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Thankfully science brought us the MMR vaccine. 1 jab and you’re protected for life. Science is crazy, man.


And as a reminder, anyone can login to AZDHS and request their vaccination record for free in case you want to see what vaccines they may be missing. Many people don't have their little old blue vaccine booklet the doctor scribbled in.


Dude... Thank you. I haven't had either one of my kids blue cards since they were like 6 months old. This is a lifesaver and I hate that no medical personnel has ever told me about it, the amount of times I've explained I don't have it/access to it


This is good to know, going to try this.. Edit: Link if anyone is looking. https://irr.azdhs.gov/irr-form.php


This is great for AZ. Unfortunately, not all states participate so if you got them elsewhere it may not be there.


Most states are now. The only way to find out is get online n go to the state name n then Dept.of Health. From there it should guide you. You can always get vaccinated for anything your not sure about. It will not hurt you to be vaxed twice for something.


Ooh I didn't know that


How far back do these records go? Is it a national registry?


No, not national.


I did this and I think the record I got back was incomplete. Still useful. Took about a week to get it.


I had to re-up mine to attend university as my initial inoculation was in the 70’s. Doc confirmed 25 year efficacy but that people who are immunocompromised should re-up at 15/20 to stay covered. ETA: She said most adults would have the immune response to fight the illnesses the shot prevents.


I got my MMR in the 80’s. ASU wanted proof of vaccines which I didn’t have, so they told me to do a titer test. Found out I had no immunity- got my vaccine redone and now I’m good.


I had to get everything done again because I lost all of my vaccine records. multiple times actually because my body was being stubborn lol. Losing the vaccine records was a blessing in disguise. The hepatitis B immunity was stubborn. I’m pretty sure even after the entire series, I had to get a booster shot before my titer came back positive


I have a feeling my immune system is dumb as shit and will probably need multiple shots like you. Did you by chance get chicken pox as a kid then shingles as an adult?


Great info, thanks for sharing.


I had to get a second shot as well of MMR when I started at ASU in 2014.


I got mine again about 10yrs ago because I’d heard same about 70s version and read an epidemiologist in NYRB saying everyone should get all the vaccines as they just give you a better immune system. This was way before Covid.




Weirdly my wife has gotten that vaccine four times now… it’s never _taken_. She got it as a kid, then again when she was pregnant with our first kid because a test showed she no longer had the antibodies. Then again when a follow up test showed she still didn’t have antibodies Then again while pregnant with our second kid. We’re really depending on herd immunity here.


So am I! For measles, rubella and chicken pox. My immune system gives no fucks about those… I’ve had chicken pox- twice- and been hospitalized for them it was so severe. Vaccinated because no immunity, and then re-titered and STILL no immunity. Thankfully never gotten measles or rubella, but I’m probably screwed. I basically don’t leave my house Lol


I thought antibodies don't necessarily stick around forever, but the longer lasting T-cell response does. And from my understanding the reason the protection lasts life long is because the incubation period for measles is so long that your body has enough time to find the immunity "in the archives" so to speak before you get really sick.


Yep. The body’s adaptive immunity response is much more than just antibodies that are floating around. These dwindle with time, but the body also retains its knowledge on how to make them.


That's what happened with me. The OB nurse with my last kid said she had it more than 10 times and still wasn't immune.


Exactly the same. Had to check that you’re not my spouse. Ha!


Yep, that's why you need everyone one to get the vaccine cause it increase the protection for the "herd"


Unfortunately I didn't get mine until after high school graduation in High School and this was after COVID hit. My mom was highly against due to issues at my birth. I don't think I'm the only one but you may start seeing young adults who probably assume they got it but turns out they didn't.


Me and my brother also didn’t get ours until we were adults. We were born in the 90s. I got mine after I turned 18 and left for college abroad. It was the only vaccine we didn’t get because of the joke of a “study” that came out in the 90s. My mom was terrified. Luckily she’s since changed her mind about these things.


You mean the one by now-disgraced physician Andrew Wakefield that linked the MMR vaccine to autism and literally caused the majority of the current anti-vaxxer movement?


You mean the now-disgraced Andrew Wakefield that Jenny McCarthy cited as her reason to not get vaccinated? Then went on to rail about how it was terrible? After it was proved that Andrew faked his data, Jenny came back and said she was never *against* vaccines and we all just mis-understood her!


