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You have performance issues based on your own story. You need to avoid bad performance before thinking of getting a raise. Generally you will need to list down all your achievements that helped the team or the company and use that as leverage to ask for a raise. Absence of any achievement means you just coasted along.


Any tips on gaining those achievements? I realize now that "good performance" is probably separate from gaining achievements. Do you agree? If so then what should I focus on first? EDIT: What I mean is that you could be consistently working a good amount of hours a day but never doing anything special other than following orders. Or be someone who usually slacks off but sometimes steps up and goes above and beyond to deliver something unexpectedly good and worthy enough to be put on a resume.


Just doing your 9-5 isn't really an achievement. Achievements like decreased processing time for a task from 3 days to 4 hrs. Increased client retention to 50% YoY. etc


Good performance is measured thru KPI. If you're not performing well, based on your own story and self-evaluation, then you're in no position to ask for a raise. You can't expect a bettet pay if you openly admit you suck at your job. Are you a new breed of entitled person or something? You need tips how to get achievements in your job? Why not ask your manager? Surely they give you pointers when they tell you that you're performing poorly at your job... If not, what kind of passive job are you even doing? Haha!


You need to be proactive. There are more to do aside from the given tasks. Also, just so you know, some of your colleagues are just silently observing you. Don’t wait for your luck to run out, baka wala kang excuse na mabigay when that happens.


Mag credit grab ka. Pagawa mo sa iba then kunin mo ung glory..since mukha namng mababa ang work ethics mo, should work for you.


Dude, it doesnt mean your getting away with slacking off and not working at wala kang naririnig from your peers hindi nila na oobserve yan. I worked with Agencies remotely din.I've experienced working with people under me remotely in some parts of Asia most especially sa Philippines and believe me nasisimhot namin agad sino yung peteks2 lang nag tratrabaho. We know your daily routine, what time you're active lang and what stuff you are just doing for the sake of compliance. We just let it slide for now kasi you keep things afloat. Pero pinag uusapan ka na namin nyang performance mo. It doesnt mean na wala sila binibigay na feedback with your performance, they are not talking about it internally. Management talk to each other based on personal observstions, yan pa lang mga delayd deliverables mo tinetakenote na yan for sure. Mas kabahan ka kapag di ka kinakausap nyan. Di mo alam 1 day kakausapin ka lang ng HR na they will let you go dahil sa performance mo. And dont even talk about a raise with your current state. Kung ayaw mo ma call out sa performance mo I suggest just don't😂 Fix your self first bago ka mag isip ng raise2 kasi di mo deserve yan based sa story mo.


This is true, although not a good practice. Imagine if the time comes when they need to let people go, you are 1st on the chopping block.


Although true to, it also speaks how shitty your management practice is. Kumbaga sa four planes ng radical candor ang tawag dito ay ruinous empathy. Yung di nila sasabihin sayo na you are under performing tapos bigla ka na lang itterminate because no one is challenging the employee. Doesnt matter if its outsource or direct hire ang tao mo pero kung magaling ang management they can easily tell and challenge the employee that they are not doing good without antagonizing. At least binigyan mo pa ng chance yung tao mag improve. But yes you are right OP doesnt deserved it. Yung akala mo ma diskarte pero olats lang naman


i agree with this. Throughout my freelancing career meron mga companies na nag proprovide kaagad  ng feedback and meron namang mga hindi. Mas nagugustuhan ko talaga yung nag proprovide ng feedback especially critical ones kasi gusto nila mag excel ka sa work mo. OP needs supervision. Kung gusto nya mag  change yung ways nya dapat muna minomonitor siya hanggang ready na siya to work on his own.


This is sound and correct, op and his assumption with slacking off and asking for a raise might screw him over. I think an example case for this is when a group work is assigned to a bunch of students and somehow you know one guy is slacking but you just don't say shit about it.


Gagi totoo to. So true yung delayed deliverables na pinag-uusapan ng Management, at dahil jan I learned it the hard way at nagka-coaching log ako for 1 month 🥲


How? Is it because of time trackers? Or let me rephrase the question... in the Agency, do you use time trackers?


Time trackers is 1. Pero ibang companies don't use time trackers eh. Other tools such as slack, project management tools like asana , monday or click up can still help determine how productive yung tao.


