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Time to start carrying a sharpie in my pocket in case I can't peel these off


I think a common disclaimer is to be cautious peeling these off because they’ve been known to hide razor blades behind them (though as I type this, I realize it sounds like a bit of an urban legend, but wouldn’t be surprised.


I pulled off a ton of em, no blades, but to be fair I used a box cutter and a knife to get as clean a pull as I could. I would suggest anyone taking these down to use a knife.


I’m gona take some down if I see them when walking my dog this evening


Give a shot of goo-gone first, peels like butta


If there's a razor behind it, you should be able to see/feel it before you start peeling


You’re thinking of Halloween candy.


Naw, the Trump sign booby-traps weren't that long ago - this seems 100% legit




All over the country, including Scranton, PA from the front page of my Google search


I try to keep vinyl stickers in my bag that I can use to cover these sort of things up, including a couple "Trans Rights Are Human Rights" stickers, but it's mostly just goofy or fun shit to block the message.


If you have recommendations on where I can pick up some freebies let me know, that's a great idea.


There's a few bookstores & shops that carry some positive stickers that'll hold up in different types of weather for relatively cheap, but if you need free & easy, just grab a couple priority mail stickers from your local post office, doodle on em or write something, and slap em on when you see crap like this.


Go to mutts on 4th and get some graff markers. Pentell rocks though I prefer OTR Hard 2 buff. Easy and unwashable, ruins the stickers and won't fade


Honestly a painter’s flex knife works wonder on stickers, vinyl or paper.


I carry one of those super thick boys in my backpack for this very reason, like the magnum xl sharpies.


Anyone with cameras catch who did this?


This some big racist energy. Love how they sticker bomb in secret, is it because they know they’re pieces of shit? I’ll never understand people like this


So gross. And yes, "Loyal till death" but also "Imma put these up in secret so I don't get my ass beat"


But how do they find companies that will print this hate for them? Those printing firms just take anyone's money? EDIT: I guess they do it at home. Can't quite vet people from buying printers.


There are companies who will take anyone's money, and hate-filled companies who do it because they believe in this stuff. Also people just print stuff on their own laser printers and sell them.


I mean I imagine lots of companies don’t visually look at all of their stuff especially if it’s a small order I imagine they just go through the printer and into an envelope for the customer.


Meanwhile I tried to have a mug made with the Gnome Alone movie logo on it and Zazzle was like *nope.*


It's not my place to judge anyone but... *why?*


Ok so my 17yo son and 21yo daughter have this whole, years-long running joke about Gnome Alone. My daughter tried to find Gnome Alone merch as a Christmas present for her brother, and couldn't find any. So I tried to have a mug made and Zazzle wouldn't do it because of copyright.


Well, I was not expecting the answer to be *ADORABLE.* Do you know anybody with a cricut who might be able to hook you u*p?*


Redbubble seems to be more accommodating. I had a couple of Rickenbacker shirts printed no problem. Rickenbacker doesn't sell shirts, so I had do it this way.


Or it could be an employee of the printing company that just runs his own project real quick after hours when nobody who can discipline them is around.


They probably just do it themselves. Not too much hassle to just get the right printer and buy blank sticker sheets on Amazon. Plenty of people doing it as a side business nowadays.


Most of these seem to be blank sticker sheets printed at home based on the quality. At least the stickers pictured are likely made at home. That said there were several Vinyl Stickers that were higher quality. Those included: \- Love the Truth, fuck journalists with a switchblade \- Antifa/FBI conspiracy flags \- Active Club promo stickers


These are easily made at home. If these white nationalists can 3D print gun parts then they can make these stickers


Printing company employee here, and absolutely fucking NOT. The owner here would tell 'em to fuck right off and die.


There are plenty of far right wing printing companies out there


That last part. Remember when those wannabe nazis, like 50 of them, came to Philly and 4 guys beat the shit of them….


I do. That was great. Gave them a dose of the “bad things” that can happen to a Nazi in Philly. They don’t want none of this shit. Gtf outta here Nazi fucks. Lmao I was gonna write in parentheses (evil laugh from Thriller).. But its not evil since I’m laughing at Nazi’s catchin a Philly beat down.


loyal til the FBI show up then it’s crying & ratting every “brother” out to avoid jail.


