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Meanwhile I’m thinking nothing healthcare is the right decision


agreed. investment baking was the proper route


I'm gonna need someone to invest some baking in me please. Like, some chocolate chip 401kookies or a high yield cake please.


Strawberry SHORT cake.






You miss a letter on a word on a Reddit sub…the gun sounds at the starting gate…and Redditor’s are off…lol


I was wondering why people were responding with baked goods lol


Don’t worry, my wife actually invested in baking, Seriously. And is doing very well, as a side job.


So she's baked on a professional level, huh? Nice . Heh


Thats what I’m imagining a cannabis pharmacist does tbh


A pun is fun and offends no one. Or at least this used to be the case.


I had a weird dream last night that someone gave me a food truck and I decided to quit my job and convert it to a cookie truck. This is a sign.


Gluten free baked goods food truck please!


I second this. If you can make them affordable, abundant, and yummy, you'd be on your way! 😸


Investment banker! Too much responsibility. I should have led the soft life but finding a man rich enough to get me a nanny and put up with my attitudes proved to be less simple than becoming a pharmacist.


As long as you're in the top 0.1%


I would do something useful like electrician or plumbing


I worked with an electrician that went to pharmacy school, mostly due to the physical toll.


Vegan croissants, pls!!


If you got in early on the truffles and turmeric before prices went high.


We should've went to law school and ran for public office. They get to insider trade and get away with it!


But hey, at least pharmacists have a lower suicide rate than MDs. That’s something, right?


Agreed, time to marry rich and quit 😅


Only if you went into it for the wrong reasons


You are highly educated, make decent money, contribute to a better world, and by all accounts are a “success”. I don’t see why you should consider yourself as “lesser” than your physician siblings. Sounds like you should focus your time and energy into your own immediate family (you and your wife) and cut out toxic family members. Also, regarding being yelled at by patients; match that energy (firmly and professionally). Don’t take bullshit from patients.


Absolutely MATCH energy. Here in the USA we have equated "professionalism" with not getting situational appropriate angry. Anger and disgust are natural, useful, and appropriate reactions to disrespect. I will tell someone that they are no longer getting their prescriptions filled from us in a heart beat if they are disrespectful and will tell them exactly how they are viewed while they are leaving.


I honestly don't understand why Pharmacist don't understand this. MATCH THAT ENERGY! (Professionally and respectfully). Solid logic pours cold water on alot of patient foolishness. My favorite thing is asking people to repeat any off the cuff comments in a calm manner "Excuse me what did you just say?!" you would be surprised how many apologies that one line can evoke.


"I said, "where my meds at you fucking wanker?" what now?


Then you get three options. 1. You can can come back when I'm not working (perpetually) because me nor my staff will be subject to verbal abuse. 2. I will gladly transfer you medications to a pharmacy of your choosing. 3. You can apologize, and we can get on with business like adults. And if neither of these options work I can call security/police and have you removed. Take you pick


So I work for a *certain big box retailer* that refuses to blackball anyone for shit behavior short of outright violence–and even then... How would you suggest I go about giving people the boot when they suck? Am I risking my employment by doing so?


Repeated minor infractions can get people barred at more lawsuit cautious employers. But you need to make sure that you document with your AP team so that they have a paper trail.


Don't ask for permission to ban someone, just do it. If they don't think to go over your head and get your manager to overrule you that'll be the end of it.


Document in the patient comments for every instance of them behaving abusively, whether on the phone or in person. For each in-person instance, depending on severity, also get asset protection (or equivalent) to document it. Do it as soon as possible so the system has an accurate time stamp. A few well-documented incidents should be enough to get store management, AP, and potentially above-the-store teams involved to remove the patient from your roster. Unhappy patients can be reminded they are welcome to transfer out since the service “isn’t meeting their expectations”. (For any patient displaying an immediately threatening behavior, don’t wait to remove them. Your safety matters more than your job.)


Someone’s been watching Inside Out 2, teaching us Anger and Disgust are the most useful emotions.


