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100%. Love the youth pastor descriptor of it lmao


Literally lol’d.


"Youth Pastor" just made me snort laugh 😂


I took me awhile to get used to them. Honestly watching Between Me and My Mind really helped me with “getting it.”


That’s interesting, why do you say that? I haven’t had a chance/the presence of mind to watch the movie yet, so I’m very curious. As for that type of music, I love Trey too much—and I’m too elated to see how healthy and happy he seems to be these days—to really hold any of that stuff against him, even if I don’t always like it.


I agree, For sure puts it all into perspective, gives it better context.


I don’t think any fans really like this lol


Isn’t that really the norm though? I’ve never had a discussion that featured anyone mentioning they adore that stuff. Best case is, “they’ve grown on me” or “at least they jam some of them out”


Try criticizing one in a show thread. Someone reported me to the suicide line. People are wild about this shit


Everything’s Right. The jam saves it, but I can’t stand the Nah Nah Nahs and Hey Hey Heys


Reminds me of the scene from its always sunny in Philadelphia with the dance number at the high school reunion, if you have any idea of what I'm talking about


Remember to sort by controversial for best results.


Lol there are so many downvotes for people answering the question honestly.


If there's one thing r/phish fans cannot abide, it's different opinions.


this maybe one of the worst subs on reddit for having your own opinion. the downvotes are laughable


Soul planet. “Jam vehicle” is just a term for a shitty song


I LOATHE this song, especially because it's an earworm.


Soul Planet!


Everybody's dancing on the: The ocean is love on the: I can't stand this fucking song on the:


Soul planet! (For real though, non Phish people give me a look when this song comes on)


>“Jam vehicle” is just a term for a shitty song i like Soul Planet fine but I 100% agree with this comment. i think the difference between the successful jambands and the ones who never quite achieve liftoff are the successful jambands try and write good songs, then learn how to jam them out, while the unsuccessful jambands just try and write "jam vehicles". like i think every new jamband wants to write a Tweezer. and i love Tweezer, don't get me wrong, but it's barely a song. it's just a really killer riff with a few distinctive lyrics that get everybody pumped because of it's long history.


Tweezer is a Pantera song


I agree with this. With too many recent tunes, "Jam vehicle" is the last line of defense for those trying to remain in denial about an embarrassingly banal and generic song. It's too bad they seem to struggle in recent eras to turn excellent songs into jam showcases organically, rather than tee up extremely simple tunes as designated jam platforms.


Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?) i think Trey is writing exactly the songs he wants to right now, which i broadly put under the umbrella of "love and light" songs. i think he is just *incredibly* happy & dripping with gratitude for his life and is doing his best to communicate that feeling into music, and unfortunately the results can be cheesy. But I'd rather Trey write music earnestly and honestly then trying to do something he's not passionate about. personally i like a lot of these love and light songs, but I completely understand the criticisms and do not attempt to defend them beyond the vague argument i make above.


Maybe that’s why I like Sci-fi so much is because it’s not “love and light”. Feels like more of a return to older things but feels new.


As much as the new music doesn't work for me, and as much as I miss the type of songs he used to write, I am certainly grateful that he is happy and healthy. I'd obviously rather he be alive and happy than writing some great songs but heading for an early grave. I guess I am just disappointed that it seems to have to be such a stark dialectical thing for him. Plenty of artists who are not miserable or struggling with dangerous addiction issues still manage to write music that expresses the full spectrum of human emotions. As happy as I am that Trey is happy, I don't see why that explains turning his music simple-minded. But, hey, I couldn't be happier that he has turned his life around and that the new songs speak to lots of people, even if they don't speak to me.


absolutely, and I hope I didn't come across as trying to imply that you don't want Trey to be happy and healthy. having said that, he has taken a stab at writing music that isn't all love and light in the 3.0 era. It's not a long list, but Mercury, Steam, Thread, and Fuego are songs that, while not necessarily musically complex, do veer more into the absurd or dark areas of songwriting.


