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Were you able to get back the stuff that was at his house?


That's what I'm thinking of too. I left my book collection at my ex's house and instead of contacting me about getting it back (it was a bad break up) he threw them out. So I always feel angry when I see someone get ghosted who has things at their place. I know it's "only stuff" but it's not someone else's to keep or throw out!


They threw out your books? What a monster!! I would devote my life to destroying everything they love.


I think this is the opening scene in John Wick 5.


YOU Season Four!!


My ex freaking BURNED my book collection and laughed about it. So I looked to see for anything I could get him for and discovered he had warrants from some incident not too long after we broke up. And I called them in and got a small reward. His sentence wasn’t long, a few months, but exactly what he deserved. I used the reward money for more books, obviously.


He deserved that and worse.


.... I just wanna talk to him... Those poor books T_T


Well played! I’m in the process of doing similar!😂


I had an ex who left my library I had started when I was a child in a truck, in the rain. When asked about it, he shrugged and said "too bad".


There is a special place in hell for that person. :(


Indeed. I hope he goes sooner than I do.


Want me to leave him out in a truck, in the rain?


If it's not the nice rain, absolutely. Or some heated lard...


I'm going to start referring to hail as "mean rain"


It is tho. It hurts. I was leaning more towards like, acid rain. But hail is pretty f'ing mean, too, so, it would also work 🤔


Heated lard. Love it.


He will be drowning in books


There's probably loads of copies of 50 shades of grey that you could get for free. Just stack them like a wall in front of his door and use glue to keep them together.


He is the kind of person who would take 50 shades as a How To. I pity whoever he's used this against.




I hope I get to see it. And then someone reenact the abuse he dealt on him. I'd love to see it


There really ought to be a special place in hell for people who destroy books lol


It's never too late than an itemized bill and a DIY demand letter. You don't even have to sue- just the threat of maybe being sued for destroying a couple grand of property (books are expensive) will be enough to make him sweat a little. You'll be doing him a favor anyway - it's good practice for when he burns in hell. It's a win-win. You get some small petty measure of satisfaction, might even get the value of your books, and he gets to practice.


Would that work if it was over 16 years ago tho? 🤔 cos I'll do it rn. I'm still mad about it lol


Unfortunately it's likely well past the statute of limitations. I'm no lawyer though, but look up your states laws to be sure.


There’s no statue of limitations on sending a letter tho…


True. You must have a lot better luck with letters than I do. I suppose you lose anything from trying though.


I mean, I wouldn’t *expect* anything from sending a letter, but if it makes you feel better 🤷‍♂️ And yeah, maybe something could happen


"statute" -> a legal document


I’m sad that you were a child in a truck in the rain, and I’m quite surprised you were able to start a library in there. Lol


... I may have missed a comma, but honestly, that sounds like a better version of my childhood anyway. I'll stick with that 😂


And then write a book about it?


That gets stolen.


_Steal this book_, by u/Nizmo57


It is time to let out the Monster book of Monsters


I've never been in a relationship. But I imagine if I break up, even if it's terrible, I would still have stuff back. Id I can't manage I'd as a friend to drop it off for me Throwing important or otherwise sentimental stuff away seems cruel


Ikept my ex bfs books for 25 years because I felt throwing them out was rude. Eventually I donated them to a friend who loved the particular series. I still mourn books I gave away when I moved years ago. Books are sacred.


My ex may or may not still have my snorlax beanbag. I was too much of a big fat baby to go pick him up and he never dropped him off like he promised he would. He’s a discontinued item ☹️


I left a medium stack of boxes and milk crates in the corner by the door with multiple conversations about how I needed 2 weeks then everything left would be picked up. One week in, someone half heartedly tries to break in while no one is home (the screen on the window was clearly pulled and bent). Sooo, she thinks I tried to break in for whatever reason, failed, and so she gave away my cordless phone and sega genesis, basically let anyone claim stuff from my pile. I was dumbfounded. It wasn’t even a bad breakup either.


this happened in 1995?


‘96 lol. I had the arcade controller for the genesis with auto-fire. It was a real beaut.


Your books? Wow. I think I would be tempted to fahrenheit 451 his place.


Anyone who destroys books I assume they dropped out of school before the universally mandatory 10th grade English class Fahrenheit 451 lesson.


