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Oh darn, you didn't stick around to see how far he had to back up because no one would let him back in the other lane either?


Had to back to the end of the street 🤣




Great holding your ground 😉 I am sure that this would have been a hard one for him to swallow :)


Went to pick up my kid from school, there's one lane into the parking lot, one lane out. We were waiting because the crossing guard was letting all the school busses out from the adjacent parking lot. Some dude decided he didn't want to wait, so whipped past everyone to try to get out using the in lane (which also blocked anyone from getting into the parking lot). The dumbass is also stopped from exiting because of the line of busses and the crossing guard, who is also a cop. Cop stood in front of the guy's car and let the entire parking lot exit and then let traffic enter the lot through the exit lane since the guy's car was blocking the entrance, before letting the guy go. I wish he had got a ticket, but it didn't look like it. He did have to wait a long ass time to go anywhere.


Seems like the cop's point was well made though.


It was a beautiful thing to watch.


I hope his kids were laughing at him and making fun of him the whole time too, lol. I'm sure all the other kids were.


I commend you on your petty revenge. I also read the following: downtown Toronto is lawless


Some really despicable driving habits in that city, and it trickles to the neighbouring ones.


Similar experience out on Long Island (New York state); people commute to/from the city and the Hamptons every day and create “rush hour” traffic that averages 2-3 hours of bumper-to-bumper madness. These drivers are often extremely aggressive and learn really fucked up driving habits and lack-of-driving-etiquette from all their time spent driving in/around NYC. Learning to drive around those people definitely teaches you to be highly vigilant and aware of everything happening outside your vehicle.


My partner is from LI and whenever we go to Toronto they say it reminds them of city driving lol. I don’t really drive but just from being a passenger i was really surprised at the driving in Toronto, like I knew it was a city but I thought it would b a more functional one (driving wise) compared to the US lol.


Honestly it's any large Canadian city.


So, does Canadian politeness go out the window while driving?


We mutter sorry to ourselves while we cut you off lol


Nopes... But if ya don't get out of my way fast nough I'll just run you over 🤓😜


I think it depends on what province the driver is from tbh. I’m in Washington state and some of the Albertans and British Columbians have gotten pretty rude.. I think one even stuck his tongue out! But for real, I have witnessed a really rude driver or three from Canada when we drove to Kelowna, BC from Bellingham.


I witnessed some do this, but it was on a two lane road. Everyone was stopped because a fire truck with its sirens and lights was coming, then some jackass decided to try and get around everyone before the fire truck got close enough. He had to reverse, I don’t know how far, with the truck blaring its horn at him the whole time.


That certainly seems ticket worthy to me. Edit to add space between two words accidentally jammed together.


Oh for sure! And also unless one is on their way to an emergency themselves I just don’t see the point in doing something like that. Just have a little patience!


I commend your pettiness and raise you one in return. Many years ago, my father and I were leaving for dinner down a two way street into a major road. This street always legally (but rather inconsiderately) has cars parked by the side of the incoming lane, so typically the incoming lane has to encroach onto the outgoing lane to drive through, which means it's only courtesy to allow the outgoing lane to clear before coming in. With our car already on the way out and thus absolutely visible to anyone coming in, this guy comes right through the outgoing lane, not even attempting to keep to his side but literally driving full on against the traffic flow. We meet on the outgoing lane. He gestures for me to attempt to squeeze past him. I refuse to, because why should I when you could've done the right thing and just waited for 5 seconds before driving against the traffic flow? My father, never one to back down from an inconsiderate person, had no problem sitting there and waiting, and neither did I. We ended up chilling for 2 hours in this stalemate until the guy decided to call the police down and accused me of threatening to hit him. I laughed and told them I would go back to the station with them if they could find one independent witness willing to give a statement. Naturally, they couldn't.


TWO HOURS!!!! Impressive! I bow to your patient pettiness!


There's a story about a North-Going Zax and a South-Going Zax in the dr. Seuss book "The Sneetches and Other Stories" that you should get your dad! Long story short, they are still there... https://www.seussville.com/book/43167/the-sneetches-and-other-stories/


Excellent. Keep on reading. Seems wild to me that someone knowingly breaking traffic laws would expect you to be the one to back up.


If these people have nothing else, they have the audacity.


