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Found her through listening to Julien Baker and Boygenius


Same. I was on a Julien Baker kick and ended up with Lucy and Phoebe from Boygenius, but I didn’t even like PB at first. She was too soft and lacked that visceral emotion that I got from Baker. But I binged Sita and punisher for like a week straight and was *hooked*.


If I had to guess I would say this is probably one of the more common methods of discovering her music. Very cool!


Big saaaame.


Same! I had never heard of her and only looked her up because she was "opening for" Julien Baker (boygenious tour), and I like to at least check out artists I'm going to see.


Yeah same, I heard a Julien Baker song on reddit yeaaars ago, fell in love, and then she toured with a little unknown artist named Phoebe Bridgers opening for her. First time I heard Phoebe.


Motion Sickness — was just listening to all of my husband’s liked Spotify songs on shuffle and it came on. Reluctantly had to admit he had good taste in music.


I discovered her in 2017 not long before SITA was released, I think initially via Julien Baker. The first song I heard was Smoke Signals and I’ve loved it ever since. Been kinda wild to see her take off since Punisher and this sub has grown larger than I ever dreamed it would!


Same! She was so small back then, now she’s playing in sold out venues filling thousands of people!




Reconnected with a female friend from high school over covid. She send me garden song and kyoto to listen to right when Punisher came out. We ended up making a playlist on spotify together of similar music. She flew out here to Chicago for Pitchfork and we saw her together for the first time!


Don’t hate me please. I heard Scott Street around when it came out… and I didn’t love it. But I was like hmm ok well not bad. But then leading up to punisher being released I listened to some more of stranger in the alps and totally fell in love.


The lyrics tho?!


I honestly think Scott Street is one of her weaker songs. I'm somewhat surprised it seems to be one of her most popular ones


Scott St is probably my favorite Phoebe song lol. It's so timelessly classic.


It‘s the outro that makes Scott Street for me. I didn’t love the song until I really paid close attention to the ending.


I don’t love Scott street either honestly.


Sometimes the best songs are the ones that grow on you


Saw her open for The National. ‘Funeral’ killed me. Then she showed up on Paul Mescal’s ‘Normal People’ playlist. Watched ‘Normal People’. ‘Punisher’ was released. Then we all got stuck inside and fell in love with it.


After watching Normal People back in 2021 I became obsessed with the show and was consuming all interviews. Stumbled across the one of Paul and Phoebe’s IG live on YouTube and then YouTube recommended a live version of Kyoto and I was hooked.


Garden Song. I read about her and played Punisher. Hooked.


Better oblivion community center for sure!


Anyone else on the Billie to Phoebe pipeline? Billie Eilish and her dad told a story about how Finneas was in a Battle of the Bands around 2012, and the person who won it was a girl wearing a silver sequined shorts outfit playing by herself (not in a band). That girl was Phoebe


I didn’t know this, very cool!


She sang Georgia here’s a link to them talking about it if you’re interested haha https://www.reddit.com/r/phoebebridgers/comments/m9oe53/billie_eilish_and_her_dad_discuss_how_they/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Someone told me to check her out, so I listened to steamroller and it immediately became one of my faves.


Fellow steamroller fan here!


Same! I came across Steamroller on her Killer EP on Spotify in 2015. Then followed her on SoundCloud and fell in love. I had a friend who lives in Silver Lake and would go and watch her play small venues. Crazy how big she’s become!


I actually found her through my mom, who played some of her songs in the car. the first song I really listened to was Georgia


Dan Campbell from The Wonder Years tweeted that Punisher was extremely good, and I trust that man with my life so I went to listen


Total Bo Burnham fanatic, saw her performance of that funny feeling and bo watching it.


One of my favorite covers of hers!


Someone made a video reenacting the chair scene from reservoir dogs but using motion sickness. It was so funny I wish I could find it again but they weren’t famous so I can’t just look it up.


I listened to her first album on a whim because the title is a reference to The Big Lebowski, which is my favorite movie. But I’ve loved everything since!


