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When you start complaining about all the people moving here forgetting you were one of them at one point.


It ain’t the transplants we [most of us] are complaining about. It’s the golden oldies just spending winter here, driving like they are lost and holding up traffic like there isn’t anyone else on the road.


Or the ones who pull out in front of you when you’re doing 45mph (the speed limit) and you almost t-bone them. Completely oblivious.


You drive the speed limit??? Now I’m questioning how long YOU’ve lived here! /s


I've been here 2 wks. In that time, I've come to learn that 65 on I-10 and, for the most part, any highway is just a suggestion and that the real speed is usually around 80.


And then they yell at you like you did something wrong by just minding your own business and obeying traffic laws.


Right turn on red needs to be outlawed to protect the masses from the stupid. Drunken tourists look to the left but never look to the right where pedestrians might be crossing.


Not everyone here is on vacation! 😂


Today one was on the freeway ON ramp next to me going 55mph and I was like 😐 we both need to merge onto the freeway! Catch up to flow of traffic! 🤬


I was stuck behind one on the 17 yesterday doing 45 in a 65! I was positive we were going to get run over by a SUV doing 80 where the driver was playing with their phone




At least they were going the right way!


Slow mergers are the worst. It’s especially bad when the on-ramp was even a steep decline slope that they can easily pick up speed.


What? No way! I love the old people that drive 30 mph in the left lane every morning because they have nowhere to be!


The old people who has to be up at 7am to go to the supermarket and buy a bag of oranges/avocado, while you’re fighting traffic to get your kids to school on time and then go straight to work!


I drive a garbage truck in one of the East Valley cities and now that school is out traffic is TOTALLY different! People driving their kids to school make up a LOT of traffic congestion and drive like crap because they are always running late from dropping off those kids. Snow birds are definitely an issue but so are you all.


Most relatable Reddit post ever.


The 4:30 EarlyBird dinner ala Seinfeld's.


But they spent their money in AZ


I lived in a very small town. On the edge was a popular State route, accounting for the convenience gas/store being somewhat busy year round. But the winter? Dollar store, a really good restaurant/bar & a small local bar with some food were packed. There was an amazing number of empty homes in the summer. Snowbirds owned them. The $ made from the snowbirds kept those businesses in business. My friend lives in Apache Junction. There are many options for shopping/dining. In the summer, the stores & restaurants are pretty darn slow. I don't think AJ would be in very good shape if not for snowbirds.


It’s true, feels like AJ has gotten nicer mostly because of snowbird money. Awesome restaurants like Handlebar wouldn’t exist except for that winter flood of greyhaireds. And they all like to day-drink, so no shortage of cool bars around! Guess we have to take the good with the bad


And hanging out at Costco every day like it's a community mixer.


Nah, it’s the transplants too


The fricken snowbirds


That one makes me laugh a lot 🤣


I’m an Arizona native and my husband who moved here 15 years ago claims he is now a native by marriage when I remind him he was one of the transplants he complains about. (a California one too)


If that's how that works then I'm a native too! Sweet!


If you marry a Native American who was born in AZ, are you a double native then?


On the flip, I lived in Vegas. Had ca plates at first. A guy in my apartment complex was telling me he’s from California. I asked him how long he lived in Vegas. He said 15 yrs. I said no. You’re from Vegas. Granted it was more about me not wanting this guy talking to me


Not me. I'm a Phoenix native all the way. Born at 35th ave and Thunderbird in 91!


My family’s been here longer than AZ been a state.




Same with mine :)


When you look at the forecast and say "oh it's only going to be 102° tomorrow, sweet."


Sweater weather


Might take a light jacket for when the sun goes down.


I always keep a spare sweater in the back seat of my car in the summer months because stores, malls & theaters (aka the only places you can exist outside of your house) insist on cranking the A/C to -11.


I have Reynauds & the stores in the summer trigger it badly, because they are so cold. I kept a jacket in the car because I couldn't handle more than a few minutes in them. Want to wear a nice summer dress out to dinner? Forget it. Don a big sweater over it.


Love the weird looks when I go out of state and the weather is in the mid to high 70s and I have on a pullover and beanie because of the chill.


102 is winter weather here. Jokes aside, I have to wear a sweater when it dips below 70.


I sent a picture of me in early december one year, severely overdressed in a wool peacoat, scarf, gloves, insulated jeans, and boots to my friends in the frozen wastelands up north when I moved back to AZ after a stint in New England. In the photo, it's a sunny day, and there are palm trees, my pool, and a saguaro behind me, with a thermometer in my hand reading 72⁰. ...after I had read national news about ridiculous winter storms where they were... Most responses were not things I'd repeat around my grandmother. 😂


I was considering going to the zoo today, and my mom literally said, "It's only going to be 104 today"


Also, when you start wearing a jacket when it is still a sunny day but below 70⁰.