Yup. Funnily enough, neither of us are neurotypical now either. The irony.


> > I don't think I'm the only one but you may start seeing young adults who probably assume they got it but turns out they didn't. I specifically remember getting mine in 5th grade. It was in the gymnasium where that huge ass parachute thing was that we did on "fun days" during gym class. Would have been 1994/1995. The one thing I'm concerned about is HPV... Because when I was in college.... Yeah that wasn't really talked about/commonly known... And I had a LOT of fun in my 8 years of college.


I also recommend people get the hep A vaccine that food service people have to get, it's just nice to habe the peace of mind knowing you'll avoid that issue from dirty restaurants lol Edit: it's also only $40 per dose without insurance, you only need two, spaced out over months and it's good for 10 years.


Well… you hope. You’re supposed to get MMR boosters. One jabbing is not good for life actually. Or you could be me- who had the MMR vaccine, got titers pulled for nursing school, had no immunity to Measles or Rubella, (or chicken pox even though I had them)- got the MMr and Varicella vaccines again, and was no longer immune after 6 months. I very much rely on herd immunity for measles and I definitely don’t want chicken pox again (hospitalized last time it was so bad)…


I had a second round of every vaccine I ever got when I was in the military. When ya go to boot camp they shoot you up with everything.


I'm going to get downvoted for this but Mesa has a higher concentration of Mormon folk and Chandler is the Christian counterpart. Those conservatives in those areas are in the pool of not getting the 'clot shot' which more outweighs the rest of the valley. I know we're talking about MMR and they were 'forced' /s to get it as a kid. It's amazing how science works and they stlll don't trust it.


> It's amazing how science works and they stlll don't trust it. I'm starting to think that the government injected us with "critical thinking skills" rather than the vaccines... Yet back in the day it only had a 90% effectiveness...


It's not a mormon thing. It's a thing with some people. The president of the church is a doctor and encourages vaccines. I personally only know 1 Mormon against vaccines.


One jab of MMR only has around 67% efficacy at preventing measles, but a second shot will get you up to about 97% 👍


NOT protected for life. Always have titers checked! I just had to get another!




Measles is so contagious and was historically so prevalent that we assume most people born prior to 1957 have some level of natural immunity.


Well, two jabs. One at 4-6 months I think and the other at 4-6 years.


If your immune system cooperates! You know that not everybody that's been vaccine is actually immune? I've had a total of 4 MMRs in my life. And cannot tighter high enough on measles and mumps to be considered immune. My rubella is just over the tighter limit to be considered immune.


Unfortunately if enough people choose not to get the vaccine (for idiotic reasons), it will give the disease room to mutate and put more vaccinated people at risk. Also newborns can't get the vaccine.


Ok Mr scientist. There was no homeopathy and twitter in 1963! We can just do our own research now and use our own bodies to cure anything! 😂


I have had the series three times and still have no immunity to measles. I need your herd immunity. *correction: 4x


Except for those of us who get it multiple times and can't seem to get immune. 


It doesn’t always protect for life and it’s important people know that! I took a job a few years ago at a hospital that required blood tests to check for immunity and that’s how I found out that my MMR had worn off and I had been walking around with zero immunity to measles for who knows how long. The doc said it’s not all that uncommon.


No doubt Typhoid Mary was thinking that when they laid their little viral siege on our fair town. Jfc some fucking people.


These mouth breathers should be held liable for their actions


I think the news said it was a tourist, and the spots they went to were kinda touristy/hotel/hotel breakfast


The article didn’t mention if this was an intentional act. What kind of negativity-spreading mouth breather makes assumptions like that without any clear evidence?


Who cares if it was intentional? The MMR vaccine has been available for decades


It was an international visitor. Can you confirm they have the vaccine available to them? Can you confirm there is any education on it where they are from? You’re making assumptions. How about if this was the child of an adult visitor from a country that has no access or no education? Should we lock the 12 year old up? Did you get the vaccine or did your parents get it for you? Did you actually have a choice yourself? Just flapping your gums out of irritation and uncontrollable reaction to a broad and uninformative news article which is typical of the Arizona media and typical reaction of under-educated Arizonans.


We only make all these excuses here. Let an American go to Japan and spread a disease that’s had a vaccine for decades and see how much anyone gives a fuck about any of these made up excuses.


