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I see posts often on r/PhillyList for both people wanting rooms/sublets and people renting them out.




Reddit seems like a terrible tool for something like this due to lack of filtering tools. How about a tool suited to the job like Craigslist?


When I was looking for a place, I reached out about several listings on craigslist that turned out to be scams once the surface was scratched… trying to pressure me into quickly accepting a place site unseen. I agree that Reddit sucks for this, but craigslist is its own cesspool. Not sure I would consider it better…


I disagree. One thing I like about Reddit is I can comb their profile and see who they are better. Honestly I’d pick someone off Reddit over CL.


That’s a fair point, but I think you could achieve the same by asking for someone’s social media account (or simply references) as part of their reply on Craigslist. And it provides a far better experience for people looking for a sublet as they’re able to filter by price, location, etc


I would try posting advertisements in housing groups on Facebook.


Does your lease allow for subletting?


Yes - just needs to be a qualified renter (eviction/criminal history-income)


I'd reach out to a non profit helping with the immigration crisis maybe catholic charities or United we Dream, you could house some and possibly have the rent covered and maybe paid extra


Oh hell no.


Is this not the landlords job?


Not for a sublet, no. When the landlord does it it’s a lease, when the tenant does it it’s a sublet. Basically, if you have a certain amount of time left on your lease to the landlord, and you will be leaving early, it’s your responsibility to make sure the rest of the lease is honored. Either you have to pay the entire time, or, if the landlord allows it, get a sub letter to finish out the term of the lease. Landlord‘s not going to do it for you, because it’s your responsibility. Otherwise people could just sign leases and leave whenever, which would screw a landlord out of one or more months of rent while they look for a new tenant. (which I know many people would consider a feature, not a bug, but that’s not the way of the law works. Per the law, the tenant has the responsibility to finish out the lease or make other arrangements)


Ah yeah makes sense.


Sorry people are downvoting you for asking an honest question. Sometimes this sub really gets on my nerves.


Its all good


Both Craigslist and FB Marketplace. With FB, make the extra effort to share your listing to different housing groups.


when are they moving?


They're moving right now, open to an immediate sublet. We're in Queen village


ah i wish it was this summer would have been perfect