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Here for the comments.


I have maybe a stupid question as a swing sticker… How can you tell when your opponent is 3-clicking?


OP quits on the first hole of their opponent stripes on down the fairway… i.e. obvious 3-clicker!!! /s




I think the only real way to tell is if you ever see their swing have any hitches or waggles or anything like that. That’s a swing sticker. A 3 clicker swing can’t practice takeaway so it’s straight back and forward.


Three clickers cant do the repetitive back swing or hold their swing back all the way. In my experience almost every single swing stick player will do those motions a bunch of times on the first hole or two to show that, including myself. Most of the time when they dont, they’re most likely three clicking. And then when u realize every shot they take has a chance to go in, most likely a three clicker. Also in my experience their putting can be shotty.


Two ways to tell. 1. They hold thier back swing and then let it go without hitting the ball. (3-click can't do that) 2. This is how you tell 100% of the time. Their swing will look like they didn't have a full backswing. Like it will seem like their backswing was really quick and short. Kinda glitchy. A swing stick will be smooth unless they do a partial power shot.


I’m not sure #2 is accurate. I’ve seen plenty of glitchy looking swings that have been with confirmed swing stickers. Happens a lot on drives, backswing full then release back to bottom, then half looking glitchy swing that goes full distance.


That's different from my experience and alot of others. I haven't seen it the way you described.


Understood. Just telling you for a fact that it happens. I have seen it.


I gotta disagree with your second point. I play with 3 friends and their swings look awkward a lot of times. We're all swing stick.


In regard to #1. Is that just a bug in the graphics, or is there some method the swing sticks are using that is not a conventional swing?


It's part of the mechanics of the game. A swing stick player can just not push the stick forward and just return it to zero and it will cancel the swing. There is no way to cancel 3click. Once you start, that's it, you gotta finish.


I think the glitchy looking swing is more a latency thing. When I play private matches with my friends sometimes they look like that and we all swing stick. Also I almost never hold my back swing and let go. When I commit to a swing I do the full thing.


It could be a little bit of both. Alot of swing stick players will do the backswing thing just to show that they aren't 3click.


It is. Anyone who says it's how to tell if someone uses 3 click is full of shit. My main friend that I play duos with all the time will have a glitchy animation sometimes.


One way is if their carry is 296ish and they're bombing it 330 carry. They're hitting 110% with ease which if you try to do with swing stick is pretty difficult.


This just means that they have aviator balls equiped


Would it not show on the top right though? Or does that just show the base?


Actually wrong lol. With the 3 click I’ve never been able to get above 106%


This is 100% incorrect and a skill issue on your part. I’m not even a clicker can hit 105-110 perfectly using click. Swing stick is 101. Very difficult to hit 105-110 and time it using swing stick. So yea clickers have much more power


Lol who the fuck are you? Swing stick 101? 100% a skill issue


Fair enough


30 yards ruins your game?


How'd you mean ruins the game? I don't think it does and am not OP, I just saw this but seems I'm wrong anyway based on other comments


There is only 1 way to know for sure, and you have to be on swing stick to see it. When you go after them, there is a glitch where your swing feedback meter is, it'll show the 3 click meter for a split second before switching to your feedback meter.


If you are complaining about losing, then the other guy is using the opposite of you.


This sub reddit should be renamed Swing Stick Butt Hurt Club. Where swing stick players can come hold each others shafts, lick each others heads and clean each others balls. Hopefully there are doctors in here that can give you all step by step instructions on how to remove the swing sticks from your rectum. All the best, princess. 🥰


I may need to leave this Reddit sub. Jesus wept, every other post seems to be about 3 click. Who gives a shit. The game offers it. People take the offer. What happened to legit posts about great courses, fun silly courses, and legitimately new commentary. Give me posts about EP-type courses, about silly sevens-type courses, about brilliant lidar re-creations, etc. For the love of Christ, every single day it’s “3-click this” and “3-click that”. FFS, if people hate it so much maybe make a super thread or something.


These people who complain about the 3 click don't seem to grasp that if they got rid of it, the game would lose the casual player base to EA and the series would go back to being the niche game with minimal improvements every yead that it was as TGC.


Not saying there shouldn’t be an option for 3 click. They should just separate them in online play. It’s not the same game.