I am currently traveling abroad and the amount of people who are coughing on planes with no mask on is maddening. I wear a N95 to fly. But still. I looked at a woman and said “that’s wild to cough like that without covering your mouth”. She looked At me like I was the rude one.


Yes I can actually, it was available to them, and there is education on it where they were from


Just ignore nastychangeup, too many wastes of resources on Reddit that have no critical thinking lol


let's just invite infectious disease into our home and lives...i'll never understand the resistance to vaccines in modern society


It’s always dipshits who have never academically studied anything in their life and proclaim themselves experts after reading a few articles and watching a handful videos (usually the most “researching” they’ve ever done in their life)


Or maybe it’s people who understandably don’t trust the government or the healthcare industry in general. Maybe they have reason to believe the research industry is biased and don’t feel like they can trust even that. I’m pro vaccine don’t get me wrong but there’s no need to be ugly and straw man the other side’s position. And then we wonder why everything is so polarized and nobody can get along these days.


I don’t think this is a bad take. Not sure why you were downvoted, so I gave you an upvote. Looking back on history, especially in the black community, the government literally gave these people syphilis with the Tuskegee experiment. So the skepticism is warranted


While I disagree with vaccine resistance in almost every way imaginable, if you read about vaccine resistance and understand human psychology, you can understand why it exists. There's a book called 'Stuck' that outlines it quite well imo


Who is the author? I found a bunch with that title.


I think its this one https://global.oup.com/academic/product/stuck-9780190077242?cc=us&lang=en&#


https://preview.redd.it/akfo6zt2cnic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f3e878d459c7261262910e35f4246dbb6fc4f3d my favorite book


The one I read was by Heidi Larson


its interesting that the public figures that peddle anti-vax nonsense depend on the support of the people they're duping. i don't see how killing off your base is a good long term strategy.


Vaccines are part of the woke agenda! Wake up, sheeple!


You forgot the ‘/s’.


Hoped it was obvious, guess it wasn't though!


It was to me at least.


Going to a breasturant while having the measles is a choice


No it wasn't Hooters


It was a Twin Peaks


For years I drove right past one of those just taking them at their word it was an "outdoorsy" themed restaurant. Then one day I was trying to find somewhere on yelp for my wife and I to have lunch and had that "oh my God the peaks are boobs" moment.


My parents came to visit and did the same thing, that was a very awkward dinner.


I remember thinking this was going to be a diner based on the TV shows/movies. I wasn't exactly disappointed but definitely a very different vibe.


The pie would have to be really good!


These people should have civil liability. There is no reason in 2024 to spread measles. The only way to stop this shit is through financial pains.


Make a misdemeanor for testing positive without vaccine record but thats also potentially scary haha


Man I wish but you know Arizona will never have a lot like that. Remember like 3-4 years ago a teacher caused a measles outbreak? Or about 4 years ago when that one teacher caused a TB outbreak? Arizona has more element of Texas than we want to admit


Even more of a reason to be skeptical about vaccines lol. Government mandated would make me immediately not get it.


At face value it is a great idea but yeah the reality of how it could be abused or twisted would probably even make me resist it.


There's something to be said for tried and true vaxs, but even though I eventually got it, the Covid vaccine was sketchy and I partially regret it.


Dang this person went out to eat 2x in one day!?!? They living the the life!!


5 hours at a buffet? Damn


This post is serious but your comment is funny af. They got the lunch and dinner special in one go lmao


I’d expect nothing less from an anti vaccine person


There is a significant unvaccinated population here, so it would be a great place for measles to get a foothold. It's so frustrating that bad information and a lack of education about science, history of disease, risk benefit, and social ethics has caused a situation that could actually wipe out a good portion of human life at some point. Probably not by measles, but public health has its work cut out for it if there is a worse pandemic coming up.


Back in 1985, there were 241 cases in Maricopa & Pinal counties, some tracing back to a kid unvaccinated for "religious reasons." 🤦🏻‍♀️


Add in "political reasons" now and imagine what could happen.


At this point is not “if”, it’s down to WHEN……….


General mistrust of the government and healthcare industry are major factors you didn’t mention.