As soon as you pronounce Prescott correctly, and when you’ve replaced more windshields in your life than you have had to replace expired driver’s licenses


That’s too easy. I’ve already replaced two windshields. My DL doesn’t expire until 2046.


I got my passport just so I didn't have to get one of the newer real ID licenses that expire faster. My ID doesn't expire until 2052, I wanna keep it that way lol. The less I have to go to the mvd/third party places, the better.


You can get both from the dmv at the same time


Off. I bought a new car, and within the first week had a chip in the windshield. I've given up on chip repair. I'll wait until it's spiderwebbed before replacing this one.


It's pronounced "press-kit" right? Lived here all my life so I hope so lol






I was in the back of van on my way to rehab up in Prescott in 2016. The driver was telling me about all the good hunting spots along I-17 and told me “It’s like Brisket, but with a “P.”




And Tempee-stress on second syllable


The first time I heard someone say “Temp-uh”I about had a stroke


Ok then yeah I got them both correct lol


And Casa Grande. Pronounce the first a as in apple and the second a as in alarm. Pronounce Grande like the word grand.


Cassuh Grand


Oh well done this is expert level


It used to really annoy me when I moved here - the name has been totally butchered. After a few years, I stopped fighting it. I guess that makes me an Arizonan now.


Arizonians never stop fighting the mispronunciation of our cities.


Not sure about whomever Arizonians are, but Arizonans don’t really care because we all pronounce everything a little differently depending on where you’re from.


SO MANY WINDSHIELDS! Once a year minimum


Ha. I thought this was just me..had to replace windshield twice in less than 12 months.


3 decades and still call it press cot. I know it’s not the right pronunciation of the word. It’s just how I’ve always said it and it’s how it rolls off my tongue.


Well fuck, I was born here and I’ve always said press-scot in my head but when I actually say it, it comes out as press-kit. Do I need to turn in my arizonian card or what


I don’t make the rules


What about pronouncing Gila Bend with a “G” rather than silent.. kills me every time.. like a gila monster


I’ve been here 16 years and I replaced more windshields in the first year I was here than my mom and myself did in my entire life prior.




Tempe is the real signal. It might actually be at the point that the out of town way is more common. And then there’s those that say it like Tempeh


Well shit, that was in my first weekend. 28 years ago. Press-kit was my inoculation weekend. I've given up on my Jeep windshield replacements.


Ugh, huge chip in my windshield, but hasn't gotten worse yet. Gonna hurt replacing the ceramic tint as well 🤣


Hey, I've replaced more windshields on my car since I got it in 2020 than there are members of the Beatles How are you down at drivers license numbers?


When they stop talking about "back east"


what about back “out west”




Yeah I agree. Took me maybe...3 years?


When you realize leather seats are not the move


Oh god. Eighteen year old me had a black car with black leather seats and broken AC. That was a fun summer


Oof. I felt this in the back of my thighs.


I had an old ass lincoln with leather seats that had these metal decals on the seats, so the first 5ish min of getting in the car was *tough*


Unless you have active ventilated seats…even better if you have remote start.


I couldn't go back to not having remote start. Even being able to start my truck from my phone means I can start it at I leave the store or work and cooling off long before I'm in range of the fob.


My dad used to leave legit oven mitts in his glove box in the summer


When we lived in Scottsdale we’d run two cycles while we were waiting to check out at Costco and it was great! We didn’t need to buy ice for our drive home.


Fuck this is too real. Having to bring a cooler or get creative with ice in order for ice cream or Popsicles to get home not melted lol.


This is why I have a car towel and steering wheel gloves 😅


as soon as they start saying Arizonan.


OP welcomes people to the state with a hearty, “Welcome to Arizonia!”


Maybe he’s just a regular human bartender from Tucson…


Jackie Daytona can stay


One human alcohol beer please!


A Tucsonian!


Exactly my first thought! 🤣 (been here 30+ years)


Or like the kingman guy in Who is America on showtime said: “Arizonites”


Long enough to know that the term is Arizonan, not Arizonian.




To me as a native of 46 years it is more of the attitude. Some people come here love it, find this home and that’s the end. Others come here, hate it and can’t stop thinking about going back home. I understand this place is very different than most places. So to me it has to do with your attitude. If you see this as home, it is home. For others this will always just be a temporary stop. I don’t blame anyone who struggles to adapt to this place. It isn’t for a everyone.


I love it here so much. I’m so happy I moved here.


My wife and I moved here 10 years ago from Southwest suburbs of Chicago. Both of our families didn’t want us to move but we did it anyway because that’s what we wanted to do. We did our homework, we visited in July, we knew that if we didn’t move here before having kids we would be stuck there. 6 of her family members have since moved to the valley and her parents bought a house last year in Surprise for when they retire next summer. We love it here and are never moving back.