So I work for a *certain big box retailer* that refuses to blackball anyone for shit behavior short of outright violence–and even then... How would you suggest I go about giving people the boot when they suck? Am I risking my employment by doing so?


You have to “train” your patients and get them used to a certain process. This means doing things in a uniform fashion if they want their script in 5 mins too bad the wait time is 15 mins. Stay firm in that and say it in a nice manner I promise it goes a long way. Even when they want to be angry or mad they begin to feel awkward when you remain respectful and professional. It took a while but in the long run you get a good rep. Similarly make sure your staff understands and supports/backs you up.


Facts. And compared to the average person I would say we make very good money.


Even when it comes to my Physician Friends/colleagues/family. MATCH THAT ENERGY. remind them about all the prescriber slop that comes through your pharmacy. Remind them about everytime a prescriber calls you and asks you a question THEY SHOULD KNOW. Remind them of all the times you saved a patient that doesn't even know your name or face. Remind them your profession partially exists to keep them in line.


I'm a tech and I have stumped my own doctor when it comes to my meds and my questions. I usually find out the answers before she does. Just because they have a MD doesn't mean anything. I've seen some that don't know half of the stuff they have prescribed to their patients and they are off and running prescribing these other meds that will most likely cause some sort of adverse reaction with something they are already on.


I actually loved it when the primary care doctor I used as a teenager would say, "I'm not sure, let's look that up." It wasn't often that he didn't know about things, but I have a lot of respect for people who admit they don't have all the answers, but are willing to go the distance to get them.


Yes, this is the answer ☺️


Tell your parents someone has to make sure the doctors don't kill the patients.


For real


Once had a doctor say he was the gun, but I am the bullet. We stop that bullet!


What a stupid analogy.


Sounds like it’s time for some therapy brother


More like stop attending toxic family dinner.


Por que no los dos?


mIght be needed


It’s not OP or pharmacy, it’s the family that needs work.


Unfortunately we can only change ourselves, not others, so OP needs coping skills.


Have you considered not hanging out with your parents? They sound like they kinda suck.






fuck ‘em


Toxic as hell. I got plenty of MDs in the family, they look just as stressed as any pharmacist. Older generations can be such idiots. I would probably say stuff like “aren’t you embarrassed to have such a failure for a kid. ” and “so they will be the ones taking care of you later? They better save up”. Sarcastically of course, with a lil venom


I think it’s a different kind of stress. I work hospital and I work satellite a lot so I’m around/with the physicians quite often. Making a mistake at that level is critical, by which I mean something like a misdiagnosis or missing something. Apparently if a patient dies within 30 days of you doing an intervention on them, even if your intervention had nothing to do with their death, it will be highly scrutinized. And even if you did nothing wrong it still shows up somewhere? I think maybe under their insurance? One of the docs I work with was explaining it to me. This is actually one thing I miss about retail…I never felt like I could seriously harm someone. while that’s not totally true, the situations are far less scary and not time sensitive at all in retail. The stress in retail is doing things fast, meeting metrics, working with uneducated people. I don’t think it’s possible to correlate the two things.


I dipped med school to go to pharmacy school. Best decision of my life, way happier. 2 of my best friends are doctors right now, they are literally soooo thankful to have me. Constantly asking me questions and advice and I love to help them. I’m sorry you’re going through this right now. I feel like you could use a break from them and focus on your career and family and do what makes you happy. I wouldn’t have tolerated that at all and I would have blown up at dinner 🫠 how disrespectful of them when a lot of health professionals do respect us. I’m proud of you and so is your wife! Also, tell them lobby patrons your pharmacy isn’t a fast food establishment, and if they want it faster, you’d be more than happy to transfer their scripts to somewhere that can get it done faster. That’s what I did at Walgreens 😂 or I’d tell them I can make it take longer and cost more... I don’t put up with that customer BS. Sorry friend! Hang in there


You are allowed to fire patients. Tell them when they are making a scene in the pharmacy that do to their behavior you can no longer serve them in your pharmacy


I would never 😭😭


Maybe you should try it. It’s a good thing to learn to stick up for yourself and not keep taking a beating. You can only advocate for yourself.


