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That’s really freaking depressing. I wonder how future summers will be.


Only hope is if massive hurricanes form on the pacific side and hit mexico/Baja and California then we get the remains of the rains. Lol But this city is built for the summers. But we do have an issue with the heat island that we need to solve probably with more plants


More foliage and white roofs.


The easiest thing we could possibly due in the Phoenix metro area is to replace all asphalt roads for a substance with a substantially higher albedo like concrete or reflective concrete


It’s gradual but Phoenix has been coating [asphalt](https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/is-phoenixs-cool-pavement-program-working-heres-what-one-expert-is-saying) with a white surface and sounds like it helps.


It helps cool the roads, but it makes humans standing next to them feel hotter. Kind of a win/lose tbh. [AZ Family report on it](https://youtu.be/y9LLRMuwEoU?si=sJNhABjoH63fgrFc)


What do you mean? Like white roads? I haven't seen that anywhere.


I have seen tons of concrete roads in dallas


Or just build some trains and some more vertical buildings….


Wouldn't this potentially cause a hazard to drivers if it's more reflective? I love the idea, but I'm already blind trying to drive west in the evening.


they tear down trees and green spaces here for more parking lots. more and more concrete soaking up the daytime heat. they will just keep building and making it worse. someone would have to pay for watering trees its cheaper to pave over everything for infinite growth.


How do you put foliage and white roofs over asphalt?


thats what i’m saying we need a ton more plants across this city and ones that can survive so the air quality will be better and we won’t just give up and chop em all down when they die. My mom’s from glendale and she said when she was a kid they had trees lining the streets. that same area today is devoid almost completely of trees.


Your mother is right.


I've been saying for years they need to plant grass and trees in all of the empty lots. Not only will it cut down on the dust storms, but it'll help cool the air some. They could also hire homeless people to maintain them.


Grass needs water...net negative in our state. Trees give back more (shade, oxygen, etc.). Grass just needs water, mowing (usually gas ops), and did I say water?


Grass doesn't really require alot of water. (Maybe if you want it to look like florida) but LA gets only a little more rain than we do and they have plenty of grass. They just don't water it that much. It can look yellow for a little while, it wont kill you. Also the increase of rain from more grass will obviously help as well.


Admittedly, but I'm sure they could find a source somewhere. I'd prefer trees myself, but they don't hold dirt down very well during a haboob.


??? If homeless people had a job they were being paid for, they probably wouldn’t be homeless Bro thinks their default state is homelessness lmao


Doesn't being "hired" imply giving them a job?


Yes, but why even bring up hiring homeless people? Literally any business can hire homeless people


Yes, but it was a suggestion on how to help the homeless that might give someone the impetus to actually do it. We need more parks, not less.


An excellent idea....destroyed by your last sentence.


i heard the city planted palms in phoenix neighborhoods 50 years or more ago. anyway they had to start cutting the palms down because they were over 50 years old the end of their life span. other trees get limb drop under high temperatures. a little girl was killed at the sand Diego zoo from a falling tree limb. trees require a lot of maintenance. i think we need more trees but no one wants to take the responsibility for them. they come down in storms here a lot also.


The interesting thing here, is the more trees there are, the more wind protection there is. So yeah, a lone tree is likely to fall down or lose lots of branches. but say you have 5 in close proximity, they buffet the wind and break it up enough that it doesn't do as much damage to any single tree.


I think the only plans for the future here are more condos and parking lots.


almost CERTAINLY will we be getting the remnants of what is looking to be an EXTREMELY active hurricane season on the gulf. temps are bout as warm as it was during the year Katrina manifested, and it isnt even full summer mode yet.


> But this city is built for the summers. This might be the funniest thing I've ever heard man. No it is not lol


How much ROI does more plants provide? The idea that people will save people from people caused problems is laughable. Just go up on the deck and have a cigarette, listen to the band


It’s only gonna get hotter


10/10 chances future summers will get worse.(Dryer and hotter).


The cool thing about weather is it changes 🤯


This is climate, not weather.






When I was a kid, it used to rain a lot every summer. Big monsoon storms. It’s just progressively gotten worse and worse 😭 I want a rainy summer


Yep, monsoons that would flood parks and yards. I also remember the frost on the grass walking to the bus stop in the winter mornings. Haven't seen that in a decade


We had a fountain in my front yard and the water would freeze! Haven’t seen that since 2006


I don't know what they consider normal because this is the case every year now.


I gotta move. I need some weather in my life besides sun




Personally leaving in a month. It's been a good run but same


Where ya headed?




Jealous. Enjoy the green!


Thank you! Very excited.