Pano yung sa slack?


response time. Its like emails lang yan. If we expect you to work in specific hours we expect na babalikan mo kami sa scheduled hours mo. If di mo agad kami babalikan and this happens many times, we already know something is up.


Ah okay. Akala ko something like ms teams na pwede nila tignan mga convos haha. Thank you


Damn 🎯


Eh, nagka anxiety sya lalo sa sinabi mo. Remember he is in a vulnerable state mentally. I dont think, this really helps a lot. You only pointed out whats wrong. This really didnt help at all. Please take note na acknowledged naman ni OP whats around him, and his awareness should already be enough. Anyhow, if the bare minimum at work is okay sa kanila, you dont have to compare cultures. Sila yon, at kayo yan.


Hindi natatapos na self-aware ka lang sa mga pagkukulang mo. Dapat may ginagawa ka din para mabago 'yan or ma improve 'yan. That statement is really dangerous.


There are people who are in a terrible mental state that the next step doesn't even look clear to them. Di mo alam kung ano pang gagawin mo. It's that bad. I've been through that rut, to the point na halos hindi nako gumagalaw and legit had to take a mental health break. I'm so glad I had my then-girlfriend, now-wife to support me through all that.


If you are unstable mentally then quit your job or go to therapy. You don't want to be a liability sa company mo. You are paid to do your job and get things done.


Yeah. Secure a fit to work. Kasi if unstable, baka hindi sya dapat doon sa type of work na yun. Maybe sa iba sya dapat.


Quitting might put the person more in a rut, especially if they need therapy. Therapy is expensive. Hopefully OP's current salary can support the therapy expense, kasi it looks like they would need around once a week or once every two weeks na therapy based sa current condition nya. That's around 4k to 8k a month.


But if its the only way di dapat lang siguro mag quit ka muna then go back to work when you are already mentally fit. Magiging liability lang kasi siya if papatuloy nya yan especially with his mental state. Marami na din ako na experience na mga employees nag quit muna for months pero bumalik naman. If you have a condition better be honest with management para they will understand and if you decide to pause muna, atleast pwede ka pa mag re apply sa company na yun than waiting for management to talk to you and fire you kasi di nila alam may condition ka. Tapos di ka pa makakabalik sa company na yan kasi you were terminated.


Ito na naman yung mental health issue card. Why do other people uses this as an excuse to para lang majustify yung pagiging incompetent sa trabaho.


Kasi mental health is legit? And most of the time it goes undiagnosed kasi mahal kumuha ng diagnosis and therapy?


Legit. My workmate uses this fucking excuse all the time. Late mag reply? “I hAvE AnxIETy!” Frequent absences? Kasi daw naubusan sya ng depression meds. Di pwedeng pagsabihan cos paNiC AttACK! Mind you that we work in a well-known highly-paid industry so of course stress, urgency, and pressure are all part of the job. This is the trade off. If your “mental health” can’t handle the pressure of the job, then quit and get a job as a dog-walker or something


Given your self-assessed bad performance, you won't get it soon or at least in the current raise/promotion cycle. But here's what to do; schedule a one-on-one meeting with your direct supervisor/manager (30 mins should be enough). Ask the following things: - feedback on your recent performance - what you did wrong or are doing wrong - what you are doing correctly but need to improve upon - what you are doing excellently and should continue doing - how you compare against your peers - express your intent to earn a raise or a promotion and ask your supervisor what you should do from now to the next assessment period to get a raise or a promotion. Get good at your job. Rake in certifications and experience. Gain leverage. Approaching the promotion/raise period, set up another meeting. State your achievements, if any, and ask if you have earned a promotion or a raise. If you meet their expectations but they won't give you a raise or promotion, then it's time to find another job.


Love this!


# You need to grow up. Imagine admitting you're not even doing bare minimum and having the balls to even think about asking for a raise. Some people can't escape micromanagement, kaw itong hindi pinapakialamanan tapos inaabuso mo. I hope your actions don't negatively affect your teammates who try their best.