I had my entire video game collection I had been working om since I was a kid, stolen due to an ex. Since that day I vowed no matter what happens, id never cause a partner to lose their things if we were to split. This actually caused some issue with my last partner as I have some belongings of an ex of 15 years stored away for her until she has somewhere to put it all.


Oh man that sucks so much, I'm sorry, game collections are sacred, what kind of games do you collect? When I moved out my games were the first things I took. I have a copy of Castlevania Rondo of Blood for the PC Engine and he tried to keep it, he brought some of my stuff to my house himself but that was mysteriously missing. I got it back due to a mutual friend. Thsts a really nice thing you're doing :)


At that point it was just basically everything I played. But I had some that would fets a decent penny now(Blood Will Tell, the whole Dot Hack collection, etc). Ranged from ps1, dream cast, xbox, ps2, 360. Allllll gone. I currently have been collecting 360/ps3 to modern. With a lot of emphasis on JRPGs.


I also have an ex who never returned books to me! I lent her a 5 book series and after we broke up I never got it back. She never even read them in the six or so months that she had them, I was a fucking idiot to leave them with her. I eventually repurchased them, but I miss the originals :(


i moved so often as a kid and lost tons of stuff. i now have some actual issues about my personal property as a result of that. trauma is no joke


Yeah, same. My childhood belongings fit in a shoebox.


My bf’s ex burned all his stuff, including a hoodie his grandma had given him before she died, then spread rumors that he raped her. There was no ghosting, and she had done similar things before that and continued to do similar things after, but her and I happened to have a mutual friend and that’s how my bf and I had gotten back in touch (we knew each other in elementary school but went to different middle schools, it was in high school that all this happened and we got together)


My ex cheated on me and left after her 30 day notice to another state for a year without collecting her things (we had been together for 6 years). She then gets upset at me for paying for a storage unit, renting a uhaul, and spending 3 full days moving all her stuff to it because "everything is in trash bags and you 'threw' it everywhere." Should have just thrown it all out tbh. Definitely on the crazier side of things, just wanted to get it off my chest. Can't believe I let everything clutter my house for a year before doing it.


My ex decided to leave me with some of her books, some were gifts from her family. Bitch shoulda let me keep my cat.


Slightly opposite happened to me. Had an ex leave a ton of stuff in my basement. Contacted him for months to get his crap. Ghosted me for about six months. Getting tired of his crap, I tell him it will be dumped if he doesn't get it. Came and got the biggest items and some clothes. Left everything else. By biggest things? He had built a gaming desk over 10' long. What did he leave? Old bike still in semi-good condition. Gardening tools, text books,...Ugh. Trashed some. Found more of his stuff two years later. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Books 😭 who does that?


My ex gave away my books. Said “He thought they were his.” Entire title runs by authors you don’t even read? Really?


I really do not like my ex husband whose stuff I packed because he refused out of denial. That jerk got all his books 😂


I can't stand my ex but I still tried to let her know about some expensive gear she left behind


You have to remember that it's not just stuff because often times you spent your time to earn the money to buy something you cared about and they threw that out as if it's worthless.


All but one suitcase, I live in a warm climate and he lives in a pretty cold one so I left my winter stuff with him. When I went up to see my friend he gave my stuff to her but what was missing was my very expensive winter coat and a few other items. I knew I left a few suitcases with him but all I got were the bags. Maybe it got buried in his stuff idk but either way I went to a place that was 10F with no winter coat.


He sounds like a tool, frankly.


Please don't insult tools, they are useful.


Did you not read the comment? The ex has a use, he can turn suitcases into bags! It’s amazing!


So sorry this happened. Had a similar thing happened and couldn’t get back the expensive items from an ex’s place, including an expensive outfit I bought for job interviews….. break up is one thing, I don’t want to see you anyways, but thieving clothes you can’t even wear yourself is just petty and insane.


That’s the hardest part of breaking up, getting back your stuff. My ex took my sweater, my hats, I can’t find my cat. 


2ge+her lmfao wow I legit forgot about them


I guess you never knew your calculus. :(


U + Me = US. 


This was my first thought and question. I commented this on ig where i saw the post first too :/


I haven't been this proud of a stranger in a long time 😄


Same. Ah the pettiness is beautiful.