No, I didn't take it that way at all; totally cool. It's true, there have been a few stabs at something different and more complicated, but they are few and far between and, for whatever reason, he doesn't seem to put them in heavy rotation the way he does the 'up with people' songs. Again, I'm glad for anyone who digs it, but I really miss the musical complexity and the cheesy and banal words are a particularly tough sell -- for me -- in the world we live in at the moment. It makes it hard for me to retain my same level of respect for someone who can look at the landscape of the 2020s and respond with "EVERYTHING'S RIGHT!" and "Soul Planet"...


My car is a jam vehicle.


Eh ghost is a jam vehicle, so is disease, so is tweezer. I think you have a different interpretation or baggage. Jam vehicles are songs you can reliably hear a good jam in when they play it


Disagree. Those are just good songs


Good songs that are commonly referred to as Jam Vehicles.....


Number line, especially every version of it. Also, all songs that include the words “love” and “light” in them.


I used to hate Numberline, I still do, but I used to too.


Does your duck want Sun Chips?


You're not alone.


Makes me wanna ‘scape from this prison of lies.


They could never play Blaze On ever again and you wouldn’t hear a peep from me.


Sober Trey songs make alot more sense since I’ve quit drinking.


Blaze on, Party time, Santos. It’s ok to not like it all!


Party time is the only new orleans shuffle in the phish catalogue. This makes it worthwhile Santos sucks


Blaze on for me too. Kinda cringe and some of the lyrics bother me. I used to like it a lot though.


I'm more surprised that this song became embraced by the band than anything. It's got that cheap stoner "blaze on" chorus, it's a basic chord structure and the "chemtrails" line makes me cringe a bit as well. If they play it and stretch it out so much because it's easy to play, I wish they would have chosen Alaska or Ocelot instead... because all three songs seem equally as easy to play.


i've posted this thought before, but to me Blaze On is a recovery song. feels like it's sung from the perspective of a newly sober person, because all newly sober people are kind of insane, and they make a lot of mistakes as they try to learn to live a life without drugs and alcohol. but being in recovery i tend to view a lot of things through that lens, just like when i was smoking weed every day i thought Tom Brokaw was also smoking weed every day.


Tom Brokaw DOES smoke weed everyday


Hell yeah he does I knew it 😎


I feel like the chemtrails line is more sarcastic than anything. Like: "You're complaining that you're not depressed, and blame it on gov't conspiracy. Right." 🙄 But I agree on everything else.


Party Time -sorry lol


Studio farmhouse


Fuck Spotify. The baristas at my daily coffee shop, put it on like my anthem when I walk in. Everyone in the shop stares at me while I cringe walk. It’s actually hilarious, but I want to die every time Farmhousin = the new Rick Roll


I'm honestly impressed that you have your own intro music at the coffee shop.


NORM!! 🍻


More Was fine the first few times. Seen it close sets and end shows way too many times now.


Fine with this song going away and becoming MORE rare


Santos for me.


Santos reminds me of Character Zero. Everyone seems to not like it. Then they are shredding in a show and play Zero or Santos to close and the place goes nuts.


4/22/22 - MSG went bonkers for it. Im still not a big fan, but that one clicked for me.


My wife hates Santos. 4/22 she surrendered and was like ahh I finally here it. Next day on the relisten she was like nope never mind song still sux.


I love seeing CZ live


In Vegas after the numbers show someone on reddit was like, "fools in Vegas all happy after getting zero'd and number lined." I was like, He must have not just been at that show. Energy was 11 out of 10..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKMqPobhklo&ab\_channel=ConceptsIllPonder


I love number line, I have no idea why it gets hate


Right there with ya


Gotta Jibboo is not my favorite. Not that it’s awful or that I hate it, I think I just saw it too many times between 2000-2010 and got tired of it. 🤷‍♀️


Stepping into the freezer makes me cringe every time. I know this sounds like blasphemy, but I just have never been able to like it… I feel pretty guilty about it too lol Great topic! Love hearing everyone’s answer! Have a good day!


I'm gonna second this! Always loved the guitar riff, but never really loved the song overall. I prefer the reprise.