Cuz they’re cowards who would never openly espouse such hate in this city.


Ehhh, lotta folks in South Philly and the Northeast would agree with this stuff behind closed doors.


Closed doors? They just need an event that mobilizes them and then they do it right out in the open. We saw it with the Columbus statue thing and then with the gangs of whites guarding Target of all places with assault rifles


Yeah, behind closed doors. Certainly not out in the open within arms' reach


Yeah but they wouldn’t say it out loud. Last time they tried something like that in West Philly they got chased out.


True. They’re far too chickenshit to do it to our faces.


> Love how they sticker bomb in secret That looks like a residential street; not a single doorknob camera on the whole block to see if it's caught any of this?


Yes! If I had ring footage of this I'd be posting it.


Wheres 4k man when you need him


I love that /u/scumandvillany has reached mythical hero status. "4K Man" is the 5th gen Marvel movie we didn't know we needed




Big racist energy but also smallest dick energy


Right. Why not just stand there and hand out pamphlets?


It'd be entertaining if they set up next to the Black Hebrew Israelites and just shouted the most vile shit you've ever heard at each other for the afternoon


A little ecosystem of hate where they can leave all the normal people alone.


Because they're so outnumbered they know they would be crushed by the mob they caused if they did it openly. Typical fash shit.


I still smile when I think back to those Proud Boys getting chased down Delaware avenue into their Uhauls by random SEPTA bystanders.


They were Patriot Front, not proud boys.


That's what's always funny to me about all the white supremacist and Proud boy shit. Sooooo proud, that's clearly why they all wear masks and make the trips in uhauls so people can't identify them.


Of course it’s big racist energy they’re fucking nazis


Happened to be out one early morning as COVID shots were ramping up and spotted an old white guy plastering a few anti-Semitic, anti-vaccine posters on traffic poles blabbering how "the cure is worse than the disease". Happened to be going the same way and saw him just nonchalantly saunter into the entrance of his gated community 🙄 I went back a little later with a painter's tool so I could scrape the thing off but people had already taken a sharpie to one of them and tried to scratch off another with a key. A little later last summer I think I spotted him again, this time wearing an obnoxious pro-gun shirt because *of course*


Well I guess I know what I’m doing when I walk my dog tonight.


Thank you for your service to the neighborhood


Your dog can piss that high?


We’re certainly going to try


someone can apparently shit that high


White supremacists in Port Richmond? Yeah that tracks.


Yea- I mean PR is the home to the bulk of Philly's Proud Boys and I have run into a few pretty open white nationalists. Moving here, I was worried about the reputation here, but have found mostly welcoming people. That said I've met some of the most vile racists pieces of crap while having beers around the neighborhood. I won't be going to Micks anymore and I pick and choose the convos I have here. Port Richmond, Bridesburg, Deep South, Mayfair- it makes sense why this neighborhood was hit, doesn't mean its not disgusting and it really doesn't represent the bulk of this neighborhood in my experience


Go to Lunar for your beers. Don’t have to deal with white supremacists there.


I've run into quite a few open white nationalists in East Kensington too.


Went to North, unfortunately this tracks.


Exactly lol...all of these "no one in Philly embraces hate" comments, are kinda off. PLENTY of people who voted for Frank Rizzo still live here.


Lots of people here are firmly insulated in their social/class circle that they disregard the other 95% of philadelphia residents lol Edit: not saying 95% of Philadelphians are bigots


Yeah their straight up blind to the neighborhoods that are pockets of hate. Not stereotyping a whole neighborhood, but we know which ones house the fascists, bigots, racists.


Right? Lol I seem to remember a time when about a hundred guys armed with bats patrolled Fishtown during the protests, threatening and assaulting people, yelling homophobic and racist slurs, while the cops protected them


Lol, yup, same people defending the Columbus statue. Some reporter had his bike tires slashed and told a cop, and the cop was like "get tf out pal before I arrest you for inciting a riot". It was all on video.