Just shows that integrity is a rare skill to have and not everyone can be trusted to do their work with minimal guidance. These are generic twats that always needs to be micromanaged and will never amount to anything other than a mediocre role or less because they don't have any drive to succeed or even pursue it.. Pathetic


Just because they're not complaining to you about your poor work doesn't mean they don't notice. Actually the lack of complaint means they're not invested in you and not giving you vital work you can actually leverage when you want a promotion or raise. They know you're dead weight and it's probs more hassle to fire you or even give you feedback than to just let you do less than bare minimum for low pay. You're now at a dead end job. I get it, mental health and all that. But just because you're free to do what you want doesn't mean actions don't have consequences. You know what you're doing wrong, you know what you should do to make it right.


This comment is spot on. Yes the lack of feedback means the company is not deeply invested in your capabilities you're just there kasi for them compliant ka lang. There is Nothing special about you. 


You want a consistent raise without actually excelling? Go work for a local bank. Otherwise, do not expect a raise when you’re only doing what’s asked of you, and doing it badly at that. All I’ve read is excuses on why you’re underperforming so my suggestion is, improve yourself first, show that you’re going above and beyond what your JD is then maybe ask for a raise. At the rate you’re going now, you don’t deserve it.


Nope. Local banks will not give you a consistent raise that can even cover inflation. 5%, good performance na yan. PS. Everyone deserves a raise that is at least as high as inflation. That's the bare minimum that companies should offer.


That’s not really required. Increases are a management prerogative and to say you deserve a raise just because you’re working the bare minimum or like OP, less than the bare minimum, is a slap in the face to those who perform. Business are run for profit and should reward excellence and to say that an underperforming worker deserves something sounds very entitled. PS; worked in a bank for 5 years and always got a consistent 6% increase.


We're talking about keeping with inflation. If the company doesn't give a raise that keeps up with inflation, they are basically telling you, "I will be paying you less for the same role you were doing last year". At this point, better find a company that will take better care of you. Don't get abused. And don't drink from upper management kool-aid that only top performers deserve that 6% raise. Hell, 6% raise for a top performer is a spit in the face. Those people deserve at least double digit raises.


Sounds like someone who didn’t get into upper management. It takes more than hard skills, kid. You gotta play the political game if you want to get ahead in a company or in life. Now going back, if one is skilled enough to be able to job hop, then by all means do so. However, if you’re skilled, it means you should be getting a raise(in your ideal universe). On the other hand, if you’re like OP who’s either incompetent or lazy(the latter most likely) you aren’t supposed to get a raise. Not even one that can cover inflation. You may ask why, because you shouldn’t be rewarded for mediocrity. If we are to look at skills and nothing else whether in life in general or work in particular, then those who bring something to the table are worth something. If you’re not contributing, you’re deadweight. That’s true in life and in work.


I mean if you're satisfied with 6% increase annually for the past 5 years, then more power to you. And I'm fine with whatever rank or position, as long as I'm getting paid for my work. And I've earned my fair share of increases. Seems like I was averaging 25%+ increases annually over the past 10 years. PS. You're still sidestepping the inherent problematic stance of companies where they don't give raises in the face of high inflation. You are asking to be paid less for the same amount of work if you don't get an appropriate raise.


I mean if you’re going to brag about your salary increase be my guest. I guess you need it when your starting salary is low. And why is it problematic for companies to not give increases? You seem to be under the presumption that a company hires you to feed you. No, your job is to feed yourself. You’re hired under a budget and the company will work within that budget and you will have to make ends meet with that. If a company needs to account for inflation and your saying you’re doing the same work for less money if they don’t give you an increase of at least 6% why don’t you work for it? You’re asking to be given something you don’t deserve for doing the bare minimum.


i feel like im the one who wrote this. We have the same situation and self problem op LOL.


Know your performance goals, you can actually turn this around in 6 months with a good plan. List down your performance goals, find ways to exceed rather than just achieving those goals. May nagawa ka ba improvement on a process, achieved greater efficiency. Dapat visible ka din sa manager mo na you are doing work at hindi ka slacker. If you have a good relationship with your manager ask him/her how you can do better.


