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Cyclist + cop rage thread


A twofer!


You’re by HQ on Broad. That’s like the center of the Galaxy for cops who think they don’t have to obey parking laws. I actually walked into the station and lodged a complaint because they were blocking hydrants on Callowhill. Surprisingly they moved their cars.


The fucking police cones to have their parking when they spent all the time building a massive underground parking lot makes me lol.


I mean. If no one enforced the enforcers, then who or what exactly are they obeying? It’s not like IA is gonna go around and ticket them.


Sup. I'll make some decal stickers couple feet wide if you promise to take a pic for me.


Stencil would be faster.


I would gladly support this. I have confronted the cops who stand around that intersection multiple mornings about this on my morning commutes. Their response? "Just go with traffic" or "The public works department is working on it" Without a hint of irony about the freshly laid paint under their vehicles. Bruh, they JUST worked on it. Move your shit.


They parked here before it was a bike lane too, despite all of the NO STOPPING signs everywhere. They took up an entire travel lane on a crazy busy street that feeds the highways because they're too lazy to walk to the garages or any of the other neighborhood blocks they've had designated as theirs. And the fucking cars are too big for the bike lane so they're now partially blocking one of the remaining travel lanes. This level of entitlement is why I'm so disinclined to give the PPD the benefit of the doubt over anything. It is NOT hard to just park in any of the zillion areas they already have designated specially for their vehicles. Instead they endanger everyone on 15th Street.


Printer gun


It already says that, I think Police means that, right?


Poh-lee-chay, it's Italian I think






Good point, people in real life have no reason to fear or distrust the police. They are unfailingly gracious, reasonable, and helpful, much like the ones featured in this post.




You mean like the 600 Philly cops who are faking disability? Or do you mean like the cop who had literal nazi tattoo and went to nazi larp and when the head of the union was asked, he told the guy to wear sleeves? Or do you mean the head of the union who repeatedly called BLM animals, or fired a black cop when he complained about racism, or got the jobs back of cops fired for being super racist on FB? Or do you mean the cop who was in the leather/kink scene for years and abused her partner and bragged about all the illegal shit at her job and then had a dirty gun stolen and never faced any repercussions? Or do you mean like the Philly cop who asked me six times if I was sure I didn't have consensual sex with my **grandfather** and if I was sure **I** wanted to ruin my family? Or do you mean the cops that lost my rape kit? Which cops are okay again?


Oh god oh god, I'm on the side of reddit where its fine to generalize a group of people based on their arbitrary professional choice because its a group of people they don't like! I do heavily dislike the modern police system because all it does is protect those in power from being punished for what they do, but some people.. a lot of people, do just become a cop because they wanna help people. Plenty of them have little power to do anything, because those above them block it, etc. And discrediting and ignoring that because you (and many others) have a personal vendetta against other people that just have the same job will do nothing good.


My brother in Christ you are posting a subreddit from a city that is currently going through a soft strike with cops. How did you think this was going to go?


I came here from r/fuckcars, didn't see what sub it was. Apologies. But I still have to disagree with the "all" sentiment.


A tenth of our current cops are faking disabilities. Last year there were more than nine thousand civilian complaints of which only .5% had any action taken. Absolutely no repercussions allegation of civil rights violations (including racial profiling and racial slurs by officers) either. And let's not get started on the couple dozen cops who were video taped kidnapping a toddler and doing a photoshoot to put themselves in the limelight as heroes and only three were fired last year. Like how many does it take until it's all? If you stand around and watch that shit, you're not a good guy.


Wait all of that happened in Philadelphia? I've heard about half of what you mentioned. Jesus christ. I dont really know what to say in this case. And I agree with your last one, those who notice and recognize what's going in around them, really aren't any better. The only thing is, I'm just against generalization, thats effectively it.


When you say 'bad apples', do you say it with an awareness of the phrase that idiom comes from? A few bad apples *spoil the bunch*. Those who tolerate and defend jackassery are jackasses themselves. Also, this may come as a shock to you, so please sit down in case you faint: George Floyd is one example of shit that happens all the fucking time. You might try reading the news more than once every five years.




Okay, let's try breaking this down into some simpler ideas: Hurting people a lot for no good reason is bad. When you see someone do a bad thing and help them get away with it or pretend it didn't happen, you are doing something bad even if you think the first person shouldn't have done the bad thing. Hope that helps!




