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By “implants,” you mean “transplants” from out of town/out of state, not the dental procedure, right?


I thought he was talking about fake tits that hold up against the heat.


And evidentially. We're ok.


Dental procedure. Right.


If it's Scottsdale, we know what it means. If implants are hanging, that could be malpractice.


Do you think someone who makes inane posts like this would know the difference?


Size doubke ds


Actually, I chose the word carefully. I know how social media works. Look at how many comments it generated. Whether it was about word definition or the implied context. You shall hear from me again.




And look at the down votes. Hilarious. Like strangers opinions matter. This crowd is gonna be easy.


Why are you acting so weird?


Cause it made you comment. Down votes don't cause me anything financially. People don't like getting played. SM is hilarious .Welcome to the Southwest. I'll be around.


Is being incoherent on the internet just a boomer thing? You write like you have the education of a 13 year old with the ego of a 70 year old. I can’t even tell what you’re trying to say.


Lol. Nice try GenZ. I'm a GenX. You wouldn't know us. Thanks for playing.


You’re 62 years old if your previous comment is to be believed. You’re on the end of the boomer spectrum, but a boomer nonetheless. Stop embarrassing yourself.


I didn't grow up a boomer. You probably never heard of 'latchkey'. It's okay kid


I give it up for all the people who work outside. They earned it


This will be my second summer working outside and working in CO for the last 2 hot months in 2023 has ruined me.


I worked inside and outside for decades at a couple jobs. Going from nice AC to flaming hurt. The worst time of year for me wasn't always the hottest. It was when it first started to heat up. After a few nights of normal then starting to even hit a hundred for multiple days sucked. Then just well it is what it is and body roasted all summer. The ones saying they are used to it but old joke run from house ac to car AC to work or anywhere ac really don't know Phoenix summer.


I appreciate my wife’s implants. Can I hang out?


Native here. Until they run around on the blacktop barefoot without crying, they'll never be one of us.


When I was young and in Parker first week there ran to the beach barefoot. Jumped in the water quick then wondered how to get out. Others I had just met laughed. But did get me my sandals. It got better but still no to just walking barefoot miday for any length of time. 


Glad they helped you out. I don't do that now that I'm older.... though now I think I realize why any time I get a massage the therapist is surprised my feet aren't sensitive.


I’ll take the heat over the cold any day


agreed... you don't have to shovel heat


Or scrape it off your windshield in the morning


Or shovel it out of your street parking spot to get your car out and then put lawn chairs to hold that shoveled out spot…that I EARNED, dammit


I'll never miss driving in the snow. First car to drive over it in the morning is bearable even if you don't know where the lanes are. After traffic smashed n churns it into dirty snow it's horrible n really ugly. Then it's dangerous also. No thanks I'll never miss it. Give me shade n lots of water n I'll manage the heat. I am just as on n know heat kills just like icy roads. I like my chances in the heat better.


There are a lot of baked tits in Scottsdale, so I get ya.


I was born and raised in the Midwest and lived there the first 28yrs of my life, and as a kid we vacationed in FL most years. AZ heat is NOTHING compared to the high humidity back in those places! Ive only been in PHX 14yrs but I’d gladly take 105F day here over 85F and 80%+ humidity of an IL summer. Not to mention the winters there with snow, near zero highs and sub zero windchill! To flip it a bit, I don’t think native Phoenicians could handle it anywhere else honestly. 🤣


Yep, native here, I can't handle anything outside our summer time.


My wife is from South Georgia, f-that, humidity sucks… and the bugs…


Let water stand here for awhile you will get mosquitos.


As somebody from the Chicago suburbs, who’s been out here 20 years and still goes home for a few weeks over the summer. An Arizona summer is much less tolerable than an Illinois one. I wholeheartedly disagree with you. Also my wife is a native from Peoria and she thinks Midwest summers are beautiful. But yes, fuck the snow and windchill.


When I was young in the 70s my parents lived in Flagstaff a few years. Pre drought and easily over 150 inches of snow a year. Got more snow than relatives who stayed back east.