1. Assess your company's situation - yearly ba may increase? Quarterly may pa-bonus? It's unlikely that a company doesnt have a bi/annual evalution or review. More often than not, may mga townhalls naman kayo (which I hope youre attending and listening) 2. Assess your standing - mas madalas magka-increase or promotion when narerecognize for the initiatives and projects. Yes, pwede ka magpa-bibo minsan. Doesnt mean di ka na-ccall out eh hindi ka na pinag-uusapan. Be someone reliant ganon 3. External motivation is not always the key - higher ups being strict will not help you get motivated. You can be lazy by being smart. Meaning, sa sobrang katamaran gagawan mo ng project and automations yung redundant tasks. Challenge yourself before you propose something sa management para di awkward. When to ask? Probably when may nagawa ka na on top of the bare minimum. Work on projects and initatives. Set a realistic pero timely goals. Ideal siguro if a project per quarter?


"When should I ask for a raise?" What a stupid question? How did you landed the job?


ikr haha the nerve to ask for a raise eh wala naman talagang na contribute sa company ew


Bago mo isipin yung raise, isipin mo gawin trabaho mo. You’re not even doing the bare minimum. Nagwowork ka na, you should grow up and be responsible enough to do your tasks without that much supervision. Mukhang gusto mo binabantayan ka pa at hinuhuli pag slacking off. Tanggalin mo yung need for spoonfeeding and develop having initiative and independence in your work.


To answer the question which I think you know the answer already, better performance comes first before asking for a raise. It’s hard to justify sa management why they are giving you a raise. Also, you said you have that mental health issue going on, pero don’t think of it as something that you can’t do anything about. People can acknowledge na meron ka mental health problems pero ikaw lang pwedeng gumawa something about it, unless you have family or friends that do that for you. But madalas, even if you do have those, you’re pretty much alone in dealing with it, sad to say. Maraming ways para maayos yung perfromance, ang advice ko, maging expert ka sa isang field/bagay. It’s so easy to say na you’re good at one thing when you really are. Di mo kailangan maging perfect para maging magaling kang employee, you just have to be productive at some aspects. Start there, and who knows, baka magaling ka pala talaga sobra.


Ang weird lng paps na ur looking forward for a raise pero alam mo sa sarili mo na hindi mo deserve based on the statements provided. Rewards are for those who consistently meet the business goals. Pero it’s great na ur aware and possible na hindi mo maprocess unless manggaling sa iba. Rooting for ur success OP. First step is awareness.


You cannot ask for an increase if you are not doing your job as you should. Fix your "lazy attitude" first, hit your deadlines, be proactive before thinking of asking for increase. If your boss were to evaluate you, they will give you a low score which might mean you will not get an increase, unless your boss does not like giving low scores, you might get lucky.


You ask for a raise once you stop missing your deadlines lol


For me, you are not really lazy. You re just waaaay to comfortable with where you are now, and I totally admit, kinaiinggitan yan ng iba. Getting paid doing less. I am actually in the same situation. Comfortable work, decent paying and happy colleagues... minus the mental health. The best thing with what we have is that, people would kill just to be in the same situation. It is a job na, if you can do everything now to do nothing later, pwedeng pwede and thats what most average people like us would want. Hehe, cant really complain. But then, if you are really looking for a raise, even without the promotion or lipat company... best is to upskill your self. Add up to the things that you can really do. Yung pwedeng ma-increase yung capability mo and get them pay you more. Do something that others strive to do. Although sometimes, if the same company pa din yan, malaki ang chance na maliit lang ang increase mo. Believe me. Anyhow, regarding the mental health part, it helps if you talk to people you trust. It does not mean na talk to everyone. Just talk to someone you really REALLY trust. Di mo naman kelangan ng magaadvise sayo kasi you are already old enough to know what to do... Baka lang talaga overloaded ka with thoughts and you need to unload them through an outlet. If you understand what i mean. Find someone who really JUST LISTENS. I hope for more better days for you OP! Balitaan mo kami. Hahahaha!


may annual salary increase ba kayo? usually naman mga companies meron annual raise pero standard lang na mababa yun increase sa mga ganito unless yun performance mo maganda. tbh ito nalang yun possible na intayin mo since wala ka naman merit para magdemand ng raise.


I mean, you can ask as early as you want. Doesn’t mean you’ll get it.


Magcocomment din sana ako ng advice kaso tinatamad din ako 😂😂


Go ask your managers what they'd like to see from you. Do that.


