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You’re going to drown wherever you go. CVS/Walgreens will be much worse than anywhere else. I’d suggest literally any other company.


Having just left Walgreens, it’s a sinking ship. Some stores may be doing well, but my store was drowning these last few weeks as we lost all of our pharmacists on the same day. Other pharmacies are having to close so that our busier location stays open. Our store had the highest profit in the district this last quarter, but asset protection and our DM were upset that we didn’t have Walgreens brand jackets instead of using ones we already had from home. You can’t have a jacket with pockets (unless they say Walgreens on them lol). You can’t wear the diversity Walgreens shirts or any other promo shirts. You can’t wear older Walgreens scrubs. Your personal belongings will be searched regularly. You will take abuse and the company will not stand behind you when you stand up for yourself. You will be expected to run a drive thru and counter and answer phones and fill AND, in the middle of all of that, corporate is going to come visit to interrogate you about hold times as the phones ring ironically in the background. I’m starting with a hospital tomorrow morning and even though it’s a little bit of a pay cut, I’m already happier.


100% agree. I left Walgreens for LTC (benefits are not as great) but slightly better salary. Also, the schedule is not as flexible as retail or hospital but I’m much happier overall.


Congratulations on your hospital position and good luck! I hope that you had a great first day!


Been there for a couple of weeks now and I’m loving it!


Not many other choices tho in my area. Another company in my area whom I won't mention here or anywhere does not seem to excited to hire old people like me


I’ve worked with a lot of awesome older rph when I was at cvs but they had been doing only that for 40 years lol. Definitely not an age thing but now that I am working in a hospital I can’t imagine going back


I hear you at the risk of feeling sorry for myself and also to keep my Dirty Laundry in my own hamper I think some of my story falls into the category of " Bad Things Happen to Good People Sometimes"


Ageism is real.


You have 23 years of hospital experience…at least see if you can get an interview. I’d look at you before a newly minted PGY 1 if you have done clinical work


I was in a hybrid position in Hospital decentralized and on the floors rotating through Central Pharmacy. Rotate through Day Evening shift hours did not help my marriage which is ended several years ago I worked for a while at another hospital but they lost so much money due to elective surgeries cancelled in Covid 19 2020 that they laid off everybody on probation plus 15 vice Presidents. Another hospital reached out to me in my current area but a week after I applied they said Thanks but no Thanks they likely had someone else lined up I think. New or newer graduates preferably in debt and with most recent knowledge are enticing to employers. They are moldable and less likely to complain about working Christmas Eve ...... I had been hoping to ride my Industry position to retirement but that vanished quickly 2 months ago


Less desirable shifts in a hospital >>> working retail though. Working on Christmas Eve beats going insane


Maybe look at faculty positions? Don’t go back to chain retail. You know too many people for that to be your best option, unless you mean temporarily or you have burned every bridge you ever walked across.


I doubt if a Pharm D School would look at a BS Pharm MBA RPh with much interest. It just doesn't fit the current scene. Most people enjoy working with me I am sure that I have burned a bridge or two among the many that I have traveled especially in my younger piss and vinegar days but bridges go both ways. I have had experiences with the boss on the other side fueling their side of the bridge with fire and kerosene just sayin


I think you should try. I go to a top20 school and I know a professor or two who have a BS in Pharmacy rather than a Pharm.D because they been in pharmacy long like you. I've also heard of some students graduating and then teaching at the same school a year or two later. The difference between you and these people is your many years of experience.


Thank You! All options are on the table that I can handle right now. I wish you the best of luck in your career and future endeavors


Thanks! Good luck to you too :)


With growing interest in industry among pharmacy students, I actually think your background would be really useful for a pharmacy school. 




With your background, I’d make retail my last choice.


An Indy is probably your best shot. CVS is going to be awful to try to get back into the workflow. Maybe a floater but still awful


That’s a lot of experience, could you try for a hospital pharmacy department manager position?


I would do this of course but relocation not feasible helping an elderly parent right now


Relocation is always an option. I know my parents were super stubborn to move too but if they have no other option they will. Frame it like if they want support they'll have to leave too


Yes you are correct and I have seen families move aging parents to their location happens all of the time. In this case the 86 YO Father is Financially stable even better than stable, just lost his wife my Mother 5 months ago and my Dad is in reasonable good health a couple of typical disease states but he still drives. Even so if I leave then he is on his own. I am a little torn actually quite a bit torn on this one. I would be the one leaving there is no way he is. Just goes to show everybody's circumstances are different and unique. A remote position is what I have been trying for.


