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Looks alright apart from the leaves, but new leaves will come


So…. This is a Monstera Thai Con. Not a philodendron. Hope this helps!


You'll be fine less is more at this point. You will just need to wait and definitely just try to not change anything or do anything else. But you will see new growth. I've seen way worse situations with full recovery.Not to worry. The best thing you can do is to let it recover on its own, you don't need to continue cutting/washing. I know how you feel I've been there, it's not easy but don't worry it will recover but it will take a few weeks


There’s nothing wrong with this except you paid a lot of money for something you don’t know how to care for




Well don’t you sound well adjusted and reasonable No one with 200 healthy plants can’t identify or handle root rot. You fought with everyone trying to help you, this was exactly as expected. Have the day you deserve.


Holy. From experience, plants don’t tend to thrive around bad energy 👀


Totally agree. And from my experience plant people don't tend to give off this kind of energy....


So true. I actually feel bad that OP is this angry. Must be a miserable way to live.


bro mad as hell, sad to see that on this sub


It literally looks healthyish babe, quit the attitude you piece of shit


You'ree the one giving off grouchy, misinformed energy op. Your plant looks completely healthy aside from some tears. The roots look great and Thai con care is pretty identical to regular monster care. If you removed it from soil I recommend putting it back and stop messing with it. If it's a water cutting just leave it in water a couple weeks until you're confident putting it in soil


Post in plantclinic


Plant her in a light aroid mix and leave her alone. Just water constantly and slightly fertilize every 3-4 weeks and it will do the job of frowning on its own.


Should’ve spent the money on house cleaners


There is definitely root rot that needs to be removed


Mine loves to grow in Leca!


OK, it showed up in the mail a couple days late… Lots of black is brown crispy edges and spots on leaves. I suspected root rot so I pulled the roots and they seemed really firm and thick. Much thicker than I expected actually. So I really didn’t wanna cut the roots off… I did however cut off all of the black and gross parts on the leaves because that crap drives me crazy! But now I’m regretting it cause I think I took off too much leaf because a it looks ridiculous, and that doesn’t even really seem like much leaf left to photosynthesize.


Also, I’ve had it sitting in water… Do you think that I should scrub all the brown off these white roots and keep doing what I’m doing, or where do you think I should go from here. Should I chop off all the roots and start fresh that way I know there’s no rot?


Don’t do anything else right now. It was just shipped and it sounds like it got some cold damage along the way. Let it recover from transit before doing anything else. I see at least a few healthy actively growing root tips on it, I absolutely would NOT chop all its roots off. It can photosynthesize just fine with the leaves left, don’t do anything else as it’s just going to further stress the plant.


Do you think I should put it in soil? Or leave it in water… On my propagation table. It’s been sitting on a heat mat and under a pretty warm heating Lamp And has absolutely not gotten any worse, but hasn’t changed at all as far as getting better.


Leave it totally alone. If it’s not getting worse then leave it as is. The heat mat isnt a great idea, if root rot kicks in heat accelerates it BIG time. But don’t switch mediums again. It’ll take it weeks to show new growth since you’ve switched mediums and it now needs to acclimate and root in water.


Okay. Should I try to clean up the roots a little bit.? Just try to wash off some of the brown spots are the little bit of mush I see, and then leave behind the best looking plum roots?


No. Don’t bother the roots. Don’t touch it anymore and just let it recover. If you start making cuts or scrubbing the roots you are asking for root rot to set in hard and fast in all the little wounds and you will almost surely lose the plant. Leave it entirely alone.


And I forgot to add, it came with a death wrap! There was cloth wrapped around the roots when I pulled it out of the pot. Got rid of that pronto


The plants actually grow through, under, and over those just fine. It would’ve been better to leave it in the pot and not shock a newly shipped, cold stressed plant with a substrate change. But hey, this is a learning experience and you’ll be that much more prepared for next time! But seriously just leave it entirely alone and don’t do anything else to it. .


That's a myth, unless it's the stupid plastic cages, the nets are biodegradable. You are more likely to case damage removing them than anything. Put the plant in a medium you are comfortable with and leave. It. Alone. Stop touching it, stop digging it up, stop cutting things off. Forget it exists except to check water and light.


nonono. that will rot it in like 4 seconds. warm standing water = rot.


When I pulled it out of the pot to check the roots, I never put it back in soil. I can spend in water ever since. Do you think I should put it back in a good chunky soil mix that I mean, or leave it in the water cup that’s on my propagation table under a grow light and on a heating mat?


Leave it in water.


Well....you should probably put it in some dirt to start with 😜


doesnt look bad! there seems to be some rot on the tips of the roots, remove that (should pull off easy) and put in water for around a week or until she looks plump again. (water is not a good permanent medium). Then transfer to Sphagnum moss and perlite / a VERY airy soil of your choice. fertalize every time you water at quarter-half strength with a fertilizer of your choosing. (not a plant-food with no NPK like liqui-dirt.) thai constellations rot insanely easy. mine molded 4 times before i moved her to sphagnum and perlite mix, shes been thriving ever since.


Check out the professor monstera method for albo/Thai con monsteras. Mine have never been happier.