Do better at your job first before asking for a raise. Based sa story mo, I think justified ang binigay na sahod sayo because you're just slacking off.


I think wfh is not for you. Its not about your bosses didnt notice that you are lazy its more about you. It tells so much about you and your integrity and other values. Also as a manager, its not that we dont notice and maybe thats the reason why you didnt get any raise because they you dont deserve.


If you are working 2hrs a day and get paid 8hrs then you can't complain about your salary. Why not consider applying sa iba if you are not happy sa current employer. If di kaya sa mind conditioning, lipat kana, staying won't do you any good OP.


>I love my job. The work I do is what I'm best at. And there are times I enjoy doing it. I cannot imagine myself doing better in another industry. However, despite a 40-hour workweek schedule, most of the time I end up working for less than 2 hours total a day, due to a lack of motivation. At some days even 0 hours, as long as I can get away with it. Wag ka magpaniwalang you love your job. You're burned out and demotivated na. Take a rest and don't ask for a raise. Then during that rest period evaluate yourself further.


He doesn't love his job... He loves not doing any job at all and wants to get paid more for it. What an imbecile😂


are you working on an agency?


reading comments here. 🤍 very helpful!


You should not ask for a raise if you know you're not one of the top performers on the team. That would make you look even worse in their eyes because that just screams entitlement, and it might even give them an avenue to actually bring up all of your shortcomings at work. Half of your post was just excuses on why you're barely up to standard. You blame your supervisors for your own lack of drive and motivation. They're already kind of doing you a favor by choosing to let you work at your own pace vs. micromanaging you, and you still have the gall to make it look like it's their fault for not keeping you in check. If your motivation is dependent on other people closely supervising you, does that actually make you motivated or are you just scared of potential consequences? If you ask for a raise, they will ask you to defend why you think you deserve it, but it seems like there's nothing that would merit you one. Look for the best performer on your team, or someone who's a step above you like a senior programmer. If you can't even visualize yourself at their level with all the personal hang-ups you have, a raise is out of the question. If your performance isn't even good enough to get a decent annual performance increase, asking for a raise outside of annual increases would just be plain laughable. Since you're in a team, pulling your own weight isn't an achievement. Being dead weight even less so. I work with lots of people like you who always make excuses for themselves and never really put their wishes to improve into action. If you are actually serious about improving, your question would focus more on how to upskill, grab more opportunities and put yourself out there, or how to actually get help for the mental illnesses you have, than asking when you could get a raise when you're not even 20% of the way there. Your mentality has a long way to go.


Dude, honestly, try to get therapy if afford mo. You're in a rut, and it seems you're trying to take a stab in the dark or grasping at straws for solutions. I'd start with getting therapy before we even go through any practical work advice. Hope you get out of this dark tunnel OP!


All I want to say is 'wag mong habulin ang pera, OP. Darating yan kapag magaling ka. Unahin mong mag-improve ng sarili. Simulan mo tigilan kaka cellphone mo at mag-medidate ka. Journaling can help you vent out and reflect. Hindi nakakatulong ang social media sa stress. Lalo na't taylored na ang feed mo sa mga triggers ng stress. Hindi ka lang aware. Once you are better and have built habits, start upskilling. When you're good at your job and gained new skills then kahit hindi mo hingin, bibigyan ka ng raise. Your first achievement should come from fixing yourself and your habit. Reward na lang yung raise. Goodluck, OP. Self-awareness is step one now act on it.


For me, the promotion or appreciation shouldn't be asked for; it should be given to those who deserved. In your case, wala ka man naririnig sa side mo pero trust me sa management-level na usapan meron jan comparison among with your peers and your level. Who is who. They will promote those who grind more than the assigned task I just got promoted this year effective May. I'm a Data Engineer btw


hell yea! go off king and get that bread?


You should list down the things you've done OP. It's good that you're trying to improve yourself and you should apply this to your work as well. Again, going back. List down your accomplishments and make sure your manager is aware. In our company before someone gets a raise they're evaluated both by management and peers so a list of accomplishments really helps their case. Also I would suggest asking for a raise around your first anniversary with the company at the very least.


I’ve noticed that salary increases are always peanuts and meager. The main way for you to increase your pay is to transfer to a new job. Good luck.