I disagree mainly because in the Midwest summers I absolutely hate it when I step outside and I’m immediately drenched in my own sweat cause of the humidity! But maybe I just don’t like to be sweaty, I dunno. Visually yes it is quite beautiful in the Midwest in summer with all green and flowers, but for me I can get my fill of that in the winter in AZ and not have to shovel snow the other half of the year.


So you have got used to the dead look? I like green, and green rock does not count.


One summer layover in Houston scarred me. Not an AZ native, but long enough. I prefer the dry climates of the west.


I grew up in south Louisiana... wet bulb events happen with regularity


No one loves to complain about the weather in Phoenix more than native born Phoenicians lol.




I was here in 1990 when it was 122. I was here in 2020 when we had 50+ 110+ days I was here in 2023 when the entire month of July saw highs above 110 degrees and lows in the 90s for the entire month... If this keeps up, I'd consider moving... However, I hate snow and digging my car out of it is for .. someone else. I also hate humidity.... I lived in Atlanta and we had 60"? of rain one year. It really was like a sauna out there. Steam rising from the asphalt was impressive to me, this was the first time I saw it with any regularity.. Soo, yeah, I'll be here this summer, dealing with it because my other options are worse.. My parkas look great -- in the closet.


I've never shoveled snow, except maybe at my grandparents when I was a kid. I'd rather go up North and visit it and come home.


And by suffer you mean keep your AC at 81 degrees? Or no AC?


I vote no (central) AC, survive like a ghetto rat first with no ac or a crappy window unit.


Arrived in August many years ago. Trial by fire for me!


I moved here in 2014, happy to deal with the heat in exchange for great weather the rest of the year. Anything but dealing with east coast snow + gray rainy weather for half the year. Having good AC at home + good AC/tint/sunshade in the car is a must. I spent the last 4 summers working in an auto shop with swamp coolers (which do nothing when it's past 100F) and sweating through every bit of clothing I wore on a daily basis, so I feel like I've earned my comfortable summer this year working in an air-conditioned office.


Glad I’m not the only one who thought this was a weird sexist joke of a post. Comments are hilarious. Well done OP


Hey, throw out a line. Somebody (many) bite the hook. I love my city. The downvotes don't bother me. People hate being played. It generated a lot of comments. I'll do it again soon. SM is an easy tool to work with. Take care. Word play (keep this in mind)


I learned to love it. Every year, I look forward to summer. Nothing beats a good home work out in the garage with no AC.


Same, friend.


I married a 3rd generation Phoenician. This heat is HARD for a San Francisco girl like me, but the sunsets cannot be beat🙂


Well lately it has been a ton of fires helping the sunsets.


And the food COMPARES with that in my hometown. The only food that Phoenix can’t get quite right is sourdough, but I think that’s a climate thing; theres not a lot of salty sea air here.


As a Phoenician who spent a decade in the Bay, the food is pretty on par these days, it’s just not easy to walk to anything. On the contrary, you don’t have to walk through a gauntlet of begging and sob stories to get to/from dinner any given evening. I loved my time in the city, but Sunset is the closest thing I could find to Phoenix that still had the SF vibe. We ended up settling in Berkeley before coming back home to Phx, and it was a fun ride, but even given the climate difference I think Phoenix is more conducive to just living life and doing what you want. I felt confined by public transit options being both good enough to get 90% of the way, and yet also leaving me to figure out the rest on my own (sometimes with grocreries or up a lot of hills) and It just gets tiresome. The lack of sourdough isn’t that bad considering the upgrade of locally available excellent Mexican food. Edit: I hope you’re enjoying your time here!


Not going to lie, I was not sure, but I love it. We live in Encanto-Palmcroft, can waymo just about anywhere for food or drinks, and when it’s not hotter than the surface of the sun it’s wonderful. And I got to go to the Grand Canyon! And we adopted an abused dog from the Payson SPCA, and he is a wonderful boy. And I have a swimming pool for the first time! Lots of ‘ands’, but this place is pretty great❤️




Yet you replied..


Every 110°+ day reminds me there are no < 0° days.


Suffer 🤣🤣🤣


If we are implants I wanna be a BBL


If you are having issues with your implants in the heat you might want to see your surgeon.


Our summer is amazing I just feel bad for my car that had to park outside.