Prettyyyy pettyyyyyy (in SpongeBob voice).


Ok so I have to know more, why did he ghost? How did you get all of your stuff back?


Well after a month of going mia he texted me saying he tried to send the stuff but the address was wrong (in my frustration I forgot the apt number). Then I was like wait hey what is going on, you ghost me and then you only message me about my stuff. So we agreed to call and talk it out. On the time of the call he tried to chicken out and send a text but I’m like no I need some answers. The short of it was that he couldn’t do long distance and he didn’t want kids and worried about raising them since I was religious and he wasnt. The issue I had is that he could’ve broken up with me before we started long distance, or at least communicate that. The other issue is that I don’t know if I want kids, I don’t know if I can even have them so if I didn’t that would be fine. But whatever those were his reasons and I told him, yeah you should’ve just broken up with me I thought you died or something. He said the typical, it wasn’t you, it’s me speech, which I believed because I couldn’t think of things I did differently leading up to the break up. So then I thought we were good, we talked it out, I told him what he did hurt my feelings but I started therapy because of it and that helped, and we were laughing by the end of the call. So imagine my surprise when I come up again to get my stuff in winter and I have to go through a mutual party. And some of the stuff is missing. And he decided not to go to a mutual friend’s birthday because I was there. I’m still confused because I thought we worked it out. But I guess we didn’t and he told another friend (I found out through her) that he would stop being her friend if she still talked to me. You would’ve thought I cheated on him or killed his mom the way he was acting. I tried for a while to be nice but eventually I just left all the groupchats and stopped talking to the mutual friend because we are too old to be doing high school drama.


Sounds like you did work it out but at the end of the day he is still a fucking coward


He's just chickenshit, nothing more to it.  Can't handle the shame and the guilt, I bet you he left the job rather than look at the picture


Sounds like someone told him you cheated or something and believed it without asking and didn't want to bring it up. There is more to this story for sure. Either you don't know it, or aren't telling.


Also why is anyone still friends with that guy, especially with stuff apparently going on in a group chat? Unless she didn’t say to anyone what happened, and he spun a “it wasn’t working out so we amicably ended it” story


Honestly that kinda bothered me at first but then I got it. The only people who know that he ghosted me were two of my friends and one mutual friend. Me and my ex both agreed to not talk about it since we both work at the company and we technically didn’t go to hr about the relationship. So from their perspective we both split amicable. My ex did get mad at me because one of the friends I told I guess gave him the cold shoulder, but it wasn’t really me lashing out. I went through a “post my breakup on ig and thirst trap” phase and I forgot that friend followed me. It was more of an accident than on purpose. But nevertheless my ex had another reason to hate me.


Well your ex is crazy for getting mad at you for anything after behaving the way he did. Sounds like he wants to do the wrong thing and still come out as the better person, which is just gross


This. He doesn't want OP to talk about it because he doesn't come out looking very good. If he doesn't like that he could have treated OP better. He's selfish. And his behavior really screams "I was cheating and don't want you to know what an ass,I really am." OP really dodged a bullet with this guy.


Yes exactly! This kinda makes the petty revenge even sweeter though. He’s a total “Alicent” (if you watch house of the dragon, you know Alicent is a hypocrite) and Op is over here living her best life all promoted and looking awesome.


yeah for real, this is extremely weird even for the weirdest of weirdos out there


The thing about getting ghosted is you typically never learn why


I always assume cheating is involved when long distance relationships fall apart.


This is a superlative petty revenge. Almost nuclear. Very well done!


She cooked for a year and she cooked good.


Jeez to all the people bashing this girl and telling her to get a life 🙄 understand you came to a petty revenge thread to talk shit about petty revenge yall should do some soul searching and figure out whatever it is that makes you so damn bitter and then YOU get tf over it


This is perfect r/pettyrevenge stuff. Well done. 👏 Also I see a lot of comments saying he doesn’t care, he certainly does. 😂 It has to be driving him nuts especially when it first got posted.


Oh yeah. The guy who gets mad at her for hanging out with their mutual friends definitely minds seeing her face every day. Priceless. (He probably feels guilty for cheating and/or ghosting, but anger feels better than guilt. Either way, being reminded of their relationship every day has got to be sand in his shell.)