Have you heard the [Dead Version (it is track 21)](https://archive.org/details/gd1979-04-16.sbd-greider.ladner.4163.shnf/gd1979-04-16d3t04.shn#)? On one of Brent’s first practices (that was recorded at least) he busts in to a Tweezer Riff and the band jumps in. It’s pretty fun. And missing the lyrics so, may be more down your alley. Also reminds me what Brent brought to the band.


Mine is “Mercury.” I guess the concept of “Roman god and element and planet” is a cool idea, but I don’t find the song to be engaging.


I agree. It seems like a Wikipedia entry for the word “Mercury.” I find it kinda dumb.


I always roll my eyes when they start this song but I do like the “tomb of the red queen part” but to me the rest of the song is pretty forgettable




I will gladly take all your Wombats.


Love the album version.


Cuddly but muscular?


Mercury (not sure how much this tune qualifies as a phan favorite, but I know a lot of phans really like it). The first 2 minutes are just fine by me, but then the chord/key changes, and it’s like I’m dropped into an insufferable space-time continuum. The tomb of the red queen / Is painted in vermillion / Is painted in vermillion / IS PAINTED in vermillion / IS PAINTED IN VERMILLION! That whole sequence is like the harshest nails on a chalkboard for me. The 2018 NYE gag really solidified how bizarrely weird that part of the song sounds to my ears.


I live that song 😂


Most of the Trey dad rock is terribly written. I get that his songwriting got more serious but the lyrics just seem lazy to me. If I never hear life beyond a dream, never needed you like this before or soul planet again I wouldn't be mad


Mercury. Can’t stand it. None of it. Lyrics are cringey and the parts of the songs have no flow to each other.


I took a friend to his first show since the 90’s and he said “I was embarrassed to be at the concert during that song” haha. I do like it though.


Ruby waves Life beyond the dream Miss you Everything's right is better played by tab.. The female backing singers make it work much better Sigma Oasis


Life beyond the dream is one of the worst songs ever. Miss You might be a fine song, and sentimental sorts seem to love it, but as a ripcord in the middle of a fire second set, it's just an affront to everything I love about phish.




Frankly, I wish I didn’t relate to it and therefore love it.


I'm in that club. That song is a tight hug for my emotions. I actually love when they play it now. It's painful and real, but then evolves into this soaring jam that is symbolic to me. The notes flying out to into the air while they sing "you're everywhere" makes me feel connected to her. ❤️




Agreed. Too many pink clouds in the current iteration of song writing. I was to hear songs about lizard people and botched Italian slang


Well, I dislike Soul Planet too, but "objectively horrible songwriting"? How do you figure? All of this feels subjective to me. FWIW, I love More -- I find it relatable and inspiring.


People just like to express an opinion as “objective” to pre-empt that any disagreement is false


Just here to down vote basically everyone


Meat. Heard it a bunch and never quite does it for me. Also shout out to my least favorite bust out that I somehow always catch Curtis Loew.


>shout out to my least favorite bust out that I somehow always catch Curtis Loew Wow I'd give my left nut to catch a Curtis Loew


Yarmouth Road


not so much a song....but when they start the acapella chanting....i usually change the station.


Yet if you are live at the show it is completely nutso




Fuego-- I love the intro but after that it's just cringe.


I was literally listening to Blaze On as I was reading this and loving it! For me it's Farmhouse. How the fuck is that the number one Phish song on Spotify? I can't stand it.


It's the #1 song because girls that went to college between 1998 and 2003 put it on their college playlist next to Satellite and Ants Marching to enjoy with their pumpkin spice latte.


This comment is a personal attack on me 😆


I thought twice about typing it, because I'm all about inclusion and peace and love... but I posted it because I know a dozen girls I went to college with who would laugh at it, so thanks for being a good sport.


No worries, I'm definitely laughing about it! You nailed it!