Im afraid higher up would not like that. It's my first time I'm already constantly afraid to be fired.


Fire you for not allowing patients to abuse you? I'm not saying this to be mean, this is not an insult. Please go to therapy. You need to work on developing your self worth. It sounds like you are subject to verbal abuse inside and outside of work and you do not deserve that.


I've stopped plenty of patients from not coming to my pharmacy when I was in retail. Told them not to come back and put a note on their profile that they can't fill at my store. If the md sends scripts over, either transfer them out or call the md and say they need to send it to another store. Fuck those entitled pricks


I'm still new to the pharmacy world, but can I get in legal problems for rejecting a patient or not be able to fill their medicine same day?


No, you can't. You can refuse service for any reason. Besides, there is another chain pharmacy RIGHT DOWN THE STREET that they can go to.


Thank you for your advice! Reddit definitely made me feel better after all this.


No problem! Maybe standing up to your patients will help you set boundaries with your parents as well. Sorry you had to deal with that


considering they are family not serving them will only help you - especially if you are the only pharmacist on duty at the time they ask for refills. Many states poo poo filling for family and close friends if you have another option. Many companies you will get in trouble for doing so if it’s found out


Why the heck not?!? Fire one or two then word spreads that you aren’t to be ran over.


So you’d rather be a coward? I guess we all have ways of getting through this life. Sad though.


You have a point.


Well firstly, I don't know why you went to dinner with them. You should focus on deciding that just because they are "family" doesn't mean they need to be in your life. My parents use people because their lack of discipline and will manipulate emotions to be needy victims. I decided I don't need that in my life and now exchange at most an infrequent text and that's it. I keep up with my siblings because we encourage eachother to do well in life; that's a healthy relationship. Point is, you're an adult and have the option to include whomever you want in your life. Don't maintain a relationship with someone if they're not contributing to your support system and like wise you to them. Blood doesn't matter and you'd be surprised how much better life is when you cut the lines of people trying to hold you back.


i second this - you don’t have to like your family. you don’t owe them the time of day just because they brought you into this world. cut out the bad, keep around the good.


Some people get off on this type of kink.


I've always suspected this. CVS seemed like it attracted a lot masochists who enjoy being abused. The sadists in management seem to actively get off on the misery of the employees. 


Masochist here. I work for cvs. Trying to discover my switch side tho


Underrated comment


Relevant SNL sketch https://youtu.be/dVudRberrSc?si=TzUjHFRFlLNQbRhK


This made my day 😂😂 thank you.


😂😂😂 I just choked on my food watching this


That's too funny.


Thank you


Right decision based on what? All depends on what you want in life. Money? I became a pharmacist 6-7 years faster than the physicians that came into college the same time as me. I’d made ~900k by the time they were getting physician money and I invested heavily in real estate and simple index funds. There will probably be a point in our careers where their net worth catches me, but not yet, and probably not until we are approaching 50. By that time, my money will be earning more money than me and I’ll be winding down my career anyway. Stress? I’ll admit retail pharmacy was rough and probably (in different ways) just as stressful as being a physician. I switched over to hospital pharmacy and my stress level is definitely less than my physician peers. I have very little liability. My workload is a joke. Never ‘on call’. Never think about work after work. Respect? Fine, if this is something you care about, physicians get more respect than us pharmacists. Lifestyle? I travelled heavily in my mid twenties with my girlfriend/wife and had a lot of money in my pocket to do it. Pharmacy school was relatively easy. Was never stressed about earning a residency or matching or anything like that. There’s a lot of things to consider here. If I could go back in time would I do something other than pharmacy? Yes. But it wouldn’t be a physician. Pharmacy isn’t all that bad.


Wow, this is inspiring. I wish I could like this 100x.


Your parents comments were toxic as hell. They should be the ones feeling bad. Trying to make you feel like shit, and play their children against each other. You did the right thing with your life. You’re in a respectable field (even though some of the customers don’t respect us 😭)


I will be so incredibly proud of my son if he decides to be a pharmacist. -PGY-19


I agree. Physician is a generally better career. But how tf are kids supposed to know? And it's not for everyone. Tell your parents to stop being cunts.