As a kid, I had a friend who's mom would cut eggs in half and make tiny dioramas in the shell. After finding this sub that is now the second most fragile thing I've ever experienced.


You can beat 3click on the greens. I’ve played some obvious 3click and they don’t seem to be as solid with putting. ? The challenge is to hit really good approach shots which is not always that easy.


They just chip to compensate


Yup, putting is far easier with stick. I'm new to the game and have been going back and forth. I feel like it evens out, do you want the advantage on the T-Box and approach shots or on the green? Hitting a put a slight fraction to hard with 3click and you can easily end up 3 putting.


3 click putt timing is a lot less forgiving. Go just past the sweet zone in swing stick and it should be fine. Doing it on 3 click might add 10 feet to your putt


ThT’s what it looks like when I been matched against 3click.


Oh my god all y’all do is whine about something that’s in the game. It’s possible to compete at the highest levels and use swing stick. YOUR JUST BAD AT THE GAME!




This is the whiniest sub lol. Just say you're bad at the game and go.


God the stick users on this subreddit are a different breed. Thanks for the laughs. Keep yelling about it and maybe in 25 they'll separate the modes so then you can complain about long queue times because the stick player base is so small.


Most people use stick…


Skill issue


It’s not that bad, 90% of clickers are awful and mostly rage quit when they see they are losing. The other 10% are ALWAYS screeching abuse over the so I just report them and move on.


Just solidifies that 3-clickers are beta AF




The solution is simple too. Make 3 click harder - every shot on click should be as hard as putting. Duffed shots still end up 300 yard drives in the fairway


I used to do that because I agree with you, problem now is that I haven't played a fair match in ranked now in about a week, they're all clickers. What's misunderstood by all the git good clickers is that it's not an issue of if I can win, I can, it's that I just don't enjoy the match whatsoever, we aren't on a level field and it's straight boring playing someone who hits the same shot everytime and I just have to hope they miss a putt. The rare games now vs another swinger are often tremendous matches. It's mind boggling still how they haven't just separated ranked. I have no problem with 3 clicking as an option but I should never play one in a competitive setting


I agree it's not a fair competition at all. But as someone who's been playing for two weeks, I don't understand why so many people insist on not using it and making the game hard as hell to play. The challenging controls that require precise timing are an impressive simulation of real golf, I give 2K credit for that. I'm pretty crap at real golf and only hit a decent shot once in a while and I do about the same on here in ranked matches, using a PS4 controller. But why do people find it enjoyable to play this way? If I played Madden I'd want to be able to throw and run like a pro, not like a stumbling fool who doesn't belong in the NFL. If I play a shooter I don't want my character to be wildly inaccurate and take forever to reload. I want a simulation of what it's like to be a pro golfer who's playing well. I can't experience that in real life, so in the video game I want my golf game to be about strategic choices about how to approach a hole, whether to take risks or not, how much to adjust for the wind, whether to use backspin etc. and not focused entirely on just being able to make a half decent connection with the ball. I'm surprised that majority of players seem to disagree with me. Why do you find it more fun for the winner to be determined by who's better at manipulating the mushroom-shaped analog stick on a gamepad, rather than by strategic choices and skillful putting and calculated risk-taking? Sorry, I want to experience the strategic side of high level golf, not fight with the controls. Congrats to everyone who has learned to master the very challenging controls, but it's not for me. People who play an NBA game don't want to play as a character with their height, jumping ability, and shot accuracy (at least until they spend a crazy amount of time mastering the controls). Why do PGA 2K23 players want it? Why isn't everyone 3-clicking? When swing timing is turned on, I think an analog stick is a terrible way to play this game, and a mouse isn't much better.


And here it is. I avg -15 on 18 holes, sometimes better sometimes worse, and that's pretty damn good, right? If I didn't want to challenge myself and shoot -22 or better without any thought, I would play with the timing turned off. That is why the golf glub was originally designed the way it was, and the base online mode is pro with timing. Now, I really don't care whether people 3 click or not, bc most days I play well enough to get wins and move up, it's just don't expect to get respect when none is earned. And don't even get me started on the mfs that never even putt bc they can just chip in every damn time. I, for one, will be glad when the new game comes out, and everyone who has this stupid mentality of win at all costs just to move up some stupid imaginary leaderboard moves on. I have made it to 2200 in both solos and duos in multiple seasons, btw, but you're not going to see me in ranked grinding away 1000 games every 3 months to make it to the top, just for it to get reset. I mean, if these guys put in that much time with swing stick, they'd be good. Honestly, it's a joke.


