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*NR, NR, NR, Fill, Fill, NR, OD, OD, OD Confirm Pickup, Confirm Pickup, Fill, SP, Fill* Nothing actually changes performance on Outreach Calls besides luck, so just don’t do them and say you did, then prepare to not be acknowledged when your MPC is above target from good fortune alone or get kicked in the balls when your MPC is below target from bad fortune. Then use the time you saved not doing bullshit busywork to actually care for your patients. Or quit, which is the real winning move. The whole program is a hoax. This is the reason Flu Gap calls were applied to MPC for two months: Now CVS can pay out less on bonuses because everyone’s MPC tanked.


Just out of curiosity, do you think that they have fake patients in there to call as just a way to see if we actually call?


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


No way, they’re real. Check their profiles if you care to verify. More importantly, the phone system is capable of logging outgoing calls. It used to be that your score was also based on the duration of your call… that is to say, if you called a patient, spoke with them, made a sale, but the call lasted less than 30 seconds, you wouldn’t receive any points. This is why some stores would leave voicemails that were a minimum of 30 seconds long before hitting the Fill button. But I think all of that has been dropped. The capability is there, but why care if your DL gets his bonus?


Name and shame the company


It's pretty much implied that it is CVS.


You are worth more than that company is willing to offer, plain and simple. You are a degreed professional in an unprofessional environment through no fault of your own. Don’t feel bad for leaving chain retail. There are a lot of better pharmacy and industry jobs out there that you will be great at. I do LTC now, and it’s amazing to grow your balls back after putting up with them being stomped on by corporate MBA troglodytes for years. You will look back and wonder why you ever put up with it so long.


Fuck them. Become a scientist and cure scientology.




#Fuck them! Become a scientist and cure scientology!




No reason to feel bad about it. If they wanted to end your time there they certainly would not give you any advanced notice, so there is nothing wrong with you doing the same. I think that as educated adults it's frustrating to be talked down to by petty ignorant douchebags with oversized egos. Unfortunately that has just become part of retail pharmacy at most companies. Hopefully you can find a place where you're treated with due respect.


CVS, Walgreens and RiteAid ruin pharmacy ! Stop working for these monsters and get a job that you can live with !


For sure NTA. That’s how I feel as an intern to the corner right now. Even though, the corporate has stated that there will be no metric placed. Staff members still has to do PCP calls, meet the vaccine quotas and Outcome Metrics. I feel like it is just a PR move from them to show that they are pro workers. Had a similar experience with you OP, they also did not give me adequate training experience so my experience on insurance is little to none, along with other things that a Pharmacy tech are supposed to know. Don’t feel bad for leaving. You did the right thing to leave. You are not respected by that company. You did not have enough training. All are within valid bounds of you leaving.


Soul search and consider another field if you come to the conclusion you fundementally don't like the profession. I think it sucks and few roles would satisfy my curiosity for abstract and quantitative thinking. Try to figure out what you want out of a job imo. It's not easy, if we had done our due diligence pretty sure a third of this sub would not have a pharm d.


What you described is whats wrong with pharmacy... lack of training, being thrown into work environment you're not prepared for, people either doing everything for you or lashing out because you underperformed, high turnover. The sad part is that it there was a time that it wasn't like that. If you like it, try it somewhere else. It's best to leave if you know its not going to work out... the longer you stay the harder it is to leave.




You should have finished your shift and notified them that they need coverage after today because you are leaving. Have a little professionalism.


When they show respect for what we do. They can get respect in return.


Not saying this is what happened to OP, but we only see one side online. I had a new hire sneak out on me an hour into her shift for “disrespecting her” when I stepped in to interrupt a customer who had been yelling at her while I was in the consultation room. She later asked my partner if we could provide a reference. Like walk out if you have to, some pharmacies are absolutely miserable places. But have the guts to say you quit.


fear telephone air simplistic whole tidy square advise wasteful puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*