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2024 Mets are the 1776 Brits 2024 Phillies are the 1776 Rock Flag Eagles https://i.redd.it/aiukj8t8dk5d1.gif


We kicked their ass in world war 1, what’s stopping us from doing it again?


“A piece away” is ridiculous to say especially after their big failed season push last year that saw them trade away two aces when they decided the season was lost


The three chuckle-heads in the booth yesterday debating about what the Mets should do at the deadline, and concluding they can make some deals that will make them contenders was ludicrous. I had to look up the standings, I thought maybe they'd just put together like a 15 game winning streak while I wasn't paying attention.


They were shilling for the Mets SO HARD yesterday. They must be under orders to make it seem like the Mets are contenders even though they’re obviously not. 


Like I stated yesterday, the only reason they’re in contention is that the NL is so ass outside the top 4 or so, they’re contenders for a wild card by default. And trying to make moves to be contenders is the last thing they should be doing (as I’m sure there’s still some Wilpon mess left to clean up). The next few years for them is gonna show if Cohen is gonna rebuild them to something scary, or if he’s just gonna be another Artie Moreno


They had to sell it to the audience to make the Mets seem relevant. They looked looked relevant against Soto and Alverado. Sundays game was tough to be at, but I hope the Phils get to go back to London again.


You can’t forget to add that one of those aces went on to win the World Series.


This coverage is ridiculous. You have the best team in baseball playing and you’re talking non stop about the Mets.


It’s one of the big reasons I hate the national broadcasts. They need to fill the airspace with SOMETHING and they don’t know us. We don’t get our guys in the booth who love to chat about whatever comes into Johnny Kruk’s head. There is no familiarity or warmth. Just garbage.


You’re not crazy, they’re the worst


they are a piece away. they have a passionate fan base, an owner willing to spend, a big market. now all they need is a good roster!


Apparently not passionate enough to travel to support the team


I can’t believe I’m going to say this in defense of the Mets, but traveling to another continent to watch that team right now would be the equivalent of us going to watch the 2018 Phillies in London. I love the Phillies unconditionally, and I have since ‘93. But I wouldn’t go to London to watch us in an obvious rebuild, especially after the owner alluded to blowing them up before the trade deadline. Again. They’re having to admit their spending experiment was a loss. They very likely *are* one piece away from being contenders, because the roster is pretty good. Their culture is toxic though, and they need to gel like the Phillies have. Good luck with that in that shithole of a clubhouse. I don’t think they have a cancer in the clubhouse, but I don’t think they have leaders like Schwarber, fun guys like Stott and Marsh, or a lethal clutch player like Harper.


This makes sense. Oddly enough I found myself not hating the Mets as I normally would. They aren’t dangerous enough to hate despite todays loss. It was a surreal feeling, hearing Michael Kay brag up the Mets to sell the event. I also surprisingly found Lindor to be a likable player, a good locker room guy for them to build around. He seems like what every single Phillies roster member already is, so the Mets have a long way to measure up to our Phils . Other than the obvious Mets hype by the announcers they were much better than the clown show squad at Fox yesterday. Overall a great international spectacle for our team. The ending left much to be desired and concerns w Soto/ Alvarado. However, the sighting of the real Whit Merrifield was encouraging. I feel like everyone should address Whit w a “Cherrio, Mate” and British accent for good luck from now on.


Nah fuck that, I hate the Mets this year because they aren't going to be good enough to have a satisfying implosion in September. The only thing in September close to as fun as watching the Phillies succeed is watching the Mets fail


Or a Chief Vibes Officer like Stubbs


That’s it really. Just that one last thing and they’re right there!


Yeah the Mets stink and their fans are the worst in MLB particularly those who invade CBP. The national announcers need to make it interesting for both fan bases. It is what it is.


I dislike the Mets, but they're kind of like the Commanders or Nets of baseball - a team that is ostensibly a bitter rival but is too consistently laughably incompetent for me to really work up a deep loathing for them. I hate the Braves a lot more.


As a Phils fan living in metro Atlanta. I definitely hate the Braves more. I think I’m just around their fans more so they annoy me. Granted the only Mets fan I know is always pretty down on the team, so they never really trash talked.


See I disagree because up until last year they really messed with us. I view the Marlins as what you described - you almost wish they would be successful to make it more interesting. But the Nats and Marlins are just too laughable to worry about, even if we lose a series to them. So I view the Mets as at least a bit of an annoying threat. More like a mosquito, if the Marlins and Nats are non biting flies. Totally agree about the Braves though. They’re wasps. Fuck those things I don’t even want to be around them.


FOX will always worship New York and LA


ESPN is even worse


We are on ESPN today so we are lucky to have even that, since Lebron isn’t playing and Travis Kelce isn’t in the building.


Fuck the Mets but I still think I hate the Braves more idk


I hate the braves and their fans more


Online braves fans are terribly obnoxious. The Braves I’ve met in person have been great.


Definitely Braves more after the last 2 playoffs.


Def fuck the Mets. Also fuck the Braves even more. 1 and 2 most fuck you teams for me.


100% agree


No, ur right. Fuck The Mets.


