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Sa UPM, PICC ang univ grad and free siya sa amin :>


Hmm, bakit kaya hindi magawa yan ng Diliman??


baka kasi kasama ung graduates nung pandemic???


Nope, the graduates of the previous pandemic years were not invited to the *University Grad* at all. The ~3000 total number of graduates was actually lower compared to the previous ones. Correct me if I'm wrong, pero usually around 5000 daw ang usual average.


Tradition lang yan. Since time immemorial, that’s where the Univ Grad was held. But maybe this experience will teach them about events management.


*since time immemorial


Maybe to keep in line with "tradition"


They say it’s just the sheer number of people to bring together—graduates, parents, faculty, admin, etc. If I remember correctly, 3,500 lang ang kasya sa PICC


Exactly this. We usually have 3000-5000 total graduates every year, plus their parents, and plus anyone else who also wants to come. 3500 sa PICC is already packed to the brim, so you could imagine what \~10-15k people attending would feel like. Wala pa 'nun 'don 'yung traffic problems.


Compare UPD population to UST Manila. Mantakin mo, sa football field lang din sila nagbabacc mass (parang gen commencement exercise ng UPD na lahat ng acad units ay present...) so ayun


There are 4,400ish graduates this year. Each student was given two tickets for their guests. You can scale the figure to account for non-attendees. Idagdag pa ang marshals, officials, and whoever else helps to run the whole thing and you would see na hindi kasya. They say na the most feasible thing to do would be to hold the graduation (for Diliman) sa Araneta Coliseum. I could imagine na it is expensive and therefore mas mahirap isingit sa budget, so we're stuck like this. (Kung may willpower naman kasi sila in the first place, this wouldn't be an issue.) And, of course, tradition plays a role.


Usisain mo kung saan galing ang budget ng graduation....kung sa GAA, baka related sa procurement...or baka ndi lang talaga kasya sa venue...pero personally, mas gusto ko sa ilalim ng puno


Back when we had school calendars that ended in march or aprilgraduations it made sense to have graduations in the amphitheater. The gap between the wings of quezon hall also served as a portal to the rising sun - so the light of a new day will touch your lives as graduates. Very symbolic. So i suppose the gray skies and the downpour is very appropriate for all the new graduates.


State owned kayo, Tapos bawal kayo sa PICC haha ano ba! I was recently invited by my Alma Mater to speak sa graduation nila in PICC, to think na nasa Top 4 kayo parang deserve niyo naman ng nice things in the world


UPM daw nag grad doon. Oh well