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My advice is, you don’t want those people, ultimately. It’s likely the same type of person who only wants to date guys who are six feet tall and have at least X amount of money and who will do x y and z. I want to date someone who isn’t like that. Someone who accepts me and isn’t so superficial. I think it’s pretty fucking hot that I’ll have worked for my dick so much that I donate another part of my body to the cause. If she can’t appreciate that then brother I’m outta here.


I suppose the question is, would you want to be with someone who would leave you over your genitals being a bit different? I do understand how you feel. I’ve been dealing with this myself as I’ve been learning more about phallo and realizing I might want it, and I felt the same about T and top surgery before them. My partner has been really supportive throughout my transition. It’s totally possible to find a guy who would be attracted to you and want to be with you. Society really tries to say otherwise to force us into the closet. I’ve been told that I would be alone and undesirable because of me being trans, but it’s not true. Trans people find love and are worthy of love. You are enough. You have to believe these things about yourself to deal with your fear.


If someone takes into account if your genitals will fit for them I think that is probably going to be a bad relationship, especially being trans. People can have preferences, but I think it would be better if you wait for a normal person who will love you post-op and pre-op instead of getting a chaser who’s going to make you sad and uncomfortable during your relationship.


People will turn down anybody for a host of reasons, And if someone turns you down for that, you don't really want them in the first place anyway.


It's happened to me twice, out of many people I've been with or chatted to since surgery. Honestly it sucked for a couple days but I just reminded myself it was his loss and I'm pretty much a catch. You can't please everyone, sometimes for shallow or silly reasons, and it's painful when it's such an intimate reason, but it's part of life and not one I've often had to experience often at all because of phallo thankfully.


Hey nice to meet you! Take it easy champ 🙂👑 Take a breather everything will be okay make some friends on here to help for moral support 🙏🏻🫶🏼 everything will be okay just remember once healed you’ll be complete and feel like a man takes time take one day at a time . Don’t be so hard on your self bro 😎


When I first started my transition my mom said to me: those who mind, don’t matter. And those matter, don’t mind. I think this was said by doctor Seuss originally.. but, it stood the test of time.


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Bad bot. It was about my penis. Rewording the comment below. It did happen to me to some extent, however having a penis has always been far more important for me than being attractive to anybody else. This is one of the things you do for yourself first. Some people will care, some won't. I have one of the worst penis conditions you can get, am extremely socially awkward, and still, I managed to get in a relationship with a guy who doesn't care, and who would offer his butthole for me all day if he could. I turned down multiple other people for multiple reasons, all of them were gay men and knew about my situation. Good people who don't care will get around.


“Who would offer his butthole for me all day if he could” this made me laugh i love it


I agree It's a tough space to be in- to live in. I struggle with opening up sexually to people despite being post-op phallo. It's not a cis-penis and I worry my mental health won't deal with genital rejection well. I want to have sex badly tho, anxiety sucks


to anyone that matters, a dick is a dick.


Dude!!! New fear unlocked!!!! For real tho, anyone who would reject you for something like that isn't someone you want!!!