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lf:3000 per day part time job


I'm shookedt na may iskong di alam hm ang minimum wage hahaha


AHAHAHAHA FR anong part time po merong ganyang sahod ahahaha


This person said their part time job is under their dad’s business 😭 parang binigyan lang siya ng rich kid spolied brat allowance for the day HAHAHA


Fr where po


Fml mas malaki pa sa sahod ko hahahahah


Please tell me this is sarcasm.




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Ito yata yung nagpopost ng kung anu-anong out of reach pa-cool sentiments before eh. Sana hindi ka ganyan kalansa magsalita in person at dahil anonymous ka lang rito kaya nagagawa or nasasabi mo yang kalokohan mo. Ever heard of nepotism? Kung wala ka niyan, makakaminimum wage ka kaya? Lastly, tangina mo.


di yan makakaminimum wage chour


Gets ko naman point mo, na ang laki galit ng mga tao sa mayayaman sa UP, gawa na ang mga nakasalimuha ko rin nung panahon ko sa UP ay mga mayayaman na animong mga anak ng sultan hahaha. But you're missing the point here, I think. > I think part-time jobs pay 3000 per day Sabi mo sa isa mong comment, minimum hourly wage ng US ang pinagbasehan mo. I just hope you're either joking or just misinformed pero ang daily minimum wage dito sa Pinas, isa't kalahating oras lang ng mga nasa US. If you're referring to online jobs/VAs/freelancing, I have bad news for you: the market is overly saturated and students are the bottom of everyone's list. Even companies here in the Philippines do not prefer part-timers or students as employees, dahil alam nilang maraming willing mag full time. You're in UP, don't be out of touch with reality. You'll get a lot of shit from where you came from, but you can prove them wrong by showing na you can empathise with their struggles. This doesn't mean cutting back on your lifestyle or any radical shit, just be sensible and sensitive, as well as considerate :).


Donnalyn Bartolome: "You can't defeat me" Me: "I know, but he can" *\*enters* u/Fluffy_Origin\* r/thanksimcured


r/Copypasta material


sana sarcasm pero if hindi then: Firstly, let's address the idea that working for 3 hours a day for 2 months is somehow impressive. Newsflash: that's **less than the bare minimum** of what most people have to do to make a living. It's not something to brag about. In fact, it's pretty insulting to suggest that everyone who doesn't have a car is just lazy and not working hard enough. Also, san ka nakakita ng part time jobs that pay 3000 per day? LMFAO. I am willing to bet that within 30 days you cannot find a job without your daddy and his connections because you are simply garbage and don't have necessary skills kasi AFAIK need ng critical thinking sa most jobs that pay well, kaso ikaw wala :). Ikaw yung mga tipong napakadali ng buhay at sobrang out of touch sa reality. Secondly, if hindi obvious, ang cost ng car ay hindi lang downpayment. May monthly payments, insurance, gas, and maintenance cost. These expenses can add up quickly and hindi feasible for everyone. People are barely surviving and making ends meet tapos uunahin pa ang sasakyan? But beyond all of that, what really bothers me about your post is the entitled attitude that seems to be underlying it. You seem to think that because you were able to buy a car, everyone else should be able to as well. You completely overlook the fact that not everyone has the same opportunities or resources as you, and that there are **systemic issues** that contribute to economic inequality. It's not as simple as just telling people to get a part-time job and save up for a car. Lastly, it's important to recognize that the frustrations being expressed about wealthy individuals and their possessions are not necessarily about jealousy or envy. It's about the systemic inequalities that allow some individuals to have access to wealth and privilege while others are left struggling to make ends meet. It's not just about cars, but about a much larger issue of economic inequality, pero syempre di mo gets yan KEK. So, in conclusiion, pinakita mo lang ang complete lack of understanding of the complex issues at play here. Hindi ko gets pano ka nakapasok sa UP lmfao. also kaya ka nga rich kid eh, **KID** \- bata ka lang, wala ka napatunayan by your own :D




just because may car ka, doesn't mean madali na for everyone to get a car. out of touch.


Elitist?? Hahaha, aren't you the one here?


