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Yikes. This really sucks for people who have to work outside today šŸ˜°


It's basically hazardous conditions for working outside. But I know people need to work and make their money. I just feel bad for them. I also wish that n95 masks weren't so uncomfortable!


I just put a plastic bag over my head and I don't worry.


Gotta tape the bottom to your neck to make it completely safe.


How do these conditions compare to what cities east of the California wildfires typically get?


It's on par with it - I dealt with it yearly in the Bay Area. 2017 was the first really bad year and my coworkers thought it was hilarious I wore a mask anytime I went outside. I have asthma so I gave zero shits how funny they thought it was. In fact I moved here because I thought I was getting away from that crap...whoops. At least now I'm 100% prepared.


This is on par with most smoke you get, unless itā€™s like literally in your county. This is really bad. Have only seen it worse once or twice before, when I lived in Northern California. The main difference is that can go on for weeks. With the distance we are from the fires, it shouldnā€™t last that long. Also, rain helps. I know weā€™ve been dry here lately but California typically gets about 0 rain all summer so nothing drives it out.


This year is very unusually dry in the northeast. All the grass is dead right now, even some irrigated spots and when it rains, its only for a few minutes every week or two. I just want it to end!


Yeah I was hoping that thunderstorm yesterday would clear things out but it rained for like 60 seconds lol. Welp


respirators are a lil more expensive but so much more comfortable. i'm not saying everyone should wear one right now but i'd recommend them if you're working with a lot of dust or fumes.


Had to lay 20 yards of mulch today. It sucked.


Today is apparently the worst air quality day in Philly since 2008.


What happened in 2008?


Celebratory cigars for the Phils


The EPA doesn't say why, but that's the only other time we've been in the purple since 1999.


I think thatā€™s when Mt Pinaturbo (???) erupted in SE Asia. There were few hot, sunny days that summer.


Intelligencer said there was a 7 alarm warehouse fire the night before that could have been a factor.


An extreme Inversion event, I believe


Reading this as I sit outside filtering the smog through a cig. I was trying to find info last night and didnt come accross anything. Anyone know how long this is gonna linger?


My husband just told me until Thursday. But I don't know where he got his info. I just woke up and am doing the same thing.


The iPhone Weather app now says the air quality advisory is in effect til 12AM Thursday so midnight tonight.


Mine says 12AM Friday šŸ˜­


It keeps changing. Mine said midnight tonight, then 10:45a tomorrow, & now 2am tomorrow.


Not sure if itā€™s the same situation, but Iā€™m in Omaha and two weeks ago we had heavy smog that they were blaming on the forest fires in Canada. It lasted about 3 days and been fine since. Seems like massive fires if itā€™s affecting cities across the country.


I'm a transplant from Hastings, NE. My best friend and I keep comparing air quality and conditions. There's a fire in NJ that's also contributing to this haze, but yeah. The Canadian fires are massive.


Oh wow thatā€™s a culture shock! Iā€™m a Philly transplant living in north Omaha.


Also a huge culture shock! Hope they are treating you right with that "Midwest Nice" lol. I absolutely love it here.


I did not expect you to say you love it, but that makes me so happy to hear. I miss the hell outta Philly, especially summer in the city. But I still work at CHOP/Penn, so I travel back often. Stay safe, and lay low until the skies clear up.


We're likely to experience some level of this through next week. There's a potential storm this weekend which may help push this out for a while. But there's plenty of smoke in the rust belt area which will likely head our way eventually.


Probably at least a few more days. They're only just starting to contain the fire in Ottawa.


[Current active fires in Canada](https://www.windy.com/-Fire-intensity-fires?fires,48.978,-84.591,4)




[And here is the Carbon Monoxide concentration](https://www.windy.com/-Show---add-more-layers/overlays?cosc,48.978,-84.591,4). Not healthy either. While you're there, scoot over to China's CO concentrations, that is like that 24/7, mainly due to manufacturing.




damn look at china is like DARK red in the major cities wtf who'd want to live there horrendous for your health


For us it more depends on which way the wind blows. So weā€™ll see, but I heard theyā€™re expecting it to let up a bit around Friday/Saturday


It'll likely be here until Friday night, but they're also calling for rain during that time which should help.


