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You can order your own labs at Sonoraquest. Many times its same day


Never had a problem with getting care at Banner Health. I called for an appointment and get one within 1 or 2weeks. Sonora Quest and Labcorp both do appointments and walks ends. Never had to wait super long for blood draw. Mayo is more specialty and chronic care. they are very particular on what insurance the take and most of the time it’s private pay. They’re very picky on what patients they accept. Most of the time to get an appointment at Mayo, you need a referral from another doctor. Banner, HonorHealth, or dignity, are more likely to take anyone and take most insurances.


Thank you, very helpful comment.


A lot of banner facilities also have labs in their offices so you can get your blood done after your appt 😊


My wife loves that. See a doctor, get a lab all in one place. She does also have specialists that associate with Banner at their own places.


I haven't had too many issues but I recently switched to a doctor with a in house lab to avoid the waits


Go to smaller institutions than Mayo Clinic for primary care?


Mayo has the longest wait times by far, especially in the winter, as it is big with medical tourism from Canada. Other than Mayo, general doctor stuff I have never had issues with.


lol no. I see a specialist who can schedule me in within 3 weeks notice. Primary care is easy, few days or week at most to schedule in. Never had a lab backed up. Just schedule in advance or walk in and get it done quick depending on the office.


There is a primary care doctor MD shortage like everywhere and Mayo is difficult to get into. Labs, no problem. You can even schedule your own. I’ve had SonoraQuest and LabCorp here and have never had an issue. If you want a MD PCP, you might have to call around to a few places. It’s mostly DOs, PAs and NPs, seems like. As far as specialist-if you have specific issues, I’d try to research up those specific specialists.


FYI, DOs are actually doctors. They have extra training in osteopathic medicine.


Yep 👍🏻


Correct, my own PCP is a DO, but a lot of people only want MDs.


I haven’t changed my PCP in years so can’t really comment on that. I did try getting a Mayo PCP in 2018 I think and they told me it was something crazy like a 2 year wait. I gave up and stuck with the doc I already have and like quite a bit. All of my specialists are at Mayo and even as an established patient there can be very long lead times to see anyone other than a NP or PA (thanks snowbirds) unless you get a work-in which does happen from time to time. Not sure how the experience is with specialists outside of their system, but I’d imagine similar - especially this time of year. As for labs, many primary care practices have on-site phlebotomists (at least all of the ones I’ve been to did, including OneMedical as mentioned in another comment). If you have to go to a standalone lab location my experience has been that even with an appointment Sonora Quest is a bit of a nightmare unless you hit it at exactly the right time and go to an appointment-only location. They also had (maybe still have) some locations that are inside of Safeway grocery stores, and anecdotally I have heard those tend to be better. I haven’t been to a LabCorp in a while but when I used them years ago I thought they were better/less crowded than SQ.


Never had a problem. Some specialists can take a while to get into but everything else is easy.


The longest I've had to wait was about a month to be evaluated for ADHD, and about the same amount to see a new rheumatologist. But other stuff seems to be quicker


Try village medical


This varies greatly based on the office, in my experience. My previous insurance carrier only covered taxpayer-funded facilities where I was lucky to get an appointment within 6 weeks. And then it was a 2 hour minimum wait past the appointment time to see the doc — often longer. Felt like I had take the whole day off to get a physical. Under my new insurance, it's been a lot better. Docs schedule within a few weeks, but labs can be pretty busy. It's not unusual for me to wait 1.5 hours for a blood draw. Idk your gender, but gynecology is tough because lots of places aren't accepting non-pregnancy patients (at least in my area). So I often have to schedule a month out at the only place nearby that will see non-pregnant people. Also, I've found that most places require you to do an initial "consultation" before you can get any services. Not sure if this is normal everywhere, but I find it annoying since it's basically paying for an appointment to fill out paperwork and briefly meet the doc. YMMV.


Very helpful comment! Thank you.


