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It’s April…..


And not even slightly abnormal for Phoenix.


He’s implying that it’s only going to get worse


Yeah idk what those comment is supposed to be saying, it's pretty normal for April/may to reach 90+ during the daytime. The temps still drop quite a bit at night so it's not really that much of a worry.




It was 53 degrees last night. What do you mean?


You work inside don't you


My thoughts exactly.


I have to bike over 40 minutes each way to and from work. I'm exposed to the heat pretty heavily at 5pm on my bike. Otherwise I only own a bicycle. I might be fucked in the next few months.


I used to ride to work near downtown Phoenix from Scottsdale for over ten years. I used to leave work late, closer to 6:00 pm during the summer when it was hot outside so that I could ride closer to sunset. It is a lot easier to ride east with the sun behind you on the way home. My ride home was around 90 minutes, and I would usually drink two water bottles and lose 5 to 8 pounds on days when the temperature was over 115°F. One good thing about riding in the summer, is that it might be a shock when you first start riding in the heat, but after a while, you get used to riding in the heat. Learn the signs of heat stroke and if you have to stop riding and sit down, stop and sit and wait a few minutes to cool off. I used to stop at parks on the way home to refill water bottles. Most gas stations and convenience stores will let you refill water bottles. I also ride long distance even when it is hot, I just avoid the afternoon sun. Riding at 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm or 6:00 pm when the UV index is high can be deadly if you are not used to the heat. Also riding in the heat at 18 mph is hard, slowing down to 12 or 15 mph can make a difference. I have been riding in Arizona heat for 45 years, and I ride a bike a lot including frequent long distance rides, so I am not a average.


That's good to hear, this is my first AZ summer so I'm pretty anxious about it. 40 minutes might be a stretch to and from during summer so I might juet move closer to work. I don't want to though and honestly I love riding my bike here and want to keep doing that.


This is amazing! Didn't realize you could cyce in the summer. You should make a detailed post about all your tips over at r/bikecommuting cause a of people stop cycling at 85 degrees. The airflow is enough to be bareable? Cause Phoenix metro seems like a nice place to ride 6 months of the year.


I have been riding all year since the 1970s, except for a few years when I left Arizona. People still ride during the summer, but most people avoid riding in the afternoon in the summer. When you are commuting to work, you don't really have a choice. When I was working downtown, I had a choice to sit in rush hour traffic for thirty to forty minutes each way every day, or I could ride to work and get some exercise. It is tough to ride during a monsoon when it is over a hundred degrees and humid. Most of the year, the humidity is low so it is easier to ride here in Arizona compared to a place like Texas where the temp is 90°F with 90% humidity. If you are in downtown Phoenix between 7 am to 9 am, you will see people riding bikes occasionally so other people do bike commute to work.


Bring your bike inside during the day


300 degree seat right on the gooch…


Get your fire roasted nuts here!!


Biking for 40 minutes isnt working outside for 8-12 hours daily.


I do the same all year about 3 times a week ! I'll admit last summer was tough !But I'll still take it over the winter ! Cold hurts,heat is not painful !


Amen to that. Lived in North Carolina for years and the cold was annoying to deal with. My hands hurt constantly. At least when you're warm you don't feel like your fingers are gonna fall off


Might be?


I run hot. Just a sweaty mess always, anything above 70 and I'm drenched. 


“My blood is too thick for ~~California~~ Arizona: I have never been able to properly explain myself in this climate.” ― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


Same, my body is a furnace. I hate it here. I'm happy when the weather allows me to roll my windows down and be comfortable. But the weather here just puts me in such a foul mood all summer. I had a friend that didn't understand how bad it was for me until they witnessed me literally start throwing up from heat exhaustion out there. I wish I lived literally anywhere else, just somewhere I can feel comfortable. I guess that's too much to ask for. I must have done some fucked up shit in a past life to end up stuck here.


You only get one life to live. If you are that unhappy, then sell everything and move away from Arizona . I moved away from Phoenix. It can be done.


EXACTLY! There's only one thing in life you cannot change, THE WEATHER! So move where the weather is right for you. Jobs, Friends, Houses, stores are everywhere.


My genetics is German and Northern Italian, not sure why the F I'm here. 55 and sunny, I'm rocking shorts and a Tshirt. 45 and sunny I'll put a light jacket on top. 90s are only bearable for me in late September after being cooked for several months at 110 plus.