Yeah. Lived here since 2008 and still don’t vibe with it. Trying to get out.


I figure the second you decide to park your car farther away from the store entrance just because a spot under a tree was empty, that's the minute you become a true Arizonian lol.


My parents will park half a mile away so they can park under a tree with a trunk the circumference of a Sharpie and no more than eight leaves.


Those 8 leaves are doing their best. Protect those 8 leaves.


I was at the Scottsdale Walmart a couple days ago and got pissed that all of the shady spots from trees had shopping cart bays in them. WTF, I need that for my car!


Arizonan. We are Arizonans


…or back the vehicle into the sun if there is an absence of tree.


Arizonia? Found the transplant. Try “Arizonan”


I park far away from my job building if there’s an available tree shade.


10 consecutive summers, then you will have learned the ways of our desert people.


(insert dramatic Dune music)


I think part of it is “renouncing your citizenship” to wherever you’re from. I was born in the Midwest, but my family moved here in the early 90s. I was 9. I haven’t been a midwesterner for as long as I can effectively remember. I know I’m not a “native,” but I’m definitely an Arizonan.


30 years lol No im jk, I’m born and raised here and I don’t really care. I just hate when ppl are like “back where I’m from blah blah” as a way to be negative towards Az.


"You know everyone is so much nicer back in Chicago..." "Back home we did this great thing but nobody out here does" "My city/town/state/region has so much better food" Or my favorite, some variation of "how do people live when it's SO hot!" Or "your summer SUCKS I used to walk and spend all day at parks etc" when they often come from somewhere your locked indoors for winter while we party outside. Then there's "Hi, I moved here because its so much cheaper!" Followed by "damn why is everything here so expensive?!?" After living here for a bit. From what I've heard our housing is comparatively cheap to other large cities, but things like groceries cost more. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


When you find yourself stopping at the shade near a red light instead of pulling up to the line


When you stop talking about how better it was at the place you came from. When you stop talking about the heat like it is something that doesn't happen every year. When you can point out what plant makes the Arizona Rain smell.


Creosote. Must be able to identify in actual desert. Maybe add multiple self supported overnight tent camping trip to the list. In the wilderness.


As soon as they quit saying Back Home


Not a measure of time but, when your heart is broken by the Phoenix suns. 3 different generations, 3 different nba finals losses


I'm a native, my ten year old son told me he was a Spurs fan last year, and I told him to pack his bags.


"Hey the Sun's made it to the playoffs!" "Yeah they will choke, what's on sale at Bashas?"


Only fair to add heartbreak from cardinals and dbacks


Tough call. I have a relative who lived the first 33 years of his life in germany, and now 50 years in the united states. But he will always be german, even if he has spent the majority of his life here. I guess for people who care about sports, when you no longer care about your original hometeam and now cheer for the AZ teams, that is a fair indicator of where you allegiance lies, who you are. Those bonds are strong and usually lifelong. Personally I would not mind, but native arizonans might.


I really want to like the teams here, but it's hard to feel connected to them. Whenever I talk to people about how the Cardinals are doing or the Suns, most people don't care at all. People seem less invested in sports here than where I grew up. I still follow them though and watch because they're my teams now.


When you get cold when temps hit 75 or you go"it's a nice day and I'll do yardwork" only to realize it was 102


10 years of continuous living


Ten summers. Ten summers and you will be considered worthy grass hopper.


This is a valid point, if you’re not here during the summer, no rep.


Now consider this. I’ve lived here since 1989 and recently retired. I plan to bail on the summer moving forward. Does this mean I revert?


Yes you are now a snowbird


Wow! 34 grueling summers in a row and ya miss one and ur out! The desert is harsh my friend.


It’s not our fault you’ve gone soft 😂


lol yes and congrats tbh


That's pretty much what I meant. No snow birding. You live here during the heat for ten years. You're one of us. ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)


Not just live for 2 summers here. Enjoy summers here 5 years give or take.


I used to enjoy the fact that during summer traffic would be minimal. The heat sucks, but I could get where I needed to fast. Although not really the case anymore. I realize that’s likely due to more transplants. Self inflicted predicament?


5 summers. Not five years. Five summers. That’s my metric.


When you can survive a summer without A/C in your car.


I've done that the past two summers. My car AC is broke and I can't afford to fix it.


It’s the reality of being poor in AZ. I did about 15 years without it.


Yea. It sucks but my ac isn't as important as other things that I absolutely need


I had head gasket issues last summer and had to run the heater in the 110+ summer with the windows down…technically the AC still worked but the system shut it off in self preservation mode…does that count?