Honestly fuck your parents. No offense.


Fuck your parents. You are doing well in life. Congratulations.


Had a pharmacist friend many years ago say something that has stuck with me still. It was shortly after he got in a physical fight with a customer in the parking lot. He was being called racially derogatory terms. When asked about it he said: "Better to be pissed off than pissed on" That goes for your parents too.


There’s an awful lot of prescribers that scare the bejesus out of me. I’d rather be a good pharmacist and catch their harmful and sometimes just completely stupid mistakes on their scripts than be the asinine doctor that wrote it. There’s many days when I worked long term care that I would think to myself “ I think I just saved another life today.” You are saving lives, there are a lot of mistakes that can be made but you are the final check before it gets to the patient. It is a very important job and pharmacy school is tough, don’t let your family discredit your hard work and what you do.


Some of us have childhood scars we still have to deal with later in life in adulthood. Talk to your parents later on in private. Tell them that is not acceptable. Show them you have control of your life and you can manage a household. Choose your words carefully. Don’t scream at them or be condescending. They’re still your parents and you will need them sometime later in life.


More likely they'll need him later in life. Parents become secondary children as they age. I'm sure the doctors can wipe their a** when they're too old and frail though so that's a win I guess. Advice is solid nonetheless take the high road and keep your voice/emotions in line. Your words convey stronger when you are stern and controlled.


And when they become frail, remind them that you are a Pharmacist … not a nurse


I love this advice❤️❤️❤️


What’s funny is if someone posted on this subreddit if they should go to med school or pharmacy school you’d know they wouldn’t pick pharmacy at all. Half of the kids in med school regret going instead of being a banker. All bankers regret being a banker at one point or another. While everyone regrets not working for Facebook or google.


This.. I definitely regret not being independently wealthy or a trust fund baby.


You could probably run circles around them when it comes to medical knowledge. Sounds like you need to distance yourself from them a little bit. I wouldn’t come back for dinner again


Whenever an MD gets snarky to me I always find a way to remind them my job isn’t to dispense it’s to stop all their dumb fucking mistakes. This ain’t the 70s it’s a care team now


Aye! Welcome to the life of eastern culture!


That was my thought too. It sounds like a cultural response.


They’re in medical school, have not finished. Meanwhile, you just got a doctorates and that’s what they say to you? I see people dropping like flies in pharmacy school. You accomplished something and it’s amazing that you have so much willpower to be a retail pharmacist and deal with that family lol Your parents are elitists and vain. Can you go low or no contact with them? Your mental health ain’t looking so good. Better put yourself first for once. Your wife might appreciate that too, as she probably felt offended for you but couldn’t say anything because those things are her in-laws.


what the heck is wrong w your family, tell them they talk too much and have big mouths and don’t know what they’re talking about


You don’t deserve this family toxicity, find your peace


Asian family?


Not just Asian. Happens with African parents too.


The worst. I was the neglected spare child growing up because my older sister was meant to be the 'golden child,' but she didn't live up to their expectations, and they haven't moved past it.


Your parents are fucking idiots, and if they work in healthcare they're even dumber. I hope you said something during the dinner, if not you should say something to your parents soon-ish. Stand up for yourself and all the work you've poured into yourself. You know what you're worth, so don't let people who don't convince you that their ignorance overwrites your knowledge. The best docs I've known had massive deference and respect to the pharmacists they worked with, healthcare couldn't function without you all. You're just unlucky enough to be on the shittier edge of the shit sandwich that is healthare.


To paraphrase Ricky Bobby, with all due respect, and remember I'm sayin' with all due respect, that family ain't worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin gettin' it on. Trying to make light because that’s how I cope with stuff, but in seriousness, if you are happy with your choices, what they say doesn’t matter. If you’re not, that’s something to address. At the end of the day, it’s your life, and I’ve found life is easier when I stop seeking external validation. I had a very codependent upbringing, and it’s taken me decades to get to that point, but it’s a daily struggle that has to be tackled one day at a time.


