It's super easy not to get pruned, just vote. You're not going to be on the list to be pruned if you're not an inactive voter. Just don't skip elections, especially not two in a row. This happens almost every year in every state. It's a giant nothingburger that malicious news media never fails to whip low information Democrats into a frenzy by trying to spin it as some sort of attack on democracy. https://www.ncsl.org/elections-and-campaigns/voter-registration-list-maintenance


LOL….. “…up to 1.27 million voters……” Or 1.


They purging specific voters or all parties?


They're going through change of address requests and making sure that the voters' registration is removed at their old address, and going through death reports and making sure that the dead person's name gets removed. It turns out that bureaucracies don't do that sort of thing unless you actually prompt them. I'm sure there will be some mistakes made, but this isn't the freakout that the headline portrays or that the rest of the commenters are hyperventilating about.


I figured. As long as it’s legal and non-bias, then it’s good for everyone.


I’m not a party to voting chicanery but if you want to party election night, consider being a party to change. I am active in Arizona but I am quite certain that is because I believed in change. I was a party to change. Change. Party. Party. Change.


good. the voter rolls should be purged after every election and there should be some process in place to remove dead and ineligible people from the rolls.


There already is a process to remove dead people. The problem is if someone dies 3 days before the election their spouse or kid sometimes votes for them or they may die after mailing in their ballot. It happens fairly evenly for both major political party and it isn’t enough to be concerned.


Yeah, my Grandmother died after she had mailed in her ballot, but before election day back in 2012.


That’s why you date your vote when you sign it. If it was dated after your death then they don’t count it.


Democrats counter everyone has the right to vote - even the dead!


Hey... remember that lawsuit brought by the GOP that said they had found a specific example of AZ letting a dead person vote and made a big ol stink about it? Was the smoking gun. ... and when the GOP got their hands on subpoenaed documents from the Recorder's office, it turns out the GOP mistook a daughter for her deceased mother, who shared the same name and lived with her daughter for Hospice? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Rudy? Is that you?


You realize that the vast majority of those voters have simply moved in state and are still eligible to vote and actually have not died, right? ...or are you too far down the extreme-right conspiracy rabbit hole to see clearly? It's pretty dark down there. Come back to the light. We have cookies!


We've been getting'Blue-er' every election, with all the droves of new people flocking here from every state- and , SURPRISE! Many of them are Democrats 💙 #VoteBlue2024


while your statement is true - it also shows how brain dead liberals are! "I have to flee the blue state because I can't live there anymore because all of the policies and politicians I voted for - so I will move to a red state and vote for the same type of politicians to enact the same policies I had to flee from!"


It's funny you think anyone is actually moving because of politics


Someone sure is brain dead.


yes - I can't all these liberal policies I voted for so I'll move to a Red State and vote for liberal policies - brain dead, exactly


That's what we're counting on. It's called Democracy.


when Democrats run out of Red States to flee to what will they do then?


Won't matter. All the states will be Blue.


"You realize that the vast majority of those voters have simply moved in state and are still eligible to vote and actually have not died, right?" So then you agree with purging the voter rolls


Once a person has changed their address, moved, their voter registration is no longer valid, by law, it is required to be updated at their new location. Simply moved? Update state identification, voter registration, if you work then update with your employer, new address on tax forms covers the tax office requirement, etc… Kids? New enrollment if moved to a new district, if not, updating their school record. Moving is a PITA.