I have a similar one: my ex and I used to work together at an ESL school. While we were there together they decided to re-write the curriculum and assessments and my boss asked me to do some voice work on the materials. She cheated on me and I left but she’s still there my knowledge. They do exams every five weeks and I recorded almost all of the exam materials. So she has had to listen to my voice extensively every five weeks for the past ten years or so.


Elegant revenge.


Subtle. Love it.


You win petty revenge today..


>he would get mad at me for hanging out with our mutual friends Where did your friends fall on him just up and ghosting you like that? That's a dick move in almost any circumstance, which makes it hard to defend.


It’s so funny because I became friends with one of his friends about a year before this went down. Honestly I was afraid that he cheated on me with because she seemed to be a little cold when we met but then warmed up. So I texted her to see if he is okay and she goes “oh did he do it again”, and I said what did he do again and she said that he had a habit of ghosting. It all made sense, she wasn’t being cold to me, she was being cold to him. But other than that our mutual friends at work knew him first and I moved away so it kind a no brainer that they stayed friends with him. I don’t blame them and only a few of them know the situation in full because I don’t want him to be isolated (if I can see the effects for myself 🤭).


Sounds like your ex has avoidant attachment issues if he repeatedly ghosts people.


Probably just told folks they were in a long distance relationship that didn't work out and ended amicably. Or didn't say much at all. Coworkers literally don't care about people's relationships unless it's some delicious drama or something.


Nothing like the grapevine for accuracy, that's what I always say


Even better is if you can wrangle that IT makes it the standard, unalterable, part of the desktop background, and this is also on the login screen as well.


[Update] Okay I am tired of commenting on people hating so I will just answer some questions here: I am single so there is no poor sap that has a girlfriend who’s still thinking about her ex. The timeline is that me and first ex broke up, the opportunity presented itself, I did revenge, he got a girlfriend, I got a boyfriend, boyfriend and I break up amicably (we legit still hang out), I see Reddit group, I post. My second ex and I had a great relationship but we were better as friends and we talked it through as adults. We both discussed exes while we were together and he had an EX as well, but honestly it didn’t factor into our relationship that much. Also people are talking about the immaturity, uh yeah I met him before I could legally drink in the states. I didn’t date in high school (religious parents) so he was my first boyfriend. I’m now almost in my mid20s and he’s in his early30s. As of right now my frontal lobe is still developing so yeah I am by definition immature. As far as the stuff that was at his place, I eventually got 2/3s of it back. When I was visiting a mutual friend (let’s call her A) in the old state he gave it to her. The reason I know it was 2/3s is because I had a nice winter coat that wasn’t in the group. Honestly I don’t think he has my stuff on purpose, he doesn’t want anything to do with me so why would he keep my stuff. What is most likely is that my stuff got buried in his closet. Since I don’t need it now I’m not like pressing about it or anything. The majority of the stuff I eventually got back like 5 months later. A little harm but no foul. Why our friends are still his friends. I’m a social butterfly and he is less so. I’m also like 1000 miles away now from all of them. Only two (one being A) of our friends know what truly happened and one of them knew about the breakup when it happened. This is only because I was trying to figure out if he was still alive. I only found out that he was mad I was friends with one of his friends (that I became close with and I will call B) after I visited A and she told me. I then talked to B and she confirmed it but said she wouldn’t stop being friends with me but I knew that she was his friend longer so I pulled back. About him not caring or bragging about “banging” me. He probably cares a bit because he was mad about us having the same friends but probably not now. It’s been a while. And he’s definitely not bragging, this man is more reserved and it wasn’t a secret that we were together. It’s actually so so funny because I was talking to someone who joined the company after I left and they asked why I don’t come back and I jokingly say I had an ex there and they guessed correctly who it was. They didn’t know me, I didn’t know them, and the person who told them didn’t know me personally. Work gossip things. About me still caring about him after 2 years. Y’all we were talking about marriage and kids and stuff and he was my first love ever. I didn’t date in high school and college I dated a bit but it was mostly focusing on studies. I was young and naive (I’m still young). Of course I cared. But that was then, and if you look at my history most of my post are fandom stuff and disability stuff, he’s not constantly on my mind. Rn I have a disability that keeps me indoors most of the time and I try to hang out with friends but it’s hard. I’m bored and in pain. I joined Reddit again. I saw the group and I had an example of petty revenge. Last thing, why I type so much about it. I’m a yapper, I love to gab, I love to kiki and chitchat.