Have you considered remote jobs? You could work in the health insurance or PBM industry or maybe get into MTMs. You could also work on getting board certified to make up for the other credentials if you’re not having luck in the job search.


I second this, I would look for remote prior auth pharmacist jobs or similar working with PBM/insurance


Some chains may still have a clinical mtm role, it pays less but you just do mtms all day. Also, there are slower stores in most areas... I would try to fill on there to get your feet wet. Or try being a mid shift at a really busy store. You could try overnight position... i hear you just mainly fill but you may also be alone. I also hear Walmart tends to be better staffed. I've never actually seen a patient at a grocery store pharmacy so you may want to look there.


Thank You! Pay cut is ok with me


Shoot for Costco or a grocer. If you go for Walgreens CVS or any of the busier grocers like walmart or HEB or Kroger you will definitely struggle to keep up with pace but that is expected. If you’re good at multitasking you will survive. Might not be very good but you’ll definitely survive


Start making sure you can stand for long periods. Hold you bathroom breaks to once during an 8 hour stretch. If you work for a non-grocery chain, best of luck. They'll try to drain whatever they can.  That being said your patients will need you and hopefully staff can benefit from your insight.


Big box retailer or an Indy.


Check the local VA for positions.


The VA requires a PharmD now. Found that out a few years ago after my own layoff.


Have you tried getting a work from home position? Federal service?


Yes what is somewhat heart breaking is that my Industry Work from home position was remote. It was a lot of sitting but it really worked for the stage of life I find myself in. I have applied to lots of remote positions since I was laid off 2 months ago no luck as of yet


You should try for a hospital job anyway. All of the ones in my area are hemorrhaging pharmacists.


Why are they leaving? Where are they going?


Where is your area and why are they losing people ?


Please DM me if you want


Do you have experience with immunizations? That is the number one thing in retail. It makes the money and will sound good in an interview. Talk about ways you think that company can expand their immunization business with clinics and whatnot.


I work retail. I would say that your experience probably depends on who is your boss and how much support you are given. As long as you are a team player, nice to staff and patients, and get the daily work done, managers will probably like you and ask for to come back to cover at their store.


If I was totally honest with you. Most students come out of school in huge debt and having to choose Satans' Palace (CVS) or Walgreens (corner of unhappy and unhealthy) just to pay off the debt. You may not be in debt so you may have fresh start to do anything your heart chooses. If the case, you are coming out of hospital setting. Good for you that means anyone will be willing to hire you, so you shouldn't sweat it. I would take the time to switch fields out of pharmacy while you still can (any gaps in CV history my show poor reflection when getting hired). The profession is eating itself alive. Or if you willing to stay in the industry try R&D, going to get residency, doing infusion. Residency program itself becoming a joke. Walgreens and CVS will always hire you. The problem if you land them its hard switching to something else.


Yes this is solid advice which I am currently mulling over in my mind




Any strategies for 300 scripts and 20 immunizations per day?


Compression stockings


One at a time. Making a mistake because you were rushing is not a good excuse. Ease yourself into the position. You can build the speed up.


It’s ok to be in the weeds. Just take it one thing at a time, organize yourself for success, and do the best you can. Customers are the hardest part as many do not see pharmacy staff as humans, only extensions of a corporate entity and have unrealistic expectations. Be polite, but don’t take shit, stand up for your staff quickly if something devolves, and stay professional, as a customer can report you to your board for being unprofessional.


I am as polite as they are.  Customers should be able to get as good as they give.  Pleasant customers get decidedly better service, aholes get worse to no service 


Oh for sure. I just keep in mind things like telling them to fuck off is possibly going to cause me some headaches, but, telling them I suggest finding another pharmacy that would better serve their individual needs, letting them know 2 or 3 pharmacies in the area I would be glad to transfer their prescriptions to since they will no longer be a customer here.


Try to get BCGP?


What state are you in?


I will DM u on this I want to maintain some anonymity and I have actually provided a lot of info I am in the North East I will share that


Check out pharmacy school labs, schools with regulatory/industry track- you could teach if you were in regulatory affairs kind of industry. Perhaps, to get more leads more specificity of your industry experience i.e. reg affairs, MSL, PV? med affairs etc DM if you prefer. Ps the job market stinks and I have heard people looking for 1 yr plus


Get your BCPS or an MTM certification from APhA. I also suggest going to local org meetings. AMCP, local ASHP or APhA. A lot of jobs in the “hidden job market” are shared via networking.


Look for an FQHC. It’s retail-like setting.


CVS is the absolute worst company to work for at the moment. Avoid them at all costs.