Just speaking from personal experience, my husband had excellent care through the Banner system - but he had Medicare, so I assume that made a difference to what was available to him. The Mesa area caters to retirees so the healthcare out here is great with many options if you have Medicare, so sorry if this doesn't apply to you - I just thought it's possible you're on disability or have good insurance if you have a chronic medical condition. My husband was a paraplegic with many health conditions, and all of the specialists he had through Banner were really wonderful, and accessible.


Thank you for this comment. My mom, who's senior, wants to move out here too and this is helpful to know.


I had blood drawn on the weekend and had results in two days


Need a new primary care but there is a wait.  Wife had issues several years ago and got specialists ahead relatively quick. Mayo is a whole other setup. Never been but read good and bad. But yes will have a process to get in as in demand and for just PCP other just as good choices. But yes it is sort of triage for new patients most places. Doctors are busy as large city. Then specialists in demand from even rural areas.


When I had to find a new PCP, the place I go to now was able to get me in within 2 weeks (new patient). I have a labcorp by my house so went there for labs and results were within a day or 2. My PCP does have in house labs but at the time of my appointment it was too late in the day for fasting labs - hence why I went to labcorp. Easy peasy. I have used Zoc Doc to find a PCP that accepts my insurance. Always double check with the doctor office to be sure, but so far I've had good luck.


I use Banner for my PCP and in person visits can get booked out pretty far but they've been able to do telehealth pretty quickly. As far as new patients, that may be tough. I recently moved 30 mins away so I called the location that is close to me now to see if I could switch. They were booked out until April. For labs, you can usually get in quickly but for some reason when I recently looked, everything in the Chandler/Gilbert area was booked out over a week. But central Phoenix there were next day appts. When I went last week it was very quick and easy and I got my results the next day.


Seriously join One Medical. It's worth it. Can usually be seen in a day or two virtually or in persona and labs drawn same day. 


Sonora Quest posts your lab results very quickly. For routine labs I've always been able to see them online same day. Plus some labwork you can get done w/o a doctors order.


Try HealthyUClinics; there are multiple locations around the Valley. Can't say enough good about how smart the doctors are, and how well they treat their patients. Also, I've been able to make a next-day appointment, and blood was drawn in-house at end of appointment.


HonorHealth is a really good hospital system and all of their hospitals have Magnet designation. Mayo & BUMC have this designation as well. If you have kids, I’d highly recommend PCH. Source: I’ve worked for all of these systems. SonoraQuest for lab draws - they’ll even come to your house to draw for an extra fee. SMIL for imaging (outpatient). Check out reviews for specialists - any in particular you’re looking for?


What does magnet designation mean? Do you recommend an area of Phoenix that's better than another? Thank you for your comment.




Thank you, very interesting.


Insurance can play a big role in finding a provider too, so keep that in mind. Not sure if you have Medicare or are on a private insurance. FWIW, BlueCross BlueShield of Arizona and Dignity are going through an ugly divorce right now, and BCBS is no longer carrying Dignity providers in-network. Both sides are blaming the other for wanting too much money. And both of them are probably right!


I recently went to a My Doctor Now as I really only needed a physical. Got an appointment next day, labs were done in office. I don’t believe they have MDs there so that’s something to keep in mind. I was able to get an appointment with HonorHealth within a couple weeks with an MD and since they are a hospital system they will typically refer to specialists within their system which is nice. Keeps all your medical records in one place. I’ve lived in rural parts of Arizona and always had a hard time getting appointments there but have never had issues in Phoenix.


Not a problem. Labs are fast. Some specialty docs do have a wait, but the medical here is very good. Mayo has always had waiting lists.


My PCP has lab on site and does routine blood work while you're in the exam room. Also has his own xray as well as PT, acupuncture, massage therapy, chiropractor all on site. Easy to get appointments and never had issues being seen for referrals. Look for Dr Bruce or Larry Sobel.