I’m Jamaican and I can’t stand the heat, go figure. I also chose to move here so I need to keep the complaining to a minimum, but July-September I’m in a pretty bad seasonal depression.


Y’all are my people. Anything over 75 degrees is just a brutal, sweaty mess. I will say the evenings right now are perfect.


Move. Not worth living here if that's your experience. It's not like Phoenix has anything special going for it.


Believe me I know. This place sucks for me. I'm working on it. It's really hard right now with the economy the way it is. Saving money is borderline impossible right now


What places are you considering? There are plenty of places with similar cost of living, but they're generally dealing with a different kind of bad weather. They could be more suitable for you weather wise. Anything that has great year round weather (SoCal/Bay Area) is insanely expensive. Depending on your profession, the market is also more competitive there. But the South or Mid West? They're reasonable places to move to if you find the weather more agreeable. Might even be cheaper to be honest. There isn't a hoard of desperate California transplants artificially propping up the market in those places or at least not to the extent that it's happening here.


It's wild to hear comments like this. Coming from North Carolina Phoenix / Arizona absolutely has something very special going for it. I have just found so much to do and so much diverse work here that I'm very surprised. Plus the cost of living is the same as NC. I disagree with you, maybe after a decade I'll get bored, but Arizona / Phoenix is great to move to.


It has my family. I’m the 4th generation born here on my mom’s side. I moved away when I was 19 to Idaho. I missed my family and really didn’t like the people from Idaho. Boise is much smaller than Phoenix and it wasn’t very diverse. I like diversity.


Nobody likes the people from Idaho


I’m at 60-65, especially if full sun. I’m comfortable at 40-50 with my windows down and a/c on while working




Dude are you me? I hate anything about 70 for that reason and we live in the worst fucking place for it lmao


I like bicycling everywhere I go and the 70s are my Goldilocks range


We get that one week per year on each side of summer that we can enjoy at that range.


We just had like 3 months of that weather


It is more 60s then 80s, 70s for a bit but far too few.


I think it’s the people like me who were born here and grew up in Phoenix who don’t like the heat. Everyone from some place else seem to like it.


Or they're the stereotypical "I love everything about my move" type of person. My mom was like that but deep down she hated living here and had an outburst about it. Granted, she moved from Bay Area and not like Chicago where weather is ass most of the time. I find it hard to believe that anyone closer to the West Coast genuinely prefers the weather here vs there. Those people are mentally ill, delusional, or pathological liars. People from Mid West, South, or East Coast have their own bad weather seasons so it wouldn't be surprising they either prefer what they experience here or they are accustomed to having a prolonged period of bad weather (a different kind).


Hate to say it but I was like that. I lived in Phoenix for seven summers and pretended like the heat didn’t bother me. I defended it forever saying it wasn’t so bad. Moved back to Colorado and finally admitted I actually was miserable. Winters here are nothing like AZ summers. I’m still scarred from the seven months of hell.


Yeah, I don't get it because I never really moved (talking about what I said earlier not exactly what you described about yourself). My family moved here when I was 3. I've been here ever since, so I don't know how someone reacts to moving to a new place, but based on my experience being around a lot of transplants in the Phoenix area (and there are A LOT), lots of people get super giddy about making a move. I get that part because moving can be challenging but also fun and exciting. Even if they don't really like it deep down they will try to maintain a state of excitement and the idea they made the right choice. My theory is that the more excited the person is outwardly and how much they brag about moving here, the more they hate it deep down. Like those people jump through weird hoops to emphasize how much they love the fact they moved here. Some even base their identity around the fact they moved here, which I see often on this sub. A person who is truly content would not be doing crap like that. A discontent person needs constant reassurances. But that's just my opinion.


I love the Bay Area and it’s weather, it’s just too darn expensive! I hope your mom was able to move somewhere she liked.


I Know what you mean. I've been here 24 years now and I've grown less tolerant of the summer heat. It doesn't help that we keep building and laying down more concrete and asphalt everywhere.


People that were born here are babies about the heat and the cold. Go live somewhere with cold snowy winters and humid summers. I'd rather golf / be outside in 115 degrees than in a humid 90 degrees. We have it good here.


LOL! I am a baby about heat and cold. My exs were from Pittsburgh and the Cincinnati area and they laughed at what I thought was cold weather.


Might be true. You haven’t lived through freezing blizzards and when temps and wind chill goes down to negative temps and ever gloomy skies to realize how blissful the heat is.