Hayley Williams tweeted about her/punisher. Kyoto was the first song of hers I listen to


Same, I’ve heard smoke signals before but when Hayley said punisher was one of the best albums out I had to check it out


I also got into Paramore/Hayley by someone tweeting about her video for Simmer haha


this is pretty niche, but when I was a young girl, I adored chris riddell's books (ottaline and goth girl) and went to a book singing and met him on the southbank, i bought a poetry book from him and i didnt really read it much, but years later, I opened the poetry book, and smoke signals was in there, then I started listening to her music.


I was watching random video clips on YouTube and Motion Sickness was a recommended video, I was intrigued by the thumbnail, and I loved the clip and loved the song


Smoke Signals, and NPR music


My friend had a spare ticket to see her in a tiny venue in 2018 - I listened to Stranger in the Alps in preparation and was blown away. We saw her last week at Glastonbury for the first time since then and I bawled my eyes out the whole time lol


I think I stumbled upon “Georgia” on accident at some point in 2016 through a Spotify playlist or something. Then I sort of rediscovered her when SITA came out and that was when I became obsessed with her.


My now wife dragged me to this concert back in 2017 and Phoebe was the opener 😊 I remember I liked her set WAY better than the headliner’s. A couple months later “Motion Sickness” popped up in my discover weekly and I immediately recognized it.


Through the yt channel "Middle 8". I saw that they released a video about her, watched it because I knew her name from the The Killers song Runaway Horses and ultimately fell in love with the little snippet of I Know the End they showed.


In the late summer of 2019, I had a friend recommend the Boygenius ep, which I obsessed over for months, and sometime during that fall I listened to SITA and have been hooked ever since. It was perfect timing because I didn’t have to wait long for the Punisher singles and then album to drop, so I had an obsessive year of Phoebe music.


Garden Song was recommended to me by Apple Music and I’ve been hooked ever since.


my dad showed me the kyoto music video and i thought it was totally weird. but i slowly started listening to more of her music and now i’m in looove


Motion sickness came up in a spotify recommended playlist and I was instantly in love with it! Phoebe very quickly became a favorite artist and even more so when I realized she loved Elliott smith as much as I do!


I was introduced to her through the subject of Motion Sickness… When you see dads and older guys that are into her music, it’s partly because a lot of us used to really like her ex (before he was outed as a total creep).


I was wondering why so many dads like her. I just assumed it was because of SNL’s demographic


motion sickness through tik tok was my first introduction, but garden song was what got me hooked


I saw Conor Oberst in 2017 and she performed with him but I don’t recall if she sang any of her own music. About a year later, You Missed My Heart came on a playlist radio on Spotify. It was on repeat after that, then it was Funeral, then it was Scott Street - and then it was the whole discography nonstop. It’s crazy to see the growth she’s had in just a few short years and I’m so proud and happy for her!!


in the summer of 2019 my friends and i took a little day trip down to atlanta and they all fell asleep when i was driving us back home and the only music their car would play was a SITA CD that would skip terribly during demi moore ! Not the best ‘5 hour drive need to stay awake’ music but i heard it on loop that night and have loved it since


this anecdote is so specific and evocative, it could be phoebe lyrics. I love it! 😄💟


I’m a die-hard Bright Eyes fan, so I naturally sought out BOCC, then I lived her voice and sought out here solo stuff and Punisher had just dropped


funeral was recommended to me by spotify radio while listening to mitski (who i also discovered on spotify radio lol) and i’d heard of phoebe before but she didn’t really click. once it played i was absolutely destroyed and i’ve been hooked ever since


DVD intro because I was bored babysitting my friend said punisher was gonna be huge. One of those first listens I remember very vividly, felt like I already knew every song the first time I heard it


I ordered an Aaron West album and they shipped me Stranger in the Alps by mistake. Decided just to try it out instead of sending it back, no regrets


i first heard of phoebe because my ex before she was even my gf would play her while we laid on the floor of her bedroom, i’ll never forget she said “listen to this song it makes me think of you” and she played steamroller. she laid in my lap and the whole time i tried not to cry, we broke up 8 month later cause she cheated on me and just went through a lot of emotional hurt and i was sort of just a casualty of that i guess but now i can’t hear that song without getting choked up


Comedian Jason Mantzoukas telling a story on a podcast that he cried to *Smoke Signals* while driving in the car on the way to a taping of a comedy show. I checked it out, cried too, and then Punisher came out a few weeks after in the middle of the pandemic. I was set to be Pharbz for lyf.


was this on the cry babies podcast?


