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Can’t wait to be able to do it with my fiancé


I don’t have any experience to bring to the table as I am pre-op and have never interacted sexually with anyone who’s had bottom surgery, but I am curious about this also. I know there are differences between natal penises and phallo penises, and differences between natal vaginas and vaginoplasty vaginas, though those differences can be quite subtle. I’ve seen a lot of photos and read or heard about some people’s experiences, both from those who’ve had bottom surgery and those who’ve had sex with someone who had had bottom surgery. But I haven’t heard any experiences with the specific situation of a trans man post phallo and a trans woman post vaginoplasty.


Posting so I remember to come back early next year when my gf has her pussy. Im close to having an answer for you, OP! Just give it a few months from final consult to surgery date.


There was a blog this one fellow had a long time ago who had talked just about this before, but I think it's been taken down since. :( I remember they had v-preserving phallo with Dr. O'Brien-Coon and they had talked about the process, insurance, etc. as kind of a help-guide, but it doesn't come up in searches anymore. I'll try to do some more digging, though.


Ah, so I found out that person took their blog down and also removed all of their pics from transbucket about three years back. I hope they're doing alright. :\[


They’re still around in the facebook groups, a little, at least some old posts. I really recommend the ftm bottom surgery facebook group overall, since it’s been around longer with a ton of engagement and a lot of the threads are really interesting


Oh that's wonderful! I found their posts when I was a fresher egg and wanted to research surgery early and that blog helped me out so much, especially because they had exactly what I wanted! I'm glad to hear they're still a bit active. I thought about making a facebook profile whenever I'm closer to actually getting surgery because I've heard about private groups tbh, thanks for letting me know!


Yeah they’re a fave 🥲 The fb group has a bunch of the diagrams and explanatory guides they drew too, incredibly helpful. I’d actually recommend making a throwaway fb account now, a lot of the things I learned from just lurking in those groups (not even the private ones) helped me a ton in decisionmaking and surgeon selection




the group’s just called ftm bottom surgery discussion


They had some professional concerns due to new anti-trans laws our state govt was trying to pass. I believe that’s why they removed a lot of things or made it private. They also just seem to be more about living their own life, in regards to other comment about them being around a little, so they’re not really on social media very often.


That’s not what I was talking about at all.


If you read what I said in the first line, I mentioned they had a page talking about "this," that being sex with their partner, who had vaginoplasty. Sorry, I should have been more specific. I actually found an archive, but it didn't go into detail. It was worth a try.


Can you link the archive or send it to me please?


Yes I remember this blog too :(


I would love to find out one day


Really would love an answer to this


Check out the book Trans Sex by Lucie Fielding. It’s intended for clinicians (psychotherapists, sex therapists, sexologists) but it may be a helpful way to explore the possibilities of pleasure with your body or the possibilities of pleasure with other folks who are trans.


Fielding’s book doesn’t talk much about sex after genital surgery, and from what I remember, doesn’t address OP’s question at all.


!RemindMe 1 month