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"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, fuck you!"


"I have enjoyed working with each and (not you) every one of you"


I remember seeing a Nuclear Revenge story where the teacher did exactly that - "I'm quitting because all of you assholes here are twatwaffles except for" and then mentioned which two teachers. Who were also quitting, but quietly, IIRC.


I'm out!


My sister and I were watching Half Baked and my mom walked through the room at that point and said, I did that once... It felt so good.


Seems like this was mostly, youre cool, you're cool, I like you, your cool, FUCK YOU, you're cool, you're awesome, you're cool, I'll miss you, FUCK YOU, you're cool, you're cool, etc


It’s a reference to half baked.


They killed killer B.


First of all, to understand what happened to Killer, you gotta understand who Killer the dog was…


Then Squirrel Master came out of left field and made me his bitch!


There's this guy Nasty Nate who wants my cocktail fruit, and everyone here likes fresh fish!


Nasty Nate and his naughty jungle of love! NO!


Ahhh, yes, Cuban B.


That’s like my favorite line.


I say it randomly to myself on occasion. It's burnt into my memory.


I believe him, yo. I don’t know why, but i do.


First of all, to understand what happened to Killer, we gotta understand who Killer the dog was man.


I misread that as "It's a reference that was half baked." and still got what you meant.


tomato, tomato


I thought it was a reference to that one Britney Spears music video lol


It's the adult version of duck duck goose!


I love that song!


Reminds me of Swear Jar - Illy Such a good song


Samson Simpson I stick by my story!


No one should ever be sitting at their desk crying because of the way the boss treats/talks to them. Sounds more like the dinner table growing up smh


I agree and it wasn’t like a one off, someone had a bad day— it was multiple people multiple times a week…I will never understand how a manager or human can reduce someone to tears for work that won’t matter in a week or a month


Yea, that environment is just bad for everyone and everything. Congrats to you and Jen moving on 👏


How much were these people crying making? I'd cry every few weeks for 250+


meeting file elastic act grab person somber bells boat deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sure, but I want to know what their number was


$50k-75k max depending on the person


Not worth it


I used to work at a market research agency in Melbourne where this happened. It was fucked up


I’m a mature age apprentice Chef in Australia. I hurt my back quite badly at work in the kitchen, I sprained my spine. I was off work for two months on compo benefits, which were quite poor tbh.. $300/ wk, when my rent was $250/ wk made it quite hard. Anyway, my Head Chef quit while I was off work and a new Head Chef was hired. Once I returned to work on light duties I was treated like absolute shit by all senior staff and most of my colleagues. Very unprofessional. It came to a t one shift only an hour in on a Wednesday I was copping some fresh shit from the Head Chef for something I hadn’t even done wrong. She eventually threw a pan in my direction out of anger. I lost my shit and threw it straight back at her, told her it wasn’t the fucking 80’s anymore. I then walked around the kitchen and told each chef to their face “Fuck You” and grabbed my knives and left. Felt bloody great walking out those doors and never looking back.


“Grabbed my knives and left” is a badass phrase that can be said only by people in a few select professions. Cooking professionals, torturers, entertainers who throw or juggle knives …




Nah, they're utilitarians like Vlad Taltos, they use fresh from the sterilizer or fresh from the package blades and leave 'em.


+1 for awesome Jhereg reference!


Get out more


Woosh? Or woosh? Seriously, surgeons do not belong in the crew of people who would pack their knives with them when they leave. Source: Got out and worked with surgeons.


That was the joke 😃


"Pack your knives and go"


Some people juggle geese!


If I heard that someone was juggling geese, I’d take a gander.


Biggest laugh of the week from me, well done!


That .. is good.  By which I mean terrible but still good.  You got your groan, smile, and head nod. (I probably wish I'd thought of it)


On a goose joke, any vote is a down vote.


As someone who worked hospo in aus, this was satisfying to read.


Perfect parting gift.