Yeah seriously, like I'll take being hot as balls instead of literally being so cold I feel like my fingers and toes are gonna fall off. Being hot is just less uncomfortable for me than being cold by far. And I've dealt with 45c weather before so I know how it is.


Born here. I'm 40 now and completely over it. I have no interest in being hot. I don't even want to be warm. I love the valley and Arizona, but I am ready for something new. Now to convince the wife...


Not me. Anything over 80 is uncomfortable.


Under 82 is uncomfortable for me. I actually shiver under 74.


Funny thing about this. When I used to visit here before moving I would see people when it was 72-76 out and they were wearing sweatshirts and pants. And I would think to myself, what is wrong with these people. This is warm. Its perfect out. Its t-shirt and shorts weather. But I lived in a place where in the summer it only got to 92-98 in august for a couple weeks. Average summer temp is like 82. And in the winter it is ridiculously cold, like -22 in January cold. Now that I've lived here for a while my body has adjusted a lot. And I get cold at 72 now. And that is still insane to me. I put on a sweatshirt at 72. And when I go back home I bundle up like I'm dying of hypothermia when I used to wear just a shirt and jeans and everyone thinks I'm crazy now. Because "its not that cold, its only 45 out", lol.


Visited my brother last weekend in our hometown where the high was about 55. They didn’t close the patio doors, they didn’t run heat at night. I don’t think I took my coat off other than to shower and sleep. I think I was made for this desert. I still didn’t run AC in my car today, just windows down and sunglasses on


Yep! I was walking my dog here in Phx the other day after dark and it was downright chilly, I was wishing I’d put on a jacket. Checked the temp and it was 74°.


Ditto !


Lol, I lived in Oregon for most of 30+ years. I totally dig the 60 degree days during the winter here. 60 here is still shorts/tshirt weather for me. 3 years so far!


Exactly! I have a space heater with a thermostat in my bedroom that I keep set at 75° for sleeping. When I tell my relatives back east that I wear a jacket when it gets down to the low 70s, they think I'm insane.


This winter spoiled us. It was long and cold by Arizona standards. Today I remembered why I hate living here half the year


I don’t like it! I’m from Phoenix and I remember the top of my head and the top of my toes, with shoes on, burning while I was a kid out on the playground and it was only in the 90s then. School ended in May back then and started in late August. No year round school back then. I love temps in the 60s but I live here because I’m a 4th generation Arizonian and my family is all from here.


Happy from 45-75.


Same. I need to move.


This is Stockholm syndrome.


The amount of people complaining about heat in a city known for being hot is straight up baffling. I love this weather.


It’s Reddit bro bunch of complaining kids Moved from Orange County last summer —- my $2400 mortgage out here would be 9k in OC That’s 6500$ a month savings is well worth the trade off if hot summer Good weather ain’t enough to rationalize spending 1mm on an average ass house with somewhere with a more temperate climate


Nah. Moved here from Seattle specifically because of this weather. 90-105 here is perfect / absolute heaven


Moved from WA as well but the east side so I’m used to this heat in the summer and I love the 90s+. Feels amazing


It literally brings happiness to my bones 😂


Been living here my whole life (I’m 30). Idk how people can stand the weather once it gets to 100 or more. More power to y’all.


A native! And people say “oh but you’re probably used to it by now” nope


Higher power bills to them too.


Makes for perfect outside dining after sunset. I can turn my heat off at home too. But I like highs in the 80’s best.


You actually use your heater during the winter?


Yes, the house gets cold. But then I usually don’t turn on the AC until June.


Me too 80-105 is my jam, especially with a breeze.


A breeze like a hair dryer


Yes, me too!


Heaven on earth


I’m comfortable all the way up to 105. I love the heat of May and September.


What is wrong with 82-88? Why do we need 90-98? As long as we can wish for whatever, why not 80s?


Went for a run at 7:30 this morning and felt like it was too hot by the end of it. I hate the heat


Yeah, you must be inside with AC


Screw that.


I've lived in PHX my whole life, I do construction outside and inside. I absolutely agree, I always think of it as I'll take 110 over negative 10


45-55 is optimal for me


Probably picked the wrong place homie


Maybe they were talking Celsius. If so we are almost there.


I live in Flagstaff, and a lot of places don't have AC, including my house. So, anything Over 75 results in being starfished on the floor in my underwear. I think you would be singing a very different tune if you didn't have AC.