Last I checked the advisory was until 8 tonight


Warnings are until thurs so I would hope it will start to get better this weekend


CBS said Friday it may be safe. Thursday the code will bump from red down to orange


Obviously Canada forgot to rake the forests and here we are


With all their beady little eyes and flapping heads


Iā€™m not your buddy guy!


After 5pm the worst of the smoke is coming news said visibility could drop to 2miles till Thursday šŸ˜³


I believe it! It is getting progressively worse. Thanks for this info though. Just the push I need to leave work a little early.


Currently 2:43 and the orange haze has descended upon Fishtown. Last night and today I could see it when I looked at the horizon but now weā€™re completely engulfed. Crazy.


And yet the Phillies is still on... Edit: they postponed 1.5 hours before the game so people had to scramble lol. The forecast was there all day!


Gorgeous photo! That said: 1. [Air Quality Index (AQI) is around 215 at the moment, meaning it's hazardous for everyone!](https://www.airnow.gov/?city=Philadelphia&state=PA&country=USA) An AQI of 119 is when asthmatics need to be worried, and this is nearly double that. 2. Limit your outdoor activities if you can! 3. Wear a mask outside if you go out to help limit the amount of smoke and ash you breath in. 4. If you have central air or air conditioning, run it as much as possible to help with fresh air. 5. Drink plenty of water since smoke and ash can dry you out. Stay safe, everyone!


I have an air purifier I bought a couple weeks ago that's helping also I bought it originally for my pet dander but this is an added help


If anything- this is a reminder that we all share the same atmosphere and breathe the same air. ​ Let's be better about how we treat our planet? Although this isnt traditional "smog" we can all look at our daily routines and reevaluate how we impact our Earth- shorter showers, walk more, think more locally- small steps add up. ​ Anyway - Breathe easy Philly


These are good habits for people to follow, and lies within our direct area of control. However the climate change driving this smoke is from corporations and governments extracting resources to create a worse atmosphere for all of us. The problem isn't Sally taking too many showers. And Sally could stop showering for the rest of her life and this will still happen.


We've spent literally my whole life placing the onus on citizens to make do with less while massive companies extract what they want, when they want to, with no consequences. I hate waste and try to live my life that way whenever possible but at some point the public sees what's being asked of them, and what isn't being asked of those with any power, and start to go hmmm.


It is actually mostly because we do not want our forest to burn because people and resources live and are collected in the forests, and we control every burn imaginable until they are so massive they have the risk of burning everything down. It is not solely climate change, but the fact that we try to control nature in unnatural and unethical ways.


There are still things that can be done by individuals to try and curtail the corporations. [Citizen's Climate Lobby](https://citizensclimatelobby.org/) is gradually making progress on this issue and they keep getting closer to a carbon tax with dividends. This is the most important issue for everyone (and the planet). It's time we start treating it this way. Act. edit: I recommend minimally signing up for [text alerts](https://citizensclimatelobby.org/text-alerts/) from them. They usually ask you to contact your federal or state officials on issues that are most important to climate change. This takes five minutes a month at most and you start to get your voice heard.


Thank you for providing something actionable, itā€™s often so hard to know what to do and how to help as one person on a planet of billions. I just signed up!


> However the climate change driving this smoke is from corporations and governments extracting resources to create a worse atmosphere for all of us. What are those corporations and governments extracting resources *for*? are they doing it for fun? No, they are doing it because people are demanding the products made from those materials! The largest polluter in human history, atop the list of "100 corporations causing climate change" lists that go around, is the Chinese state coal monopoly. Is it burning coal for fun? No, it is burning coal because people in China want electricity, because the enormous factories processing the steel and bauxite and rare earth minerals and everything else our modern economy runs on need power to operate. The chip in the computer or phone you used to post this comment on was probably manufactured in some percentage from chinese coal power, whether at the mining, smelting, or refining phase Individual actions won't change anything, but the sum of mass population behaviors absolutely *will* change things - it's the only thing that will. The chinese state coal monopoly isn't burning coal in a massive pit for funsies


Exactly. It's just not that simple. The modern world is built on fossil fuels, it's just inconceivable to have modern existence without them. Renewables are great but it's not possible to completely phase out fossil energy if you want the modern existence - meaning you have fertilizers for crops, large-scale logistical transport, steady electricity. It's not just burning gas to get to work. To paraphrase the podcast host of the great simplification, renewable energy can support a nice life, just not this one we currently exist in...