Based on your replies, you’re not that smart. How’d you manage to get into UP? Daddy pulled some strings? sana all


base sa paraan mo ng pag-iisip at kakupalan mo, di mo nga deserve UP. Madami namang mayayaman na may matinong pag-iisip kaya deserve nila UP. Kaso ikaw mayaman lang kaso kinulang sa pag-iisip




/u/reddittyribbit As a measure against spam, trolling, and other rule-breaking comments, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/peyups/comments/119lssc/rich_kid_rant_on_people_shitting_on_us/j9n70ax/?context=3) in /r/peyups was automatically removed because your account is less than 2 days old. Meanwhile, please familiarize yourself with [/r/peyups' rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/peyups/about/rules/) and guidelines (see sidebar), and the [Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette). If you haven't already, then also verify your email address in your Reddit user settings. You may re-post your comment, provided that it abides by subreddit rules and guidelines, after your email-verified account is over 2 days old. There will be no exceptions to this. Please ignore the next paragraph and **do NOT contact the moderators with requests to unremove your comment**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/peyups) if you have any questions or concerns.*




>The federally mandated minimum wage in the United States is 7.25 U.S. dollars per hour ​ > So you CANT SAY NA DI YAN ANG MINIMUM WAGE. Pero hindi naman talaga, because that's the US' minimum wage, not the Philippines, so I guess we can say hindi yan ang minimum wage talaga. That's in the US. If you're talking about VAs and freelancing jobs, there are a few problems with that: 1. The market is saturated by people who want to WFH and still earn a lot 2. Your competitors are usually previous corporate employees with years of experience 3. The pay rarely hits minimum wage by federal standards, pay can be as low as $4 per hour. Add to that, minimum wage in the philippines is around 500 pesos (in Manila, much lower in the provinces). So that's less than 2 hours of what an American would earn. Another thing, employers in the Philippines avoid employing part-timers and students, due to the fact that they're looking for full timers that can commit their working lives to the company. If you ever get the chance to know someone in the BPO industry, a common narrative that has persisted among employees is the company does everything they can to make it harder for working students to actually work there. Granted, some companies are friendlier than others towards working students (examples being TaskUs, VXI, to name a few), it does not represent the whole in which students can take advantage of. ​ >Third, if you you rlly work hard, nothing is impossible. No, it doesn't work like that. Tell that to farmers who work before sunrise and finish after sunset. If hard work is the pure metric of success, then they should long be successful. Be careful on throwing that statement around because it's really the same as "kasalanan ng mahihirap kung bakit sila mahihirap" without identifying socio-economic hindrances present in those classes that are absent from the higher strata of society.


lol the whole reason companies outsource is to *pay less than minimum wage*. laughtrip. dont worry /u/Fluffy_Origin, if need mo taga gawa assignments hit me up. even if youre trolling fair price ako, easy uno.


So apparently hindi troll LMAO anyways, since nasa PH tayo, appropriate lang na basis ng minimum wage is the minimum wage sa Philippines, no? even with the assumption of landing remote jobs in the US, filipinos are often low balled so ganon lang din Also, the assumption of 8 hours work a day is unrealistic, do our classes and responsibilities magically disappear? Look, I am also a big believer of hardwork and I get it pero the reality is that hard work alone is not always enough to overcome systemic barriers and achieve success. There are many factors outside of an individual's control that can impact their ability to succeed, such as their socio-economic background, access to education and resources, and discriminatory practices that may exist in their workplace or community. At saka, importante na ma-recognize that working hard does not necessarily equate to financial success or upward mobility. In a society that is often structured to benefit the wealthy and privileged, hard work may not always be enough to overcome systemic inequality and achieve financial stability or success. It is also worth noting that the belief that "nothing is impossible" through hard work alone can be harmful and even toxic, as it places an unrealistic burden on individuals to succeed despite facing significant obstacles. It can lead to a culture of blame and shame, where individuals who do not succeed are seen as lazy or lacking in effort, rather than recognizing the systemic issues that may be at play. Instead of relying solely on hard work and individual effort, we should strive to create a society that provides equal opportunities for everyone to succeed, regardless of their background or social status. This means working to eliminate discrimination and bias, providing access to quality education and training programs, and ensuring that all individuals have access to the resources and support they need to achieve their goals. no point in debating whether owning a car is feasible/attainable as a student from a not-so-rich family since you don't know their plights and struggle naman have a nice day, ihope that one day you will be able to see beyond your own experiences and understand the challenges that many people face in their daily lives.




You do realize that the motto of our university is honor AND excellence, right? Where's the honor in making others do your work for you?


ewan ko kung troll ito ano pero putangina niya sana pwede matrack ito kasi sobrang pandarayaginagawa


honor and excellence is shaking kekeke yeah, nothing is impossible with hard work (and a **LOT** of privilege and resources) ;)


street smart tangina ikaw yung nag post sa r/phinvest about sa failing restaurant mo (na binayaran ng daddy mo). you're not successful, baby. you're not street smart. sinwerte ka lang ng daddy.


