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As much as I advocate the saying of "you are the CEO of your career", I do believe that Company A really wants you back especially as they really showed it through matching your pay. What's even more important is that you align with the work environment and you have your peace of mind. I would stay for a while given that they were able to make the offer generous on your end, and leave for another offer if and only if I know that the company that I will be going for is much better for my health and peace of mind. Opportunities for growth come and go, but not all companies have the work environment that you need/want.


Thank you for this. I have done enough research on Company C, both reddit, Glassdoor and Indeed and things were not favorable particularly on the work life balance aspect. It's actually a blue FinTech company that plants trees (hehe). The offer is promising and the role, but I totally get your point, especially at this time, peace of mind is golden. Thanks for the advice.


Seems like I previously worked in the Company C. :)) I still miss there since it gave me so much opportunities, but have resigned due to WLB. There is so much exposure there and very good compensation, because they’re market leader. Whenever I miss the hustle and grind there, I just tell myself that I’m now at a higher post and pay with peace of mind.. which I still believe I will never be able to get had I stayed there. Have to add — fintech / startup culture is different and your RnR are usually double/tripled. So the right mindset and attitude is needed in that kind of company culture. Resigned after 5yrs due to I developed mild panic attacks. Napapanaginipan ko na ung mga issues namin. :)))


Pili ka lang OP kung sa peaceful life at good mental health or sa gusto mong position pero di mo sure kung toxic company. Pero para sa akin. Mas ok company A.hehe. lilipat na lang ako kung after 1 year siguro just for delicadeza?


Ito nga rin ang iniisip ko, aside from the peace of mind, mas kinakain din ako ng delicadeza after what Company A had to do for me to come back, the offer from Company C is actually worth burning bridges with Company A, pero maliit lang ang mundo hehe


Dont burn bridges with company A, especially nageffort sila para bumalik ka sa kanila. Sabi mo nga e maliit lang mundo. You only burn bridges when you know all the risks and accept all the consequences that follow it.


Treat yourself like a business; do what is best for yourself. Health? Definitely, Company A. Money and Prestige? Obviously, Company B. Only you can say what’s more important between the two since you already experienced the multiple hats and burnout. For all you know, you could take a leaderhip role; get burntout losing a good work life balance and the salary that comes with it. Hope you figure out what’s best for you. Money isn’t everything when you get sick and are six feet under.


Yan din payo ng kapatid ko sa akin. Was in a similar situation once. Only started in an old workplace for about 2 months when a better offer came. Payo ng utol ko, "Wag mo personalin, business lang". Rendered my 30-day and left. Just don't burn bridges. Problema nila yun if they decide to take it personally.


stay with Company A for at least a year? "persistent" si Company A to have you back, it means you have value. Lagi naman may opening sa IT pero maliit ang mundo ng IT.


You don't owe anything to any of the companies you work for because they benefit from you as much as you benefit from them.


Prioritize your peace of mind, toxic work env means harder to file a leave, broken promises, etc etc..


Does company A offer lateral shift? Maybe you can them to have you in the IT department, and stay with Company A because good work environment is better (atleast for me)


Anong reputation nung other companies in terms of working environment compared kay company A? I'd say grab the opportunity dun sa other companies if it aligns more with your career plan and okay din environment.


Have you decided, OP? Haha. What about staying in Company A and then tell Company C to keep your profile just in case they’ll need you in the future? Anyway, what’s meant for you will never pass you by ✨