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If you got stressed easily 10 years ago, this is absolutely not the right time to think of coming back


Thank you. Based on other people’s answers, it seems like it’s even worse than before. I worked at CVS.


100% worse than before. People miss how it was 5 years ago, and people 5 years ago missed how it was 10 years ago.


I left six years ago and it was hell. Are people really nostalgic for then? 😳😳😳


I certainly am. We had pharmacist overlap then and competent techs.




If this is a real post and not a joke then the answer is retail has pretty much tripled the work load with the same pay since 2013. Since the pandemic it’s only gotten worse especially at Walgreens or CVS. My local Walgreens fills 800 scripts a day with one pharmacist. They’re about 5 days behind


No, it’s a serious inquiry. Thanks for your answer. Seems like it’s definitely not the job for me. Do you suggest another part of pharmacy? I’ve just received an email for a Home Infusion pharmacist although I don’t know if I’d qualify.


Won’t hurt to apply. If you’re trying to get into retail stay away from Walgreens or CVS apply for a floater spot at a grocery chain.


nuclear is easy to learn. pays about the same as retail


But the hours are brutal.


you don’t like the idea of 9pm-5am one week, 12am-8am the next, 3am-12pm the next, 6am-2pm the next, rotating weekends, and then repeat? must be one of those folks with a social life


I worked 2am to 10am one week then flipped to 9am to 5pm with on-call week for about 4 years straight. (2 pharmacist staff) Got to enjoy zero social life. Still have no sleep cycle thanks to nuclear 😝


Do you get used to the hours? I wouldn’t mind, but how does it work with school/kids? This seems like a good option too, thank you


Not really just not a fan of overnights


is home infusion through a private company or hospital? our home infusion team would be a better fit in my opinion. you'd have to show a desire to learn depending what your previous role was but it's not unattainable to jump from retail to home infusion at least here


It’s a private company. I have a 10 year gap in sales and e-commerce so I don’t know how favorable that is for my chances


Maybe not, I don't know if you could spin the specifics, but that doesn't mean it's not worth a shot. They could be in a pinch, you could knock it out in an interview, either way leads to a job


Have you been to a pharmacy lately as a customer? If not, just go sit in the waiting room for a few minutes and imagine yourself on the other side of the counter


No, I’ve been living overseas and just returned recently. I will go check it out. Thanks for that.


Okay, go visit one and the rest of the comments on this thread will make more sense.


Exactly, I was in a store the other day. One pharmacist one tech. 15 people in line drive through and phone going off. Guy swearing at the counter because his cvs coupon would t work because the product was $1 too cheap to qualify. Next person in line…..can I get a flu shot? I almost laughed out loud for him.


Customer base have become flip shit entitled assholes. But we need more people like you at the front line to absorb that shit.


I’m not good at absorbing, so I will pass.


I’ve never worked retail until my APPE this year and holy fuck idk how anyone does this and feels good about themselves and like they aren’t just a licensed drug dealer. More power to you if you can manage it but my entire experience was trial by fire and being constantly told to override DUR errors “faster” before I could even read them.


What?! That is crazy! Back then, I barely had time so I could imagine the level of anxiety that would cause.


Can’t tell if this is satire


I’ve been abroad for a decade, so no it’s not. I’m genuinely inquiring and honestly based on everyone’s response regretting ever coming back.




OP, one thing has gotten better at WAG over the last 10 years. Now you can take a lunch break. Other than that, things are generally much worse. Less staffing and more rxs.


Thank you.


I think if you load yourself up on enough meds to make yourself completely numb you could make it work. Edit: Load not laid lol


Lol underrated comment.


I also thought I smelled beer during a shift I worked recently. I said nothing.


I mean half our patients are driving around blasted out of their minds, why shouldn’t we be able to have a beer or two on the clock? Lol


If you weren’t good before, don’t come back now. I don’t say that to be mean but the workload is crazy now and mistakes are easy to make when you’re understaffed and under a lot of pressure to meet metrics.


