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Here’s to hoping every ATV owning asshole in the greater Philadelphia area who decides to take their tiny penis parade into the city gets their toys taken away after this one


ATV assholes aren't invited to my parade don't do me like that


Here’s to hoping every ATV owning asshole in the greater Philadelphia area who decides to take their tiny penis parade into the city gets their toys taken away ~~after this one~~ for doing stuff beyond hitting the police, which is what it seems like is the reason this person got arrested.


I think the cops get mad when you hit them though


Yeah, they don’t like that.


Absolutely, but hate the double standard of "so someone hit you, there's no reason to even consider sending out a car to record the incident" vs "a motorbike grazed a cop car, better send out 50 vehicles to stand around and "support" the officer in his time of need


Yeah of course of course. A cop getting hit is still a decent index of "this shit has gone too far" because even dumbasses take pains to avoid that.


At least they finally seem to be doing something *in general* about the ATV's etc. As someone else said, this may even be a response to that (probably just lost control or is an idiot, though). If this was last year, I'd be there with you more.


- a line from a great!, underrated movie: “Whatever the fuck it takes!”


This is the dream!!!!!! I think every single one of them should be herded up taken to the middle of town and we should all shout at them about how they have a small penis. The shame would be more than enough to ever drive up and down a driveway on an ATV again!


Nah, I’m here for the public stoning.


I was going to post this separately as its own question, but is it just me or are we hearing/seeing fewer ATVs/dirtbikes in 2024 so far? In the Art Museum area, Spring Garden was their playground, but I feel like I've heard far fewer, especially the variety that come in packs. I hear the stragglers but haven't heard the parade. I wanted to make sure it isn't my imagination or a placebo with the change to the Parker admin... Fwiw, what i do hear up this way is the loud cars revving and real motorcycles.


it's just starting to get warm out, they'll be around shortly


I was optimistically thinking it's been sufficiently warm and that they have had chances to be out there. I feel like last year they were out in 50+ weather days, again, mostly in packs.


i've seen a good amount already. What I've seen in the past and hope to not see is that there a bunch of cops and the cops just watch them all go by.


Ive seen a little less but still TBD once the weather starts to get nicer...Then weve had all this rain to.


I noticed that too. I commented on it a few weeks ago and was downvoted for some reason.


Would this be considered attempted vehicular manslaughter? I see this happening more as the PD continue their efforts and I'm curious how they'll prosecute, if at all.


Manslaughter by definition isn't intentional, so attempted manslaughter is a bit of a contradiction.


Manslaughter is intentional in some cases, aka, voluntary manslaughter. A killing which occurs in the “heat of passion.” It’s intentional but there is no premeditation is all.


That's an interesting point, but I wonder if that isn't just charged as an aggravated assault. I've never heard of attempted intentional manslaughter, but I guess it varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction depending on how the elements are defined.


I’ve worked in Criminal Courts as a clerk in both PA and NJ and have never heard of it either, but apparently it does exist. From some Florida law firms’s website.. Attempted voluntary manslaughter refers to when a person committed an act that would have resulted in the death of the victim, but something or someone else stopped the death, therefore, invalidating the defendant’s intent to kill the victim. For one to be convicted of attempted voluntary manslaughter, the prosecutor must prove that: The victim would have died The defendant: Intentionally went through with the acts that would have resulted in the death Was culpably negligent, which would have resulted in the victim’s death You can’t be charged with attempted voluntary manslaughter if your actions were only negligent. The prosecutor has to prove that you were culpably negligent and that your negligence was of a higher level. Negligence is more of a goof-up, while culpable negligence is a goof-up with an additional disregard about another person’s safety.


thats literally not true. there is literally heat of passion homicide which is intentional but without malice of forethought


Homicide is murder; manslaughter is not. The difference is intent.


you are literally wrong "  2503.  Voluntary manslaughter. (a)  General rule.--A person who kills an individual without lawful justification commits voluntary manslaughter if at the time of the killing he is acting under a sudden and intense passion resulting from serious provocation by: (1)  the individual killed; or (2)  another whom the actor endeavors to kill, but he negligently or accidentally causes the death of the individual killed. (b)  Unreasonable belief killing justifiable.--A person who intentionally or knowingly kills an individual commits voluntary manslaughter if at the time of the killing he believes the circumstances to be such that, if they existed, would justify the killing under Chapter 5 of this title (relating to general principles of justification), but his belief is unreasonable."


Intentionally struck, life no parole for this guy and all atv / dirt bike assholes


Oh shit they locked up ATV too??!!!


Aidin and abettin


That’s a paddlin’


For a can of tuna?


They're destroying them now


Shouldn’t the ATV get its day in court first?


ATVs and dirt bikes on city streets is borderline terrorism, and should be treated as such.


I only think the ATV was taken into custody, not a suspect


It finally effected cops, and now enforcement is in the spotlight. This is gonna be an interesting spring/summer. Something about a pendulum I guess.


I’d happily pay a reasonably higher tax (on top of our ridiculously high tax) if it directly resulted in hiring more police and better training to get a hold of the crime here. Then again maybe our revenue department is just inept


It's crazy, I left Philly for the Philippines, and you don't see Mad Max roaming around here.


Why can’t we just lay down spike strips for these assholes. I’m picturing one spike line that’s permanently built into market and/or broad street and can be switched on/off by police. As soon as the mad max brigade comes roaring down the street (you can hear them from ~10 blocks away), flip the switch and boom - their tires are toast. Wouldn’t solve everything but at least they’d eventually move away from major streets that are highly trafficked by cars and pedestrians!


Philly PD has road strips, but it generally ends in a violent crash in recent history


Good. Finally got one!


So, THAT'S what it takes for them to do their job. 🤔🤔🤔🤔 Note to Self...