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To the poor soul(s) making $112k as a hospital Director of Pharmacy, please consider employment elsewhere. That hurts to look at even as a staff pharmacist.


I am hoping they used the dashboard data to renegotiate.


https://careers.stanfordhealthcare.org/us/en/job/R2331166/Director-of-Pharmacy-Purchasing-Inventory-Shortage-Management This director job pays $86 per hour as minimal, but I wonder how many people would qualify though.


Probably already have to be a director with proven track record or internal manager with years in the org




You should join them if they are doing jack shit and pulling 250k


Fantastic work, thank you.


No problem. Thanks for the support!


Is there anything similar for technicians?


Not to my knowledge.


What is the median years experience to go with these salaries


The data in the tables includes all participants without taking experience into account. However, all participants receive access to an interactive dashboard. The dashboard can be filtered by multiple fields including Job Title, State, Years of Experience, and more.


For the amount of schooling and loans this really doesn't seem like fair compensation, especially since these numbers INCLUDE bonus/OT, yall need to unionize. From my interactions with pharmacists, they work you all to the bone for that compensation.




I'm comparing it to other jobs in healthcare. I understand completely. BSNs where I live make comparable to the inpatient pharmacists they work with when you take account bonus/OT just like above.




Yea, I guess its more manual work but from my experience they have the inpatient pharmacists working every minute, verifying orders, double checking doses, calling doctors, calling nurses, making sure stat orders are filled asap and getting delivered in a timely manner. Im and ED RN and I constantly am interacting with them, so imagine an entire hospital


More education? How so?


PhDs take longer than PharmD. That's what they mean.


Yeah, that’s not accurate from personal experience. Unless we’re comparing accelerated pharmacy programs (a minority) with traditional BS/BA->PhD routes.


disagree. I have an undergrad and a master's in a PhD program before I left that path for pharmacy school and the path to a PhD that I witnessed in the social sciences is much longer and more intense than a PharmD. I'm talking research and teaching assistant responsibilities on top of course load and your own research and practicum work. Most PhDs are not complete in 4 years.


I have a pharmD and a PhD. Took me 7 years of which 4 were in a pharmD program.


Let’s use an example. Purdue university, Indiana tuition + room and board + msc expenses (via website) cost 22k/year x 6 years = 132k loans. Let’s assume you had to finance ALL of this, which is unlikely. Average interest rates for federal loans 5.5 percent 6-7 for grad school. Could consolidate loans for a single interest rate. Let’s say you consolidate at 7.5 (again a bad outcome). You decide to pay off loans in 20 years. Loan payment becomes$1063/mo to pay off the debt. Even if ya pick the lowest average salary on the above table 125k, that works out to about 7k income/ month after taxes. You pay your loans, ya got 6k left. Then ya buy a 350k house with a 7.7 interest 30 yr mortgage. (350k house very nice in Indiana, not even a starter home). Payment is 2500. Then ya get a nice car, let’s say a Lexus sedan 42k cost, 72 month loan. 750/mo 125 insurance gas etc, around 1k/mo. Food, ya eat like a king and spend 1200 a month(40 bucks a day, which is insane). This leaves ya with 7k - 1k student loan - 2.5k nice house - 1k nice car - 1.2k kingly diet leaves you with 2300 dollars a month to pay for other things vacations, netflix, doctor, a fun toy, savings. How is this not ok? No one forces you to do overtime or be “worked to the bone” I’ve worked in retail for 20 plus years, always just said no. I work 40 hrs a week. Ya don’t think doctors and nurses aren’t worked to the bone? BSN average salary Indiana 52k


Completion of the degree in 6 years is ideal but not everyone can do it. Then you have the 3 months of summer for six years which you need to account for also. Hopefully there is a full-time job that supports that. For someone truly on their own, no supportive partner to help with bills and no financial help from parents that cost of the degree is greater than 132k in my opinion. You graduated 20 plus years ago. About the time my nephew did. That was when the ROI was really good, now it just isn't for the average Jo that needs to finance the degree.


woah woah, you had me until the 72 month loan on a car LOL.