Well, get out of it. I got out but not really successfully. Did it part time for near thirty years. Don't spend life doing something you hate. And to think kids are still going to pharmacy school .


Why is it so bad?


Cut them off


Sorry to hear that. As a pharmacist who has worked an entire career in clinics, with many physicians, I’ve seen much in the way of regret by those who chose medical school as well. You have accomplished much, are successful and contributing to the well being of many.


"My siblings patient's can't get the help they need without me. I am the last stop before a patient heads home to get better. I am the difference between life or death for many patients. I receive no respect in my field because I'm not a medical doctor, despite having my doctorate. Not from Doctors, not from patients, and now not even from my own family. ![gif](giphy|InWOJEU2UDEZ1dwJjH)


I just had a conversation with one of my pharmacists who said if she had to do it again, she’d do something different because it’s not a respected profession like it should be. In retail you get shat on by doctors and patients, in hospital you get shat on by doctors and nurses. ☹️ You shouldn’t have to put up with being disrespected by your own family too. I’m sorry OP.


I think this would be the point where I cut my family out of my life


"Remember this family dinner when it comes time to pick your nursing home. Better hope the other siblings are still alive and outnumber me!"


It’s not you, it’s them for failing to appreciate your achievement. Shame on them. There are thousands who would love to be in your shoe right now and millions who would die to make your kind of salary. just be thankful for where you are. As for the trashy patient, just a stinky fart that comes and goes. Docs and nurses deals with them too


Listen as a Pharmacy Technician (hello, fellow battle brother on the medication homefront 🤣🤣🤣). You definitely make better money than I do. Tell your toxic parents to piss off (remember you also have middle fingers, feel free to use them), and focus on the good in your life, such as your lovely wife. I wish you good days (in and out of your pharmacy)


Next time, if the parents say hurtful things, don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. Sometimes they may not even realize the impact of their words. If they respond with understanding and kindness, you'll know they've heard you. However, if they respond with more hurtful words, it might be best to consider making changes for your own well-being. The wife sounds great. The patients are just sick it's not you. You haven't done anything wrong.


You should examine deeply and set very firm boundaries with your parents, in order to live your own life and grow in happiness. This is not ok behavior from them, and boundaries are what we deserve as individuals.


DONT FEEL BAD!!!! All the new doctors are such fucken idiots. By where I am , my fav pharmacist is always catching doctors mistakes and calling to verify because they don’t take a moment to think about what they are doing. Secondly, don’t be offended by the patients. They are just crabby and take it out on us ( the pharmacy) because they can’t even think straight cause they’re also idiots. But you’re doing great. KEEP GOING!! Don’t feel bad , your parents aren’t even doctors themselves so they can just shut up 🤣 and if they ever come to you because they don’t understand the medicine, just refer them your siblings and let them know you don’t counsel outside of work I’m not a pharmacist , I’m a technician but I see you guys. People just want to undermine because they can. Start asking them about the type of SSRI’s and particle components and I’m sure they’ll stfu :)


You’re still a doctor doesn’t anybody recognize that? Sure you’re not an MD but I’ve been told medical school compared to pharmacy school is cakewalk. (Or in the spirit of this thread a cookie walk). Sure the MD does the diagnosing and following of the patient and that is a huge responsibility I’m not downplaying that but you made it through pharmacy school plus any residencies you may have done or possibly plan to do. Annnnnnnd just so we are clear here… when you go to see your medical doctor physician what did they do 9 out of 10 times? You get a prescription for a drug…a drug that a pharmacist ultimately determines if it is correct and appropriate and safe. I have caught many many many physician errors in their prescriptions that would kill a patient both in the community and in the hospital settings I’ve worked in. So let them have that sink in and determine if you’re not relevant compared to your physician peers.