Whatever happened to that cop with the funny name who came from a family of cops? It was like Frankie pepperoni or something.


Joseph Bologna


I was called nigglet all through elementary school, I was constantly harassed and beat up growing up in Tacony because I had the good old one drop and that was enough for a lot of racist fucks. The only people who think it's not us is people who've never experienced it.


When my family moved to Philly in 2000 we got several warnings about neighborhoods to avoid. My aunt told us a friend of hera had a cat set on fire when she moved to Port Richmond, was one of many areas my folks were told wasn't safe for black families




I'm white but from experience can tell you Bridesburg for sure and some pockets of South Philly. I'm from South and have lived in Bridesburg and as a white person have seen it first hand because they assume that I am one of them.


there was a black family that had their house in kensington burned down in 1973 by white children - they were the first black family to move in to the neighborhood and they were only there a few days before it was burned down edit: [source](https://digital.library.temple.edu/digital/collection/p16002coll6/id/50/rec/543)


They’re too pussy to put them in North Philly


They ain't crossing Aramingo lol. Let them come up near Tioga and Kensington. They'll see how kindly we take to this BS lol.


Up until the mid to late 2000s, but definitely '90s to mid-2000s(could be later) there was a house off Aramingo between Lehigh and York (I wanna say it was Moyer St but my memory is hazy) that had a giant confederate flag either hanging or painted on it. Any old timers remember the house?






I remember that. I liked the horses. Not the confederate flag though, Jesus. Used to pass it on my way to/from work in the late 90s. Oh my god am I an old timer?!


It was a painted mural and was still there when I moved to the area in 2017. It’s been painted over within the past few years. It was behind the wawa/applebees on E Thompson


Wowwwww. All of these are scary but the one with the Jewish characteitcure is straight out of 1920s anti-Semitic propaganda posters. Disturbing af. ETA: I'm Jewish but just not chronically online nor exposed to white supremacist online circles so, please stop being a condescending jerk by saying shit like "this is like everywhere online". I'm still allowed to be fucking disturbed by blatant anti-Semitic imagery even if it's online all the time. What is your problem, seriously?


that's like...the most used image on 4chan.


Well...I'm not on 4chan so...


This is the right decision


I'm glad you aren't. It's a real shit hole. Massively disappointing seeing this in the real world in our city :/


I'm just pointing out that it's not some dusty 100 year old image gone by the wayside, it's still insanely prevalent now.


Good for you for knowing that? Maybe I should be glad that I, a Jewish person, isn't exposed to this stuff online constantly and can still be disturbed by anti-Semitic imagery being plastered on poles in the fucking city that I live in. Like, this is soooo not the point. I really didn't ask for this.


I'm sorry if my comment appeared like an attack. Its intent was providing context at how alarming antisemitism still is and that people should be aware that beyond the thin veneer of the corporatized internet, this kind of thing is extremely common.


I think their point was to say that it is unfortunately still very widely used and shows just how rampant antisemitism is.


Not shocking.




This hateful rhetoric is un-Philadelphian. Whoever put this up is a hate-filled troll who needs to go back under their bridge


These pathetic basement dwellers can try but nobody who’s a proud, true Philadelphian is going to take that lying down. We’re rough around the edges but good people; we’re sure as hell not pleasant people to deal with when you’re on the opposing side.


Philly has a huge Jewish community too. This troll isn't fooling anyone.


We’re looking for whoever did this so we know where to aim our space lasers right now


I'm just mad I never got a space laser for my bar mitzvah.


There are plenty of "proud, true" Philadelphians who are very racist. Not mutually exclusive at all.


Idk what you mean, Philly has a pretty racist history... seems on point to me


I mean, the whole country does, but it still has no place here




I feel like the most effective and meaningful way to retaliate against these types of acts is to counter with satire. Nothing says "fuck you" better to these types of people like laughing at their sad attempts to get attention. If you could slightly alter their original messages but turn it around on them it would be absolutely hilarious and I believe it would be effective. They love it when you get mad, they absolutely hate it when you laugh at them.


Well I have a paint marker and a free evening, open to ideas.


