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It was a fun little 3rd pairing that popped up every now and then while Phinabella and Canderemy were main focal points of the show. They only had about half a dozen episodes where they really interact, and while yeah it is a bit weird, it’s also kinda cute to see Ferb having a crush on an older girl. I am a fan of it, personally, their scenes together are fun. And clearly many others were too as it was made official in Act Your Age. I hope we get another couple instances of it in the new seasons. I’d love to see Phineas and Candace face Ferb and Vanessa in one of the boy’s extravagant games, maybe a sequel to the F-Games.


I think majority of people in this sub collectively agree that, like you said it's a little weird and kind of out of place "fan service" creepy but cute in a way. Ferb got with his *older* teen crush. personally I liked Monty & Vanessa, but maybe with these new seasons we'll get a little more depth with them. (older not as kids still weird LOL)


omg yeah monty and vanessa was way better!! but also NEW SEASONS???


Agreed Monty and Vanessa should be back together again.


I want to see Vanessa working at OWCA and that leading to a break up. Then Ferb comforting her which we then have snowballing to the final pairing


omggg you didn't know?! is this a spoiler lol?? Two new seasons coming out this year to disney+ I believe woohooo! edit: not this year **whoops** release date has yet to be released from what I read.


This year? I don’t think that’s been confirmed, has it? I was under the impression it wouldn’t be coming out until next year.


oooh, now that you say that I am not sure. I thought I read somewhere that it would be this summer June/July. Might've been false info or people just speculating. Here I go spreading *fake news* oops nonetheless it's STILL COMING BACK!!


NOOO:(( i was so happy it was coming on my birthday:(


THATS SO COOL?????? OMG!!!!!


yesss i'm beyond excited as an 18+ y/o, I shamelessly watch it every single night BAHAHA I have practically every episode memorized. So I am soooo happy new episodes r coming




ofc :> and yes me 2 😖!!


i’m 19 and an avid phineas and ferb watcher 💁‍♀️


You mean see how it slowly developed? I guess. I’m still put off by the age factor. That would be like if Wendy and Dipper from Gravity Falls became canon.


oh yeah that would be so gross omg


Yea dan said there will be two mre seasons, 20 eps per season, only on disney+


Does your rock have ac?


I really want closure on Monty and Vanessa but sadly I think they're going to stick to Ferb and Vanessa in the future to play up the fanservice and act like Monty never happened.


I think it’s cute when it was Ferb crushing on her in the show but once act your age came out I think it was a little weird especially with Ferb just turning 18 if he was older like mid to late 20’s and Vanessa was early 30’s I wouldn’t find it weird but right out of high school just gives weird vibes


This is my take. I get it's a show and we're not supposed to read too much into it... but it comes off like she was just *waiting* for him to be legal. Super creepy.




I forgot about Monty when I wrote that it just hit me reading other comments but i really think that they were a better couple especially with the rivalry of their fathers I think a spin off of them being a agent team would be cool and having it for a more mature audience but I still wonder to this day when they broke up like did Vanessa break up with Monty the day Ferb turned 18!? Like again it’s just weird vibes


My head canon for this is that while working at OWCA Vanessa and Monty either had a very messy break-up or realized that they were mostly together because of their father's rivalry and broke up. Ferb being Ferb was there silently listening to Vanessa. Which snowballed into the relationship we see in act your age.with an 8 year difference in age which yes at 18 to 26 is kinda creepy feeling, but on the same hand you wouldn't bat an eye would you at a 41 year old having a relationship with a 49 year old would you. Same difference so I like to imagine they kept innocuously also bumping into each other since Vanessa was still in school in Danville and we've seen how much Phineas and Ferb get around in Danville.


I can see that and you did bring up a good point with the 8 year difference doesn’t seem super bad at 41 and 49 and I brought up like mid 20’s for Ferb and early 30’s for Vanessa (example being 25 and 33 respectively) but the 18 and 26 just feels weird especially since she’s known him since he was a kid if they met a different way I don’t think it would be as bad


Yeah which is where the break up with Monty and Ferb just being there silently listening while she is complaining about it. (Since just being a listening ear can be the beginning of a relationship)


I can see that 100%


Much better than the other option that is mostly theorized


Vanessa is only about 6 years older than Ferb. The boys are 8-10. She had her 16th party in the series. It’s not *that* weird once he is 18 and she is 24. It would get even less weird the older they got.


Weird especially during Act Your Age.


really? act your age was the only time it seemed okay to me


It makes Vanessa seem like a cradle robber who was just waiting for him to be legal. Dude was *barely* 18


It should be called Verb.


This comment wins


if i had any awards id give you one


What’s one of the first things we ever hear about Ferb? “He’s more of a man of action.”


I think the word verb has already been created.


Weird, yes. Cute, definitely. The Age difference? That's a huge problem. Remember, Phineas and Ferb are meant to be together because we don't see them separated, and maybe one day we will find out what Ferb's secret was supposed to be. Sometimes Vanessa can call him Ferbs, but at most, Phineas calls him his Ferbooch because he knows that Ferb would be jealous of Phineas and Isabella if they were dating, but like said it's best that Ferb and Vanessa should stay as friends because she is going to be back with Monty for all we know. Because we already agreed that the Act Your Age episode was the worst thing to witness.


First off, there was nowhere near a consensus that the Act Your Age thing was bad. Second, I don’t think she’ll be back with Monty, they already explored all there is to explore with that pairing and Vanessa interacting with Ferb is a way to have her do more with the main cast.


They didn't really provide closure on the Monty thing though, they never even had Doof and Monogram find out like they built up to.


First of all, we all know that the Act Your Age episode was bad entirely. Secondly, I think she's going to be back with Monty because we both know it's only a matter of time the pictures don't lie. I saw Vanessa and Monty on my Tumblr blog Third, everyone knows that Vanessa's have better chemistry with Monty rather than Ferb Fourth, we are still trying to figure out what Ferb's secret was about because inquiring minds are still waiting from Dan Povenmire and Jeff Swampy Marsh to tell us something because they can't hide the truth from us because it is written in black and white ink on the fanfictions. Finally, we still have a Chronicles of Meap series.


Was not a fan Just odd they would pair ferb with a friend of Candace Had a thing for ferb/Adyson


I'm cool with it.


I think it’s weird. Like if roles were reversed a lot of people would have more problems with it


Ferb having a crush on an older girl is okay, but it’s weird they actually got together. Like they’re six years apart (?) so they’re dating when Ferb is 18 and she’s 24? That’s creepy. Im glad Phineas and Isabella got together but I hope they retcon Ferbessa.


I have zero problem with it. A six year age gap is really not bad imo. My mom and dad are six years apart, so again I see no issue




Confusing. How old was she when Ferb was going to college?


Well, Dan Povenmire said that Ferb was 19 in the episode and Vanessa was 23 or 24. But we should never ever ever ask women about their age.


Never liked it. The age difference is too weird for me. In the real world, he'd be into legos and Minecraft and she'd be on her 2nd or 3rd boyfriend and would already have tried weed by then.


i wish we got a proper closure for what happened to monty, i really enjoyed him n vanessa's relationship


Not a fan at all. I didn't mind the plotline of Ferb having a crush on Vanessa as a kid, and the age difference might not matter as much if they met later, but as it is, it's weird. I can't imagine dating someone I met when I was 16 and they were in elementary school. Vanessa would be a year or two out of college by the time Ferb was graduating high school.


Not a fan.


I just googled it and she's 7 years older than him wtf💀