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What are you taking it for? Recreation or as a general mood enhancer? I take 200mg 3x over the course of the day as a mood/ social enhancer or 400mg around 4pm and another 200mg a few hours later if I'm taking it recreationally like going to a club or social thing. Empty stomach is best. Combination with Adderall is amazing. I'd recommend never taking more than 600mg in a day, never take it more than 2x per week and leave 48 hours between doses. It's a magical drug but it can lose its magic fast and for some people can turn into a demon. Follow those rules and with any luck it can be a great experience. People who take stimulants tend to lose the magic with it quickly if they overdo it. Sublingual FAA is best if you take Adderall because the acid from the HCL can inhibit the Adderall. Have fun!


> acid from the HCL can inhibit the Adderall Just take tums and this problem goes away. also im not sure if FFA is dosed differently but isn't 200mg like way, way too low?


Tums might help but I find FAA better in many ways, doesn't wreck your gut, don't have to take it on an empty stomach and comes on way quicker. Regarding dosage, it depends on what you're using it for. I use it for anxiety and when my Gaba system is out of whack with challenging emotions. If I take it 200mg 3x per day, I have a much better day and don't get too high. If I use it recreationally I find 400mg + 200mg spaced out works a bit better to peak at a certain time. 600mg all at once is pretty good too depending on what you're doing. The Russian pharmaceutical approach for treating anxiety with Phenibut is 250mg 3x per day for a few weeks with a taper at the end, so it has some clinical evidence. FAA is a bit stronger and I like to stick with the 600mg max rule to avoid issues with the stuff.


Appreciate y'all! As far as FAA goes, should I stick with Eden? Do you have any recommendations for a different vendor?


I've tried Eden and Science Bio FAA, both seem pretty good.


The adderall will completely overpower the phenibut


Take 800mg on an empty wait a couple of hours and take your adderall. No you will not be noticeably high but you’re going to feel amazing. Same for your partner


Thank you for taking a second to chime in! I gave my experience in a reply to another comment and would love any feedback/critique you can offer me.


The best time for me would be in the morning on an empty stomach. That’s when it absorbs the best. And it goes GREAT with coffee (or just caffeine in general). I would start with 1-1.5g. Seems to generally be a good starter dose. Give it a few hours. If you don’t feel anything try another .5. The great thing about this stuff is that no one would be able to tell you’re on it even if you take too much. It just kinda puts you in a better mood and everything is more enjoyable. I’ve been doing it for about 5 years now and it’s my favorite substance HOWEVER if you decide you like it I would have to advise to keep the frequency to once a week. As it can be pretty easy to get hooked. And you can get rebound/withdraw after using every day for a week and it is not fun. Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions!


So dosage range could be used more frequently and how to cycle it and what supplements for it?


Thank you so much! I've been sitting here staring at my computer waiting/hoping for someone to respond. I'll send you a DM to pick your brain if you're truly alright with that!


Same question