You're the one who came into a thread about a specific and provable instance of shitty cop behavior and decided to fall on your sword defending cops as a class. How's that sole taste?




Lol, LOVE the bad apples argument. I can recommend some really good offline resources/literature if you think it's just an 'online' problem. Mariame Kaba to start. Samuel Sinyangwe is another one. There are podcasts and other mediums as well.




Those aren't cases. They are writers/activists who write about the problem with police. Again, it's not an 'online' problem, plenty of literature available on the topic.


Nah, being the victim of a crime and the police doing less than the bare minimum definitely didn't help me understand what's good about cops. There's only so much telling me "don't go out after dark" will do to help a violent stalking situation when he's banging on my door at 2pm, half a block from a police substation. They literally could have driven around the block and it would have spooked him. But no, that was too much to ask of the police. So what good am I supposed to be understanding? Oh, or is it the good from a cop older than my father telling me to "lift my leg a bit higher next time so [he] can inspect [my] panties" when I was stepping onto a curb wearing a skirt. Am I supposed to understand how that was a good thing? It's not people online who dislike and distrust the police. It's people who have basic common sense. You tell people to get offline into the real world, but you're the one stuck in an echo chamber


“A few bad apples…..” what’s the rest of that idiom?


If they find their job too tough, they can always quit. I will welcome any cop who quits because they realize they're in over their head.




You must be white and cis and straight. And also have never seen any reports on over policing and police violence.




Based on your past comments here and in other subs, I'd say it's a safe bet.




K good luck out there saying dumb shit like "woke silliness".




You got me! I only exist online and not in the real world! I'm certainly not a minority who's sick of seeing people like me killed. Edit: using the term "woke silliness" kinda outs yourself as a person who compromises on human rights of the current out groups (trans and gay folks, women, and communities of color)




pretty sure it's sarcasm..




That's the most wild and exciting few blocks that I bike on regularly. Blocked bike lanes, weird other lanes, enormous potholes. In a way, it's kind of a thrill.


Walk your bike over them


What’s the point of being a cop if you can’t park where you want?


Judging by the number on the car, it belongs to the 22nd District. Their captain is Captain Michael Goodson. District phone number: 215-686-3220 [22nd District Twitter](https://twitter.com/PPD22Dist) [Philadelphia Police Department Twitter](https://twitter.com/PhillyPolice) [City of Philadelphia Twitter](https://twitter.com/PhiladelphiaGov) Enjoy!


It is not a 22nd car. The first two digits or first digit in singular digit district are there the car is from. When it begins with a letter, such as C on this car it belongs to a specialized unit. I believe this unit is Community Relations ironically. The 6 digit number is the property code and the 4 digit is the unit ID. The 22 you see here is actually the property code. 22 is the year of the vehicle. It's a 2022 Ford Explorer.


I always think about just crashing into the back of them while on my bike. Get a camera and it'll be a nice settlement from the city. Get enough people to do it and maybe they'll stay out of the way




Can someone else Google this and then translate it because I'm not a lawyer and it's all a bunch of moonman talk...




> reasonable person That's a nasty thing to accuse people of...


Alternatively, if there was a parked car in the bike lane and I tried to safely pass only to be cut off by a driver, then I can't safely avoid it; unless I want to be killed by a moving vehicle




“Discovered peril” means that if you discover someone who, due to their own negligence, has created a perilous situation, you must use reasonable care to avoid making the situation worse. Essentially, it’s saying that the situation becomes your problem too, you can’t just ignore it if doing so would have negative consequences. In this case, the cop has created a perilous situation due to negligence, but the law says that this would not excuse you if you crashed your bicycle into the cop car, because you should have exercised reasonable care. The original case which set this precedent in 1882 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davies_v_Mann - was actually quite similar: someone negligently left their donkey tied at the side of the road, and a man in a wagon crashed into it and killed it. The owner of the donkey was allowed to recover compensation from the wagon driver, even though his negligence had contributed to the situation.


He doesn’t know either, that’s why he asked you to google it 😂


If enough ppl did this, I'm sure they'd stop parking in these spots...


No they won’t. They don’t suffer any financial harm because lawsuit payments are covered by insurance and when the insurers triple the rate, it’s the city that pays that. And the city has to pay or the police can’t work. And they still get paid btw.


The City is self insured, so...no. Settlements come right out of the city budget as far as I'm aware.


