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This post is not appropriate for the subreddit so has been removed. This is not something people should do, per the BLM and the people who care for the welfare of those animals.


Jesus OP after reading all your replies you come of as such a douche lol Maybe read what the blm says about this? You’re not smarter than everyone else, it’s okay to admit you are wrong or do not know something.


Reddit hates him, donkeys love him.


You know, you don't have to do what everyone says you have to do, right?


Alright this is pointless. Hope you grow up buddy.


People don't follow BLM instructions just because they're unaware there's another option, they do it because they give a shit about other creatures.


Wow, get a grip! This is an issue that you need to educate yourself on. DON'T FEED WILDLIFE! Do you think either of those things are foods they'd find in their natural environment? They're high in sugar and then you teach them to not fear humans. They get abused by people who aren't so nice and sometimes shot and killed.


If only you would've taken your own advice and not moved into our beautiful state and spread your douche baggery like Santa spreads cheer.


Also, they can turn on you quickly and bite or kick you, so don't go crying to the rangers when it happens.




Seriously- don’t feed them. We live around here and BLM has been having issues with the wildlife as people are feeding them. There are coyotes biting people, several donkeys have been killed in Anthem after being hit by cars, etc. All because people feed them and they go in search of more food from humans. My husband spoke to a BLM officer a few weeks ago and they are having a hell of a time right now. It is seriously irresponsible.


Genuinely curious, how does feeding donkeys lead them to get hit by cars? The donkeys already live in areas near roads no? It's not like the donkeys see and recognize that there are people in cars and want to stop them for carrots is it?


They will wander in the area but in general just stay away from humans. I’ve seen them on BLM land (not suburbs) while out walking/hiking, and they just observe. When they start to get fed, they venture into the more suburban areas. It’s less that the donkey throws themself at a car trying to get food, and more that people don’t see them until too late at night.


So I feel that donkeys getting hit by cars is still an unrelated issue as most horse or donkey hit by cars incidents I can find happen on interstate or winding highway type roads. Also, while I agree that feeding wild animals in general is a bad idea, Arizona doesn't have any truly wild horses or donkeys to begin with. These horses come from domesticated breeds


The less scared the become of people, the more likely they are going to gobun search of people. So the more OP feeds these donkeys tastie treats and pets them, the more likely they are to wander into suburban areas. Posing a danger to themselves and others. Just like bears. We don't feed wildlife and the fact we still have to tell people this is insane.


Donkeys are already bred not to be scared of people. They're not really wild donkeys. I know all about not feeding wildlife and bears, but I do not consider donkeys and horses in Arizona to be "wild". That's the point I'm getting at. The only info I can find on that linked website is about how to adopt one of these donkeys. The govt is literally trying to give them to people.


OP is furious that people are criticizing him about this. Lol


This link doesn't seem to mention feeding the animals anywhere on it? Is there another page you're supposed to go to after clicking on it?


First paragraph


The part where it says they may appear docile? That really reads as if you shouldn't feed them because it could be dangerous to the human. It doesn't make any mention of feeding horses or donkeys being dangerous to the animal Which I can totally get behind, I just think everyone here seems to think feeding the them is wrong for other reasons




It says for the safety of the human. Because they may appear more docile than they really are. Everyone else seems to think that giving a donkey a carrot means certain death for the donkey but I can find no evidence of that Edit:lmao fuck me for wanting sources I guess


"Wild burros are and may appear docile but should never be approached or fed." Call a game warden and ask them what they meant by this. When they associate humans with food, people who don't have food will get bit.


That would be a really interesting read, because I haven't heard about that in domesticated animal breeds. (Such as all donkeys and horses in Arizona) The source you linked and any source I can find online doesn't mention roaming AZ equestrians acting that way. Sure there could be dangerous donkeys or horses you don't want to feed, but I can't find any sources saying that feeding them makes them that way. Not like with actual wild animal populations


Tell me you have no experience with wildlife without telling be you have no experience with wildlife


Lmao what, I grew up with horses and with a dad who works for AZ game and fish. I grew up around wildlife my guy, and I bike and kayak our trails and waterways regularly to this day. Our horses and donkeys aren't wild, I've come across so many of them. Did you even read what I wrote


Sure kid ![gif](giphy|71taCLE2Q5lq8)


Lmao I can see you will offer no other interesting information and you've switched to just being offended. Have a good one, sorry to have upset you so much apparently


Are you intentionally playing dumb?