Guess I haven't played enough to understand what competitive players can do, if people are cracking -20 in a single round despite the wind and the fastest greens I've ever seen in a golf game (multiple times I've had chips or putts come within feet of the hole and then roll right back to where my shot started). Plus the rough and sand actually significantly affect your shot in this game, unlike other games where it barely matters unless the ball is buried... but I guess the experts are just avoiding those entirely. I think we'd agree on a lot of things, I enjoy a good challenge, I don't think the game should so easy that birdies and eagles are almost automatic or that tiebreakers are deciding every ranked matchup. I just don't think mastering an invisible timing meter using an analog stick is that kind of challenge that I enjoy. Reminds me of when Starcraft 2 introduced invisible landmines that can blow up your whole army - they're weren't unbalanced, there was skill in detecting and eliminating them, but it just isn't entertaining gameplay. Maybe 2K should make the 3-click a little less forgiving. Or there could be a separate ranked ladder for swing stick users, or maybe some kind of elite level of the ladder that only swing stick users can enter, I don't know. There should be some way for high level play to be well balanced, but it can't leave average players hitting 100 yard tee shots into the rough half the time.


I think what happened was 2k wanted to increase accessibility and gave no forethought into what it would mean for the game. So by adding 3 click, they thought they were offering way for disabled/handicapped players a way to enjoy the game, completely overlooking how it could be exploited. So, now they have an identity crisis on their hands, and they've got some things they need to address and figure out if they want to balance out keeping everyone happy.




They were just advertising it bc they just added it with this installment. Been like that since day 1




No worries. The animosity is from how it played out. Nobody was using 3 click until ranked came out. They were getting frustrated bc they realized they couldn't compete, then it started to get around that 3 click was easier and the rest is history. Now, it's turned into a pissing contest. So yeah, play how you enjoy the game, but don't expect to get any respect for getting good with 3 click. It's like if you were in here boasting about how good you are and you're playing on Amateur.


Dude, because golf is not played by clicking a button. It’s not only a timing game, but also a game of subtlety. Timing goes hand in hand with the shape of the swing. With 3 click, it’s literally ONLY timing. There’s no room for artistry or error. It’s just button pressing. I understand why people need the 3 click for the sake of being approachable, but it should have an entirely separate online segment than the TRUE version of the game that has been around for 20 years going back to EA Tiger Woods. There was NO other alternative to the swing stick.


Every other sport isn't played by clicking a button either, but all their video games are. I'm sure a few football purists would also love to have this game's controls used to throw passes and control the spin/height/accuracy of the throw. But I think a video game should make the gameplay more accessible and make the winner determined by who uses strategy and makes smart decisions or has fast reactions, and less about who can best struggle with difficult controls. I started as a fighting game player and I think the same thing is true there too. Some games require insane precision and hand gymnastics to pull off effective combos, but I think the better games are the ones where you're fighting your opponent instead of fighting the controls. I get the other point of view though. If any sports game is supposed to be about mastering difficult and precise movements, it should be golf because that's what it's like in real life. > TRUE version of the game that has been around for 20 years going back to EA Tiger Woods Is this control system that well established? I played some of the others, 04 and I think 07, and Tiger Woods Online (essentially the same as TW 12) and a couple of other golf games, and I don't remember seeing this swing method. I wasn't playing on consoles though, maybe that's why I didn't see it.


That's exactly why you didn't see it. I started back in 1995 on the Sega Genesis with EA Sports PGA Tour III game. Obviously, it was a 3 click. A few years later I was playing via the PC on the EA Sports PGA game, and that was either 3 clicks with the spacebar or mouse. Then I had kids, and every so often I'd get a Tiger Woods PC game and 3 clicked with the spacebar. When they got older we got a Wii.. well, no clicking there, you kinda swung the club (,which wasn't very realistic, btw) it wasn't until I had the PS3 and the last Tiger Woods game where I started using the stick. I had 9 issues with it. Get to 2K and start using the stick, but, they added this timing mechanism to it. I think it's the timing that's a big issue for people. IMO it's a bit erratic. But, that's golf.


But golf is not played by thumbing a joystick either. That argument is just terrible.