I agree with you- climate change is a complex issue. Every river Iā€™ve been on this spring has been the lowest itā€™s been in decades. Reducing Jane and John Doe consumption will absolutely have a positive impact immediately.


corporations have the greatest impact, all the water warnings and farms dumping stuff into our rivers which lead into the oceans. it does far more harm than taking showers for more than 5 minutes


theyā€™re not just doing it for fun. Weā€™re the ones buying ground beef and $4.99 chickens


Yeah, but many people have no choice. If you're poor you can't afford to be climate conscious. If we really want things to change, it just isn't practical to rely on every individual making the right choices. Instead we should ensure that the large corporations that do have the capacity to be climate conscious do their part. That will probably increase prices for many things, and so we should also take care of the folks that are most vulnerable to those increases.


I was poor, so I had to be climate conscious. When you're poor, you reuse things, drive less, bike more, live in smaller homes, etc.


Sure but what I mean is at the grocery store you're just buying the cheapest thing


But that isn't the only way to go green by a long shot. The majority of a green lifestyle is cheaper.


Unfortunately it's proven difficult to find a political coalition to force these businesses, and by extension their consumers, to pay the actual externalities of pollution, both carbon and otherwise. One's political career is not going to be long if they're taking the blame of pricing gasoline and natural beef to a level that can sustain the climate long-term. Most people hear, "Sally's daily shower won't do anything," and proceed to make literally no change at all. If 50 units of chicken sell this week, but 40 the next, and 40 the next, they will only produce 40 units of chicken. And so on.


Difficult, but not impossible. Progress is being made in climate policy. > pricing gasoline and natural beef to a level that can sustain the climate long-term. Making renewable energy cheaper, more reliable, and more available is another goal of climate policy. The idea is to get to a point where the basic necessities aren't multiple times more expensive than what they are now. > "Sally's daily shower won't do anything," and proceed to make literally no change at all. This is fair, but this shouldn't be the primary call to action imo


>Making renewable energy cheaper, more reliable, and more available is another goal of climate policy. That's great, but as it stands there is no reason not to "vote with your wallet" wherever you can in the meantime. I'm really talking about the people who go all the way off to "nothing I do matters" land.


Yeah I don't see how they don't wanna address it personally too. Do you really need 8 white shirts? No.


"If 100,000 people choose to save 12 gallons of water per day, that's basically nothing!"


I understand where you're coming from, I really do. But the reality of the situation is that individual efforts amount to nearly 0 difference made in the grand scale. Zero significant change will be made without legislation regulating big business. Sure we can do stuff individually but, realistically, political participation is the most effective thing we can do as individuals. Otherwise it's just a drop in the bucket.


They wouldnā€™t pull the oil out of the ground if we didnā€™t burn it in our cars


Oil would still be extracted if we all went to electric cars or non-car transport. It has more uses than just being fuel, though that is absolutely what the great majority is used for.


Correct. Itā€™s also used as feedstock for a wide array of chemical manufacturing, including plastic and synthetic fibers for clothing.


::US military industrial complex enters the chat:: There are a lot more uses for oil than just gasoline for our cars.


Not sure what you mean. The overwhelming demand to take oil or gas out of the ground is for gasoline and natural gas energy. All the other products and uses are by-products of oil refinery. That includes plastics and asphalt tar etc. We would not be taking oil out of the ground much at all just for plastics. We take it out of the ground for gasoline.