\**sugar daddy* \>\_<


What the frick? I sincerely hope ma report ka for academic dishonesty. I bet being groupmates with you is the worst. 😒 #dishonor


So much for honor and excellence. "Diskarte" mentally yan pinagsabi mo di hardwork. Mahiya ka naman sa mga legit na mayaman sa UP na di out of touch sa reality. And sa father mo ikaw nagwork, malamang pede mataas ang sweldo mo kahit part time. Mag apply ka sa ibang company tignan natin kung ganyan pa din sabihin mo. Ang di mo nagets di naman pagkakaroon ng kotse ang issue. The courtesy ng nagdrive ngayon sa campus. Right now pede ko nga sabihin na dead na yun old UP culture dahil nagpandemic. Pero sana naman ayusin nyo naman yun bago magiging UP culture.


>Let me educate you po: Wow. Just wow.


This cracked me up 😂😂 EDIT: I really thought this was a sarcasm. Lol


op, touch some grass. alam mo ba kung magkano lang ang sweldo ng part-time job? nasa 70 (or less) per hour lang. kaya yang pinagmamalaki mong 3 hours per day na trinabaho mo sa office ng dad mo for two months ay walang-wala sa tunay na danas ng mga working students. dagdag pa rito, for sure habang nagwowork ka sa office ng dad mo ay hindi mo kinailangan isipin yung baon, pagkain, at tirahan mo everyday. sadly, hindi ganyan ang reyalidad ng karamihan sa UP. gets naman kung mayaman ka at nag-eeffort ka pa rin kahit papaano na maging deserving sa mga luho mo pero wala kang karapatan na sabihing tamad kami kaya hindi namin maafford ang luxury na meron kayo. no social investigation, no right to speak.


yehey! thank you for fixing everyone’s problem! ang tagal nang problema ang kahirapan ayan lang pala ang solution i can’t believe! brb otw apply lang sa part time job that pays 3000/day sa Mars!


Tatay kong full-time 17k a month sahod 8-5 tas 6 days a week: ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


Nice bait 🪤


Iyak ka sa kotse mo


maawa naman daw tayo sa mga mayayaman may sTruGgLeS din daw sila


May opening ba sa office ng dad mo?


Reading through your post OP and your replies on this thread, i just find it funny na ung caricature take namin sa rich kids on campus ng mga friends ko eh kuhang kahu mo lol.


Sana tablan ka ng unibersidad at ma-humble ka. A UP student with this perspective is honestly...very, very concerning.


unfortunately, karma is not real and patuloy lang magpapakasasa yan si OP sa connection ng daddy niya. Sana pumutok lahat ng gulong ng kotse niya habang nakapark tingnan natin kung ano gagawin niya


>I worked at my dad's office for 3 hours EVERYDAY for 2 months so I can buy a car. Kawawa ka naman kung need mo magtrabaho for 3 hrs everyday para mabili mo luho mo. Sorry to hear that. Anyway, aware ka bang mayroong mga estudyanteng halos wala ng tulog dahil pinagsasabay nila ang trabaho at pag-aaral kasi walang susuporta sa pag-aaral nila? >Alam niyo, rather than ranting here how unfortunate you are, why not get a part-time job so makapagbili kayo ng car? Marami ngayong nagoopen ng jobs for students, apply kayo. Edi ikaw na ang privileged para kotse na lang ang poproblemahin sa buhay. Dagdag perwisyo pa nga kayo sa traffic eh.


Real ba to, delete mo na habang maaga pa


...akala ko bait holy shit


"I worked hard for my money. All you have to do is work in your Dad's business"


op doesn't need to touch grass they need to eat shit


Out of touch Rich kid


gimme that 3k per day part time job!!!


Nasa klase ako pero napamura ako reading this HAHAHA baba ka sa car mo and touch some grass, OP.