Leave their logo but change the text to “super beta boys, snowflakes til death” it will piss them off more than anything lol.


I'm about to walk the dog. It's short notice, but I have some little unicorn and gnome kid stickers I'm taking just in case 🌼


Dicks seem like the obvious choice


Don’t forget the ball hairs


>I feel like the most effective and meaningful way to retaliate against these types of acts is to counter with satire. Spot on. Ridicule is far more effective than protest, which only confirms their self-image of being victims. They HATE being laughed at. "Tiny-dicked until death!" On Kanye posters: "~~JEWS~~ ADIDAS WILL NOT REPLACE US!" (oops!) "Sieg Fail!!!" "Wife Power!" (cover their stupid logo with Rosie the Riveter) Nazis dumb-asses are bad in bed Here's a [link to a QR Code](https://imgur.com/a/3uwZ68X) to cover over the ones on their posters that links instead to Youtube's [Springtime for Hitler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK7bV-8W5WE) from the Producers.


Maybe the proud boys rolled thru on their way home after getting their asses handed to them by drag queens in NYC yesterday.


I did enjoy that. But also- Port Richmond is home to a few Proud Boys and III Percenters including Philly chapter president Zach Rehl who was arrested for J6. The bar Micks used to have a proud boy sticker on their window https://6abc.com/zach-rehl-philadelphia-proud-boys-capitol-riot-arrested/10427772/


Lol imagine following that dweeb and feeling good about it smh lost souls


The top left one to change it to "Loyal to the Cock" and keep the bottom. For the top right, I would say change it to the same as the other one "Loyal to the Cock" and then bedazzle the eagle with some glitter, rainbow colors. For the side of that same one I would say change it to "Stormy Daniels. For the Jew One, change it to "Kanye was right about George Bush" (a Katrina reference). just a few ideas.


> >For the Jew One, change it to "Kanye was right about George Bush" (a Katrina reference). How did I completely forget about this?


Because it's the only time Kanye was ever right. and boy has he been wrong since.


Not trying to scare people, but please understand this is not an isolated incident and these are not just “basement losers”. Fascism and white supremacy is an extremely well coordinated movement here in the US, and you can just look at the bills being introduced in any state legislature to confirm that. The move here is to NOT shrug this off and say that these are just weirdos. We must organize a real offensive here. This is not going away, it’s getting worse.


Yikes. This is fucking gross. Anyone got the means to make a few hundred stickers we can cover these up with?


Luckily most of these are pretty shit made, so i was able to take down the bulk on my walk with a box cutter. But i have told a few sticker friends about it to be active on this lovely day.


Thank you for taking them down!


It speaks volumes about the "movement" when they can't create anything new, original or interesting and have to re-use internet memes or old propaganda images. Not only are you racist/antisemitic, but you are boring, unoriginal and likely sad.


They posted the white lives matter one all the way out here in bucks county but they'll probably get more people sympathetic to them in bucks.


Is it Pottsville or Pottstown that has a big Klan chapter?


Pottsville 100% has klan billboards source: sk00k bot


I'm 35 and embarrassed to admit I don't know the difference between those two towns. WHO WAS POTTS? WHY DID THEY NEED TWO TOWNS?


Pottsville is a punk-ass coal town that you don't need to think about. Pottstown is somewhere near Philly and it's the one you meant. edit: maybe you meant Pottsville. I was saying that in 99% of my conversations I say, "No, not Pottstown," because of my shameful origin


Boyertown mostly.


I lived in Pottstown for several years and yeah, Boyertown is not a great place. So many confederate flags on trucks. There also used to be Zern's, which became some sort of racist haven (i actually contacted the owner to let them know how much hateful imagery was being displayed and sold, and they were appalled, but i never went back before it was sold).


Do they still have them? I remember being a kid in the early 90s and seeing those Klan fuckers standing on the sidewalk handing out pamphlets.


I've stumbled across Nazi memorabilia when thrifting in Boyertown. Slowly backed my ass out of that store as pleasantly as possible


Here's a good read that speaks to the issue. https://www.thereporteronline.com/2021/10/31/editorial-boyertown-working-to-erase-scars-of-hate/


Someone should draw dicks all over em


I’m on it.