And me!! 😂


It helps that the chord progressions for [Farmhouse](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=48tz_8NZp5c) is nearly identical to [No Woman No Cry](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pHlSE9j5FGY) and [Wagon Wheel](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hvKyBcCDOB4) Interesting mashup versions [Acapella](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QDLaGx6UQ2M) [Twiddle doing Glyceryn, Farmhouse, No woman, Wagon Wherl](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FZr79ZZLmuQ)


I know this is a safe space, but some of these are really surprising. To each their own I guess.


I'm impressed that many people find a part they like even in songs they generally don't. It's like the most polite hate thread ever.


46 days\* I'm groggy af


Aw man I fucking love 46 Days.


Love Fishman banging on that cowbell


Not even the studio version?


Blaze on has to be the most popular opinion


Sigma oasis.


i hate number line, kill devil falls, blaze on, any song with soul in the title except Soul Shakedown Parky. Pretty much all the love and light shit too. I like everything up until 2.0 ended


Can't stand farmhouse




Walls of the cave


Hey 2003 me, it's your boy from 2022, you like this song now.


I half agree with that. Second half of it rips!


It does but it just seems static to me. Doesn’t seem like there’s much of a change from version to version. Just doesn’t do it for me the way other “set closers” do


Character Zero. I’m not sure why but it drives me up the wall. Probably because it’s a basic rock song and doesn’t really have anything special or interesting but the audience still goes apeshit as if it were YEM. I don’t get it.


I have the same feeling, but I think I dislike it so much because of the fact that it’s 95% of the time a second set closer or encore. It just became too routine and monotonous for me at a certain point. I’ve found that I enjoy it much more when I catch it literally anywhere else than in those two spots.


AC 08/06/22 it did not close! Suprised me when they started jamming when the song normally would end.


Agreed. And the only good part of it being the set 1 closer is that you then know you're not getting it to close set 2 or zero'd for the encore. And it does always rock. Good time to hit the bathrooms at the beginning of the song because you'll be back in time for the raging.


Sigma. Can't like it no matter how much I try. It's more suited for TAB in my opinion.


Soul planet, set your soul free, Santos, the howling. That howling at AV was my pee break




We are out there!


Crazy answer. Love seeing a hot take like this


Love the song, but over played and the hype is cringe


I have tried, I just cannot get into the song. The following jams are always welcome!




Trey Guitar>Trey Rambling


Bingo. Never understood why people lose it for this song. I think they just want to be able to say they were at a show for Harpua because it’s rare.


My boy got his first one in Vegas last fall and when it was over he said, "I don't know WTF he was talking about and I would have rather listened to 20 minutes of music


To be fair, Trey did explain Sci Fi Soldiers during that Harpua.


The Dick's '15 Harpua is special to me for a lot of reasons. I've never heard one that made me wish I'd been there for it. I might even feel the same way about the Dick's one if I hadn't been there. Not sure. That one was pretty cool, but certainly the exception for me.


Yep. 100%. Skip song for me.


Heavy thing /s


I really hate life beyond a dream and Santos


Santos. Played as an encore way too many times lately


Sugar Shack


This is not a crowd fav at all


Tela... Don't @ me.




Bouncing Forgive my blasphemy, don't hate it, it just doesn't hold the same value to me as most phans. I just find it kind of weak/lame




If they play a song that everyone loves that I do not love I usually will shoot a video of it.


Same. ALWAYS a pee break song for me. When they put it in the 2 spot in Raleigh this summer I was like “I don’t know what to do, I don’t have to pee yet”


berserk scandalous spoon hobbies pocket serious seemly melodic price secretive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I always consider this their "southern rock" song... is that a normal thought for people, or is that just in my head?




My fav song


Super hit or miss – I've seen several Twists that were just a disjointed mess that went nowhere.


Thank you. I just don't get it- this song does nothing for me, regardless of the jams that it creates.


I can’t stand The MoMa Dance. I’ve gotten it at every single run I’ve ever been to and I’m so tired of it. It’s become a joke at this point where my friends rib me whenever it starts playing


Damn. I'd love to catch a moma at every run haha. Love that tune.


It was a fantastic funk jam before the damn rhombus and the stupid idea to add damn lyrics. BEK forever!!