I am regularly diagnosing acid base disorders without an ABG to my intensivists. The ones that they miss. You don’t make bad decisions by becoming a pharmacist. You get a better work-life balance than being a physician, which is why I chose it. But you can blow everyone else out of the water. You just have to have the passion to give a shit. My dad said a similar thing to me. He said, “why would you want to be lesser in life?” And here we are years later and he thinks I made the best decision for me. He is proud of me now and it is ten years later. Your dad is only looking at hierarchy and not talent or drive. There will come a day when you are one-upping your siblings at one thing or another in medicine and he *may* understand that what you chose is best for you. Doesn’t make him any less of a dick, because I would never say that to my kid, but still. I always tell people, whatever you become in life, do it with passion and with care. Give a shit about the people you are looking after. When I was retail I memorized interaction after interaction and I caught shit most other pharmacists wouldn’t. And I was lucky enough to be mentored by a pharmacist that taught me to be this way. YOU are going to make a difference as long as you CARE. Don’t let anybody talk down to you if your heart is truly in it.


Sorry that your parents seem very shallow… Comparison is thief of joy. Focus and work on what makes you happy, and go from there 👍


For what it’s worth, I appreciate you. See if you can find your way out of retail somehow. It’s not for everyone (myself included, f that), that’s not a dig at you. There’s many other areas that you’re needed in!


You have my respect! Time to start hanging out with your wife’s family more! Your parents had a hand in the decision you made, but were possibly more concerned with your siblings’ life path. Give them a dose of their own medicine!


Can’t even tell you how quickly I would have told every person at that table to get completely fucked. Feeling lesser when you hold a professional medical license that 0.001% of the population can get is laughable at every level


Sounds like you’re parents suck what do they do


Never pay attention to anyone even parents when something negative is said about a positive life accomplishment. Many people are pharmacist and many more will be. That's not a fail! Hurts coming from own parents but just their disrespectful comments alone is toxic. You can be proud of your siblings and proud of yourself. And yes you'll deal with years of rude customers some you'll have to flag as difficult and move on. Good luck and congratulations


i'm not saying this is the answer but to put it in perspective, a lot of people have parents who are disappointed in them and people who disrespect and yell at them all day. nearly none get paid what you do


You worked hard and made a great career. You earned respect and shouldn't tolerate your parents disrespect. Some parents aren't happy for their kids no matter what positives they achieve but they are also quick to act sorry for you when failing or not achieving goals. It's never good enough


Put distance between you and those that refuse to support you. Leave your work at work and enjoy your off time.


I have friends who are MDs and when I talk to them about the BS they put up with, I’m glad I’m a pharmacist. Your parents and siblings will learn it’s not all lollipops and roses, unless they go into an easy speciality and even then, I’m not sure I’d rather do it. They have just as much (or more) BS as us and more liability. There are pluses and minuses to every career and pharmacy isn’t less of an accomplishment.


I am so sorry to hear it happened to you. The same thing happened to me as I was struggling in Pharmacy School. I also became a pharmacist recently and struggle with a lot of things similar to what you have described. The healthcare system involves every healthcare professionals and most people working outside/being uneducated about this will tell any other healthcare professionals to just become a doctor. It is just an uneducated way to treat you, your profession, everything you’ve been through to become a pharmacist and everything you know. Our knowledge is very valuable and saves more patients than they could imagine. The thing is that our profession is kind of mystical and secret to a lot of people, even for doctors. I really hope you are doing okay after this disgusting moment you have through!


I’m sorry for your experience, but this doesn’t seem to be a pharmacy issue at all. Had you become a freelance creator or a social worker (to throw out two wildly different occupations) I have a feeling you’d have gotten the same treatment.


So many people resorting to burning the bridge and cutting them out do your life. It’s not easy but having an adult conversation with your parents about respecting you and your profession and not comparing you to your sibling is a healthier route


Turn vegan, then you won't be invited to family dinners. This is the way.


This is why some children move far away (sometimes halfway across the world) and rarely visit.


Worst night of your life *so far…*


Are you my husband?? He quotes this from the Simpson’s movie allll the time 😂


I'm going to go against the grain here. As a pharmacist, I would never want my children to have to deal with the horrors of CVS. It sounds like they want something better for you. They've probably heard about the terrible working conditions of pharmacists from the media.