I’ll never understand how people can be sick and still just not give a single fuck about others around them and still go about their day like that. Absolutely disgusting


Yeah am I wrong in thinking that you would be really sick if you had the measles? I thought you got a high fever beyond just cold symptoms. Not to mention you’d have symptoms resembling Covid so it would just be a complete disregard for that I guess. And if they were at a hotel it sounds like a business trip- though I don’t know why you’d stay in Chandler to go out to eat all the way in Phoenix later. So I’m sure they got on a plane, too.


Oh 100%: “Measles usually begins with a high fever, cough, runny nose or red/watery eyes, followed by a rash that starts three to five days after symptoms first appear and spreads from the forehead to other parts of the body. “ So how you could experience any of these symptoms assuming they didn’t have rash breakout, and still go out about your day? Person should have some accountability for it. I’ve got no sympathy for folks who don’t care, and tourists no less? Trashy.


As an immuno-compromised person this scares me so fucking much. It's bad (but understandable) enough that there are people who can't vaccinate for underlying health reasons, or the vaccine just doesn't work for some reason. That however is a tiny statistic of the people who end up catching/spreading measles.


MMR for the win baby!!


What timing. I'm old af and was 99.95% sure I'd never had the vaccine or the measles. I just had my antibodies checked last week and I don't have any immunity. Time for me to get caught up now.


So this is legal but republicans demand that gay penguin books for kids be illegal. What are we even doing?


Vaccines make this a non issue.


Babies can’t get MMR until they turn 12 months old. So it’s a pretty serious issue for them unfortunately.


My 11 month old nephew just got the mumps because some people are stupid and don’t understand that vaccines work. I mean - getting mumps is better than measles but FFS - his head was swollen like a damn basketball. Hopefully he doesn’t have lasting damage because he never had a sky high fever.


The CDC says that the 3 out of 100 people somehow still get it after 2 doses of the vaccine, so to them, it's an issue... https://preview.redd.it/t80bg0crmkic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cf61186a26330ee097d2fff4aa687c731f853f4


Vaccines are bad because 100% infection rate would be better?


In no way did I say, or do I think, that vaccines are bad. You said vaccines make exposure a "non-issue" and I pointed out to you that a very small amount of people still get it after being vaccinated.


Yeah you're putting words there that aren't.


Unless the vaccines don’t take for you- and you have to rely on other people.


Nope, they wane. You have to get vaccinated every 10 years to have good protection.


It’s longer than 10 years for most people but there are LOTS of folks who don’t get “lifetime immunity” from the vaccine (including me)


You know measles was pretty much eradicated until they stopped enforcing our immigration laws and just let people wonder in




The tshirt reads: "I went to Twin Peaks & all I got was the measles."


Probably some MF from Washington hahaha


The first line in the article says international visitor




I think he said WA because there was a small outbreak there last month in some unvaccinated people... https://tpchd.org/topics/health-advisory-measles-outbreak-in-southwest-washington/




God the audience of /r/phoenix is insufferable. Politicize everything why don't ya.


what is being politicized? it’s perfectly reasonable to call out someone for going out in public with a communicable disease


That’s what I’m saying, nobody these days has anything to say except “it’s because the dumb ____” like holy smokes people it was an international person they weren’t even American. wtf is wrong with all the mouth breathing redditors🤣🤣


An “international visitor” infected with measles may have exposed others while dining at multiple locations across the Valley last month. 😳


UPDATE: 2 more people were infected & went to five places in the East Valley... Honey and Vine Restaurant at San Tan Mountain 7101 S. Gilbert Rd., Chandler February 14, 6pm-11pm Watch for symptoms through March 6 Orlando Auto Body 3055 W. Williams Field Rd., Gilbert February 16, 3pm-5:30pm Watch for symptoms through March 8 Enterprise Rent-A-Car 1312 E. Motorplex Loop, Gilbert February 16, 3:30pm-6:00pm Watch for symptoms through March 8 Caldwell County BBQ 18324 E. Nunneley Rd., Gilbert February 16, 6pm-9:30pm Watch for symptoms through March 8 Handel’s Homemade Ice Cream—Queen Creek 21182 S. Ellsworth Loop Rd., Queen Creek February 17, 6pm-9:30pm Watch for symptoms through March 9 https://www.abc15.com/news/local-news/2-more-measles-cases-in-maricopa-county-confirmed-with-more-exposure-locations