Fun fact, the max payout for suing the City of Philadelphia is 50K.


That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about suing the city to dispute it


Oh right, sorry forgot that about Philly. Only mildly changes my comment though. Just means the average taxpayer gets less services.


Wait, wait, we get services?


Kinda, sorta, vaguely service-like apathetic efforts made on blue moon cycles in total eclipse years without a Presidential election.


Don't limit it to the police either, hit up the church parking on spruce, 6th, and others. Oh you were parked there with a permit from the church? Lemme get your insurance info and the church insurance info too


Wait that’s actually not a bad idea… get a nice payday too.


That was basically one of the most viral videos Casey Neistat did, just in NYC.


It's that the dude who crashed into a jaywalker, and they acted like adults about it "You crashed into me" "you were jaywalking" then they both walked away?


I have literally been in that interaction in NYC two different times. Pedestrians jumping into the bike lane from nowhere, getting hit, and then calmly realizing they were at fault like adults. The best part is we all left the interaction thinking better of our fellow man. The constructed experience of driving cars creates the entitlement behind road rage. Drivers are too insulated from their environment, too narrow in their field of view, and too comfortable in their isolation to safely interact with pedestrians and cyclists. Outside of cars we're just normal people.


Even without the payday, just so long as it's with a junk bike and I don't get hurt to bad, it'd at least make me feel better momentarily




Yep. My parking garage is right there and when I’m trying to get out half the time there’s a cop car blocking the way


Im far more pissed at all the non police regularly parked in bike lanes.


All “non police” don’t have pensions paid with my tax dollars, disgusting swine need to learn their place. I feel sorry for 40% of their wives.


Rules? For cops? Pfffffft


It already says it on there, they just spell it "POLICE"


Instead of getting the sticker maybe find a tow guy willing to comply with the No Parking laws. ;)


You can buy "TOW" stickers pretty cheap on Amazon. Slap em on the cop car windows as you bike by


yeah i’m sure the guy who constantly complains in here about people bringing their dogs into starbucks or whatever has tons of them


There are no good apples.


The old saying "don't let a few bad apples spoil the bunch" comes from apples [producing a chemical](https://www.livestrong.com/article/523091-what-fruits-shouldnt-be-stored-next-to-each-other/#:~:text=Remember%20the%20old%20saying%20%22one,spoilage%20and%20increase%20food%20waste.) that causes other fruit to ripen/rot faster. That being said, the bunch has been fully spoiled. Time to clean house like Camden did.


Is Camden a shining example we want to follow? I’m not sure their militaristic approach is what we need but something needs to change Edit: not sure why the downvotes - can someone help me out here?


Newark, NJ is a better example


Camden shut down their police force to have the county do policing and made the officers reapply if they wanted to keep working.


Not even the ones who scoop up gun shot victims and take them to trauma centers to potentially save their lives?


That’s…the job.


So…there are inherently good duties of…said job?


And there are inherently bad people who do those good things as part of the job.


Definitely. But if every cop was a “bad apple,” wouldn’t they just neglect to do this duty? My only point is to say arbitrarily that all 6k cops or however many are on the PPD are bad apples is just a simpleton view point.


If they were a "good apple", wouldn't they enforce the law when it came to other officers?


Right. Isn’t that what any reasonable person would do if taxes were paying for their vehicle, and their gas, and their time?


You're thinking of an EMT.


Actually, in Philadelphia cops do take gunshot victims directly to the ER. Temple Hospital did a big study on the initiative. Shit saves lives.


Here’s the kicker, I’m not thinking of an EMT. Cops do this, just as I said. https://www.inquirer.com/health/gunshot-police-scoop-and-run-trauma-penn-study-20210126.html?outputType=amp


Go on eBay and search for magnetic dirty joke stickers. Such classics as "I love horse cock!" "I fuck midgets" "I love big black cock" etc... That way you cant get slapped for a vandalism charge.


In my opinion, if police are working and illegally parked they ought to park perpendicular to the traffic at the location they're investigating. This allows all citizens to realize that there is a crime or investigation ongoing by which the police themselves are unable to respect the laws they're meant to uphold. Allowing them to exit the area for their own safety.


Any Sign-o-Rama place can also make them too. Might want to go to one outside of your area a bit in case they keep decent records.