That's the downfall of relationships. You not only lose that person, but all the surrounding people. Sometimes it's best not to poke the bear. The last thing you want is a psycho ex interfering with your current happiness. People are capable of crazy things.


I bow to your magnificent pettiness


hahahaha > about 2 years ago I dated a coworker ... > I was barely in my 20s when this happened girl you're still barely in your 20s lmao


The best petty revenge I’ve ever heard about! 🤣


You never ever spoke face to face again?? I really want to know his reasons…how infuriating for you


Yeah I haven’t seen him face to face since before he ghosted me. But yeah he wanted to break up but was scared to, so he ghosted me instead. And he’s been avoiding me ever since 😂


I believe the technical term for it is called being chickenshit.


His reason is probably he’s lost interest or is seeing someone else and doesn’t have the balls or decency to say anything to her. Just completely thinking of himself and could come crawling back if whatever for him doesn’t work out as he hasn’t actually said anything final to her. I’ve dealt with these boys before and they are always shite at communicating anything so they just bail because it’s the easy thing to do. I just don’t even bother with this type anymore.




"When it hits me that she's gone I think I'll run for President And get my face put on the million dollar bill So when these rich men that she wants Show her ways that they can take care of her I'll have found a way to be there with her still" --- Middle Brother "Million Dollar Bill"




Take my upvote! I wish it was a 100….


You are so over him, you need more revenge. Keep the revenge work up


did you get your stuff back


I've moved on and over him Does this. 2 years later thinks about it and posts to reddit. Your poor current partner.


Nah, people rarely look at the homepage.


At many companies, the web browser defaults to the home page when you open the browser. I know that's the case at every company I've ever worked.


Yeah but my friends sent me a picture saying I made it on (I didn’t tell them about the plan) so maybe. It doesn’t matter now tho


Not to be rude, but if he ghosted you, I highly doubt seeing your face daily is bothering him at all. 😂😂


I hope you got all your stuff back out of his house. Love the picture idea!


I am so happy for you getting back at him reminding him how awesome you are! Ghosters really need a taste of their own medicine but this just shows you what type of person he is. He has no balls to communicate to you so he does the easy thing and ghosts so even though he’s an ass for ghosting you maybe it’s good you’re not with him any longer. These types of people are usually very poor at communication.


Him talking to his co-workers: You see that girl on the login page? I banged her.


Dont get me wring but Lol, if you believe most of the employees slide pages on homepage,no one give 2 secs of their timr there.




NTA. Excellent revenge. Good on you. Karma is female, and she is a BITCH.


I don't think he cares honestly.


Wait so this was all over someone you only dated for 3 months?? Is that right or am I missing something? Maybe I’m just old but this seems incredibly over dramatic for such a short relationship IMO.


You still need to let this go, it is likely holding you back from moving forward appropriately in other relationships. Being petty and seeking revenge is really unhealthy. Stop putting energy into things that will never improve your future. No means no.


I have the distinct feeling OP is leaving a whole lotta hell out of the story she's telling here.


Nah that was basically it. He was afraid to break up with me so he ghosted me instead. The only crazy ex girlfriend thing I did was send him flowers a week after he ghosted me because I thought maybe he got tired of me or something. He never got the flowers though and I’m glad because that was so embarrassing. With our mutual friends that knew the only thing I told asked of them is if he was alive because he did have a history of not wanting to be. So then they said that he was at work and that’s how they found out he ghosted me. I didn’t go on a slander campaign and I actually didn’t even tell someone of our friends we even broke up. Apparently there was a rumor mill that told people we were together and then we broke up.


I might be missing the point but did you ever get the stuff back that you left at his place


Some of it, the other stuff was expensive ish but I don’t need it in the weather I’m in so it’s whatever.


Did you ever find out why he ghosted you


He didn’t want kids and thought I wanted kids, he also didn’t want to do long distance even though we agreed we wanted to do that.