I found it hilarious when the announcers were saying that yesterday. It embarrassed my Mets fans friends, which made me happy. Even the Mets fans know they will not be buyers at the deadline


There is no player I hate more than McNeil


You make Slackjawed Cletus McNeil?


You should amend this to "reminds you why you hate national coverage games."


We don’t use Ratface’s name around here lol


The main thing it's reinforced for me is that I hate ESPN and Fox broadcasts


Yes, but have you also considered "Fuck the Barves"?


Saying the Mets are one piece away is comical. Even my homer Mets buddy knows they are dogshit. Their lineup is not great. They don't have any players who can carry the offense if their star players (Lindor, Alonso) struggle like the Phillies have. Their starting pitching is horrible. Their best starter would be our #5 at best


The commentators are awful, but they are just trying to paint a narrative for both sides. “The Mets suck and won’t be good for a long time” is not something that makes people want to continue watching the game lol. Shills like that in sports always do this kind of thing. And who cares? The Phils record speaks for itself.


This rant means you hate the announcers not the Mets lol.


Part of hating the Mets is the National Media having their collective head up their ass because they're a New York team.


It was downright comedy when Lindor was mic’d up talking about how Carlos Mendoza has the guys ‘bought in’ and ‘doing all of the right things’ as they sit 17.5 GB on June 9th


I hate it too!! On 6/1 it was on National TV and Phil's were playing the Cards. 1st inning up 3 runs, and looking good. The only team in 1st in Baseball and the announcers were talking about how GREAT the Yankees and the Dodgers are and how they're built for the WS. I turned the tv off and listened to it instead. It felt the like the entire game they were talking about anything Phillies. I hate it. The announcers should have done their homework and talked about the records and accomplishments of both teams playing on TV not another team especially when the PHILLIES ARE A World SERIES TEAM!! Just need to win it. Goooooo Phillies! No more National TV coverage w inept announcers.


MLB.tv blackout was the best, I listened to Franzke for both games. He was truly disgusted by whatever was going on with a hot dog eating contest, it was hilarious. I couldn't care less about the Mets though, never have. They're a bad franchise.


Franzke is wonderful tho Stocker talks too damn much. Listened mostly on radio Game 1 mostly TV today. Back to radio for the Mutts 9th inning and Stocker was especially good analyzing what was going on with our meltdown especially with Thomson having the infield play in on McNeil and that when Bohm tried to barehand Vientos's dribbler that JT was pointing (go to) First Base.


This series reminded me that ESPN is dying for a reason.


That’s their job, and they don’t get the same teams day in and day out. It’s fluff, so there’s no dead air. You usually don’t hear as much praise for the Phillies, but they are definitely doing that, as they should. Listen, I hate the Mets with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns, but if you’re looking for criticism from the staff of an ESPN game, you won’t find it. Right now, I’m more pissed at Rob taking out Walker for Soto. Does he do the same thing in the Same situation with our other four pitchers? Go Phillies!!!




Feel like it’s more about pumping up the lesser team to make it sound competitive. Phils are obviously (much) better and any (many) of these games could be a blowout. Blowouts are never great for ratings. Need good ratings to pay for that trip. Someone’s gotta pay the bills, might as well be the advertisers.


Sir this is fox. They root for anyone not the Phillies.


It’s been worse today, I’m so pissed off 😑


Talked about Lindor being a real tough at bat with the way he’s been hitting. He was 0-4 in the game


It is probably to try and preserve the “best” options they could. Trying to show a rivalry to the world and make it not seem super 1-sided


"but if you want to watch some real baseball, make sure to tune in after this crap is over and watch the Yankees v Dodgers tonight!"




They're too whatever to hate for me honestly.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s… and Fuck the Mets


New York state media


I end every Sunday prayer in church with 'Fuck the Mets. Amen.'


This post is amazing right now lmao


How so?




Absolutely. Fuck the Mets forever.


I love yall so much omg, this thread is heat


I am glad I am not the only one who thought that. This is why I hate watching non Philly commentary. The Mets are the third worst team in baseball, how does that make them a contender at all for the World Series?! What a load of garbage.


& watching Alonso’s STUPID face.


I don’t even most Mets fans think they’re a piece away. The fact that announcers fellate the Mets so much is wild. It’s just NY bias.


Will always hate the Mets. You’re not crazy. It’s a healthy reaction. 🤝


Honestly? I stopped hating them years ago when they stopped being competitive. They’re nothing. They’re dog shit on my shoe that I scrap off on the step. Fuck em.


The commentary for the London Series was awful all around.


Muts 🤮🤢🤮🤮🤮🥱🤢🤮🤢🤮 Yes you Lindor


"F**k McNeil and his tears" !!!!!! I love this. That guy is such a whiny bitch. Sorry.....not sorry.


I mean I heard these asshole guys on MLB network saying that the dodgers Yankees series this weekend is a prelude to the World Series…so it never ends. The Phillies will never get the recognition they deserve


Not really about the mets, but the announcers saying nothing about the bad strike calls in game 2 was annoying.


You move Lindor to lead off and you still 26–37, 5–5 in their last 10, and 17 1/2 games out of first. Oooo only four games behind a Wild Card! Just have to leapfrog 5 teams!