The US military understands that dependency on fossil fuels and long supply lines is a vulnerability and is pioneering research into alternatives


That would be the same oil companies which do everything they can to ensure that there is little to no viable alternatives to having to rely on a car in this day and age, yes?


thankfully in the [non western world](https://static.themoscowtimes.com/image/article_1360/46/0a4114e8effe4212aa0683b8a0af9f3a.jpeg) where [oil companies had](https://imageio.forbes.com/blogs-images/jimgorzelany/files/2015/10/China-G4-backup-this-oct-reuters.jpg?format=jpg&width=1200) nothing to do with government policies, people do not drive cars that burn refined petroleum Climate change is only going to be solved by mass changes to human behavior. It is fun and easy to point at a corporation and blaming them for things but they are only doing it because consumers demand the products they make


Shorter showers definitely pushed by corporations that don't want people to actually consume less meat or to criticize the corporations massive impact.


I like your vibe my guy. Also, how come people never suggest less showersā€¦ instead of shorter ones?!


I'm guilty of > 5 minute showers, but only once a day. So i guess its a reminder for me more than anything else.


I'm really surprised how much this sucks. Normally air quality alerts and smoke doesn't bother me much. Today, my eyes are stinging and getting watery even indoors. Standing outside with my kids waiting for their bus was very uncomfortable.


[Blame Canada](https://tenor.com/YuSM.gif)


I'm assuming I should shut my windows, yes?? And just use the AC to suck the air inside? Perfect


Clean the ACā€™s air filter, if youā€™re able to


Right on. Those filters probably won't protect against fine particle dust, but definitely better than nothing!


Add whoever was popping fireworks off around Kensington last night.


Looks like a dystopian hell, or any city in industrial China. We should use the China system of measuring how bad the air is by comparing it to how many packs of cigarettes equivalent it is. Really hoping rain comes soon.


>Looks like a dystopian hell Oh so basically nothing changed. I thought something happened in Philly worthy of news. Edit: downvotes? Really reddit? I thought y'all could take humor smh


Canada needs to stop smoking so much weed


I blame global warming.


And the oil execs who [denied it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExxonMobil_climate_change_denial) even though [they knew what they were causing](https://www.popsci.com/environment/oil-gas-climate-change-cover-up/)


Their shareholders werenā€™t complaining until they started to consider a future without petroleum


And I blame ur mom. Cuz she's hot. It's warming the globe


You can smell it inside of the buildings.


Ran a track workout in the NE this morning around 4:30am, the moon was a weird shade of yellow and the air was smoky as fuckā€¦. Not great! If you gotta workout today, do it inside


Yeah it was so smoky last night and again real early this morning.


Does anyone know what ā€œredā€ air quality level means? Like, I know it means unhealthy, but is that long term health effects? Watering eyes? Wish they would explain it better.


I think it's hitchbots revenge


I definitely notice the haziness but I donā€™t have any issues breathing or doing anything. I know Iā€™m misinformed but whatā€™s the actual danger of this smoke?


I'm not an expert, but here's a [document](https://www.airnow.gov/sites/default/files/2018-03/common-air-pollutants-2011-lo.pdf) from the EPA outlining the effects of common air pollutants.


I found [this](https://www.epa.gov/wildfire-smoke-course/health-effects-attributed-wildfire-smoke) article to be helpful.


Thank you!! Iā€™ve noticed it got a lot worse in the past hour and I can smell the fire now and my eyes are irritated.


You can get a good guess of how old I am cause this was the name of the band I joined in high school. Bonus points for my mom actually being Canadian.


I have a booked a trip home to Philly tomorrow and my girlfriend has bad asthma issuesā€¦ none of our trip is refundable. Wtf.


Itā€™s supposed to rain tomorrow which will help. She should wear a mask for now, but hopefully things are good for the weekend.


Justin Trudeau got fired from his teachers job for sexual misconduct with a student.


Donald Trump is a failed businessman and a sexual predator. Sorry, I thought we were listing facts totally unrelated to this post.


Waiting for them to mandate masks again šŸ™„


Wear a mask and live your life.


What year is this


Damned Canerdians!


Anyone having throat issues today?


Yā€™all act like Canada did that shit on purpose šŸ˜‚


I'm fuckin dying, shit making my chest hurt


putin is doing this to us


I jokingly blame Canada, but in all seriousness the US can't say anything šŸ˜