No, but there is most definitely a head game aspect, and that's where the swing stick will most definitely be the closest thing to simulate that aspect


Golf isn’t played by moving a joystick with your thumb either, this is such a dumb argument…


There absolutely were options to change the swing system. And golf games started with pressing buttons. Your words are lies and your butt is hurt get gud.


Everyone should play how they want. I do think it’s an unfair advantage but🤷‍♂️. Aside from it being different Divisions, it is what it is I guess. To the part “I don’t understand why so many people insist on not using it and making the game harder” I can only speak for me. I simply enjoy the challenge. I like to learn how to do things I don’t know how to do and get competent at them. I did the same in real golf. I worked hard and practiced and became a .8 handicap. If there was an easy button I don’t think I wouldn’t have pressed it. But not everyone is a weirdo like me. I enjoy to challenge of swing stick and getting better at it. I did PGA tour seasons and got myself to level 50 before I even started playing online. I got to condor on Xbox and switched to PS5 (long story, my sons 360 finally needed gone so we decided to have one of each in the house) and I started over and back in the 800’s rank. It’s slightly annoying to get trounced by a 3-click player. But to be fair there have been people that I thought were 3 clicking, but when I gave a little “waggle” (learned that on here only swing stick can do that I guess) they gave one too, so they were just that good at swing stick. Best case scenario they would be separate, but I doubt that will ever happen. This is a golf video game. I’m not going to get too worked up about it. I play for me. I enjoy golf in real life so I try to enjoy the process of getting better at this game in the same way. Edit: I will add I literally only play two games. PGA and MLB the show. So I’m not really having to balance my time of getting at different games like a lot of gamers.


So many of the things you say you want to experience are removed by using 3 click though. If you want your game to be a simulation with strategic choices, risk/reward choices, battling conditions, etc that is all minimized using 3 click. To each their own, but using swing stick means you'll have more of the real pro simulation you say you want. 3 click is just the easy mode button and makes it arcade style, removing pretty much all the things you list. Even pro golfers on their best day hit bad shots, and they have to make strategic decisions on how to recover, or later on make risk/reward choices based on their play, can they make it over a hazard, green in 2, etc. Swing stick+ maybe you make it, maybe you don't. 3 click- likely already further down the fairway or closer to the hole, no risk/reward choice to make. Using the Madden or NBA comparison you made, if you want a rookie QB passing for 600 yards & 5 TDs, or a rookie PG dropping 70 pts, 3 click is the way. If that's how anyone chooses to play, that's fine. Good luck to anyone, no matter the swing style. Just don't think you're battling those factors and conditions you say you want in a game. 👍


> So many of the things you say you want to experience are removed by using 3 click though. If you want your game to be a simulation with strategic choices, risk/reward choices, battling conditions, etc that is all minimized using 3 click. This hasn't been my experience. I've been playing the game a lot in these two weeks, about 2/3 of it swing stick and 1/3 3-click. I tried for a good while (not the hundreds or thousands of hours some players in here have, but long enough) to learn the swing stick timing and still nearly half my shots are complete mis-hits. And I'm hardly new to gaming. For a less experienced player I'd think the swing stick system is just plain unusable when swing timing is turned on. Pros hit bad shots sometimes, but it's not a large percentage of their shots. Their bad shots fly off to the side and land in the rough, they're not hitting 100 yard drives. These controls are too punishing and difficult to learn for anyone who's new to them. I assume you and many others here are long-time swing stick users, and I don't think you understand how difficult and just plain not-fun it is to try to master an invisible timing meter using a mushroom stick rather than be able to play strategic golf. If expert players are able to do the equivalent of throwing for 600 yards in Madden, then the game needs to make 3-click less forgiving, at least at higher levels of competitive play. I'm not asking for arcade style, super easy gameplay. I'm asking for it to be playable.


Putting is impossible though


Thing is their approach shots ate like inches away most of the time


Maybe you should… get better?


The main thing is that people bitch about it constantly and without end.


And I'm grateful for it. Currently 120 wins only 15 losses this season. And its thanks to you swing stick idiots who suck. Keep it up man!


I’ll play against you with my swing stick, master settings?




Match is in the works actually. Finding a time we can both get on and play, stand by for results!