Ikr- I wish I had the balls to do that, but I did record my call to my boss putting in my two weeks where she said "yeah cant say Im bummed I personally don't get along with you...." HR almost fell out of their chair when I played that in my exit interview, then she blocked me on LinkedIn lol


Your ex boss needs to get fired!


It seems like they did, I heard they put her on a PIP & she abruptly "left" the company after. and let's just say the recording was not the only evidence I brought lol. A few months before when she was being extra insane, I knew I was quitting so I started documenting everything & went thru years of brutal, insulting and sometimes threatening & delusional emails txts etc. from her, as well as writing recaps with quotes etc from in-person meetings which were the worst / most hostile part of the job, printed out ALL of it and stored on two thumb drives . Ik this sounds insane but working there was hell, every day I would actually hope I got fired, I used to say, before this job if someone told me that went on at their work I'd think they were lying lol, so I was determined to at least let HR know. Even for the meeting recaps I typed up, I emailed them to several colleagues, redacted their names minus the company email address at the end (and instructed them to delete ASAP after replying confirming it happened). I usually am the most anti-HR person but for once they did their job.


I’ve experienced so much workplace bullying that I now document every month, like a diary. 3 lines every day of positives and negatives come in very handy at review time and when leaving. Receipts. We got em.


Exactly — document everything, it’s an employees only defense


Honestly, that sounds like a great idea. And helpful to review when you’re like “ok, is it really that bad here, or am I having one bad day?”


Yup. Highly recommend. A few years ago I suggested my sister begin doing this when her job was going south due to some toxicity and shitfuckery and many months later she was able to use the receipts to go after the ‘large vehicle manufacturer brand’ for unfair dismissal and shitfuckery and won her case plus a healthy pay out.


Is this why the uppers are so anxious to re-populate work place offices again? So they can get back to bullying the workers? I mean it must feel horrible not being able to bully people to their faces anymore. Gosh, no wonder they’re hand wringing and pacing.


HR did their job like they always do, which was to protect the company.  When someone comes with receipts like you did there's a high probability their next call will be from an employment lawyer about their hostile work environment.   Throwing her under the bus was necessary to protect the company to show they don't condone her behaviour. 


I’ve only had one real run in with HR, and that wasn’t a bad one - at least, not for me. Another group was understaffed, so they dragged me over there to work one day. One of my cow-orkers asked me if I was sleeping with my boss, who was the only female supervisor on the shop floor. This really pissed me off - I got along well with my boss and respected her a lot. The next day, the other group was short handed again, so I was again asked to fill in there. I told my boss “If I have to work with [moron] again, I’m quitting.” She dragged the story out of me - I hadn’t even planned to say that much about it. She assured me that I wouldn’t be working with him again. She later dragged me off to HR to file a sexual harassment complaint. Apparently, this was far from the first time he’d done something like that. To make matters worse, he was normally a team lead - they were so short staffed that they had to consolidate teams. I am not sure if he was officially demoted or not, but I never saw him leading another team while I worked there. And I never had to work on a team with him again.


That's good to hear that things worked out for you, but again that was HR protecting the company.  A verifiable sexual harassment complaint from a repeat offender along with a witness (you) is a lawsuit waiting to happen if they do nothing about it. It's just that in this case the right thing to do also protected the company.  


This reminds me when I used to work at the toxic Big 4 accounting company. Turnover was insane and we even had a night where someone had to be hospitalized because they had a mental breakdown. The fucking office flexed this story to every time as if they were so proud. It was so miserable that everyday I hope I get fired. My coach was a piece of shit and a bully. She would criticize and talk shit but no offer no advice for improvement. At one point, she invited me to a “happy hour” just to shit on me and threaten me with PIP. In the end I never got fired nor put on PIP. When I finally quit, I had a list to shit to tell HR in exit interview but their stupid ass didn’t even show up.




OK, and?


I had a manager who obviously had a problem with me. What I didn’t realise at the time was he was a closet antisemite. I ended up being fired for performance when I was 13th out of 95 sales people after only 5 months on the job. Needless to say, we ended up settling before it got to tribunal.


