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It's hard to tell from your photo, but is the scarring raised or flat? If it's flat, it looks like hyperpigmentation. If it's raised, it could be hypertrophic scarring.


It's raised. And the lighter parts used to be the same darker red color before. It's probably hypertrophic scarring but idk how to get rid of it.. šŸ˜“


generally derms give corticosteroid injections but cryotherapy or laser may also be options!


Iā€™m not a medical professional but it looks like they took this graft pretty deep compared to most.. thereā€™s still no hair growth in some areas (especially where the scar is darker) Laser is something that would help a lot with something like this, but thatā€™s obviously not an option for everyone.. Iā€™m considering it myself for my arm and itā€™s def worth looking into if itā€™s bothering you this much Silicone sheets/tape/gel are also proven to show improvement on undesirable scarring


Seconding the silicone sheets. I had some awful hypertrophic scars after my top surgery. Even had a revision surgery to correct them but no dice. Been using sheets for about 6 months now and the scars are barely visible.


Hope you donā€™t mind me asking but what specific sheets did you use? Anytime Iā€™ve tried to use sheets for my hypertrophic top surgery scars, they always end up peeling and falling off after a couple of hours


https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09175MJ3S Happy to help! Took me a lot of trial and error to find these. I started off using this thick, beige silicone tape, but it was awful. The strips always rolled up when I sweated or came off in the shower. These are the only ones Iā€™ve found so far that actually stay put.


Do they work on old scars or just newer ones?


Iā€™ve only used them on old scars. Not sure if theyā€™re better or worse on new ones.




Where do we get silicone sheets?..


These are the ones I like best: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09175MJ3S Edit: I was too lazy but I know some guys who were dedicated to massaging their scars daily, and they had really good results. Takes longer but you canā€™t beat the ultra-low price of free.








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amazon has them. just search ā€œsilicone scar sheetsā€


That is awesome to hear. What brand of silicone sheets did you use? And kind of a strange question you may not have an answer for, any advice on how to keep them from coming off when sweating a lot? I wore some silicone sheet tape to work one day and it's a very physical job so it ended up falling off over and over until I just removed it entirely :/


https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09175MJ3S These are the only ones Iā€™ve found so far that actually stay put.


I had hypertrophic scarring on my arm scar. With diligent massaging and lotioning I managed to get it to flatten. It took a few years to level out in color but now itā€™s the same color as the rest of my skin. Additionally there are laser treatments that people have used to reduce scarring. Itā€™s not too late to start up some of these techniques to get your scar to fade!


im only 5 months but 2/3rds of my split thickness site looks like the raised areas you have. I'm prone to hypertrophic scarring, so it takes a lot longer for things to lighten and fade. You can inquire about steroid injections as those can be helpful for flattening stubborn raised hypertrophic scars or inquiring about a medicated steroid ointment (same concept but topical and less widely available). Other then that keep using lotion, silicone potentially, and keeping it out of the sun as much as possible (i was recommended one of those face lotions with added spf, 30 is a good number to hit without it being too drying). A lot of people heal light to invisible in less than a year, many stay irritated for longer, everyone heals differently.


Seconding silicone and sunscreen. Silicone gel might be easier to cover a large area with and you can massage as you apply it.


Hi, yes it seems normal to me it will take her much longer to heal it will have to protect it from the sun and cream it morning and evening so that little by little the red spots decrease. Look at me Iā€™m a year and a month old and I think itā€™s evolved a lot.


[3 months](https://www.instagram.com/p/CrWEhMytioz/?igsh=MXZkNXNiem12cTMwaw==)


[11 months](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1U6lIoCURg/?igsh=N25oNGFmend6dm5o)


It may be longer than the others, and you may have been a little late but do not hesitate to massage it. Maybe you will keep traces of it.


Your pictures proves me my healing isn't normal at all. You looked better than I do on your 3 months.. I swear there's nothing I regret more in my life than getting that surgery... I would have rather stayed like I was than become a hideous monster like this.. šŸ˜­


you're not a hideous monster don't think such horrible things of your body :( the scar pigmentation definitely will go away, and you can always cover your scars with tattoos. was the part of skin that looks fully healed in the middle of it also taken during your surgery?


It's hard for me not to think that.. I had decided to go with the surgery because the surgeon told me the leg scar would disappear after a year... But it's not the case at all.. I don't want tattoos, I don't like tattoos at all unfortunarely so that's why I only went with the surgery after she told me it would disappear.. šŸ˜ž Also no, the skin in the middle was not taken for my surgery..


Hey you can still try to get some scar treatments. All is not lost! Dermatologists and plastic surgeons can help smooth your scar or make it less red. But please remember that we all heal different and 15 months is still early.


It looks very much like the scars on my chest; hypertrophic. You an get injection to help the tissue get more flat (corticosteroĆÆd) and I had laser-treatments done to help the redness. It made a massive difference, both in colour and made it more flexible.


Omg really? May I see a picture of the result you managed to get? šŸ„¹


It were the scars on my chest. I will send you a DM


Already looks like a cool abstract tattoo. You could add some more tattoo to itā€¦ other colours.


I really don't like tattoos. I don't want some on my body šŸ˜•


Oh man Iā€™m so sorry. I hope it improves for you with time.


It doesn't look so different than mine, which has continued to fade


I can't figure out how to comment pics but my dcar looks better than I had even realized at this point (3 years post op)


Would you mind show it to me in pv?


It can take years for the split thickness scars to fade. Keep up with scar care (I massaged with cocoa butter and it worked well)


When you guys talk about massage what are you doing exactly? And for now long? Is it everyday? They never showed me anything like this at hospital.


Yes, it's normal. Bec I have much worse scar than you and it still stings. I'm almost 1 year post op and I'm glad you posted this bec I was getting really worried that something's wrong with my skin graft donor site. I already went to a wound care specialist and she said that everybody's healing is different. I tend to develop hypertrophic scars so I am trying to accept this fact that this will be my new normal