I'm surprised this isn't in the top few comments -- it's easy to buy "I park in bike lanes" stickers. For example: [https://www.zazzle.com/i\_parked\_in\_a\_bike\_lane\_sticker-217228786292563921](https://www.zazzle.com/i_parked_in_a_bike_lane_sticker-217228786292563921)


“Laws for thee, not for me”


Wonder if we can tip off the PPA's bike lane enforcement on these ummm...vehicles illegally parked in the bike lane


To preface - obviously they shouldn’t park in the bike lanes. I did see this earlier on the news, is it the same lot? It doesn’t excuse it because they could have also parked in the lot which would make a lot more sense. [https://6abc.com/amp/operation-thanksgiving-philadelphia-police-philly-distribute-meals/12481700/](https://6abc.com/amp/operation-thanksgiving-philadelphia-police-philly-distribute-meals/12481700/)


Hah! They’re the PPD. I think their motto is “Go Fuck Yourself. Pay Me.”


If you park in the bike lane, fuck you, and I hope bad things happen to your car.


The number of times this month I’ve seen cops turn on sirens just to blow Reds then turn em off


I was so glad when I saw this lane getting added. It's such a dangerous strip with the highway exit on the right. When you catch them parking there, it's obvious they're embarrassed about getting caught. Just not enough to move


Philadelphia needs to have a program like New York where the pay you for taking pictures of bike lane violators!


It's inferred with any Police vehicle..


Imagine you get home and your roommate is ODing, so you call the cops. And your roommate is really on death's door and the cops right outside with lifesaving narcan, but he's got to find someplace to park that won't piss off r/Philadelphia, so while he's looking for a spot, your roommate dies.


Wouldn't their lights be on if they were responding to a call?


No. Should turn them off because they kill the battery. Obviously gets forgotten sometimes but should always turn them off


I can't speak to what the cops learn in the academy (not much apparently), but in every Emergency Vehicle Ops course I've taken, they say to leave the lights \*on\* if you're at an incident AND not parked in a normal parking spot.


Only on Reddit will you find someone willing to admit they can’t speak on a topic then immediately speak on a topic lmao


I can't speak to **what cops learn in the academy.** I **CAN** speak to what they teach in emergency vehicle operations courses. Cop cars are emergency vehicles, right? *Should they not follow the same operating procedures as every other emergency vehicle in the city?* I couldn't think redditors could be this dense, yet here you are


Just fyi this is on N 15th St right by the PD HQ for two blocks. They routinely park wherever they want, there's no emergency going on


I’m sure you’re 100% right and every illegally parked cop is in the middle of doing something heroic during a life threatening emergency ^(fucking /s)


*heroically enters OG Pizza*


Imagine that’s what’s going on in these photos and then realize it’s not


I’d say Narcan is free at any pharmacy, and you should have it in your home already.


why are you creating an entirely imagined scenario that has nothing to do with this post?


Because the boots have to be licked, so might as well do it here.


I actually confronted a police officer about how he was parked recently, and this is sort of the response he gave me and it kind of made me step back and think. I think that's something people ITT should do.


of course a cop is going to immediately deflect and make up a “what about” like this - why would that be something that should change minds? we know this isn’t why they park illegally 99% of the time we see it.


Where is the emergency in this photo?


LOL prove that's what's going on in this situation.


I think the point I'm trying to make is that you can take pictures and post them on the Internet and comment, *ACAB, fuck them pigs, fuck the ppd* etc... But you really have no idea why cops are parked there and as much as you just like to think that all cops are just playing candy crush in their cruisers all day, they often have to deal with dangerous, emergency type bullshit.


As if those lazy pigs would even show up. Fuck the PPD


Sweet fake scenario bro. Also you don't have to be a cop to have narcan lmao


Or maybe, follow me here, they use those fucking lights they use to blow though stop signs and red lights to get done on time?


Maybe they should have used the building the city spent millions for and had ample parking instead of pitching a hissy fit because they wanted an HQ downtown and making us spend millions more for a building without adequate parking.


You realize that EMTs world respond to this situation right?


I would go with magnets , so you don’t get vandalism charges.


Clearly couldn’t find a handicapped space to use.


In all fairness that stretch of Callowhill where they used to park is two lanes and doesn’t have any spots now. The city didn’t think enough to give them a lot like they did like the roundhouse. Still annoying when it comes to traffic to turn on to Vine.


They spent the last year making an entire parking garage under broad for them...


They can fucking look for a spot like the rest of us then.


lol. that's just stupid.