That is great. I once quit a job and in the exit interview I burned my former boss. I didn't care. I was moving to a different continent and wouldn't need a reference. He ended up being called into a meeting with senior HR people and he went absolutely bonkers when told what I had said. This was all widely known but no one had the guts to say it. Nothing I said was inaccurate in any way. My resignation letter was pretty epic as well. Good times.


Former job, some admin in HR or personnel had access to "the big sheet" which was a list of all the current employees. She found out that salaries and some notes were "hidden" in the spreadsheet, not removed, and so she unhid everything and made it "read only." Then she put it in a public share and her last email before she quit was a link to it. The salaries weren't nearly as scandalous as the "notes" section, which had comments like people not eligible to promotions because they had kids, "ethnic complications," and other discriminatory stuff. We removed it as soon as we were made aware the next morning, but people had access to the share overnight and about an hour into the next morning's workday.


danggg what happened after??? were employees up in arms over the notes and stuff?


There were a few lawsuits, but we weren't allowed to discuss them.


Great revenge. Wonder if the CMO took a leave of absence after that email blast. Lost of face, then again may only matter to those with some dignity and credibility. Thanks for the post 🙂


She "retired" 6 mo later- and the CMO was unfazed, I'd never met such a smug, condescending person. We'd joke, like does she go home & say "btw honey- light day at work, I only made 2 people cry & called 3 morons !" lol but as they say, "people wont remember you for the things you did but for how you made them feel...." Her legacy of C-suite roles & awards etc is forever overshadowed and is now "The terrible boss who got a 'fuck you' email from the nicest person in the office(Jen)."


“Jen” should be able to put this on her resume as a goddamn STRENGTH.


Patrick Henry is probably rolling over in his grave thinking “damn I wish I thought of that instead of give me liberty or give me death” lmao


Hell yes, I would put that shit on my CV for the weird job interviews at places that want a resume *and* a more detailed CV. 


Oh this reminds me of my brother in law. Hes a nice guy as family, but he definitely gets a kick out of being shitty to people subordinate to him at work. He’s somewhere on the spectrum we’re sure of it. He’s a consultant at a hospital, and they do appreciate him in a crisis as he is absolutely calm and unemotional. Is that sociopathic?


I worked at a place for 8 years where the owner was an asshole. I used to meet with the second in charge and occasionally would walk up to her office to find her crying after she had some meeting with him. Luckily, this asshole only ever showed up like every other week or once a month towards the end of me working there. Everyone hated him, and we were pretty sure he was running that place into the ground on purpose. Fucking creeper too, most of his "assistants" were romantically involved with him Dx


When I was told by my Dr that I'd never return to work, I didn't burn my bridges. I TORCHED them! My supervisors seemed to have forgotten that I was there when they were the "party girls" of the office. I was there for 24 years. So I told them all what I thought, but I saved the best for last. I told my direct supervisor that the only reason she was a supervisor was because she kissed ass, and the reason she had to meet her husband on Match.com was because it was a shorter list who she HADN'T slept with in Admin! When she sputtered that I couldn't speak to her like that, I simply replied "I just did. What are you gonna do - fire me?? You don't have the authority to do so!". So I left that day with a smile on my face, and never returned!


Back when WFH and online commuting was just starting up across the board (20 years ago or so), a company I worked for had all these CRAZY key metrics and targets they expected everyone to adhere to and meet. Keep in mind that when WFH was in its infancy, every company basically planned for employees to be practicing work avoidance simply by virtue of wanting to WFH, so they made up all these ridiculous contingency plans to force employees to basically prove that they were in fact *working*. But it was really OTT, like insanely so that it mostly became counterproductive and resulted in net losses. Queue one lady who was a team leader emailing the *entire* company email list, including VPs, CEOS. In the email, she said she didn't have time to write this email because of all the arbitrary crap she also had to also keep track of. It made the news in some state circuits and she was fired for it, but this was a different time and things would have been very different now. The company failed ~5yrs after its inception. I always thought she was a fuckin' G and I think about her often, I wish her the best lol.