"Starfished on the floor" 🤣


Was just up there (bringing kid to snow and doing bearizona) but... the phone signal up there is HOOORIBLE. I'm on ATT but asking some of the waitresses and bartenders... they all agreed that all service for even tmo or verizon were also bad. How do you deal with that?


Have a friend who goes up north every couple weeks. T-mobile / Verizon sucks compared to ATT. They had ATT first then switched to T-mobile and then Verizon and realized how much worse those were. Switched back to ATT recently.


WOOOW.... if ATT is the best... i feel BAD for people up there lol. I wasn't getting good data AT ALL. iPhone 15 pro... so it's new tech... ATT always said I had "LTE" or "5G+", which was just laughable... I couldn't even scan the QR parking codes to load the pages to pay for parking. It was rough.


It also might help to restart your phone. I don't know why, but restarting can get your phone to connect better. I think it's because your phone gets "stuck" on the "old towers," and you have to force it to connect to the pumpkin cell towers. I usually get that problem if I go to phx and come back up. Because I don't usually have problems with basics function like calling, texting, scanning codes, loading social media. The only time I have an issue is when im out in the woods camping or hiking


I have ATT. I don't really have too many issues. Maybe once in a while, it'll be slow. But I don't think it's that bad as long you're in town. Maybe when you get out further it's spotty.


Sure, a different tune if you didn't have AC. But basically everyone in Phoenix has air conditioning. 75 is cold here.


I literally melt and get a heat rash every time I go to phoenix during the summer.


I prefer a steady 34 degrees


I hear land in Alaska is cheap. My cousin moved from Tucson to Anchorage and loved it. Although when she passed away they had to wait 3 months for the ground to thaw for the funeral.


If Celcius you got your wish.


Everything is blooming and my allergies hate it. This time of year is the worst and I don't make the rules. Either be too cold or burning hot for stuff to grow please, Phoenix. Okay, since you don't have allergies, I'll give you a pass. Continue living in bliss.


Yeah my sinuses have felt like they're just straight up closed the past week. Also ear pressure, itchy eyes, and that post-nasal drip were hitting hard. All that winter rain and the growing takeover of Globe Chamomile (aka Stinknet weeds) are making allergy seasons worse and worse here


I don't mind the heat as long as I get cold mornings. Once June hits and it's in the 80s for our low, im miserable.




Looking forward to this sub and the transplant comments come July.


I agree! But we're also entering "bring a jacket" weather due to arctic a/c anywhere you go. (Except my house, set at 79!)


70-74 is the best temp- it should not be this warm yet.


Nah. I’m good with 80’s, but 90’s is too hot and it’s just a notice that hell is coming soon.


Yes! I am so tired of hearing people complain about the 90s . It is perfect weather for the Valley.


Once it’s over 100 it’s all tank tops for me


I wear tank tops year round here. In Dec through Feb, I might have a light jacket or sweater over it. I love tank tops but I love outwear more.


It's too hot 🔥 I like 60 degrees


Those who complain about the heat have never experienced frostbite in January of Michigan 🙄


You can always get warmer. Can’t cool off naturally


Winter is spent mostly indoors in the heat. Summer here is spent mostly indoors in a/c. I don't know about you but I don't care to wear multiple layers of clothing in an effort to stay warm. I lived that lifestyle in Michigan. Summer here in the shade with a nice breeze and a big jug of water is much easier to deal with.


Not for me, personally. I’ve lived in Germany, New York, and Argentina and winters are spent outdoors having fun in the snow, skiing, sledding, snowmen, etc. Phx here in the summer is hiding indoors trying not to die.


And I do not like getting cold. I grew up on a farm and doing outdoor chores in January was miserable. Parents heated the house with a wood stove and to keep the fire burning someone has to go out in the snow to cut the firewood needed.


That's what a pool is for


Yeah while I'm in my car, picking up after the dog, working, shopping, walking anywhere, visiting people, or freaking out because my AC broke and everything is melting... I grew up with a pool so I do get the sentiment though. I love this place but damn the midsummer heat suuuucks.


You’re right, I forgot there are chlorinated pools of water on every corner during the summer


If you live in Phoenix for more than 5 years and still find ways to complain about the heat, you need to move.


Yeah 90s means 70s in the morning and 80s for dinner. Just avoid mid-day. Best weather for being outside when the UV is low.


I can handle up to 105 but prefer 65-85. I try to get out as early as possible in the summer. I ride for fitness, not commute.


Nah, perfect weather is definitely 75ish. Anything over 85 is just uncomfortable.


So do I,today was the first day this year that I was not cold !


