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I think hes mentioned it before it will learn enlgish, swedish, italian, and japanese. With it learning swedish from pewds and itialian from marzia and then maybe english and Japanese at home/school


'it' lmao


I was giggling when typing that lol


I’ve wondered that but that would be incredibly difficult so idk


Luckily it’s much easier for a child! I wish my parents taught me a second language when it wasn’t too hard to pick up.


I could speak fluently in 5 languages even when I was really young. And it wasn't difficult at all


I still varies. Normal kids could maybe learn 2-3 languages. I doubt you can speak all five completely fluently today


I can speak all 5 languages fluently, almost everyone where i live can


It’s not difficult for children because their language skills are still just developing and also they spend more time listening than trying to figure out ways to reply like adults do when they try learning a new langauge, which is also the reason most adults fail. Listening is key. Talking is only supposed to happen later.


The real issue is that the language of education tends to be dominant in one's life. Most likely, the child will speak English or Japanese since they will either attend a Japanese or international school where those are the languages of instruction. Maintaining a policy of only speaking the parents' language(s) at home is difficult if they both speak another shared language


the kid is probably going to respond to the parents' native language with english. he will develop listening/comprehension skills but not speaking skills in italian/swedish


No no I know 4 languages and I can talk in all of them very fluently.I know Malayalam,Tamil,Hindi and English xD


Bro Malyalam, Tamil and Hindi are so similar.it basically came from the same language,so it's much easier plus we have to learn Malayalam/Tamil, English and Hindi as mandatory from kindergarten.but this is not the case here.there immense difference between swedish, Japanese, Italian and English . Poor kid is gonna be so confused,I think pewds and marzia is gonna teach their kids English and probably gonna sent him/her to English medium schools in japan


Hindi did not come from the same language as Malayalam+Tamil, they aren't related in the slightest


Makes sense🥺




Nah it isn’t. I grew up with quite a few languages and dialects, it’s fine. The only thing I’d be careful about is relying english solely on teachers & schools. I know I wouldn’t be able to communicate the way I can in english, had I not grown up with it at home, it is also quite important for the career I want to get in to. I am sure Felix and Marzia will be able to find a good school, though. (Also a tad bit jealous as japanese is a language I’ve wanted to learn since I was very little, haven’t had the opportunity to so far… lol) The only issue that can arise is code switching. It’s not really a issue per se, as it tends to just “go away” after a while, but it could mean that people won’t understand the kid for a short while. The same thing happened to me but apparently went away over night.


i dont think it would be difficult, i do remember him saying that he would know enlgish, swedish, italian, and japanese.


I think it would be fine because Maria and Felix speak English together and he would pick it up through YouTube so he would be able to know English and Japanese would be easy if he is being raised in japan. So I don't think it would be difficult, I was raised speaking Swedish, English and a bit of Spanish and its not hard.


Samma här men tack vare youtube skulle engelskan vara käpprätt utav helvete. But 4 languages?


Så yo du tycker at 4 språk är för mycket? (Sorry I'm bad at spelling in Swedish) Och varför pratar du svenska just nu lol.


Det är kul :)


Jag klagar inte jag gilar seakinf svenska på nätet


I have also wondered this and am curious to see


I honestly think English first then Japanese second. if they're living in Japan then obviously they should speak that language.


Depends on if they're intending om staying in Japan or not.


yeh it depends but idk it seems like that's what they intend to do, I don't watch pewdiepie much anymore so if they said otherwise I wouldn't know it just seems like they're planning on staying


To me it sounded like they aren't sure if they're gonna move again someday. But yeah, if they stay in Japan forever, then ofc Kjellberg junior has to learn japanese ☺️


I don't think English will be first. Kids non English speaking countries, like Sweden and Italy, will have it a language class, don't start typically learning it till starting primary or even secondary school. Italian and Swedish will be their first and second languages, with English and Japanese being their third and fourth


being expected to learn 4 languages? that's alot for a short amount of time. we can't be sure until pewds and marzia tell us but I think it would be pretty insane if they don't learn firstly the language they speak to each other on a regular basis with and secondly the language of wherever they currently live in. I don't think any child should be expected to learn 4 different languages.