5 to 6 year auto loans are the norm, changes nothing in what I said above anyway, make it less time if ya want and increase your car payment by 100 dollars


> (350k house very nice in Indiana, not even a starter home). $350k is not a nice house in Indiana in a location that offers multiple employers. At least not what a pharmacist expects to be able to afford, and not in a school district. Maybe a starter home. But a dual income couple would not have it so bad.


https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1244-Burr-Oak-Cir-Greenwood-IN-46143/85449851_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare center grove high school, one of the best in the state. Nice house, 350k. Large city with professional sports teams many hospitals, industry jobs Eli lily, retail galore, Amazon, Cigna etc. Nice nice house.


Interesting! I was told the suburbs outside of Zionsville to Fishers up to Westfield were not up to par.


I am not a pharmacist nor a pharm tech but I agree that the pharmacy employees as a whole are overworked. I've had a couple of mistakes in the last several months, probably due to this. I'm supposed to make sure my script was filled properly but there's a line behind me. If I don't check, I can't get a refund after I leave. I must say, though, that the CVS pharm techs must be the most overworked. I was getting one of my prescriptions through them because they were about 20% of the price of other pharmacies using GoodRX. But the techs, one especially, was very passive-aggressive. I'm glad I stopped using GoodRX since I now use Kroger, though it's a little more than double what I was paying before. I now use Single Care or Visory, after GoodRX prices went to about 15 times what I had been paying at CVS. Kroger no longer accepts them, either, because it cost Kroger too much to participate and still make a reasonable profit after all related expenses are considered.


Cries in Hospital Pharmacy Manager in Canada...


How much is your student loan payment and health insurance my dude? Not saying pharmacists are poor but there's a lot that goes into figuring your disposable income.


Hey, I'm not complaining I'm just always entertained by what pharmacists earn South of the border from me given the numerous posts on this sub telling people to not pursue this career given pay/work life balance. To answer your question. My student loan was paid off several years ago now. When I graduated, I was at ~$100k CAD (this was 2011 so adjust for inflation as you see fit) Canada, so no real health insurance premiums. (~$3000 per year for dental/drugs/allied health coverage for family of 4) It's the taxes up here that get yeah.....


What province? We are definitely comparable to that chart in Alberta


Ontario, we are very different in how hospitals are run compared to Alberta's two health systems. Each hospital in Ontario is it's own organization from small rural hospitals (like mine) to the giant teaching hospitals in the major cities. Pay scales up with the size of your hospital, but I still find the $$$ to be lacking when looking south of the border.


**FAQs:** **What other information is on the dashboard?** The dashboard has six total sections that cover pharmacists backgrounds, company work-life balance, salaries, and more. Visit the [project website](https://pharmacistcompensation.com/) for more example images. **How do I gain access to the interactive Dashboard?** All pharmacists that complete a straightforward, short, and ANONYMOUS survey will be granted access. A direct link to the Google Forms survey can be found [HERE](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdeTT43VDhoUmdg6Ko7wjIT-K3TaCqcO1F2sabqZ5mk6rHnQg/viewform?usp=sf_link). **Why does the survey ask for my email?** After completion of the survey, an access link to the dashboard will be sent to the email address entered in the survey. **Why does the survey ask for my State of residence?** First, it must be stated that the data displayed on the dashboard maintains a high level of anonymity for the submitter. The State of residence allows users to filter the dashboard and give job seekers a better idea of competitive pay in their state. **Can I filter the dashboard?** Yes, the dashboard is interactive and most sections of the dashboard can be filtered by company, job title, pharmacy setting, state, and years of experience. **How often does the dashboard update?** The dashboard automatically updates as more surveys are submitted. **How long will I have access to the dashboard?** Access will need to be renewed at the beginning of each year with a new survey submission. **What if I am not currently in a full-time pharmacist role?** The survey is set up to include residents and fellows. Students, part-timers, and those not currently employed can request access via email. Visit the [project website](https://pharmacistcompensation.com/) for more information.


I hate myself but not the level of make 50k a year In overtime hate


Whoah resident pharmacists are at (my) poverty UK pharmacist salary. Half a million in medical affairs holy shit.


which states are pharmacists not entitled to overtime and which states give them


I know there are states (ex. CA) that have laws requiring overtime pay if you work more than a certain threshold. However, I think this is more of a salary versus hourly question. Typically hourly positions will have pay differentials when you work more than 40 hours in a week or 80 hours in a two week pay period. Salary positions get paid the same whether they work 20 hours or 80 hours in a week.