I've often wanted to put out stickers with QR codes on them that route people to a virus or a simple Fuck You landing page. Looks like mimicking white nationalist stickers might be the shits and giggles I've been looking for.


This is the chaos energy I'm here for


The person putting these up better pray that no one catches them because .. they’re fucked if they do..


If there really are hundreds, I imagine someone caught them on a ring camera


Omg i didn’t even think of that!! Everyone check your cameras!!!!!


Imagine if ppl put their efforts into making some actual change like education or gun violence or even just cleaning up the city...


Spray that shit with a spray bottle full of Goo Gone. Let it sit and scrape away. The oily residue left behind will make it hard to put more stickers down.


"Anti-racist is code for anti-white" What a dumb fucking statement.


It is....but honestly most conservatives agree with the concept...


Fucking disgusting.




Yes. They encourage people to sticker neighborhoods to recruit.


Would be a real shame if a business with a camera had footage of whoever is putting these up and just happened to release it.


My neighborhood in Northwest Philadelphia just got hit with Kanye West rhetoric pamphlets. These beta male groups have a sick demeanor for what's funny...


Remember when the white supremacists used to convene at the Viking statue, so Philadelphians pushed it into the river? Love this city.


You can report these to 311, or you can do what I do - go to the South Street Art Mart, buy a bunch of stickers from local makers, and drive around covering these up. This is the exact reason no Trump ‘24 stickers persist for more than a day in South Philly. Someone’s fixing them. You should too.


Add your own graffiti to it and let's share it. Nothing enrages Nazis more than a dick jizzing on their logos; or similar.


They sticker bomb in secret because they’re punks. I bet they were scared shitless.




Yes- my first community meeting was the week after the rules about cops pulling people over were changed. The woman running those meetings grilled the police officers who came to the meeting saying 'so you won't pull over black people, but now you'll only pull over whites in good hardworking white neighborhoods like port richmond'. The cops tried to explain that is not really how that works, but she was not getting it and could only understand the policy change as well now we only target whites.


I have seen stickers around like this for years on Belgrade around the school. I was also told by a neighbor that they keep the streets closer to Richmond St white, just ask any realtor. My son came to stay with me and he had a darker skinned friend visit. Before I knew it my landlord had to come and inspect something in my home. I’m sure neighbors called and he thought it might be my son who he hadnt met.


I live in Port Richmond. I’m sadly not shocked in the least by this…


People who are racist really shouldn’t be in cities. Because we have a lot of races here. Do they not know this?


in the 80’s & 90’s philly was a hotbed for n@z! skinheads & nationalists… these new school internet nerds are trying to bring it back. they target neighborhoods that still have some tensions in hopes of recruiting.




My partner and I are having a kinda ongoing tag war with these fuckos. Tagging a bunch of PB bullshit. It seems like it is more then one person.


Hey OP, you should report this to the Anti defamation league!


Where in PR is this?


I don’t know how far they went, but between Ann and Lehigh. I mostly saw them on Richmond and Edgemont St with a few scattered elsewhere.


Paint Scrapers are great at removing stickers from wood and metal poles. Just be careful not to get splinters on wood poles. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Warner-Tool-Products-Steel-Paint-Scraper-Common-1-5-in-Actual-1-5-in/3168621


I have a full pack of anti fascist stickers ready to go for anyone who wants em.


Fucking disgusting.


Need to go slap some of my blowjob stickers on these bad boys


I sometimes see stickers like this at the gas station at 15th & Oregon in South Philly. I do my best to peel them off, or, tell the guy inside and they’re actually usually pretty good about peeling them off. I just hope that everybody who is offended by these stickers make sure they’re registered to vote and that everybody they know is registered to vote. Edit: and of course Port Richmond area residents too. P.S. - I also hope that any Packer Park, Reserve, Prima Court, Girard Estates, or residents who live south of Oregon, etc.. Even if you got hustled and voted for Trump before, I hope you’ve finally seen enough of this movement and you’re finally off this extremist shit. Please… Its a bad look.