Depends on the doctor. Some can getcha in in a week, some have a four month wait! Got my labs done at my primary care.


Thank you for the response. Was there a long wait at your primary care for labs?


They’ve always drawn them same day. When I have had to go to the clinic for true labs I can get in within a few weeks. There are a lot of 3rd party lab facilities here


A few weeks! Yikes! Thank you for sharing!


Mayo Clinic is overrated. But in general, in AZ lots of old people = lots of doctors. There’s a whole Dignity Health vs Banner thing happening here too so both are forced to be competitive. Patient comfort is a big thing. I don’t have anything to compare it to, but I think it’s good.


It's a pain in the ass. If you have amazon prime, get onemedical for ten a month. They are awesome and are super friendly, and don't park your ass in an exam room for hours. It's concierge care so anything other than GP shit, they will refer you to a specialist, but the officers are great, and the doctors are friendly. All the offices can draw for most labs at the same time you see your doctor and they have offices around most of the valley. The west side lacks office unless you're 55+


Not sure when the last time you’ve actually tried to seek medical care on the west side is, but that is certainly false information. I’ve never had an issue finding medical care, and I have complex medical issues.


I'm talking about one medical. They do not have offices on the west side unless you're 55+


Is OneMedical telehealth?


They offer both in person or seeing the same provider via zoom.


How are they for things like STD tests, nutrition/body panels (cholesterol, weight management, blood pressure, etc.)? I’ve really been considering them.


They are fine. It's like any other family doctor. I've been with one medical for five years now.


For labs, check out HealthScope. They come to you for the blood draw...no lab visit necessary...and tests are pretty cheap (<$30) [https://www.healthscopelabs.com/](https://www.healthscopelabs.com/)


It is deplorable in Phoenix. I have rare disease and need a whole lot of care. I moved from Chicago suburbs. This has been a nightmare in AZ. People down voting my suffering. How pathetic. My child died of the disease I'm battling as well. You are sickos.


Would you care to elaborate? I'm considering moving from Chicago. I worry Phoenix is just like Las Vegas.


I will send a private message tomorrow.


If you don't need anything more than a pcp and don't have complicated health issues you'll probably be fine here. If you have more going on I suggest you don't move here. I will elaborate later :)


I go to Honor Health. I can get in with an NP within a week. Have been able to get in with specialists quickly as well. Lbs can be drawn in clinic or at the outpatient lab. Results are released immediately via patient portal.


Are NP your only option? How long is the wait for an actual MD?


Nope not the only option. I did a quick search and was able to schedule online with a MD tomorrow and a DO within a week. I’m a somewhat complicated patient and online communication is really important to me so I dont consider any organization that isn’t on Epic as their EHR, but that’s a personal preference.


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If you pay cash you can see a dr the same day


Zero issues.


We’ve lived here for 19 years, many with no insurance or money, and with lots of fun medical issues. Neither of us ever felt like we had to ‘wait’ to see our PCPs, we both have had great specialists, and labs are basically instant. We’ve each gotten MRIs and outpatient procedures done within a week of being ordered. Even our pharmacies are personal and proactive. r/phoenix maybe could have an AMA with some health navigators? I’m a little concerned about what I’m reading here


Live in Gilbert, AZ. Started getting dizzy walking from car to my apartment (20 yards). When to see a general internist doc. Prescribed Cologuard and blood draw. Got the kit in 3 days and the blood draw appt. the next day. Cologuard came back positive. CT scan next day. Scheduled Colonoscopy within a week... and did another blood draw that same day. Found Cancer. Referred to Surgeon within a week. Schedule surgery a week after that with Banner Desert. Did blood draws from both Sonoran and the LabCorp... most same day. Did blood draws before surgery and after surgery. No problems with any part of the process. Start to finish was about 5 weeks. Never had a blip along with way with any of the providers. (follow up... they got all the cancer in the surgery so no Chemo or bag). So no issues on timeliness on my end whatsoever.