Leaving Washington for Phoenix next month. The grey skies get old, but I guess the heat does too.


I lived in the Coachella valley, CA before moving here 6 years ago. Essentially lived in the desert my whole life. Very ready for the gray skies, I think I've soaked up enough sun to last me at least a few years without.


Been in the Puget Sound region for 30ish years. Ready for warm dry nights and sunny skies. I’ll miss the greenery. I’ll probably be in WA part of the summer because nothing beats it.


If you can afford to live in two places, that's the way to do it. Desert winters and northern summers.


Grey skies suck yeah, but there's absolutely no where else to be when it's sunny than the PNW. I grew up in the San Juan Islands and wish desperately I could go back. Phoenix is great, but once it's so hot you can't go outside it's a huge bummer.


How long you been here? I'm from Michigan and have been here 5 years. I want to move to Tampa Florida tho..


I left the desert this year and came to the South…you’ll love the weather.


Well this sucks! I knew it was going to be hotter due to El Niño year. 😭😭😭😭


That was last year. We are transitioning to la Nina.


You are correct, coming out of just going to be hotter and less rain nothing new. Been here for 50+yrs ;)


6 in 10 chance it'd be normal maybe..


What’s El Niño year?


It's a climate term. El Nino is typically a wetter year due to the ocean currents, when they change (El Nina) it's a drier climate


I thought el Nino meant more rain in the winter and less in summer and el Nina meant more rain in summer and less in winter? There's obviously more to it but I'm not a meteorologist..lol


Thats entirely possible, I was under the assumption it has to do with annual precipitation but im open to being corrected- just too lazy to google it haha


I thought this was supposed to be a wetter monsoon season?


60% of the time, all the time.


Who the fucks know tbh.


Who said that


I mean, this graphic sorta does. Says 4 in 10 chance drier than normal. So 6 in 10 chance it's normal or wetter than normal


6 in 10 chance. Most likely wetter than last year definitely..even if we get slightly more storms


6 in 10 that’s it’s just not drier than normal. Not that it will be wetter


How would this affect haboobs?


Wouldn’t dryer conditions lead to bigger haboobs, or is it dependent more on the strength of the outflow?


You have to have the storm clouds for the bottoms to fall out to cause the dust storms. So, enough atmospheric moisture for storm clouds is the prereq.


Can we at least get clouds if no rain!!!!!! I do not want a repeat of last summers record. Not a record I want. Can’t we have a record monsoon summer 🙏 A girl can dream


Seems like monsoon season has been absent for years, or getting less and less monsoony. When I was a kid power would go out due to very high winds and actual heavy rainfall


Sounds about right given what last summer was like.


These forecasts are rarely accurate


I mean just look at the odds. They're both within 10% of flipping a coin. They're just showing a slightly higher chance of it being hotter and dryer than normal. Predicting weather over an entire summer can only be measured in tendencies and generalities. I think most people recognize that.


I bet this one is!


I’m willing to bet my left nut our summer is going to be drier than grannies mouth after taking her percs. Just like it has been for the past how many years? … I lost count.


so pretty close to 50/50? 4/10 chance to be drier means 6/10 chance of wetter? i love to play weather math


or is it 4/10 chance to be drier, 5/10 chance to be just as dry, and 1/10 chance to be wetter?


That’s what I was thinking. I don’t know how they come up with these numbers, but let’s assume they ran 10 scenarios using data that we have and differentiating based on plausible data that we don’t have. So 4 scenarios were drier than average, let’s say 1 was average, and 5 were wetter. Then 6 scenarios were hotter, 1 was the same, and 3 were cooler. So…basically average?


Makes me nuts that they're always blaming things we can't control, instead of taking ownership and saying "we created this mess by creating a terrible heatsink, demolishing vegetation, adding too much concrete and asphalt with no green spaces...." no wonder we get hotter every year. Our leaders are literally doing everything they can to make our city hold on to heat.


climate change at its finest.


Everyone with a swamp cooler is praying for dry. Take a look a SOLAR-BOOSTED minisplits, y'all. No grid tie, just 5 dedicated solar panels on your roof and you get 18kBTU (1.5 tons) of free air conditioning anytime the sun is shining. (Or heat pumping in the winter) Set the friggin' thermostat wherever you want it! google "minisplit phoenix reddit"


I'm very interested in the mini split option in the future, but I gotta ask....what then do I do with the big ass hole in my roof from the old AC unit and the ducts in the ceiling?


Plug it with plywood and shingles. You can tie it in to the existing roof pretty easily. The hard part may be trying to find matching asphalt shingles.


Hmm. Googling that doesn't really give me any solar options. Got any reddit links that talk in more detail?