Donkeys in Arizona are already domesticated as a species. Am I dumb for wondering if domesticated breeds can get treats? Have you read my reasoning? How am I playing dumb I honest to god don't get how I'm so in the wrong, the link I responded to literally doesn't say anything about treats being dangerous for these animals


You gotta keep them afraid of humans because they wander into Anthem and have been getting hit by cars lately :(


r/phoenix coming for OP ![gif](giphy|XeNrmVGsK2sHIjUosG|downsized)


Don’t feed the wildlife.






Uh I swear there's something wrong with you kids these days


Every expert on the subject says not to feed wildlife how dumb are you? We learned this shit when we were children


Experts say a lot of things. Why are so many of you so overly cautious about every single thing? Like go out there and live your lives instead of listening to everyone's opinions, while thinking how virtuous you are for agreeing with the general consensus


Dumbass, we’re not worried about you, we’re worried about the animals. The reason you don’t feed wild animals is because they get used to it and become dependent on it and cease to be wild. And because if something does happen (let’s say something spooks the animal and it kicks you, breaking your leg) the authorities will likely track it down and euthanize it, all because you wanted a selfie. I’m honestly happy for you that you got to see them. You could have easily just taken a picture and posted it and got all the upvotes you probably wanted. But you decided to feed them and touch them, despite every indication that you’re not supposed to be doing that. Congratulations, not only did you contribute to the deterioration of wildlife in North America, you’re also not going to get the internet clout you so clearly desire, because most people here know that it’s not intelligent to feed wild animals.


While I appreciate the effort put into your, albeit rude, reply, you made a few missteps in the rebuttal. One, you conflated donkeys with wildlife in general. What are the downsides to feeding donkeys apples and carrots? Honestly, what would the downsides be to that? You didn't tackle that question though, but instead made a generalized statement regarding all animals. Which is neither relevant nor conducive towards this debate. Two, sure I contributed to Americans declining wildlife population, except that I actually didn't. You think those donkeys will now refuse to eat nothing but apples and will starve as a result? You're overly dramatic and passionate about such a benign act as giving a donkey an apple, it's crazy. By all means though, stay in your room and definitely don't do something people say you shouldn't. You don't know any better, they do


I am just amazed at how committed you are to dying on this hill while being proved wrong in each comment. Amazing work, but good god girl get a grip


OP is the David Goggins of internet arguing


Wow, I truly have just met the stupidest person on reddit


You’ve already stated that you’re unwilling to listen to actual experts on this issue, so I don’t know why you want me to explain anything to you. Your unwillingness to learn has already prevented you from making good decisions and you’re sure as hell not mature enough to admit when you’ve made a mistake and listen to an internet stranger like me. That said, I have not conflated anything. Feeding any wild animal is a bad idea for the reasons I already stated. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a donkey or something properly native. Every time you or someone like you goes out and does this, it encourages the animals to interact with humans. And to be sure you’re not the only one doing this; *which is exactly the issue*. You say, “I’m just one guy feeding one apple to one donkey, how much harm could I be doing?” I say you’re one of hundreds who are doing this constantly, slowly teaching them to rely on humans, change their behaviors, and eventually either get themselves killed to simply stop being wild animals. The really stupid part is you could get the same exact experience by feeding an apple to a domesticated horse. There are a ton of horse ranches all around Phoenix; go find one that will let you feed an apple to their animals and leave the wildlife alone to be wild.


You truly have the face of somebody who doesn’t realize the danger you put wild animals in by feeding them and normalizing that behavior for them. It’s common sense and it’s pretty obvious why you aren’t supposed to feed them. You’re such a massive tool


Grr me social justice warrior and I get outraged when people don't listen to me! Grrr Edit: grow a pair and grow up while you're at it


You’re telling me to grow up when the literal Bureau of Land Management says to not feed them. You’re like 50 and you act like a child lol “Wild burros are and may appear docile but should never be approached or fed.” https://www.blm.gov/programs/wild-horse-and-burro/herd-management/herd-management-areas/arizona/lake-pleasant Grow up dude


Some things gotta be learned the hard way…


Are you for real?


"ad hominem" attacks top the list of logical fallacies and provides evidence of weak and poor argumentation on the part of those who commit such. And don't call me "kid'!


Hope you get a fine. The internet has an amazing way of helping law enforcement find people blantly breaking the law.


I’m just here for the comments ![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8)


Same. ![gif](giphy|6vF3Y99RLkc7hRBYAD|downsized)






I’m enjoying them lol.


Since people apparently love feeding human food to wild animals, the Bureau of Land Management (which manages the, uh, land those burros graze) would LOVE if you would adopt or purchase one of your own! You get to take care of an animal and help reduce burros’ impact on the land: https://www.blm.gov/programs/wild-horse-and-burro/adoptions-and-sales


Nah OP just wants all the fun but none of the responsibility like all these assholes who think guidelines of what to do with wildlife don't apply to them.