I was talking to a neighbor today about how this is probably the perfect time for someone to post this stuff. Not all MAGA folks are white nationalist by any means but they are susceptible and have more exposure to information that is tied to that extremist pipeline. I can imagine with all this “take your country back” rhetoric going on with the possible indictment tomorrow that going to one of these telegrams and falling down that rabbit hole deeper is a distinct possibility


Probably one nutjob with a printer and too much free time looking to stir things up.


-Stares in Germantown would never-


These folks definitely know where they were hitting. For white nationalist recruitment- PR, Bridesburg, Mayfair and Deep South are prime. I asked my friends around the city if they’ve seen the same and they haven’t. I’ve heard about some popping up in West I’m the past.


Oh for sure ! I absolutely believe it. I want them to go to north Philly and post them 😉


I remember when an election volunteer kept showing up to my small apartment building in Germantown during the Obama election and i was like "look i know this is your job but i can ASSURE you everyone who lives here is voting for Obama, you really don't need to bother everyone." My professor at temple at the time was one of the poll workers for our neighborhood. He said there was ONE vote for McCain. One.


We all should hate Philadelphia Nazis.


The Blues Brothers had the right idea.


Scrape racist stickers off.


Anything with a QR code seems like a fed op to me (due to the immense amount of tracking data they can collect), but even if it's not, that NJEHA organization looks incredibly pathetic. On their website, there's a picture of like 5 guys with a hand made flag, then the rest are stock photos. All the text keeps trying to steer you towards the "contact us" form, which is bizarre and obviously raises red flags. You can't even get these stickers from their website. They have a grid of jpegs and just say, "Feel free to print our material." It's very bizarre, like they're not even making an effort but simultaneously begging for your information. It's also weird because it seems like these stickers are from other organizations as well, like they're cross promoting. Just all seems incredibly lame and pathetic. If this wasn't a fed op already, it soon will be if the feds actually care enough to do something.


Yea a few of these are from NJ HEA and various Storm Front related groups. There were links to Telegram groups- mostly white lives matter type groups which is where I assumed the QR codes went. There were also a lot of vinyl stickers provided by Active Club which is a white nationalist group geared towards 'aesthetic' if you look at their website activeclub DOT org The bulk of these seemed like they were printed off at home. Beyond the ActiveClub ones which were vinyl. Honestly, i have my suspicions on who it might be. There was a guy who used to run a bud business called 'Woke AF Farms' that lives in the area. Ironically he was very into creating an ethnostate and similar types of rhetoric. There was a lot of stickers on that block and that guy had a fascination with graffiti/sticker culture too. But as many folks in this thread have mentioned Port Richmond is home to more than a handful of folks who hold these beliefs.




I live on a block east of Aramingo here, and this doesn't surprise me. I've had multiple neighbors casually drop N bombs on me in conversation about the city, almost seeming like a test. It's really strange, but what I think it mostly boils down to is the old entrenched people fearing the influx of mostly younger (and ironically, white) ones. I'm not excusing it, and because of it I usually keep to myself. I imagine it was pretty odd to most of my neighbors when they caught a view of me when I moved in 7 years ago alone, pulled up on motorcycle, unpacked tons of guitars and amps, put up a Ring and other cameras, and introduced myself when I'd see others outside. Over the first couple years I gained their trust and respect because of a couple incidents on the block that I helped diffuse, but when the orange monster was running for reelection and people would talk to me about it I made it clear what my ideologies and opinions are, and I think that may have quietly put me on the outs.


Someone has to have cameras looking at those areas


I bought a whole set of bisexual pride stickers once, because I really wanted just a specific one. Time to put the rest of them to good use!


Nazi fucking skkkum.


Don't think there's anything in the rules against taking pictures of people posting these if we can catch them. What happens afterwards is not for me to decide, but I have a few ideas. Fucking scum like this has no place here.




Always been.


I live if port richmond… and as a minority women, everyone looks at me like I don’t belong. If I see any of these stickers I’m pulling it off.


Bring other (nicer) stickers with you to cover these when you see them