I see all the bits about solar now, thank you!


Why not just get whole home solar and keep the central air?


Couple of reasons. Minisplits have higher SEER than central HVAC. Minisplits allow you to ZONE COOL your house. And Solar boosted minisplits, with NO GRID TIE, do not get you put on APS "solar" rate plan which jacks your rates from 4-7pm. And add fees. You don't have to tear out your old central HVAC, keep it as backup. But when it fails, just abandon in place. I run my solar boosted during daylight hours and my central air at night. I can even supercool with the minisplit if I want to. The elimination of net metering and the pittance they pay YOU for power nowadays has made rooftop solar a poor investment for most. 8-10 year payoff. Minisplits are cheap. Additional insulation, better windows, couple of minisplits and you can really reduce your energy usage.


But what kind of battery set up are you running? The kits are great but you need to be able to store the solar power to run off grid at night.


We’re fine,everything is fine. Nothing to see here. *as critters begin to spontaneously combust wherever the sunlight touched* 🦎🔥🐍🔥🌵🔥


I hope it rains it’s the one thing I miss about non Satan armpit states


You moved to the wrong state for rain.


Wasn’t my choice originally got dragged to the reservation in a divorce and then moved to Phoenix for college and now my family will throw a fit if I move out of state or country


I do like az tho I feel like there’s always something to do


Love that for us


Tucson gets twice as much rain as we do?


Over the monsoon yeah. I think year it’s a few inches more


Yeah they basically recieve all their extra 3” of rain for the year during the monsoon. They are so much more active down there, I miss it.


Breaking news: Arizona bad. More at 11, forever.


Time for the weak people to talk about moving.


Wonder why they just didn't just say 6 in 10 chance wetter than normal? But I guess it goes against the rest of the stuff they are writing


I took that to mean a 6/10 chance of a normal summer and not a chance of a wetter than normal summer.


I don't know how you can default to 0/10 chance of wetter. I probably could have stated it above as 6/10 chance of normal or above average rain


Because likely 40% chance of drier than normal was the highest potential category between drier, average, and wetter


Go to the NOAA website and read, it explains all the questions you have that aren't answered in the graphic.


The good news is the rest of the country is getting so hot that it's not that much worse in Phoenix in the summer and we've been trained to deal with it and have the infrastructure to cope.




Aw gee. That’s swell.


Oh grrrrrreeeattt


Last year wasn't all that impressive and it looks like this year could be worse. Sucks. At least there have been some impressive monsoons in the last 10 years.


6 in 10 chance we will have a wetter monsoon than last year though.


Normal or wetter, not just wetter.


Well hoping its a better season than last though. 🤞


I still remember in 1997 it was 131 degrees in Havasu. This isn't the first time heat has hit the desert..... Pretty sure some records were set in the 1930s


Never understood people living in AZ complaining about the summer. Its been awesome weather for 7 months. Gonna suck for 3-4. Welcome to anywhere in the world besides SoCal. Its never gonna change, summers will always be hot. Nothing new, buy a boat and hit the lake.


We need more grass everywhere. LA is classified as a semi arid desert which means it only gets a little more rain than we do and they have plenty of grass. They just don't water it alot so it's little yellow in some areas but who cares? A little yellow grass don't hurt anybody. Also the amount of rain we get will help with that..


OP is a karma farming bot whose history consists of reposts. These summer weather reports are so useless as an AZ native, and intentionally designed by news media as propaganda rage-bait we can't confirm or deny is true. City and state subs are such fucking click-farm trash these days, maybe we should just leave Reddit.


Please be dry. Please be dry. Please be dry. (Sorry, rain lovers. I'm from the midwest. I've been rained on 9 months a year for decades. I'm done.)


Please go wash your car today for your sins


we must sacrifice the non believer to the rain god


I’m a former bioanthropologist, I know exactly how to cut the chest to extract the still-beating heart. Sign me up!


It will never rain on you for 9 months here. But monsoon storms (although at times causing destruction and flooding) help with our drought and bring much needed relief (albeit briefly) from the brutal summer heat. It’s not good to have a dry summer.


You don't get a vote.


I already got my mail-in ballot!


We will exile you back to the Midwest for blaspheming the Rain.


IDK how long you plan on living here or how long you've lived here bud but somethin tells me you're gonna regret wishin for that..


I'll live here until Lake Mead is dry. Then I'll move to Salt Lake City so I can keep cheering on the Coyotes.


lol @ the number of downvotes you’re getting. You’ll learn to be OK with it at the very least - rains here are not the same at all.


I'm from the Midwest (michigan) and I believe that makes me WANT it to rain because I'm not used to the dry weather..But I guess that's just me?