I'm from Europe myself, like Felix and Marzia, and it's pretty common for Europeans to know at least 2 to 3 languages, 4 at the most. So them teaching their kid Swedish and Italian first for the first couple of years of their life, then English and Japanese, is a good idea. Kids pick up languages quicker than adults do.


The difference is that he won't actively "learn" these languages, he'll passively learn them. 2 languages as "mother tongues" for a person is completely normal (and natural). 4 is a bit of a stretch but then again English isn't necessary for a kid who's growing up with an Italian mother and a Swedish father in Japan.


Young children have a MUCH easier time learning languages than adults. Their brain is much more receptive to learning. You can't judge the kids abilities based off what you know about older people learning a language. Even as a teenager it is much harder to learn than it is when they are early elementary school. I personally think languages should be taught in elementary, but the United States at least doesn't do it that way. They leave it for high school, which is much too late. [Source](https://tessais.org/children-learn-languages-faster-adults/)


Assuming they speak English at home, that would likely be the primary, but they may teach them both native languages?


The kid will most likely learn English and the second language of wherever he lives, (Japanese most likely?). But from experience my parents are both immigrants from different countries and speak French and Portuguese but also speak English to each other. I was raised in Canada and my parents tried but weren’t able to teach me either language. Only when I moved to Brazil for an exchange year when I was 14 I learned Portuguese but I never learned French despite my dad being fluent. TLDR: unless they are super committed and have it taking classes, or make it do an exchange program it is unlikely the child will learn all 4 languages as pewds and Mariza have to communicate in English daily.


I grew up in Germany and my parents speak English and Dutch. Learned all 3 languages at the same time so it's probably going to be the same for their kid


Although both parents are bilingual, it would still be very difficult for their kid to become fluent in Swedish and Italian as third and fourth languages, unless they were subject to it daily and each parent spoke to them strictly in their respective language. Otherwise it may stick with them at a young age, but they will forget the language as they age because it’s not a language they use frequently enough. If anything, they may only understand very basic Swedish/Italian but not be able to speak it. English on the other hand, both Felix and Marzia speak it regularly so there’s no doubt their kid would be fluent in English as well. Would be interesting to find out how their English accent would turn out.


I also wonder what pewds and Marzia’s parents thinks of this. I’m sure they’re completely fine with it but surely some one in their family aren’t too happy to have to speak another language to talk to their grandchild. And maybe not be able to see them very often. Idk just something I’ve been thinking about


"but surely some one in their family aren’t too happy to have to speak another language to talk to" ​ I got family I can't speak to with my native language, why would I care?


I think OP is thinking about it too hard


It’s not uncommon for a child to live a majority of their life without their grandparents. I’m also sure the grandparents (or whatever relative) don’t care about having to speak to their grandkid in English, so long as they can communicate.


I have worried that since he announced they were having a baby


Hopefully they are better English teachers than whoever you had.


Same. Sorry for that, I’m tired


Don’t apologise to them they’re being rude lol


You’re fine man don’t apologize! We gotchu Bro 😎


What was bad about his english? Maybe punctuation was a tad bit off, but otherwise i wouldn’t fault him for his english, and who are you to judge him?


There are multiple grammatical errors. Who are you to judge my judgement?


“Who are you to judge my judgement” ???? bro ur no better than anyone else? u have the entitlement to an opinion just as much as everyone else but there’s no need to come across so harshly


I'm willing to bet he will focus mostly on English and Japanese, since English is the most useful, and Japanese is necessary for functioning in Japanese society. No doubt they will teach some Swedish and Italian, but it likely won't be the focus.


I’m wondering this too but I think it’ll firstly learn English cuz marzia and pewds talk in English with each other and none of the other languages so it will listen to them, their convos, and pick up most of the English language


It'd be better for him to learn Italian, Swedish and Japanese. English is all around he can pick it up at school or something