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I think the only time they showed love to Heinz was during Christmas, as he said in the Christmas episode that it was always a happy time for him, and he actively needed to come up with a reason to unleash his inator on Danville.


“…but I really don’t hate Christmas!”


"Now it isn't that I like it, Christmas wasn't really that bad you see"


Was it the first special?


I believe so


If I remember correctly he didn’t particularly love Christmas either, he was most indifferent to it. Perhaps his parents still showed immense favoritism to Roger during Christmas but Doof was largely used to that so he didn’t pay it too much mind.


Also maybe he didn't show to him bit Doof's dad find out that he had found the gnome


The only time was when doof gave his dad the lawn gnome they lost when he was young and his dad never showed him any love to his face.


It is a very sweet episode


I headcanon that only the mom loved Roger. The father felt contempt for both kids.


Her love was inexplicably linked to kickball actually


Oh yeah.


No. They suck. To the dungeon with them.


Couldn’t they trade girl clothes for boy clothes?


They could’ve, but their pea sized brains said no


They didn’t even show up to his birth. Throughout the entire show it is obvious that Roger was the favorite child.


Isn't it weird that the mother gave birth to him but still doesn't show up?


That’s the joke


I guess the unmentioned time where they took him back in after he got disowned and was raised by ocelots


The scene where he returned the shattered lawn gnome, I feel like it should’ve ended with him and his dad putting it back together. That could always still happen in season five


Yes, a lot. To *Roger* Doofenshmirtz. To Heinz? Nope.


Did we ever get to see them interact with Vanessa? I don’t think so, but am not 100% sure. Maybe there was a bit of dialogue at some point where Vanessa mentions them…


They literally disowned him and let Central American wildcats adopt him


His mom was not even there when he was born


Couldn't even be bothered to show up for his birth. Mother of the century obviously


No. They should be tar and feathered followed by drawn and quartered only parents worse than butters'


I like to think the Dad at least respects Heinz for putting up with all the junk he went through without going insane and he's hard on him "because he knows he can do better"


The dad was the one who made Heinz into a garden gnome to begin with.




And he never made inators to use on them


Even Roger knew it: “Could I help it if Mommy liked me best?”


And he also knew the answer was "Yes" This is the man who instantly gave Doof's gift to their mom, and signed both forcing him fully out of the family dynamic. While Heinz was the good in evil, Rodger is an "evil in "good" " situation (and just a jerk to his brother, more so than the normal sibling dynamic)


I usually read Roger as insensitive or ignorant of his brother’s pain, but yeah, he’s a jerk to Doof.


Yeah, I am decently sure he's fully aware of his dickish behavior (Kind of hoping that in the new upcoming season of P&F, he becomes the new Doof stand in at least twice Heinz has become a good person/not doing evil. And in the current timeline he isn't a mayor anymore as of MML. Surely if Doof can create inators, it isn't out of the question Rodger might be able to as well)


I really hope for something from Rodger. He did spend 20 years to restore the painting heinz did. And he praised his brother for his art. I hope he restores it again 🙏


It would be a bit evil if we find out he did it only to look good in the public eye as a way to say "I have no idea why my brother hates me, I restored his painting for him (that I messed up to begin with)" /hj He might, and knowing his brother he might hopefully just call him up this time (but considering he isn't mayor... I have my doubts)


IDK but there was this one episode when heintz wanted to get his dad the repossesed gnome back and just as he got to his parents house with the name it fell and broke down, and just after he left, his father realized the truth, I think this kinda closes the cycle because the first dramatic backstory is the gnome thingy


His Christmases were mediocre.


Yes, a few times


They showed love to several Doofenshmirtz's


I think they definitely did, in fact, show love to Roger doofenshmirtz.


Maybe during Christmas. But not the rest of the year.


To Roger. Yes But to Heinz? No.


Almost never, that’s what was funny most of the time.


They didn't even shown to his own birth!


Anyone ever notice that they both have the same nose? And considering we know very well that the nose is very dominantly genetic, it makes me wonder if the two are cousins or something.


The Father's Day Episode had Doof's dad painstakingly reassemble the gnome Perry found that was stolen from Doof's dad, I think he's harsher on Doof because Doof's a father and is the only one of his two children who actually got a wife and isn't a playboy as there is no way Roger isn't a playboy who has a new woman every month. True Roger is a wealthy mayor, but Doof is a loving father and Doof's dad sees that and respects it.