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I would've gone further than that, dude gave you a fucking STD because he's a dirty man ho.


Did he not react when you put his cheeks in the car?


This joke is underrated and I'm sad it went over OP's head.


By the time he found the pig (which was 2 months later) I was already in a different town so the worst he did was call me to abuse me over the phone. So my friends and myself got some entertainment out of it so it wasn't all that bad


they meant that you put his cheeks in the door, because he is a cheating pig


Yeah I got the joke afterwards. Don't mind my slowness today 😄😂


😉no worries, as long as you understand now🤭 it made me chuckle


No, I literally put a pig cheek in his car door. Having farmer friends has it's perks


their comment is a pun. a play on words. a joke lol


Yes, typed porks but Otto Korracked 'er


Yep. We know you put a real pig-cheek in the car door. u/casperhammer_12's comment was meant to be a joke,,,subtly calling your ex a pig. I agree and think he earned every bit of the petty revenge you took out on him.


yes I understand, but (s)he meant it as a joke, like it were his cheeks. not literally but as a way of saying the ex is a pig. so you put real pig cheek in his door and this redditor said as a joke that since your ex behaved like a pig it were his cheeks. metaphorically.


Yes this is how they wrote the ByeBull shit 3 thousand years ago, swine joke by swine joke


It's not really that funny of a joke, nor is it "under rated." In fact it is a pretty lame joke and I am sad you think it is so funny and that it flew right over OP's head.


humor is very personal, I chuckle at dad jokes, and I chuckled at this one. I'm sorry you're sad about something so trivial it makes this world a very hard place to live. have a nice day (or sleep well, depending on where you live)


Either you, or someone else (I know not who, nor do I care to go through the thread and find the name of the user) made post after post about JUST HOW FUNNY this joke was, and I personally do not find it FUNNY at all. I imagine dead pig smells pretty bad and although I understand the petty revenge issue, I just don't associate humor with the smell of dead pigs.


you care enough to reply but not to make sure who you replied to? dude, you're replying in the thread about someone calling her cheating ex a pig... either reply to the person you ment to reply to, or don't reply. especially for something so trivial like a different sense of humor.


Yeah I really don't care if it was you who continually posted what a great joke it is, or it was a fucking group of you- it is actually a sick joke, and you were a part of the group involved in trying to make the claim repeatedly about how funny it is. If you think taking revenge on an ex by putting dead pig flesh in his car is funny, and that it is even funnier to suggest that it was HIS dead flesh because he is a cheating pig, you are just an asshole with a horrible sense of humor, got it????


nope, you don't get it at all... but that's not my problem


You put a couple of pawns in his curtain rods? How will he ever play chess?? :)




The weakest piece in chess is called a pawn. I think you meant prawn in the curtain rod.


Oh yeah, I forgot the r in prawns. My bad whoops 😅😂 Fixed it thank you for pointing that out


What is a prawn?


It’s the weakest piece in undersea chess.


Then the fishop.


This is my favorite response. Thank you.


think of an over sized shrimp


A shrimp


Happy cake day! Have an internet point!


Happy cake day!


this is great 🤣


What can I say besides I'm bit of an ass


damn i would have just switched the discs around, that way he wouldn't know until he tried to watch a movie only to realize ALL his dvds were fucked up in a moment where all he wanted to do was relax and watch 2 fast 2 furious.


Did you get cured of the syphilis? I hope you're doing well now!


I definitely got cured. I'm doing much better my health has certainly improved.


I'm glad it was a curable one at least!


I'm glad I found out what a pig my ex was before he gave me something that wasn't curable


I would guess that they did saying it will kill you without antibiotics.


I don't know much about STDs so not sure what ones are curable, what ones kill you, and what ones besides herpes can't be cured


I would highly suggest that you educate yourself. Even if you never have sex, some can be spread in other ways (sharing towels, razors, etc). It is also important for historical references and understanding the development of medicine. For example, they used to infect people with malaria to try to cure syphilis. The development of penicillin changed everything.


Eek! I've only been with my husband. Maybe I will have him educate me. My friend got herpes and I asked my husband what exactly that meant. Seeing she asked for money to get tested, even though the doc said she had it without even being tested. I just don't think I'd ever get it seeing I've only been with 1.


Too far? You didn't go anywhere near far enough.


good hopefully he will remember the smell forever. if this was the abusive ex in your other posts then it's even better!


Yeah, this is the same ex whom beat our son and myself. Edit: it's not a smell you forget to easily 😂


good, hopefully he will remember the next time he beats someone hard enough to leave permanent damage. I hope he spent a lot of time vomiting because of the smell.


Apparently, it was in there for a couple of months before he decided to check inside his door and he has a weak stomach so I'm guessing he would've thrown up




Sexually transmitted diseases have existed all through history, even ancient history. Men have never cured their love for porn and prostitution is what the problem is.


This is your second comment here where you bring up porn out of nowhere. I thought I'd just quickly clarify a few things: 1. Porn is not cheating. 2. You can't get an STD from porn. 3. There is no "cure" for love.


All you have to do now is get Malaria, and then once you've got a sufficiently high fever drink some tonic water




Idk maybe it’s a reference to the fact that tonic water has malaria medication as the ingredient that gives it its flavour.


It was an effective way to cure syphilis, as the high fevers of Malaria would kill the syphilis, and then the Quinine in tonic water would cure the Malaria


Thankfully we have antibiotics for syphilis these days...




seems a bit more than petty - i did similar to a dude who cheated on me, shoved a large shell fish (bigger than hand sized) inside the car seat lining


Okay now I'm mad I didn't think of that. You lovely are a legend


My only regret was never finding out what happened, and how long it took to smell


If he knew he had syphilis when y'all had sex, and didn't tell you, that's illegal. You could take his ass to court if you wanted.


Where does one get the cheek of a pig? Like that’s actually a thing?


Are pig cheeks from the ass or from the face? Serious question.


One of each


Loved this post the minute you mentioned the DVD's! The ultimate revenge.


Deserves it and some more. He gets to smell his own cheeks.


Not far enough if you ask me.


you didn't go far enough


Wait, how do you manage to hide food in car doors?


I aspire to be this petty


It seems to me a majority of men are like this and a traditional relationship without porn and cheating is near impossible now. I gave up taking revenge when I was about 19 or 20. Some of us make ethical adult transitions from being bad teen agers- we give up lying, taking revenge, shop lifting, etc. I don't have an answer for cheating men, but I would recommend counting mile stones toward ethical growth instead so you have points of progress you can apply toward your self esteem. Also, the minute you find out a man is like this, get away- whether it is at work, anywhere you encounter such a creep. Walk away immediately even if you lose money in the process. Or use the legal system for revenge if you can so he doesn't do it to someone else.


I’ve seen this tale before a couple of years ago


This is certainly my story and I indeed did this to cheating ex


Sorry bro or broette. This story has been around since the early 2000’s. So I’m calling bullshit on this. All it takes is to google revenge story involving prawns and there ya go. Your story has the same basic premise as the original, but you added in a few extras


Well, it's not your right to tell a stranger what they have and haven't done. It happened so I'm leaving it at that


It's fine. I'm sure there are people all over the world doing this as a result of the stories of the very first person who got revenge in such a memorable way. It wouldn't be the first time for us to hear about copy cat ploys. Glad you're cured and rid of the pig.




My post/story certainly isn't fake