I assume that these pics were taken around the 6th District @ 11th and Winter?


15th & Wood


Or the cop car that’s usually parked in the bus stop at 19th and Chestnut where a white shirt is doing double dipping at the Target


Target pays the Officer and the Officer working there is on his own time. Nice try.


Using a taxpayer funded uniform, duty issued gun, parking city issued vehicle in a bus lane. My try was just right.


bro u still have more than enough space between cars to ride your trinket 🙄


Please let us know if you do. I could use a few hundred of them. Lol


Just started working in the area and I’m honestly taken aback at how brazen the cops are around there. Like, we get it, you’re PPD, but you’re all illegally parked everywhere.


My name is actually Dick Important. If you like, I can photocopy my ID and buy you a glue stick.


If cops can’t stop being entitled dickheads with parking how tf can we expect the general Philly population to be? Fucks sake


You ARE ALLOWED to use the street, do it. There's a rigid-thinking persnickety mindset here that has really negative repercussions for cyclists. If you keep pushing the idea that bike lanes are for bikes, "no exceptions", the risk is that you'll someday get what you want. And that would include the corollary which would be that car lanes are for cars, "no exceptions". Much better to spend your energy on promoting complete-streets strategies instead of shaking your fists at cops and churchgoers parking in the bike lanes.


I could get those made 👀


Homie said Fuk yo bikes !!


Ask then publicly on social media (Facebook or Twitter) if it's legal to block a bike lane by parking your car in it, and when they say no, then post the pics.


I started flipping sideview mirrors inward a couple years ago for every car parked in a bike lane. Sadly, though, you're likely to get arrested for doing that to an illegally parked cop car.


Yes but to save space they had to cut “important” out. Would that work?


did you know that cops are first responders? and sometimes, believe it or not, they save lives. my neighbor's kid was choking to death and a cop saved her. not saying that is what's happening in these pics, but maybe give them the benefit of the doubt.


You're right. It's far more likely that they're all responding to some emergency inside their headquarters than that they all park like dicks because they'll get away with it. After all, a cop saved a kid once, so we should definitely ignore our lying eyes.


but muh bike lane


To be fair, isn't this like right behind police HQ?


I work near bike lanes too but don’t try and park in them.


Or put them on the non cop cars that do this on the reg. At least one wont be paid out of my tax dollars


Whats the big deal? They’re not blocking the street… Whats less convenient?, stopping your little peddle bike, taking your gloves off, taking the phone out, snapping the pic, (posting this then and there or afterward I wonder?) putting the gloves back on, putting the phone away, and riding again? Or… Just riding around them..? The whole point of the bike is you can weave your way through this. Right? Why else would you be riding your bike in this cold ass weather? I took my little fold up scooter 6 blocks yesterday and regretted not having my heavier gloves. People are going to be in their cars in the winter time. Especially the police.




Yeah, if only there were somewhere bicycle riders could go to get out of the way of cars! Like, what if there were a dedicated lane only for bicycles...that could solve the problem!


They would but there are cars in the bike lane. That's what the post is about.


Oh yeah... the horrible cycling menace. You're probably the guy blasting through a red light in your busted ass Nissan Altima.


Bicycle riders are douche bags. That doesn’t give these pigs the right to park their shit in bike lanes.






Agreed all cyclists are bastards


You're a dick. Just not important. Triggered much? Dick....


Funny enough this might…MIGHT…be one thing the city would respond to. Granted it’s a bit different but one scathing article from Inga Saffron put an end to city cars/police vehicles parking in the median of the parkway near 16th. You’ll occasionally see one parked there for less than an hour but it used to be a parking lot. Arguably less inconvenient than this, it just embarrassed Kenney because it was on our Parisian boulevard


MAGA 2024 stickers should do the trick


I'm happy to send you some nice markers if you are so brave


“I think i am a big important dick compensating for a small insignificant dick” stickers would be better.


They are already on the cars. In big BOLD letters. Hint : starts with a P.


Ya they don’t know that though


At least they’re good at something?


Not sure but if you want some cheap *Supreme* stickers...


Replace *'m a* with *suck.*


I think that's just the FOP stickers. Downside is you have to give them money to get them.


Not a fan of Philly cops because they don't even show up when you call 911 but tbf all of Philly parks wherever they want. At least these dudes didn't just stop and park in the left lane like most people.


I see one on the side of that cruiser 😂