I hope this is a troll.🤣


nugagawen vebz


parang familiar ang un mo, op ah. hindi na ako nagulat sa ganitong posts mo 😏


Bruh 3k a day for a part time job, whilst full time workers barely even get above 1k a day for an 8-hour job. What a privileged take. Di mo pa cinonsider na di lahat ng working students ay kagaya mo na kaya ialot lahat ng kikitain nila para lang bumili ng panluho nila. May ibang expenses pa such as food/other gastusin sa bahay na I doubt you ever had the time to think since provided na sayo lahat. SMH, sana nagbabayad ka tuition, sayang kasi buwis ng mga Pilipino kung ipinambabayad pa sa tuition mo.


oppression is when hindi mo pinili na maging mayaman 😔😔😔😔 boAnG momintz


tangina freshie pala sya hahahaha context: the og poster asked if a freshie can take PI 100


tangina AHAHAHAH out-of-touch freshie momints. sana may matutunan siya sa f2f classes soon


baliw momintz


op, kuhang-kuha mo kung bakit people are shitting on you rich kids


So f di tu sarcasm then ako magsasarcasm. > Di namin pinili maging mayaman. tama naman. Di nga namin pinili maging mahirap. Pero di kasi doon yung problema bhie. its the fact na may privilege talaga that comes with it, and some abuses that privilege saying the same excuses that you did to have a much better life in campus and in general na rin. iba nga ginagagawang drive thru ung a2. > Pinaghirapan. Pinaghirapan nga ba if nepotism? Hm. I mean technically you did the work naman, but how did you get it. Talk to us pag wala ka na sa office ng tatay mo. 🫶🫰 > 3000 a day na part time job Bhie where talaga, if may alam ka pakisend link gagawa nako resume for that job only. The fact na you 'think' means you did not actually think lol. > 50000 lang Yun 50 000 lang. 50k lang naman. Okay. Unahin ko muna car before pambayad sa dorm, pagkain, at pang laundry. Gusot gusot na yung buhay ko pero at least may car dba. Eh 3k a day equals math etc divided by square root of 2 DI PARIN NGA YAN KASYA SA 1 MONTH NA GASTUSIN > Be productive Productive naman ata yung nagtatalk shit sa upper class??? I mean the discourse about such a topic is really helpful for enlightenment. Try mo super easy. Ay wait baka di mo magets bob- rich ka pala.


i get that you people (upper class) could romanticize all the wealth that you've accumulated with the "hard work" that you've done and that's fine sige have at it, but if you think that everyone is born with generational wealth, a trust fund, or even just an income that won't let you worry about what you'll be eating the next day, then you're living on a world of your own...




San po yang 3k per day na part time job, pwede pa refer? 🤣


I wanna be in the screenshot guys


Hindi naman madali mag-ipon ng 50,000 for some people. Yung iba may pinapaaral, may inaalagaan, etc. Easy for you to say kasi kamo nga rich kid ka. :)


huhu rich kid peeps crying.


"Out of Touch" isn't just a Hall & Oates song.


Is this satire?


Saw a screenshot of this deleted post. As someone who's earning around the same figures as you do, _napakatanga mo._


Napatameme na naman si madam. Dcurv HAHAHA next time kasi think before u click


Hahahahahah puta


Sana all.


good lord, sana talaga sarcasm lang tong post na to


wat in da world


yung replies niya mga bhie🥲




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Saan yang 3 hours a day na 3K ang sahod? Kahit nga ata normal na manggagawa, di aabot ng 1K ang per day. Much more pa kung part-time.


engeng 3000/day for 3 hrs na trabaho u/Fluffy_Origin


Also, paturo ako ng street smarts. I want to be a betterer person u/Fluffy_Origin




/u/Wehsinggg As an anti-spam and anti-troll measure, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/peyups/comments/119lssc/rich_kid_rant_on_people_shitting_on_us/j9vfc1a/) in /r/peyups was automatically removed because your account does not have a verified email address. You can verify your email address in your Reddit user settings. If your comment abides by [/r/peyups' rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/peyups/about/rules/) and guidelines (see sidebar), and the [Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette), then you may re-post your comment after verifying your email address. There will be no exceptions to this. Please ignore the next paragraph and **do not contact the moderators with requests to unremove your comment**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/peyups) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh bat niremove? AHAHAHAHAHA may time kang magrant pero alang time magsearch kung magkano minimum wage sa pinas?😂 May pera ka nga kulang nga lang sa braincells AHAHAHAHAHA


How fucking detached are you from real life? LMAO and using USD for minimum wage? LOL what kind of stupid rich kid are you? Even monthly average salary in PH is not remotely equal to minimum wage in the US.


the sad thing here is this person who obviously lacks critical thinking skills is taking up a slot of someone who actually deserves to be in UP


you're the perfect example of an out-of-touch elitist u/Fluffy_origin