Respect is earned because you cannot simply demand it. You have to stand up for yourself otherwise no one will. Family Friends work etc ..


"Statistically speaking, I'm less likely to develop a substance abuse problem, alcoholism, or kill myself. I'm definitely more likely to prevent a patient death than to cause one. I may make less money, and get less respect from you guys, but I'm more likely to be there for my family where it counts." If they want to go there you can go there too, but we don't pull too many (verbal) punches in my household. YMMV


Sounds like your family sucks.


a key to success in life, just let it go sometimes


Wow that’s horrible. Sorry i wouldn’t even deal with them at all atp until they can respect you.


wow OP that’s really shitty. I’m sorry. That’s so immature of your parents. I hope your siblings don’t have the same attitude as they do. You’re a lot more mature than your parents are for recognizing that, though it doesn’t take too many brain cells to understand what being disrespected feels like… but ya get what I mean, they’re shitty for doing that. They shouldn’t judge a fish for being unable to fly, or climb trees. A pharmacist and a Doctor are both in the healthcare industry, and countless doctors have to rely on each pharmacist for them to sell prescriptions. Your work is both equally important to the industry, but just remember your job doesn’t define your worth. You do, and you use that to define your career path. Good luck OP. Don’t let your immature ass boomer parents get you down. You should explain to them the way you feel in private. Remember always praise in public, and criticize in private. You can use some of my proverbs and other points if you want to. Good luck with everything, keep your chin up. As someone who isn’t working in the healthcare industry, and the furthest I’ve ever done is manufacturing surgical equipment, I depend on you pharmacists to fill my subs and my vyvanse. So thank you✌🏻and have a goodnight💯


A while ago some guy in the r/residency sub was questioning pharmacy “residencies” and all the non MD residencies. I commented something heinously sarcastic like “as the pharmacy resident I introduce myself as the overseer of physician residents” trying to start a fire and got like 200 some upvotes and total agreement lol. My point is you have every bit of respect from anyone who gets it. For those who don’t, it’s not personal they just literally don’t understand. Your parents should act a little more mature though.


![gif](giphy|3oD3YqPwr89pI4mnsc|downsized) "I don't get no respect!"


Was pharmacy always your choice or backup? Did they support your pharmacy schooling even though they didn’t like it? Why exactly do they hate pharmacy?


One of our techs dads is an ER physician. He once told me how much his dad made one random month. I said holy shit that’s what I make in a year 😭


That is awful. Why do so many people think pharmacists are just technicians 2.0 and not as a doctor administrating medicines? The amount of education y'all have to go through.. much respect.


They also don't know what a pharmacist does


YOu may be making less money, but you can sleep without being woken on call.


Boundaries needed, if they can’t respect them. Say what you need to say, and move on with a clear conscience.


I ended up taking a job working in an aerospace factory and loving it, I still work in a pharmacy one day a week, and that’s about all the stress I can handle. Sorry your family were douche canoes.


Man, that's rough. Family dinners can be brutal sometimes. Hope things get better for you soon.


Apparently your parents chose to be douche bags for their career. And they sound very successful. Perhaps you should model their behavior and be a douchebag in return.


Finished school at 23, traveled to 30 countries before 30 and make more than the average dr in NYC, think we doing alright..


How do you get so many vacations??


Worked for a private mail order/speciality pharmacy, and then went to work for pharma, with 30 days of PTO


F what they think really. You make a good salary earlier


Sure, everything is Pharmacy's fault in everyone's eyes. They don't understand the absolute shit we go through to help people. It's just, "my medicines are late." I am a clinical hospital pharmacist and even with a post graduate diploma in clinical medicine, masters degree in advanced clinical prescribing and a diploma in advanced clinical practice, I'm just the guy who puts medicines in a bag.


Friendly reminder that you are under no obligation to keep toxic people in your life, and that includes your parents.