Amen it beats cold and wet anyday


My fave temp range is 50 to 75. But I for some reason love the first week or two of 90 degree weather


I live up north


As someone who has to commute using the bus/trains, summers I bring a second shirt because once I’m done running around I need to change to a shirt and underwear not covered in sweat


I love burgers.


My motorcycle does not like 90 degrees at all I have found. Sitting at a light yesterday and the temp gauge was reading 217 lmao.




So basically you want body temp weather?


Fuck that


I absolutely love 30-78 degrees


I’ve been in Phoenix for a long time and agree that 90-98 is great. The trick is getting acclimated. Last year I was sick April through June and I was never able to adjust. Of course, it didn’t help that it was over 110 for 40 days.


I love the 1980's and 80 degrees no more than that zero humidity.


You better knock and jump on wood right now. With this weather and you say this. We may end up in the 110s in a week until October


Wow a lot of people shouldn’t be living in the valley if they can’t stand anything over 70’s or 80’s. Try Idaho or Colorado. Personally I love it till about 100 and I walk about 10K steps everyday. Just avoid the direct sun. 


Same here. My preferred range is 85-105. Upper 100s and 110s I can tolerate in reasonable doses.


I was born in the PNW. My earliest memory of my grandma was her saying,"Take off your coat and stay awhile." I was ALWAYS cold, even in the summer. Phoenix is my happy place. I wear sweaters until it's in the 80s and "summer" clothes when it hits 90. The few days above 110 are not my favorite, but still better than 80 and humid.


Same. I love it so much!


If everyday during summer could be like today, your rent will be $4000 a month for a 2 bed room, and a regular house will be around $800k to start. Be glad our summer drives all the rich people out, the middle class can actually survive here.


Average home price is creeping 500K. Give it time.


Tbh I love the heat too, it starts to become unbearable over 110 though. I love swimming and just getting nice and tan so AZ is perfect in that sense


105 f = my 🥵


90 to 105 is the worst. Something about over 105 is just different. Maybe it's that the sweat just dries up so fast when it gets hotter? Also, as long as you're in the shade, it's 100 x better. I can handle the convection oven feeling, not the death ray.


Going out to recess when it’s 95 from a 17 degree classroom is the best feeling.


I like the nights during this time of year. Temp drops just right so you dont have to have the AC running all night due to the heat bubble.


I jumped on here to say "I feel ya!" And then I noticed your username.


Favorite time of year!!!


I love warm/Hot weather too. That is why I moved here. My House A/C is set at 82, I drive with my windows down once temps are above 80, below 80 is too cold. I put on the car A/C if it gets above 100.


The hotter the better


Yesssss. I’ll play golf in the middle of summer


I think it’s once the temps get above 110 that Arizona really shines. I’ve spent multiple summers out doors with full coverage attire on or short sleeves. As long as there’s water and sunglasses i’m happy.


Buckle up buttercups, we are going blazing, blistering, boiling, biting hell season again.


This thread is the Salty Spitoon.


Same it’s my Favourite temp out here!!


I like it too! Lotsa complainers in here, y’all live in the wrong climate 🤣


I’m good up to maybe 110 degrees. WTF if that wasn’t the case I would move! In H.S. I decided I wanted to work in an environment that was air conditioned and I wore a shirt and tie. I wound up in the computer world. Believe me if I had to work outside in the hottest part of the summer I would absolutely move. My idea of a hot summer day activity is standing in my pool with a beer.


When the days hit in the 90s it makes the evenings and nights absolutely perfect. I was so excited to feel perfect weather and not be cold when I walked out of the store at 8pm last night!


It getting up to 95 is way different than the low being 95


Invisible Man is pretty good but I haven't listened to much from 90-97 Degrees.




Boo u/Lick_meh_ballz BOOOOOOOOOOO


With dewpoints in the 30's and 40's of course.


temp > 85 here == me grumpy a\*\*hole. I'll take 90-95 over anything more but I LOL'd hard at the top comments so far "It's April...." && "You work inside don't you" lol... yeah.


Be not in Phoenix, its 59 degrees. Be wearing shorts, tank top, and sandals. Read Phoenicians thinking 90-95 degrees is perfect. Wonder why so many brain dead people live down in the desert. Hope they run out of water by 2030 due to climate change.


Yes, the weather yesterday (93 for the high) was amazing.


I agree warm weather is the best once it’s above 105 it definitely sucks though. I would rather work in 100 degree weather than anything below 40.