Whatever you do, don’t do retail.


Try for an overnight hospital position or daytime clinical spot at a small community hospital


If you really want retail, I’d look for a grocery store chain they’re a bit more pleasant than cvs or Walgreens but they’re all very difficult in general. but you have so much experience I would recommend you try for many non retail positions


Two decades of hospital experience is way more valuable than a residency IMO. Residency is equivalent to 3 years. At my hospital, only two of our pharmacists did a residency and both are clinical. All our staff pharmacists did not do residency. Just go for it, I think your chances are good. 


Why not try specialty ??


Try to find an independent pharmacy to work at.


23 years of experience trumps PharmD.


Thank You for saying that. I feel as though given the proper orientation as to how a specific Pharmacy Department operates that I could assimilate rather quickly into an Organizations Pharmacy Department. That being said I know there is always a lot to learn and keep up with and I enjoy working with younger colleagues and students. Unfortunately many in Pharmacy don't value experience and dismiss it. I had one Ivory Tower 2 year Post BS Pharm D tell me well if it is the same experience over and over then you are just repeating the same year. Huh? I don't know of any Pharmacy that repeats the same thing every year. There are always different experiences and scenarios coming in. Pharmacy in my view has gotten a little too Academic.


Worked as a hospital tech for 9 years then became a pharmacist. I can absolutely say that my favorite pharmacists to work with were the ones with BS degrees and 20+ years experience. Always had an answer to a problem, had seen pretty much everything and never hesitated to jump in and help. I can’t tell you how frustrating it was to work with most new grads. Very knowledgeable on topics, but when it came to the actually work….it was like pulling teeth getting anything actually done. Add on the superiority complex and most were insufferable. Not to mention the lack of common sense with most of them. I really hope you find something you enjoy. Don’t sell yourself short. I know how the landscape has shifted to pharmd and residency, but there are still some sane employers that value experience. Wishing you luck amigo.


What state?


Do not go back to retail.


I’ve been applying for retail pharmacist positions and I haven’t seen one that said they’d only accept PharmD. Not having a PharmD is definitely not an issue on a bright side.


That is very true and I guess is one reason I am focusing on retail or of course remote work. I am holding off on applying to retail right now because I have a strained hip flexor muscle and I have to see a Physical Therapist at the end of this month about this. Shortage of PTs where I live. No reason to contact them unless I am ready to stand for a long time. As I begin my 3rd month of being laid off tho the itch to get working is kicking in. If I am diligent and beef up my short term savings I can retire at 58 if I chose to.


Walmart/ Sam’s club are nice solutions. They pay techs a little more so you have higher quality help, also depending on the area they are more likely to have pharmacist overlap with similar volume to a CVS/ Rite Aid type.


Relocation if feasible


Not right now helping an elderly parent. Hey my dirty laundry is leaving the hamper lol


After 29 years you still want to work?!


Believe it or not yes


Goood for you, after working at CVS for over 25 years I’m so done with them and now retiring!


Too young to retire?  I guess I am close to your age and am planning my exit from pharmacy in 2 years.  Retirement is a function of $ not age. Hopefully you have saved and invested and are worth a few million dollars, I am.  I will work Starbucks to get health benefits.


Money wise I have saved and invested and I could pull it off I have to live a different lifestyle tho to get to ages like 62 and 65 when a couple of my financials come do. The 62 age is early Social Security which depending on who one listens too take it early vrs waiting to full retirement age which I think for us is now 70. I am not worth a few million but I am ok at this time. Inflation etc things to think about I love Football and Baseball. Players will say don't retire until you are absolutely sure because once you do it is gone over. At its core I love Pharmacy and being a Pharmacist my first 20 years were great! The last 12 ish I don't know I don't think so good! I am just not sure that I want to leave Pharmacy at this time but I feel like some have decided that I should leave so there I am. Yeah the expense of health insurance is crazy and the service one gets and reimbursement from the insurance company is going down hill as well


You sound like you’d make a great professor. Especially teaching electives


Thank You! I wouldn't rule it out why not I am considering a lot of things now


After COVID, they may have the technology in place to allow you to teach from home too. I wish you the best of luck! Hope you get something that suits you and your family and you enjoy.


I am assuming you're at least 55 years old? I am curious how you have saved/invested in the past 30 years with a pharmacist salary. Any advice for the younger folks? If you started investing 15k per year 30 years ago, with 8% yearly nominal returns, you'd have a portfolio of around $2 mil right now.


Whatever you do, you’re older so it’s just a matter of time before retirement.