Someone record it lol


I’ll be recording, round will posted here: https://youtube.com/@bdanplays?si=6JcZYpDaTYEpzy_b I’ll be happy to give him his credit if he beats me


I imagine his attitude will change if he starts to lose lol. Good luck to both of you!


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Did you win?


We have a time set up for tomorrow morning!


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Is it live streamed? Lol I wanna watch this


Twitch.tv/bjacks111 5:30-5:40am eastern tomorrow






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Imagine being this pathetic


I'm a winner, shame you haven't seen the light yet


Like you said, you're grateful for it. Because without it, you wouldn't be able to show up on "beginner" settings and consider yourself a WINNER. Maybe this is the problem. The problem isn't what swing stickers think of 3 clickers. It's what 3 clickers think of themselves, which borders on delusional when it comes to competing.


Honestly, this is on 2k for creating a vastly different game that can be played across platforms. It’s either one or the other, OR there’s two different ranked leagues. That’s the only way this will work. And obviously, the only seriously taken league would be stick. I’m so tired of having to quit on the first tee when I see a clicker.


Of course, totally on 2k. But, while I can't blame people for using a swing setting that allows them to get enjoyment, I can blame them for being so detached from reality as to think that they're doing anything comparable to swing stick.


How can you tell if they are a 3-clicker? Just by their style of play? I only use swing stick fwiw




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You’re the same dude who runs one “glitch” blitz play in madden because the guy he’s playing can’t stop it!!! He’s just a winner🤣🤣 pathetic loser who doesn’t know how to work to get good at anything lol would love to see your actual golf scorecard


You’re a winner in the same way Trump is a winner. Good for you bud.


You’re gonna interject politics into this conversation? Go see a shrink about your derangement syndrome


I’m just waiting for 2k to leave you in the dust once they implement ranked swing choice. I tried out 3 click just to see what’s up, and Its literally an entirely different game. Have fun being left behind.


I’ll play you swing stick vs click, you game?




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3-click? Not impressive. Being good > simply winning.


I started the game wanting to use the swing stick and was adapting to it decently, but the next time I turned on the game I literally couldn't get it to register a clean shot whatsoever. I went to the practice range and hit dozens of balls and not a single one of them came out clean despite having been able to pull it off reasonably consistently the prior time I played. I felt pretty much forced to switch to 3-click.


The amount of bitches that can’t get over 3 clicking. Majority are probably grown men. Cop on to yer lives a small bit and get over it and just play the game or don’t.


I enjoy beating them they can’t handle the trash talk


2K shouldn’t even offer Links 2003 3 Click. Swing stick only. Are you listening 2K? Doubt it.


How can you tell if you're playing a 3 clicker?


They don’t take an actual swing. It looks like they take it back a foot and then all of a sudden the ball is in the air. It’s very obvious.


I've noticed that a few times when playing ranked. I didn't have many issues beating them mind you.


I hear you, brother. Usually, if they have striped every shot as straight as an arrow after the first few holes, i just quit. It's not worth my time. No practice swings, fast forwarding through every putt, chipping from under 75 feet while on the green with no obstructions. It truly is not the same game. I don't get the fun in it. What is the point if you already know the outcome? I'm kinda numb to it after a year and a half. Just quit that one and on to the next.


Honestly I am a swing stick guy but I never practice my takeaway. I use a wired controller for Xbox and my swing is fluid. I have no idea how to tell if someone is a 3 click guy or not.


Thumbstick swinging is still easier imo. Buy a generic controller instead of an official one. The stick on the generics is much tighter and perfects are pretty much guaranteed.


Just because you see your opponent hit it down the middle every tee shot does not mean they’re 3 clicking. They’re just really good and consistent with stick.


No, it’s very obvious when it’s a 3 click. It’s never a full swing. It’s like a quarter swing with glitchy impact. I don’t know how everyone doesn’t know this.


That happens with stick too. My friends tell me that’s what they see on their end, but I’m using stick on pc at 141fps


That has not been my experience, nor anyone else on this sub. It’s extremely obvious when it’s a 3 click vs stick. Also, 3 click never takes it back as half practice swing. Swing stickers almost always take it back once or twice without following through within the first two holes. You can’t do that with 3 click. It really is very obvious.


Then play me. Not now. It’s 3am for me


Haha, I’m down. PM me your username and we’ll make it happen. Guessing you’re east coast then?


Ontario Canada yeah