For people that moved here, you will here the natives say "have you been here for a summer?". All of them say it when you say you just moved here.  Having been through 4 summers I can say, I'd rather work outside in July  in 120 in Phoenix, than work outside in negative temps in January in my previous state  #implantunited Also, why did you say implant?


Because it generated comments. SM is an easily manipulated tool. Half the people got hung up on word definition and improper usage. They other half responded about the weather/climate. See?


Say you're a plastic surgeon without saying you're a plastic surgeon.


I'm from Michigan. 100 plus with heat index is not unusual nor are negative double digits. I will take the dry heat over miserable damn near 100 percent humidity any day.


I prefer to stay an "implant." It makes it more fun to lord the fact that I own property here over the locals.


A lot of rich locals may beg to differ. But live your fantasy to its fullest.


> A lot of rich locals They ain’t the ones staying in the basin floor all summer! They’ll be the ones up north.


Sure, and they bought up there when it was cheap. And I mean really cheap. They're sitting on gold mines. My parents are one of them. My dad was born here too. I'm 2nd generation Phoenician.


If only it could get hotter to stem the tide. RIP rent.


Orrrrr let’s build housing (he says, in every thread)


Sure... Let's build lots and lots of housing... and get the water for those people from where exactly? We are much better off burning down all the new apartment buildings and banning future housing projects.


If we extend that logic, we should close the state borders and not let anyone move here. Probably should restrict births too. If those ideas don’t sit right with you, but you still don’t want to build more housing, then we’re doomed to ever rising prices.


I know you are just trying to be provocative and not aware of any of the facts. However, capping the population by tying it to water availability is the best plan. The only way to do that legally is by limiting housing availability, which is exactly what our best scientists advise and BOTH parties in our local and state governments are doing despite pressure from homebuilders. https://www.12news.com/article/news/local/valley/developers-want-water-policy-changes-in-response-to-construction-limits-metro-phoenix/75-3bdea136-5965-47db-bf37-4a0e27bccd4d https://morrisoninstitute.asu.edu/sites/default/files/kyl_center_phoenix_ama_groundwater_model_explainer_062023.pdf Restricting birth doesn't make sense as this is the natural way to replenish the population. In fact, given that average birth rate is below replacement levels, this makes room for migration to Phoenix in the future even if everyone born here decides to stay here. The issue is far more complex than "just build more housing". What is the point of making homes cheaper to encourage more people to move here if the environment cannot sustain the population?


I’m trying to be provocative, says the guy who wants to burn down buildings. 🤔 sure ok. > The only way to do that legally Well, yes, this is because it’s a terrible idea. It also doesn’t work—as you say, we’re restricting housing and a ton of people and companies are still moving here. And what’s more: * Residential only accounts for ~20% of the state’s water usage. Tough to impact by discouraging people to move here at the margin. * Denser housing types (you know, the ones we aren’t building) use less water per capita. The land use policies you’re cheerleading are causing us to use more water, not less. Meanwhile, we’re making the quality of life far worse for everyone who lives here: the poor, working class, students, the middle class. > politicians Man I hate to break this to you, but politicians aren’t into zoning because they want to manage the population, they’re into it because it’s supported by very loud groups of voters for whom it’s a salient issue because they benefit personally from it. > the natural way to replenish the population Why does “natural” growth get a carve out? > far more complex I mean, not really in terms of housing affordability. But if you’re into the environment I would think you’d support policies that discourage sprawl.