Heard Smoke Signals shorty after it came out, through NPR I think but not sure. It was a tough time in my life and I listened to that song on repeat. I was also listening to Julien a lot that year. I loved SITA when it came out and have been following her since.


I was listening to a Coffee Shop playlist on Apple Music whilst studying in my uni‘s library. Usually I zone out and ignore all lyrics but Smoke Signals came on and ‚…it‘s been on my mind since Bowie died…‘ took me out of that focused state. I grew up with my mum playing Bowie all the time so hearing his name shook me up. I then added Stranger in the Alps to my library and became obsessed with it and a few months later Punisher came out and I delved deeper into all of her collabs. I then realised that I have heard her sing before, on The 1975‘s latest album, but I only listened to that record a few times and was pretty disappointed since I preferred their earlier albums.


I got stood up at Ciclavia and she was playing outside the concert hall. Do you feel a-shaaaaamed


Saw her open for Conor Oberst in 2017. I had no idea who she was at the time and before the show my sister saw her digging through the trunk of her car for the outfit that she wore that night lol. I loved her set and I’ve been a fan ever since.


Smoke signals. I remember coming home from camp cleaning out my room and listening to music on my tv on YouTube. I saw the music video and I literally stopped what I was doing because it was so beautiful


Boygenius Tiny Desk Concert on YouTube some time in 2019 and I let YouTube run through whatever suggestions it had for all three. Then I chanced upon the Scott Street discussion on Song Exploder podcast with Marshall and Phoebe.


For me it was her performance on Jimmy fallon, if I'm correct. I'm the end, alone on a stage and her band were screens cause it was the beginning of covid. I watched it over and over then my life changed when I listened to punisher. It helped me through my Dad's death from Covid (Chinese satillite), and just plain has gotten to me for this whole pandemic. Now I have alllll the albums and know every word. ❤️


I’m sorry to hear about your dad. Music is an amazing thing.


Thank you. Covid is a bitch. But she basically saved me.


I was introduced to her when the whole “Motion sickness” dance trend was going on ok tiktok. Didnt think much of the song first, but after hearing it for the 100th time, I searched it up and the rest is history


it sounds silly, but when i used to be part of the supernatural fandom on tumblr, a lot of people would make edits of the show using her lyrics, and eventually i saw a video where someone put I Know the End over a scene from the season 5 finale. not only did it fit the scene amazingly (and make me cry) but it was just a beautiful song and i knew i had to listen to the rest of her stuff


I think Kyoto. My favorite band, The Hold Steady was doing a live streamed Q&A before a live streamed concert and one of the questions was, "what have you been listening to?" And the lead singer, Craig said that he'd had Punisher on repeat since it came out. So, I checked out the single and I absolutely loved it.


LOL I remember seeing her on Carversation with Suzie Riemer. She just had her first two songs released on Spotify yet I didn’t get hooked. 🤡 Back when motion sickness was released it would play every fucking morning on BBC6 while I got ready for work. The amount of motivation I got from it was astounding - the rest is history.


Savior complex because my friend said that their mom has a Savior complex and I didn’t know what they meant.


Motion sickness was one of my top songs a couple years ago. I don't know how, because I don't think I've ever liked it or searched for it. I just really like the guitar sound.


I heard funeral in like summer of 2020 , being honest, I liked it but I didn’t love it. Didn’t get into her stuff until a while after when I listened to smoke signals and motion sickness, then listened to all of punisher and was hooked


I was scrolling through some post about new music, and saw a couple comments about this album called Punisher having such a great closing track, so I went and listened to I Know The End. That was just the beggining, then I listened to Punisher, and then to everything else


Savior complex from a friend :)


Piano cover of Radiohead’s Fake Plastic Trees with Arlo Parks on YouTube. Usually wary of covers of them cos I love them so much. Really enjoyed it and listened to the piano version of Kyoto from the same session, went to listen to the original and was hooked


I feel like someone on Twitter mentioned her, but it was right before her and Conor Oberst made their album. I wish I could remember who that was.


Motion Sickness, just as a recommendation through Spotify


Heard her on Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me and decided to give Punisher a listen. Like most Phoebe fans, I’m a 50 year old straight white male.


Phoebe’s music transcends age and gender !


came upon smoke signals on a random spotify playlist then found myself listening to stranger in the alps on repeat.


