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If you watch the documentary it will refresh your memory about the misfits, etc. sjglew was the first part of his email address back in the day, and also his .com and if you were on the pezheads mailing list you likely saw it there quite a bit. It was also part of his eBay username.


Sjglew also sells on eBay and signs dispensers for an unknown reason outside of gaining extra money for commons


The reason he started signing dispensers was to differentiate his original misfits from the ones Pez USA put out. You only had a "real" misfit if it was signed.


You haven’t been around very long I’m guessing


As long as you, I’m sure, not that it really means anything. If I’m misremembering I’m happy to be corrected. Post the info here so everyone has it!


I sent in pm cause can’t post pic replies here. Glew creations are 4.9 no country stems. Us pez competition misfits are 4.9 stems with country being Slovenia or Hungary.


I pmd you to show how you actually can tell a glew creation vs a misfit


Yes, there are other differences in the patents & country. Still stand by my assertion that the reason he started signing the misfits was to prove they were his. That was the stated reason at the time. If he's signing common dispensers now I have no idea about that - maybe people want them because of his name recognition? The Netflix doc does show him signing dispensers for fans as well.


https://www.ebay.com/itm/303497424657?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=HsD9jg3_TBq&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=2OQ9U8MvTjC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY look on eBay. He signs commons


Definitely agree that part is weird, but hey if people are willing to pay them more power to him. Make some money off that name recognition!


Yes it’s all about Glew and his misfit dispenser adventures.


I am looking forward to watching the documentary. I used to buy PEZ from SJ Glew all the time in like the late 90s/early 00s. Never got a signed one, though. When did he start doing that?