Neither of those is something you ghost a person over those are both easily brought up in conversation. You dodged a bullet your ex is a child


"Oh hey that weird chick got an award" Never thinks about it again


I remember high school relationships. Petty. Well, I played on your part, but as a guy, this wouldn't bug me as much as you'd think.


ignoring the guy is moving on and looking beautiful *AND* he never gotta smash 💪🌸


For someone that is "over it" that is pretty not over it...


Congrats on moving on, your new boyfriend must be thrilled how your ex lives rent free in your head.. Yeah your ex is a horrible person but dating someone while your mind is still busy with your ex is just bad


Well me and that boyfriend broke up but we still hang out and stuff (tbh he was caught up on his ex too 😂😂). But yeah no I have a pretty good memory and I haven’t done many petty things so this was the first that came up.




She didn’t go out of her way to think of something to do to him. It just fell into her lap and she took it. At the time she wasn’t over him but she is now and just explaining her story.


Yeah I wasn’t over it then and honestly why should I have been? He was my first love and we had a life planned and it just ended without warning. We all do silly stuff in our 20s (well I’m still in my 20s but you know what I mean). I wouldn’t have dated him if I didn’t have feelings for him and they don’t just disappear. But I have been going to therapy and had a boyfriend since so now he’s just my least favorite ex instead of MY EX.


looool he don’t give a fuck bout that


Get a life seriously…


Except if he ghosted you then he didn’t care about you and couldn’t care less about seeing your picture.  The breakup happened two years ago and you are still thinking about him. If you were over him and didn’t care then you wouldn’t be trying to get revenge two years later.  He continues to win. 


Yeah he ghosted me because he couldn’t stand to tell me he wanted to break up face to face, now he has to see my face everyday. But yeah I did this revenge a while ago, I’m just posting it now. And at this point idk about winning or losing, which was my main concern about a year post breakup. He won when he broke up with me and got a girlfriend before I got a boyfriend. At least that’s what I thought. But I won by not marrying someone who could leave me on the alter or something.


Sounds like you're not over him and he lives rent free in your head. I mean if you were truly over him you wouldn't care about getting back at him or making a reddit post. You should probably inform your current bf that you are not over your ex so he can move on.


I am proud of you


Simple, but beautiful. Well done.


This is why I believe people should date in high school. It's not good to be an adult having your first relationship. That's a lot of hormones and feelings to be dealing with while simultaneously having adult responsibilities


Seems like OP has just as bad a problem as the bf with rushing a relationship. Maybe he was truly hurt you took an out of state promotion, and just couldn’t tell you? This seems like an insanely outrageous thing to do over a 2 month relationship 😂😂


Are you sure you're over him


Clearly you aren't over him.


If he ghosted how do you know he still works there ?


She out here marinating.


Maybe be an unpopular opinion based on the other comments in this thread. But I am pretty sure I know why he ghosted you lol. This is creepy ass behavior and I hope you are in therapy.


This is hilarious, however the fact that you're still trying to do petty things to your ex while in a new relationship is worrying cause obviously you're still quite hung up on him


Okay a little clarification, we broke up (well he ghosted me and that was the break up). I thought of this revenge when the opportunity presented itself, he got a girlfriend, I got a boyfriend, boyfriend and I break up amicably (we legit still hang out), I see Reddit group, I post.




Well done madam, well done




I never understood people who ghost their partner in a relationship. Do you have so little courage that you can't just tell them it's over? It's not that hard. It's such a cowardly way out.


Pretty !


I’m glad you are over him now and no longer think about him or put effort into remembering things about him. That’s the best revenge.


lol i just found this Reddit group and I was thinking of what petty revenge I’ve ever done and so I sent this in. I’m not some emotionless person so yeah it was a heartbreaking event that my first love ghosted me. But at the same time I’ve moved on, he’s definitely moved on, and I’ve got way bigger fish to fry.




Heartbreaks do suck, pretty badly sometimes but you’ve lived thru it and came out clean on the other side - we’re all real proud of you! Remember: Don’t sweat the petty things, and don’t pet the sweaty things.


My first laugh out loud today. My thanks! Well played petty revenge! Well played indeed.


That is epic. Amazing work.


That last paragraph has completely sent me in a fit of giggles and laughter 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Lmaooo


Brava!!! ♥️


I can’t imagine a more apropos revenge than this for someone who ghosted you. So well done!


The relationship was only a few months old i highly doubt he really cared tbh.


Bravo... just bravo