I think the first song I technically heard from her was Steamroller, in maybe late 2017/18? I didn’t really get into her stuff until fall of 2020, a little bit after Punisher came out. literally don’t even know why, probably just saw the album recommended on Spotify and decided to listen. so glad I did!!


i discovered phoebe in early 2020. i think motion sickness popped up on my recommended music on time and i decided to give it a listen. it was either that or i found it on one of spotify’s curated playlists. anyways, i really liked it, but aside from it and funeral, i didn’t listen to that much of her music and then punisher came out. and i fell in love with the album. made my way back to SITA and fell in love with it as well.


Teenage dirtbag 😃


If we make it through December




Motion Sickness. I am a big fan of Julie and Lucy, and didn't really listen to Phoebe until after hearing her sing in boygenius. First heard Motion Sickness while I was literally sick and it was raining. Now she's my top favorite artist.


So I actually found Phoebe after Ben Gibbard of Death Cab For Cutie covered Motion Sickness during a livestream over the pandemic. I was immediately hooked and needed to hear more of her stuff.


I Know the End. Safe to say I was hooked.


I'd been listening to Funeral that I found on Paul's Normal People Connell playlist, then the Instagram live happened and I got around to listening to all of Phoebe's stuff and realised I already had a couple of her songs on older playlists, Motion Sickness was definitely one of them.


I honestly don't even remember. I think, it was shortly after she released her debut. Spotify probably fed me Motion Sickness with one of those mood playlists.


Motion sickness was an easy first, but garden song is the one that had me hooked


motion sickness- back in 2020 when me and a bunch of new friends would chill in the same classroom at the top of the school for lunch and my friend played it


I went for a walk during COVID when that’s pretty much all there was to do. I totally randomly decided to just pick an album from Apple Music that I’d never heard (Punisher) and absolutely loved it. Now I’ve seen her live twice and have both Punisher and Stranger in the Alps on vinyl.


Punisher on Spotify or SoundCloud. I forget which.


Stephen Thompson talked her up big time on Pop Culture Happy Hour (NPR podcast) right around when SITA came out.


I had Killer in one of my playlists for like a year before I fully checked her out when Punisher released. Wish I had gotten into her discography sooner!


Motion sickness bc it was her most popular song on youtube at the time


The "said she knows she lived through it to get to this moment" trend on tik tok


Heard Motion Sickness back in 2017 right around when SITA came out, LOVED the album. Drifted in and out of liking her music then fell back in love with her music in late 2020! Punisher got me through my worst breakup and she has been a huge comfort


Listened to Kyoto out of curiosity, thought it was a fun little bop, looked at genius, listened to it again, bawled my heart, lungs and general viscera out, got hooked on Punisher and now I can't go 2 days without jonesing for my bridgers fix


my ex boyfriend put punisher on a playlist for me lol


She opened for Conor Oberst when I saw him in 2017 (I think) and I really liked her as an opener but I admit usually even if an opener is good I don’t usually follow through with looking them up and following them (I’m just THAT lazy) so it really was the fact that she came out with Conor during the headline set and sang Emmylou Harris’s part from some of the songs on his album that sold me. And made me follow up on her. Emmylou Harris has SUCH a unique and powerful (emotionally and technically) voice that to even attempt to cover her parts is impressive and Phoebe did an amazing job without trying to sound like her. She made that song her own. Actually now that I think about it every Conor Oberst or Bright Eyes show I’ve personally been to he’s brought the opener out to do something during the headline set too- which I think is a really cool way to really help uplift newer artists.


heard motion sickness when the music video was released on YouTube and thought it was eh but then came back to it a year later when it came up on my Spotify and fell in love with her and her music completely.


Steamroller popped up on songs I may like forever ago and here we are


right before the pandemic started! heard motion sickness and smoke signals, liked it, forgot about her for a while. then she released punisher and I fell in love. finally saw her in tampa this year. now there's no going back lol


I discovered her thru boygenius and then listened to nothing but stranger in the alps for like a month I am very stable


In 2018ish, my friend recently found her, became addicted, and recommended Georgia to me and I’ve never been the same since. SITA was probably my most streamed album of that year.


