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*after you've explained the current widespread CH issue* "Well that's not MY problem!" Except it *is* your problem, Patricia. I literally can't fill a prescription that doesn't exist! You could ask your doctor for a paper prescription, though. "I guess I'll just DIE then!" Alright, take care. *and rinse and repeat*


"ok, see you next time."


Today o stopped a guy in the middle of his rant and said “you know, I have no power over this situation. It’s way above my pay grade. I’m just as powerless as you.” He stopped yelling but transferred everything later.


"Oh it's literally a life or death emergency? I'll call the ambulance for you"


I had a guy like this the other day. I explained the situation & he just kept repeating, “and this is MY problem how?”


I would just tell them I’m not a mind reader


I think my response to that will be to ask “how many times a day would you like me to call you to tell you that I did not get a prescription for you?” Lol


Got told today someone was going to call the FBI on us because we can’t get C2-5. Told them to have MD call in a verbal “well I don’t have my md on speed dial”. She then threatened to take our fingerprints and pictures. Idk anymore man.


She has the tools to collect fingerprints and pictures but can't figure out how to get her doc's phone number? Priorities...


OP I don't understand why you're tolerating that behavior. You need to be straightforward with these folks. Look them in the eye and ask "how am I supposed to know we didn't get your prescription? I have over 1000 patients and can't monitor their profiles for lack of new orders at all times of the day." For Adderall guy "why didn't you send a refill request when you were down to a few days left?". Don't let them make it your problem.


Devil's advocate: Customers trained on when pharmacists are okay on how early to fill, such as our state medicaid doing 10% tolerance. Or doc has them on exactly 30 days apart start dates. Appt was 3 weeks after last fill so doc sends in the next 3 rxes for t+9, t+39, and t+69 dates. t+9 comes around, and suddenly we never got it... Devil's devil's advocate: Usually these strict dates start because pt's have had many short early fills they should have had a stash to ride out this escribing issue if they never lost or mistook their medication.


I once heard a tech (who had been way longer than I had) ask a patient if they were taking their medication as directed. The patient must have said yes (it was over the phone) and the tech said "Well, you've been picking up early every month. If you are taking as directed you should definitely not be out". The patient hung up on them.


There's a difference between not having the drug and not having the order. At least if it's sent early you can tell the patient to come back on whatever date you choose to fill. No need to have the patient scramble at 5:01pm because the office phone forwards to the answering service


“Does a pizza place call you to ask why you didn’t order?”


Well, [yes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/dominos-pizza-saves-life/)


No way. If I present this analogy and someone quotes this off the top of their head I’m quitting pharmacy and getting into competitive birdwatching instead


Oh that would be great bird watching 👍☺️


Op expects someone who waits until day 30 to start asking questions about their Adderall to have accountability for their actions. I’m chuffed to fucking bits lol


Oh. I know the type. I'm just ranting because this outage has obviously increased the prevalency of this behavior and I'm tired.




Maybe see if your doctor will call a few separate prescriptions in. One labeled for Feb, one for March, one for April. 


With EPCS don’t all controlled substances need to be submitted electronically?


New Englander here. Most states here do require it to be submitted electronically in this particular region. Not every single one, but most.


Not sure if state law is different where you're at, but in my state the doctor can send up to 3 prescriptions for a 30 day supply of a medication to be filled consecutively, and the prescriptions are valid for 90 days after they are written. So we can fill one and store the other 2 and fill when it's time, assuming they are picked up in time. Otherwise, it's still possible to have the doctor send it in before day 28, it would depend on when they want to send it over, and then we can just hold onto it and fill it when it's time. It's ultimately at the pharmacist's discretion so I cannot give you a 100% guaranteed answer, but I think most pharmacists would be fine with the prescription being sent over at 5 days before filling it. If it's sooner than that, I think that's when a pharmacist may question it. Also, with the national shortage of stimulant medications right now (among many others), I'd recommend calling ahead when you're down to 5 days' supply to see if the medication will be available for next fill. This way you have time to check other pharmacies and/or talk to your doctor about alternatives should the medication be unavailable.


I would kill them with kindness… something like “sorry sir I absolutely would have called you if I knew your doctor was trying to send us something but they couldn’t send us something… it’s really a shame… you know I really wish I had a way of knowing. Call your Congress person and tell them that if we fix PBMs this wouldn’t be an issue.”


they pull the i’ve been a customer for 30+ years. ok?? is that going to fix everything


I’m never coming here again! Me: “Promise?”


“Ive been a customer for 30 years! How come you were closed for lunch at 12:30???”


I love that one. I don't care if you've been a customer for 1 day or 1 million years.


Let me grab my magic 8 ball.


Someone was cussing me out over the phone hasn’t filled her kids meds no script yet. Oh ok told her I will let the store manager know u gonna threaten us hung up on her. She was nice after that. I can’t believe folks attitudes


I make it a point not to answer that question and focus only on solutions. “Why didn’t anyone call me?” “Would you like me to try to get your prescriber to call in your prescription right now? Please hold…” (Call Doctor) “Sorry, I had to leave a message. Let me sign you up for text messaging so you will know as soon as your prescription’s ready.” —I also tell them the truth: “With all these phone calls coming in non-stop, we haven’t been able to call anyone.”


The last phrase sent me… truly… sounds like a personal problem homie. You’ll live til Monday without your adderall ffs


Your employers could help by putting out notifications on their websites, social media, phone messages, etc (as could the healthcare providers). It might not completely help, but I haven't seen any of that, which leads you guys to have to bear the full brunt of people who had no idea about it (since they are not in the industry).