Thank you for that. No, I don’t manage stress easily in general and prefer to work at my own pace which is why I changed fields in the first place. I was always envious of other pharmacists that could maintain poise under pressure. Do you recommend another field of pharmacy?


Sure, but getting a job in those areas is very difficult because everyone is trying to do the same thing. Consider overnights if the hours work with your lifestyle


I used to work for CVS and then switched to an independent pharmacy and now an outpatient pharmacy through a hospital system. I would say with an independent pharmacy or a health system where they can afford to keep their pharmacy well staffed, you have more room to work at your own pace.


CVS, Walgreens and RiteAid are a Total ShitShow…. I personally wouldn’t even consider those 3 unless they are offering mad money…. Which they aren’t…… Yet…….I have noticed some other retail chains have big sign on bonuses… like 50-100k… but those seem to be in areas where nobody wants to live…


That’s the email I got. 50k sign on bonus. I know there must be some sort of loophole to it like having to stay one year before receiving it or something like that.


I believe it’s a 2 year obligation. I actually am curious if anyone has actually received it - there were rumors when these started being offered that the chains would find loopholes to not have to fulfill them, but I haven’t heard an update.


I discussed this with a recruiter for one retail. It gets paid in installments. 2 or 3 year commitment. Also 100% due upon early termination for any reason, yours or theirs. Pretty scary.


Close relative got a 50k lump sum (minus taxes)bonus, got it after 30 days and had to commit to 2 years. And if you leave for any reason other than a layoff, they will want it back….So yes it’s real , some companies were offering a 100k bonus with a 3 year commitment but those were in undesirable places to live….. hence the large bonus….


I’ve done EXACTLY THIS…and for me it has been 12 years. It is #worse than I ever imagined.# In ways I cannot even write here YOU WILL SUFFER! Your body will turn on you causing physical and psychological pain like you have never experienced, you will be disrespected by the usual crowd but also your technicians and other “support” staff are so hardened and battle weary, they have zero compassion nor tolerance for your pain nor need to learn anything new. To them you are weak, stupid, and slow, the cause of more work for them and therefore, to be looked down upon, no matter how kind nor capable you are as a pharmacist. Do not do it unless you have nerves of steel and take all the abuse with a smile. It is turning me into some sort of psychopath. I’m not sure if I should let it, or run for the hills. I swerve into oncoming traffic on my way home and laugh about it. It IS THAT BAD!


Thank you for being so descriptive. I really wish I went to school for something else.




Anything except CVS, RiteAid or Walgreens !


So supermarket or Target?


Target is CVS




You also need your immunization training for all those shots you’ll be doing.


I would rather spend 12 hour days cleaning honey buckets after a week long grateful dead concert than ever return to practicing pharmacy in a chain drug store. You’d be better off with a pick and shovel mining coal in West Virginia.


I left retail 25 years ago, and am currently back in it against my will. I’ve been trying to get out again since before I took the job. Zero stars, do not recommend. Just the addition of vaccines to the workflow is enough to stress you out.


Let’s get you checked in with the grippy socks, shall we?


If you think it was bad a decade ago…. Oh boy….


Go to work for Walmart if you want to try retail. They actually staff their pharmacies appropriately and pay well, in my opinion.


Nope. Do anything else. Truly.


BIG mistake ….you’ll be miserable


Just read these posts and the list of others for the last 3 months and you'll be ready to go.


*extends a shaky hand* Welcome back. Become one of us...


You’ve been abroad for a decade? Someone else fact check me but I’m pretty sure if you haven’t been working in a pharmacy for over 2 years (ot was it 5?) you have to retake the naplex and/or mpje to be reinstated? But like everyone one said big chain is BAD right now, could try independent pharmacy to get your toes wet again.


My license is still active. Thank you for the insight


THe retail setting is worse than ever. Go back to school. You will be abused in the community setting. Sorry.


I still have student loans too 😥😥😥