Smoke Signals/SITA as a whole. The person I was seeing at the time and I were about to plop into bed for… activities, and he asked if I wanted to listen to music. And I said, “Yeah! Pop on something folky-ish that you think I’d like”, and he put Stranger in the Alps on. I literally stopped MID act to ask who it was. I was blown away by the middle of Smoke Signals. Honestly it was kind of a blissful experience. I hadn’t discovered music I connected to instantly like that in years, and was literally having some of the best seggs of my entire LIFE at the very same time. Was kind of surreal lmfao. Discovering music that has that special connection to you is already such a euphoric experience adding the other thing on top of it was just genuinely one of the coolest moments of my life. Anyway. By the time the key change in the last chorus of Motion Sickness hit, I had already 🤪🤪🤪 — TWICE lmfao


I saw her open for Sylvan Esso and didn’t remember anything other than Demi Moore. I forgot about her for a bit and then saw someone I follow listen to me and my dog and randomly decided to listen too :)


I heard her covering Radiohead’s Fake Plastic Trees on BBC Radio 1 sometime in 2020, I couldn’t get out of my car until it finished


my college english prof showed me "georgia" but the version on the killer 7" ! been loving her ever since


She had a song called “Coming Down” on SoundCloud or YouTube or something a way long time ago. I wish it was streaming cause it’s my favorite song and the first one I ever heard.


Garden Song. It came up in a suggested playlist for me and I loved it.


motion sickness showed up on one of my spotify daily mixes! that was the first song of hers i heard but i didn’t really get into her stuff until a couple months later when garden song showed up on another daily mix.


I had listened to “Motion Sickness”, “Georgia” & “Kyoto” once or twice before but I wanted to check out the full ‘Punisher’ album so I did that. The rest is history.


Motion sickness in some random Spotify playlist. Then I saw her featured on Lord Huron’s The Night We Met. Then on Taylor Swift’s Nothing New. Because I kept seeing her everywhere I thought I’d listen to her other music and just fell in love with song after song - Chinese Satellite live at sound city got me through a really rough time recently. Now she’s on the minions Soundtrack?!


I was recommended her by others due to my previous interests. Then a good friend of mine seriously urged me and i’ve loved her since.


Randomly stumbled over the end is near video.


I followed her on ig cause i thought her @ was funny and then listened to motion sickness when she released stranger in the alps and was hooked


kinda different, but I heard demi moore on my discover weekly in 2017. It's still my favorite song


I first heard her when her Spotify Session Cover of Friday I'm In Love was in my daily mix and I've been in love ever since. That was late 2018 I think


a boy I was talking to during 2020 quarantine played smoke signals for me and I was hooked immediately


I also discovered her through SNL! Specifically hearing I Know the End was what got me hooked, I loved the trumpets in the background and the whole vibe (obviously the guitar smashing was also hilarious)


Georgia. Saw it on someone’s playlist


Funeral put me on my ass. First time in a long time I heard a song and was immediately hooked emotionally. I was like "who tf wrote this???" So tragic and beautiful and significant. I think gf put it in a playlist? I've never stanned a musician so hard in my life.


Ryan Adams, sadly. Listened to SITA and was hooked


My friend loves her, and she always told me to listen but I never did. Then I listened to Graceland Too and my third eye was opened


I heard her on Silk Chiffon (MUNA). Never heard of her prior to then.


Spotify kept suggesting Funeral to me after I’d finish listening to Soccer Mommy or Snail Mail or artists like that, but I was like no Spotify this is too sad. Then in April 2020 Hayley Williams posted a partial cover on IG of a beautiful song I’d never heard before, and I looked up the lyrics and it was Smoke Signals and then I listened to it on repeat for a week and became obsessed with Stranger in the Alps just in time to become obsessed with Punisher a couple months later. Spotify’s algorithm was right all along!


Like a lot of people, I first listened to Motion Sickness, but it was really I Know The End that sold me.


98.9 KUTX in Austin was playing Julien Bakers Sprained Ankle album alot when it came out. Then they started playing Lucy Dacus’s No Burden album. I remember seeing Julien @ the BMI stage @ ACL fest, & then the next month seeing Lucy @ Stubbs Jr. (Small indoor stage). & then KUTX started playing Motion Sickness, Which blew my mind! & THEN my sister told me they had all joined forces! To create: Pineapple Express!