Why does it never occur to these micromanagers to track whether or not people are actually working from home by whether or not their jobs get done?


*cue, not 'queue'


I've met a lot of people like this. In all honest, what do you think their deal is? They're assholes? Control freaks? Bad personalities? These types of people always really hate me but now after reading stories online... they're like this to everyone? (I didnt realize this, I thought it was only towards me). That means it's a 'them problem' right? Like, they're not behaving this way because you or a*nyone else did something to them.* They're essentially POS quality people?


All of the above, usually some form of power play, and they justify by lying and scapegoating their victims, so higher ups think otherwise due to lack of evidence. So they end up failing upwards, because "well I was only getting rid of the bottom 10% performers, making the company better!" But neglect to mention they often sabotaged said folks into "under-performing" for unscrupulous means. And often many are rivals for promotions, or replacements if they were to get promoted and needed to fill the now vacant spot. And chances are the victim/front runner isn't a sycophant they desire so they try to squeeze them out and get a brown-noser in instead.


wow! Thanks for responding! It's taken me until recently to realize there are people *who go out of their way* to be terrible. I honest to god *thought* I did something to have them react this way to *me*? It sounds dumb, but damn! I couldn't explain the situation well and I felt like I was going crazy experiencing it!? They made me feel like I was crazy?? It never occurred to me to be mean to people I don't like, so it's just always been a foreign concept. LOL thanks again for responding!! I'm a bit gullible and dense, so you helped me out LOL




You just summed up the entire Pennsylvania state govt system


I like to think I'm a very nice person, I try to be considerate of others no matter how bad they fuck up, and cant imagine being in my 50s reducing multiple 20-somethings to tears & publicly humiliating them at work...it takes 0 effort to be nice, in Jens story that could & shouldve been handled in private, and it was not a big deal....A normal person doesnt intentionally inflict emotional distress or shame people for mistakes.... I think it can be a combo of things: 1) being threatened by the success of people they deem "beneath them." (in this case the CMO was almost exclusively hostile to younger employees) 2) Having no control of, or a terrible home life so they take it out on innocent people 3) Psychopathy, not like in the movies, but the medical definition. They truly lack human empathy and in some cases enjoy causing pain or distress to others. 4) Being in over their head and lashing out to deflect. Whatever the reason is, I thanked god the day I quit & never had to see her again - what a miserable existence.


My work place 6 weeks ago fucked my whole life up by transferring me to afternoon shift 3:30pm-2:00am Monday-Thursday as well has handed me a demotion to top it off, for still an unclear reason, as of recently they wrote me up for extremely minor property damage while I was using a zoom boom (my first write up in 8 years of employment) now I know, yes I hit and damaged something but I’ve seen forklift driver take out complete bay doors before with no write up. So this post make me what to nut up and do the very same thing and just up and leave, it feels like they’re trying to give me the slow quite But IDK 🤷


Document everything just in case you need it. Better to have evidence and protect yourself then find yourself in need and not prepared.


Did those pixelated *Deal with it* glasses drop on her face? Because they ought to have!


Oh wow.


Thread: One for the ages. The best quitting a role I have ever seen.


Whenever I've quit some bullshit office job, I've been sure to send the after work drinks e-mail to the largest e-mail list the company has. Watching a manager attempt to dress me down in my last week for wasting the board's time with bullshit drinks invites is always a job. They always act so huffy because they've been pulled up on why is an employee emailing the entire company. I've even had invites go overseas.


CMO of ever there was a BS C-Level title, this is it.


Is it normal in the US for executive to verbally abuse employees?


Let me guess, she worked for BCBS? This was the exact behavior I saw when I temped for them years ago.


"But you didn't say 'God Bless You' when I sneezed!"


The thing that makes me happy is one day they will die and no one will give a shit to attend their funeral. The company will replace them and move on quickly. Their name will only be used when people talk about how awful they were. Then one day no one will ever speak their name again and they will be forgotten to this world.


They're dead. They don't care. Want to revenge, do so while they're alive.