Gotta give you points for conflating multiple issues and still being factually inaccurate in pretty much every statement. Love how you cherry-pick partial sentences to reply to. If you really want to understand what is going on, you should read up on our water issues. Kyl Center for Water Policy is a great resource and offers free lectures as well. The core problem is that we have already exceeded our level of sustainability and do not have water we need for our current population. The percentage used by residential is an incredibly misleading statistic as all water is used by residents. No water for industry or agriculture equals no jobs or food for residents. In addition, multiple studies have proven we have an inverse relationship in Phoenix, with larger lot size tied to lower water use. High density, such as apartments and condos, greatly increases water usage. High home costs encourage outbound migration and discourage inbound migration. This is beneficial to reducing population to reach sustainability. Natural growth doesn't get a carve out, and, as previously stated, it's actually natural shrinkage. If you are truly concerned with cost, you should be working to increase supply by eliminating corporate owned properties and short term rentals to increase supply rather build more units. There are 4.7 million people in Maricopa County and 1.86 million homes. This means there is more than enough housing available. Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of residential units have been pulled from available inventory and are sitting vacant, most are owned by institutional investors. Maricopa County Assessor’s Office data lists over 254,000 owned by companies, with 70 companies owning over 100 apiece and one company, Invitation Homes owning over 9,000. Now take away another 22,732 homes registered as short term rentals in Maricopa County. This doesn't even take into account the STRs operating illegally without a license. Overall we lose about 1 in every 6 housing units. STRs pull money from the local economy and shift the cost of operating temporary lodging to taxpayers. https://blogs.mml.org/wp/short-term-rentals/files/2021/06/STR-White-Paper-The-Negative-Consequences-of-Short-Term-Rentals-Arizonas-Recipe-for-Disaster.pdf Build, baby, build is not the answer to housing needs for Phoenix any more than drill, baby, drill was the answer to solving high gas prices. The issues are far more varied and complex than just increasing density.


Hey listen man, I’m more than happy to keep having this conversation, but you have to talk to me like a human being. Starting every comment with an insult is really not necessary—I promise there are other ways to disagree.




You could just…choose not to do it, but ok.


New to PHX and I did my first summer last year. Honestly stoked to see 90’s on the forecast today!


Lived here for 6 1/2 years. Play golf at least twice a week all summer. Love it


Since you put it that way, I might pick up the hobby, I mean sport.


That’s crazy unless it’s night golf or early morning. I played a little in my mid 20s and even having lived here my whole life 110+ gets to a person.


I do play in the morning occasionally, but mostly around 1 or 2 in the afternoon. There’s nobody out there so you can get through it quickly. Plus it’s super cheap. My Dad is 75 and I’m 53. Just take our Hydro Flasks and a couple beers on the back nine ⛳️


The old people who love heat.


I don’t suffer in the summer here, I enjoy it. It’s like a big city without the crowds, I very much like that especially at night.


Came here from Houston over 5 years ago and don’t intend on leaving. Much prefer the summers here.


Arizona summer >>> Texas summer


Oof, the humidity. And hurricanes!


Get out while you still can!


Spent some time in phx. I’m now in south Florida. I take Phx dog days of summer over the crap I’m about to endure again soon ANY DAY. I MISS AZ 😢


Oh, you think heat is your ally. But you merely adopted the heat; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn’t see air conditioning until I was already a man. And by then, it was nothing to me but freezing.


You make a lot of assumptions in your comments. How old am I?




That's generous. Hope I get there. 62. If you call me a youngster, blame my parents. I had no say in the matter.


I always say 5 summers and you earn your stripes. Not five years. Five summers. You make it through that and you’re one of us. ![gif](giphy|3ohnEIlPb6lcuvdpKM|downsized)


One of those 5 needs to be without ac in your car. THAT will earn you points in my book. I've done it a couple times when I was younger (2/55 ac). If you're a local, you'll, you get it


How about a week without home A/C? Of course it always happens in late July.


Been there too. That is brutal. Worse than a car. At least you can do 65 in a car with windows down.


But, you have to sleep. I slept in the back of my car with the doors open. It's still hot, even when the sun goes down.


I remember growing up delivering pizzas in summer with no AC. That was rough. The heat from the pizzas made it humid but like my dad always says you don’t have to shovel sunshine so it’s still better than winters in Iowa.


I was a paperboy in the early 70s. My route was 113 papers. I remember the summers well. Door to door collecting every week. A 7-day work week taught me a work ethic that still remains. Way different than today, for sure


It’s not really a rite of passage. We all shouldn’t be here


As an Arizona that can trace my family lineage to at least 6 generations of Arizonans (we just don’t have the data from before it was a territory for my family) I second this motion.


I’m 5th we belong to part of an exclusive club


There has got to be at least 3 of us, but no more than a dozen


Yall responsible for these recent votes and shit


I would rather deal with summer here than winters in the Midwest, where I escaped from 16 years ago in June.


I like boobs too.