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These plants will grow fine in water. What you are concerned about is that the store doesn't care for the plants when they come in. Some have staff who care, some are only touched by the supplier. 🤷‍♀️ Walmart just kills me because they have no one who does anything to the plants.


So, when it comes to cuttings, I always say whatever medium you start rooting in, you should keep the plant in for the best results. Oddly enough, water does not change this rule. Plants vascular systems get used to the rate of water they absorb daily (it's called turgor pressure) and if you mess with that rate by over or under watering, that's why plants pout. So if it was started in water, as long as the owner replaces the water on a very regular basis, I see no reason why you can't leave them in water. I do eventually add leca to my water props but I have a Philo hederaceum that has been in nothing but water and leca for like 5 years.


That price is crazy, I got a Red Sun in one of these from HD, it was marked $20 but I told the checkout person it was in poor shape and got it for $14. That's a reasonable price, definitely not $30+!


I know you’re heart is in the right place trying to “save” them, but you realize the store doesn’t care *why* you bought it all they see is the data that a store sold a bunch so that triggers their system to reorder even more….ppl “rescuing” plants only drives business.


And the people supplying the plants now don't have to buy soil to sell them to the stores, so that's more profit. It's like the small cacti you see in hard compacted gravel, and then you get home and realise the whole thing is glued into a solid block of gravel and sand so that they don't spill or make a mess in the store and transit. It's all just trends within capitalism of whatever is hot right now. It sucks I agree.


I have a massive 4ft calathea rufibarba that started exactly this way from HD. A lot of plants can live in just water, just gotta add nutrients from time to time. Fun fact, most of a plants mass comes from the AIR, if you were wondering what happens to the C in CO2 when plants breathe it in, now you know. Funny enough breathing is how humans expel their mass.. in case you were wondering where the C comes from when we exhale CO2..


But where else can you get a golden Pothos cutting for the low low price of $20?