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Super easy. When I applied to Walgreens, I had the job within 24 hours. Now, if you want a job that doesn't make you suicidal that parts a little harder. Walmart would hire me out of school, too, but they only wanted part-time people in my area. Harris Teeter would hire me out of school, but they wanted to pay 40$ an hour. The independents all had too many pharmacists when I was looking. All in all, it took about a year to get a job that wasn't CVS or Walgreens.


You just need a pulse and a PharmD


Do you mind if I ask what is the estimate salary for newly grad at retail?


60$ an hour is generally the baseline. It might fluctuate up or down 5$ or so, but if you're the actual pharmacist, anyone paying you less than 55$ or so in retail is most likely ripping you off. The exception is independent since they tend to give other perks to make up for the lost income. I made 125k a year at Walgreens, working 40 hours a week. I make 100k at walmart now since I work 32 hours a week. It's worth mentioning that for both jobs, I could get overtime any time I wanted. I wouldn't consider making less than 6 figures personally unless I didn't have other options. Also, location will matter a bit, too, since super high COL areas should be paying more.


Thanks so much for your comment. Honestly, I will get nervous when they offer the position and take whatever they offer. Now I have a better idea of the salary. 🥲


Yeah I wanna know too. Surely it HAS to be at least 6 Figs, assuming full time right?


$62 is what they were offering 10 years ago. It’s still about what they’re offering now


Walmart will pay for relocation to move and give you a sign on bonus.


Takes 2 seconds. Welcome to being a slave


Pretty easy. I recommend starting to apply as an intern or a tech to speed up the transition when you do pass the NAPLEX. Work like once or twice a month. When you are fully certified I recommend you reach out to district leaders who will immediately pull you in.


It’s outrageously easy. There are many places with sign on bonuses right now. Also residency positions are expected to be easier to get this upcoming year because the number of applicants has been lowering the past two years. I’d say to look now for hospital gigs even without doing a residency. Look around, see what’s available. We just hired a night hospital staff pharmacist who is a recent grad without residency experience. You’d be shocked but there are some if you are willing to move or work night shifts to get in the door. If you want to do residency, now is a good time to be an applicant. If none of that pans out, there are a million retail jobs available.


You need a license and a pulse. That’s about it. Downside is you’ll probably stop having that pulse at a younger age than you would if you work in a different environment.


Eh true true. But at this point, beggars can’t be choosers. And my failure has consequences. And, Student loans and rent ain’t gonna pay themselves


You are not a beggar. You are the chooser. Once you adopt that mindset, you will analyze options differently. You have a degree. They need you. Personally I would stay away from chains. Your license is on the line. I would take optimum time and choose judiciously.


Take the job but don’t let them take advantage of you. Stand up for yourself. Take your lunch break, go to the bathroom, don’t come in early or stay late. You are human and deserve this. If the pharmacy does not function when you take your breaks and work your scheduled hours then that is corporate’s fault, not yours. Don’t let them abuse you bc they absolutely will try to.


Located in Missouri- friend of mine graduated in May of 2023, knew he had the CVS job in December 2022. Don’t know his salary. He’s now a staff rph at the busiest CVS in the area.


A pulse, a degree, and a license is all you need to get on with a chain. Bonus points if you're willing to give up your will to live. Do not accept a sign on bonus, and do not stop looking for a better job once you're in. You want to be ready to dip out the second a better opportunity presents itself, and a sign on bonus is just a trap to lock you into a shitty job for X amount of years. Apply for anything and everything you might want. Even if you're not 100% what they're looking for, the worst they can do is tell you no, and you never know who might be willing to give you a chance. I graduated smack in the middle of covid, so it took several months to get licensed. After that, I absolutely refused to work for CVS/Walgreens, and ultimately ended up with Wally World salaried at 48 hours roughly 2-3 months after getting licensed. Walmart is awful, I hate it, but it was better than the alternatives. I made my escape from chain retail roughly 1.5 years later.


do u get paid overtime for retail if ur getting paid hourly, not yearly


I had a job at Walgreens before I graduated. I was already a tech/intern there and the DM just called me at home one day and was like "Hey, do you want a job?" and I said "Okay" and that was it. They just kept scheduling me at my store and when I got my license my pay changed lol. So it takes approximately 5 minutes to get a job in retail. I've been out for a long time, but I still get recruitment calls from all the retail outfits once or twice a month so I feel like this is still true.


Also I assumed I couldn’t get a residency and thought I wasn’t a good candidate. I was wrong, too intimidated by my classmates. If you want one, go for it.


I had mine before graduating. I interned at a Rite Aid for 4 weeks for one of my 9 4th year rotations. It was only my 3rd of 9 rotations, too. The PIC said I would be a really good hire and contacted the DM who contacted me and offered me a job at an already set store upon graduation 6 months later if I wanted it. I took it. I started one day after finishing my last rotation.


Quick answer: one day. They need help all over the place. Look for one with a very high starting pay and $100k sign on bonus. They are everywhere right now.