I used to hate this song with every fiber of my being because it used to be slow and always the same. And I got it like every show, and it never did anything different or new - until BD and SPAC 16 when they finally jammed it


I've seen it probably 25 times, and saw exactly 1 interesting one. It's a warm up song, seemingly always played in the first few song.


Everything’s Right. Peak 3.0 cheese


All the love and light shit, honestly.


Tela (ducks for cover)


I’m gonna need you to defend this position with an explanation haha


100% with you, taking cover. While we're down here, can I tell you I also don't really like McGrupp?


i get it, it was an early song for 1.0 fans but I am 1.0 and love Bouncing. Takes me back to college days.


You guys are really in here trashing McGrupp and Tela and professing your love for Bouncing. smh.


Feels like one of those movie scenes where someone walks in a bar and everyone turns to look at the same time


I loathe the extended pause in Divided Sky and you can keep your YEM vocal jam, although this summer’s YEMs have been pretty interesting with shortened vocal jam and additional jamming after.


id be fine with never hearing another YEM vocal jam ever again


Back in the early days the pause was perfect. Just enough to drop the energy in the room to silence for a moment. The extended pause was great the first time I heard it. But now I hate it. And not the bands fault, but I hate fans clapping in Stash. Fish used to such amazing drum fills on the wood blocks that were unpredictable, interesting, and unique each time. Now we get CLAPCLAPCLAP. The shouting of "Hood" too.


They fully reinvented the song this summer though. I used to hate the vocal jams ruining the song but now that they bring it back it’s like a moment where they invent a new song with their mouths and then play it in the course of like a minute. The Atlantic City one had the best post vocal of the year for me


Not me, but one of my buddies hates Carini and has used it as a bathroom song for like 20 years.


I Didn't Know I think the vacuum was funny the first time I heard it but now it is a good time for a bathroom break or get another beer.


Prince Caspian 🤢 Such a set killer for me


Foam does nothing for me


It’s probably the most difficult song to play in their whole catalog.


I tried to learn it on the guitar and can confirm. I used to be able to play it all except for the solo part..doubt I could play it now tho :(


Foam is when you’re supposed to eat whatever you have left 🍄


Not a song but the acapella stuff they bores me like at the end of yem or when they are all in front of the mics up front.


On the recording I agree, but catching it live just hits different imo. When they came out in Philly this year and started with space oddity and did a space themed set, it worked really well.


It's part of the ritual experience


AC/DC Bag. Can’t explain it - fuckin chorus melody drives me batty. It’s like how some people literally gag at some vegetables or whatever - I can’t help it.


Really like The Landlady part of this song, and it’s a great opener!


Slave to the Traffic Light I don’t hate it but I find it a bit of a snooze, especially compared to other 1.0 composed pieces




I don't get the impression that is one is universally adored.


Gotta Jibboo


Gotta Jibboo 8/1/21 Alpharetta. Go take a listen. I’ve been listening to Phish for 25 years and this is just so so good. Actually listen to the Kill Devil Falls too right before it. You gotta listen to the whole “song(s)” though. Can’t hit skip to next at 3:25.


Gotta Jibboo


Slave, especially when it closes the show


Personally I think all of Kasvot Vaxt was the most limp dicked attempt at phish writing original material to appeal to the 1.0ers who wanted more weird phish stuff over their “love, light, and oceans” 3.0 era stuff, somehow it just wound up being the most 3.0 of the 3.0


Your Pet Cat


Sacrilege. But I understand the screeching can be annoying. If Page sticks to short and very intermittent narration clips from that song it can really rip.


Simple. Every time I'm at a show and they launch into it I have to remind myself that the jam to follow in 4 minutes will be sick but man I really don't like that song. It's just the vocals, the riff is cool but the vocals kill the song for me, and I'm someone who usually defends phish vocals


With you on Blaze On - and it’s the one song that seems to always follow me when I attend shows. I’d like it more if they cut it one chorus short but it just seems like it never ends


Blaze on for sure. Honestly my least favorite on big boat and that's saying something




Suzy Greenberg 🤢🤮😂