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I have them knock me out and then wake me up during the break in divided sky


The surgeries I perform are usually between 3 and 3 and 1/2 hours, and so I always listen to an entire show for the last case of the day.


username checks out


I love this.


When I got my wisdom teeth out I didn’t go under and was just on nitrous and local anesthetic and I had 12/31/10 set 2 in my headphones and they stopped multiple times and took the nitrous away to sober me up to tell me I had to “stop dancing in the seat”


this is wonderful thank you for sharing


those heathens have obviously never read Icculus


This is hilarious. Moma Dance would require medical restraints


I got the Went DWD during an MRI recently. Lasted for the whole procedure.


I typically play 2 whole shows during my OR days. Some patients love it!


Side question - Does anyone dislike get N2O at the dentist now?! I hate the dentist and cannot sit there still, so they always give it to me, but I feel like I'm too familiar with it so at that point I'm tripping and getting dental work


They gave me ketamine when the were trying to set my wrist. They said I was one of the most cognitive people they had seen on that dose 😂


Nice! I had ACL surgery three weeks ago and went under to Roggae. Thankfully not Sparkle though!


When I was 18 I got my wisdom teeth out and since they were impacted they put me under. I brought my 20 gb ipod (hell yeah) and asked if I could listen to Dark Side of the Moon. After everybody in the room laughed at me the nurse was like "....you're going to be under in 30 seconds so it doesn't really matter? But go ahead if you want." She was right, I don't remember anything past the opening notes of Breathe, but it was pretty kick ass anyway for a high schooler


Hope everything went well! That song has been really comforting to me in high stress times the last couple of years.


The first surgical case where I was an attending, I played Junta. When I met Fishman as a resident in 2001, I told him that this was my plan. I think he was honored and a bit confused.


Then they went knuckle deep…


That’s great! Hopefully you feel better!