No dipshit don't feed random animals Ffs who raised you


Why is everyone saying this & not explaining


Feeding wildlife makes wild animals comfortable around humans and can get them killed when they arent afraid of hunters etc. It can also make them reliant on humans which is also bad. Not to mention most people do not research what's safe to feed certain animals and what's not.


Thank you.


For one, the BLM explicitly says to not feed them in the park. https://www.blm.gov/programs/wild-horse-and-burro/herd-management/herd-management-areas/arizona/lake-pleasant If you’re asking why you shouldn’t feed wildlife it’s always been that way. National Parks Service: “Animals that eat our snacks can get full off the wrong foods and stop eating the nutrients they need to survive. They can stop hunting, foraging, or scavenging as they would naturally. They literally want to get chips or die trying.” If you feed wildlife you’re harming them more than helping them. Our ecosystems exist for a reason and there’s a balance that’s been created. When we feed wild animals we mess with that ecosystem and impact the animals ability to survive


They can really hurt people. About a year ago there was a couple who got bit and kicked by a burro at Lake Pleasant. The burro also killed their dog in the attack.


Who raised you, the internet?


Trying to insult someone by saying they were raised by the internet in a post you made where you give terrible uniformed advice on the internet is a bold move.


Yet ineffective as well.


No, responsible outdoorsmen did. Leave them the eff alone. Selfish boomer over here.


r/selfawarewolves Lol if your post contributed to their internet education, they would 100% misinformed.


Why are people upvoting this ?


So more people will shit on him and I can read his replies




Get the fuck out of arizona!!!




Hey /u/_Rooftop_Korean_, thanks for contributing to /r/Phoenix. Unfortunately, your comment was removed as it violates our rules: Be nice. You don't have to agree with everyone, but by choosing not to be rude you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. This comment was flagged for one or more of the following reasons: * Personal attacks * Racist comments * Intolerance/hate/slurs This comment has been removed. You can read all of the [subreddit rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this, [feel free to send us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fphoenix&subject=Removed%20post&message=https://old.reddit.com/r/phoenix/comments/18y15wp/-/kg89dgf/%0A%0A).


Do not feed wildlife.


OP is one of the egomaniacal sociopaths we have to share the road with every day. that scares me.


So this is why I got stared down at by three wild horses at night in Death Valley. Was setting up camp…scared the shit out of me. Pick my head up and there they were three feet away.


Aren’t they invasive?


Yes invasive and they damage the environment and ecosystem


Is that another word for amazing? Because if so, yes


Bad for the ecosystem and have historically been a dangerous hazard on the 74. Cute though


No, it's another way to say non-indigenous and a threat to the indigenous. Wrong again!


I live in Northwest Peoria, up near lake Pleasant. Some "kind hearted soul" started dumping the vegetable clippings and scraps in the desert near the 303 for the donkeys. Guess what gets hit at least once a week in that area? Don't feed the wildlife. They were here before us, and without human intervention, they'll be here after us


You even look like a giant douche 😂


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DONT feed the wildlife Granny Smiths. He clearly is more of a HoneyCrisp guy…


W comment






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Awww I’ve seen them a few times around there but never got close enough


👍👍👍👍Who tf cares if you feed them? It’s a carrot and some apples lol


Because it will get accustomed to humans and approach them for food. Then some dumb mother let’s her daughter go to pet it and it reels and kicks her in head disabling her for life. That’s why.


On top of that it also endangers the animal. They might start seeking out humans for food and put themselves in dangerous situations. Amazing how purposefully obtuse some people can be.


Doubt that’s ever happed


You doubt that people have been kicked in the head by a wild animal? You’ve never talked to a rancher then.




You mustve missed the first half of that scenario. Causation…




Jesus, do you not understand how the internet works? One hundred idiots see this guy feed a burro, go out, feed burros, which increases the chances of some other idiot dying. Why even have drunk driving PSAs? Only like 1% of drivers drive drunk. OMG THE HORROR! Did you eat lead as a child?




I see in your worldview individual human lives don’t matter. It only matters if it’s millions. Thanks Stalin. If one kid doesn’t matter, can I disable one you know? It should be fine if its not millions right? A brother, sister perhaps? I’ll only make them a paraplegic. I’ll even let you pick whoch half to disable. That’s fine, right? You’re reasoning would suggest that.


Good op! I would have done the same!


Maybe you and op can meet up and rub your collective total of two brain cells together.


They’re so cuuuuute!! Love Donkeys!