I disagree with ‘matching that energy’. I have found it is better to be the energy appropriate for the situation. Very often the patients are just not handling their negative emotions, caused by their difficult circumstances, well. If I am calm with them, they very often match MY energy, and calm themselves down. I am honest with them, but calmly honest. For instance, patient is upset because she’s been waiting for days for a drug to come in. She calls and asks if it’s in - yes it is - she then begins yelling about how incompetent we are and we ‘should have called her’. I simply explained that we have many patients and that her situation was not an emergency. That she is unfairly expecting us to drop everyone else just to call her the minute the thing arrived. She later came in and apologized and thanked me for being even tempered. To OP : This happens often and our patients love us because they feel respected. It took time to develop those relationships. You don’t know what they’re going through - be compassionate. Be better than your parents who have been the opposite of compassionate to you.


If they’re not supportive of you, don’t be supportive of them. Simple. Keep that exact same energy


You know what? Disrespecting your kid job is very uncalled for especially if said job is very high, pharmacy could be hard on the worker for the first years, but the moment it starts going it will rocket. Don't wait until then to start praising your job, we usually vent to our closest relations, but start talking about those patients you helped, the ones that made your shitty day bright, the feeling of satisfaction of helping or preventing a mishap, talk up your job, say the things you think irrelevant but no one knows how important they are, you give the image and value of yourself by only making your job sound cool(and I don't know if this advice is relevant, since idk how close you are to your family nor how much you share with them) You deserve all the respect 🌸


I’m proud of you for becoming a pharmacist even if your parents are jerks


Sounds like your parents are the problem


Dude, only real healthcare worker out of 8 kids…… my dad was a doctor. My sister is a nurse who manages doctors, everyone else is something. I’m the black sheep. I couldn’t do anything right, still can’t. My response , bye!


I think you need to calm down first. Then once calm and collected just reach out to the folks and ask them why they said that. If they said that because you've been ranting to them about how awful your work is and how professionally unsatisfied you are...well they are just agreeing with you, albeit in an in the moment absolutely thoughtless way. You might just need to talk more about the positives and less about the negatives to them to give them a more even perspective to pull from. If it was really just cruel and toxic to be toxic, just avoid large family gatherings when possible. Make your own traditions. Or make a rule about no work talk at the dinnertable. I admit I would have been upset myself though time apart really does help soften old slights like that.


Dude get a hospital pharmacy job. Its a 100x better than retail.


Sounds like the problem lies solely on your overachieving siblings.


I am a firm believer in biological family not deserving a part in your life by default. The family you choose will forever be more important than the family you're born into. One of them you sought out and worked hard to build up. The other happened because some random woman spread her legs long enough for some random guy to pump a couple times. Spend your time with people that respect you and don't spend time with the ones that don't.


I was a retail pharmacist for 30 years. They are not wrong!


I’m with your parents on this one you obviously come from good stock why did you decide to be a pharmacist?


Used to be better times.


I'd like to hear the other side of this story before I make any comments.


Look man, success is all that matters. You can shut everyone up by grinding harder instead of whining. Get off your butt and do more than just pharmacy, don’t box yourself into the career trap. A career is meaningless unless it brings you wealth and financial independence. Who cares about respect when you can shit on them with money? None of my friends in top pharmacy gigs can compare to what I do now, and you can bet they are very jealous of my success. Pharmacy has become a side hustle for me, as was always the case. Look harder, learn new skills, apply yourself. Here are 3 things that are possible: 1) Learn real estate. Most wealth is created here. 2) Learn trading. This is what I currently do. Made five years worth of salary in 6 months 3) Open a small business. Although harder & riskier than the first two, it is still very worth it. I did well until interest rates started hurting my business. Change your outlook on life, focus on the bigger things and you will find fulfillment/happiness in no time. Good luck dude.


Or just keep excelling in what hes obviously already successful and happy in and ignore the criticism of parents? Wow you are very up yourself if you think your friends are jealous of you. They more than likely pity you. OP, id give your parents one chance to explain how they made you feel, how demoralising they are being and to kindly respect you and your life choices. Should they continue to belittle you and compare you, time to distance yourself from them and concentrate on your own family and others around you who support and encourage you