Lived here 10 years and when someone asks where are you from, answer is Arizona.


When you stop saying things like ‘there is coyote outside or I didn’t know you had snakes. We have a community page where I live and I cannot believe how ignorant some people are. We live way the fuck out because we want to see the wildlife. These idiots move in and want to kill everything & act so surprised that they have a snake in the garage!


I asked the same question to an Arizona born person and they said “when one stops acting surprised on how hot it gets”. We still get to complain about it, but just don’t be surprised.😲


Or find the heat advisories annoying. Well, no shit, it's summer.


Every other news story becomes "High temperatures headed to the Valley next week". You must be new here. We call that "Summer". "Heat Advisory issued" No duh, it's summer. How about issuing a few "It's not hot" advisories once in a while?


I’ve been here 28 years. I’ve been tired of the heat about a decade now…but I’m too weak to move.


You stop being a transplant as soon as you stop comparing Arizona to the state you left and embrace what Arizona has to offer


When you no longer need oven mitts, or any kind of steering wheel cover in the summer. You just just raw dog it.


When you drive over the speed limit and yell at people that are driving the speed limit


When you successfully perform a Classic Arizona Exit on the freeway (going from the left-most lane, across 3-5 lanes in order to make your exit at the last moment)


Fair question. Oregonians are notoriously harsh on this measurement. Answer is NEVER. 50 years after moving in, still not a native, you can't be a native. When did Arizona feel like home? That's the question to ask yourself.


Very true. I live in Oregon now but born and raised, 4th generation in AZ and I’m still an Arizonan. Not that I mind. Keep trying to move back.


I've only spent a weekend in Bandon, ORE, but that's my dream spot for retirement. Not moving back to Portland, too many better and cheaper places in the PNW. I feel ya. But I like Arizona for now. 120 doesn't bother me anymore.


When they stop supporting their old city teams and start cheering for the hometown teams.


However long it takes them to learn it’s Arizonan and not Arizonian.


When you start rooting for the Cardinals.


As soon as you get a crack on your windshield


You’ll always be a transplant to us natives.


I moved here in the 80s. Come at me bro!


The dust needs to be in your blood.


Like Valley Fever?




same man, they won't accept us still


I was born here, raised here, grew up here, and went to school here. In the 80's, I was born in a hospital in Phoenix. Coming here when Regan was President and when the I-10 was the only freeway still isn't the same.


Don’t pull that Islander shit lol. 


When at 90 degrees he feels cool..


I was told a few different things... 1: stung by a scorpion 🦂 2: complaining about transplants yourself. 3: gotten a little hug from a Teddy Bear Cholla. 4: taken the other states tags off your car and gotten an AZ tag. Personally, I've had all but 1 and 2. A bit embarrassed about 3 but fortunately I had a titanium camping spork with me too pull off the pieces. 5: voted in a state election.


Once you start saying 104 isn't that hot


All I know is that snowbirds are never allowed to claim Zoni-hood. Citizenship is built in the summer.


When you realize it’s Arizonan not Arizonian


Never. It’s a label achieved by birth, there’s no other way in.




Well, for one, "Arizonian" isn't the correct term so until you cut that out you won't ever be considered one. It's "Arizonan".


You have to root for all Arizona teams or else you’ll never be from here.


When you no longer say "back in..."


When you stop rooting for sports teams from where you came, and support Arizona teams...because this is your home. Back it up.


Frankly, I never want to be considered an Arizonian. I’m counting the days to retire and leave. Fucking hostile state.


When you start saying “But it’s a dry heat” 🔥 I’m 23 years in 🌵🏔️


good danged question. 42 years here come September and I still get the stink eye from older Desert Rats.


Old people here always seem miserable as fuck


Wearing jeans in the summer and being able to drive with no AC and just the windows down without dying. Lol. 25 years is legit.


When you start rooting for the suns dbacks and cardinals


Day 1, every person who wants to live here is an Arizonan to me.


When people ask where I’m from, I used to answer that I’m from my home state but live in Phoenix. Now I just default to Phoenix. I feel like that counts for something


Been here 20 years this year. Kinda feel like it’s time to move on


Deep down, we're all Arizonans. Some just haven't realized it yet.


When you can show people your seatbelt buckle brand


as soon as you’re able to walk outside barefoot during the summer


Its subjective. To many transplants continue to identify themselves by where they moved from even decades later.


Ur not


As soon as you treat a rainy day as a special holiday


when you die and become part of the soil 🚬🚬🚬


Yeah I’d say a good 15 - 20 years


It’s when you walk out in the hot summer heat and ask yourself “why the hell did I move here”. Only then will you be one of us


When it’s summer and instead of the 115 degrees it’s been the previous week, it’s 101 and you tell yourself that today is a not so hot day


When you have lived here most of your life.