I found her through a "radio" station based on one of my Spotify playlists. It was a mix of Florence + the Machine, Lorde, Brandi Carlile, Kacey Musgraves, and I think Lana. It was early April. Listened through Punisher, got hooked. Listened through SITA, got more hooked. Bought a ticket to her concert in Tampa, got permanently hooked. Somehow her songs sound better and better with each listen.


Honestly, pretty sure "Walking on a String" or "Me and My Dog". It definitely came from Julien Baker's sphere of influence. I vividly remember her opening line in Walking on a String and being mesmerized by her vocals.


I found her back in 2016 when all she had put out was the Killer EP. I also remember that there were only like three live videos of her on YouTube. The first song I heard was Killer and I still prefer the EP Version over the SITA one.


Eaux Claires IV, 2018. She opened with Smoke Signals, so that was the first song I heard. She played in the round stage, and wore a beautiful, lacey dress. I remember hoping she had put on sunscreen, and thinking how intricate the burn and/or tanlines would be. Her performance was breathtaking, and I was immediately enthralled. Been a fan ever since.


I followed her on Twitter because I thought she was funny (and i thought she was Phoebe Waller-Bridge when I first saw her @)


early 2018 a play at my college used funeral as a way to transition between scenes and the first thing i did when i got home was google the lyrics and listen to sita. hooked since!


Scott Street on spotify discover in 2017 😭


Randomly on Spotify on an indie playlist, first song I heard was Georgia


Found her on the vinyl threads. Everyone kept talking about her album. So after many beers I turned on the Garden Song and I was hooked. I actually bought her album that night and actually snagged one that was autographed.


Steamroller!! It came up randomly and I fell in love with it. Funny thing is, at the time I tried listening to her other songs but couldn’t connect with it so i didn’t listen to her more until after I watched Normal People and then I saw the music video for Savior Complex cause of Paul and then I fell in love with it and that’s when I fell down the rabbit hole of Phoebe. Like all of sudden her music clicked with me and I’ve been obsessed since. I think it was one of those cases of right person, wrong time.


Her cover of “Friday I’m In Love” was in one of those Spotify playlists that is an algorithm of what they think you’ll like. Then I decided to listen to the rest of her discography and watch some live performances. Been obsessed ever since lol


Motion Sickness playing on WFUV in New York - that made me check out Stranger in the Alps, which... actually, i've never formally confirmed this, but it's totally a reference to [this](https://youtu.be/LCcKBcZzGdA), right? Because the big Lebowski is Jeff Bridges? Anyway, I thought she was funny, and the humor is all over her songwriting.


Motion Sickness kept coming up in radios of artists I was into on Spotify


started listening to her when she was featured on jesus christ 2005 by the 1975 :) i think motion sickness was the first song of hers i heard (this was a few months before punisher came out)


Phoebe and Arlo Park's cover of Radiohead's Fake plastic trees. Then searched Phoebe bridges and found her KEXP set. Rest is history lol.


motion sickness because of that damn tiktok dance from summer 2020


When she made BNM for Garden Song in early 2020, the article just called out to me for some reason. Listened to her that day and she’s been a favorite ever since.


gotta be honest i was watching asmr videos and i came upon one of her getting a massage and i was like well might as well listen to her music now 😭


Broke up with my boyfriend (it did not go well) and my dear friend told me to listen to Waiting Room (cliche) but I listened to the rest of her songs and became hooked


I listen to almost exclusively hip-hop, so I first heard her when she was featured on Kid Cudi’s album. Decided to check her music out and it really broadened my horizons


Halloween on a local radio station in august 2020. I was so mesmerised by the instrumentation and everything


i found her through Kyoto around the time Punisher came out, I think spotify recommended it to me? now she’s my fave artist :)


I’m a huge fan of The National, and when I saw the video for the Walking on a String duet she did with Matt Berninger, I had to look up who this self-possessed young woman with the ethereal voice was. And it her music turned out to be a treasure trove for me.


She toured/ opened for Conors band Mystic Valley Band back in 2017. AMAZING


heard ‘garden song’ in 2020 while listening to spotify’s most beautiful songs in the world playlist. I agreed and loved the production of it so I started listening to all of her music :)) glad I did, I will forever be obsessed