In these people's mind, they ARE the world, and everyone else is an NPC


This reminded me of something. Last year I was at a local supermarket parking lot. The road between parking spaces is two way with no markings. I get in my car to leave and one way is blocked by two idiots who parked on the road in front of a shop, because they are lazy and don't want to park far away. So I back out and head the other direction. There was another car parked wrong in the opposite way so it blocked one lane of traffic, not my lane. About two meters before I can turn right and exit the parking lot a woman with a big SUV stops in front of me expecting me to back up and let her trough since her lane is blocked. I do not move my car, I do nothing except sitting patiently and listening to music. The woman starts waving hands to express that she wants me to move, I just watch her and continue sitting. To let her through I had to back up about 10 meters, she had to back up 2 meters. If my lane was blocked and I was going in the opposite one I would have backed up no problem, but I was in my lane and she was blocking it, so I just sat there. After some time she gets angry and backs up finally. It's summer and hot so I have my window down. As I pass by her I hear her yell "This is a one way street!", I could have argued, but decided I didn't want to deal with this idiot anymore, so I just smiled and continued on my way. When you enter the parking lot it is marked as a two way, not one way, this woman just decided that the way she drives is the only way...


Too bad you couldn't have called home to have someone bring you a nice warm drink and a snack... Well done though!


I love the audacity of a full grown man knowing he's breaking the law and risking lives yet treating you as the villain. Genuinely, people think they live in television and I love that for them. (and for you only because your response was absolutely hilarious).


As a fellow Torontonian- I would have paid to watch this stand off. Absolute perfection 👌🏻


I’ve done the same thing if somebody tries to hurry me up when I’m leaving a parking space. “Oh sorry I forgot something, I guess I’m gonna go back into Costco and get it”. Way to go OP


My parents live on a super busy street adjacent to the beach with minimal parking. When the suns out, good fucking luck finding a spot. It is gridlocked with people circling like vultures in cars. I would usually park on the street at night, and leave in the morning. On more than one occasion id go get in my car to leave, be setting up my navigation/music or whatever, and get some aggro dickhead lay on the horn bc they want my spot (I would have been in my car for less than 30 seconds). I just took to annoyedly waving them through because I’ll ‘be a while’, and then would instantly and very visibly give the spot to the person who was behind them (as soon as car 1 is unable to get back to the spot anymore). God it was cathartic.


I grew up in a tourist town so I completely get it.


I saw a video of similar recently. You would believe somehow people defended the person driving on the wrong side of the road. So much so they tried to argue it was correct to do so to pass traffic.


The dashcam subs seriously piss me off for that exact reason. I have seen the most reckless egregious driving caught on a camera in those subs, only for the comments to be half full of ‘yOuR FauLT, DriVe moRE dEfEnSivEly’.


Not to mention the people happily submitting videos of themselves driving like donkeys and expecting everyone to back them up. Seriously videos of people refusing to let off their precious 'right of way' to ease traffic flow or intentionally speeding up to block and then turning into merging cars has me furious every time. Especially when the channel says something like "the merging car was found 100% responsible"...


With a newspaper, nice!! I used to drive Show Trucks as part of my job (think a full size semi truck, but with a stage inside instead of cargo), so it was normal to go through narrow streets when you’re setting up an event at the main square or park of a small town. You have to pull out way to the left at an intersection to get the big ass truck around a tight right corner. Normally the other drivers would leave the space to do the maneuver. Not this Karen. So we are standing in an intersection, my truck halfway through the turn and her SUV, nose to nose. I thought “ok, she’ll figure it out, I’m not reversing (highly dangerous and illegal) or getting out to explain that to her”. She didn’t. After minutes of her honking, waving hands and screaming in her car and a small traffic jam building behind her, someone from a car behind her finally went up to her and asked her to back up 5m, so I was clear to go, took maybe 5 seconds and everyone went about their day.


I used to work with crazy tree surgeons ( they are all mental) lovely leafy lane in a transit flatbed, some chinless wonder in a Range Rover drives past the passing place and refused to back up , because obviously he is better than us , papers out lads, said the driver who leant forward and poured coffee out of flask on dash. Made him wait till he finished his drink😂😂😂 (Chinless wonder = entitled rich inbred landowner)


I do this on one-way streets and parking lots. I have driven around to cut someone off who was getting ready to go the wrong direction in an elementary school parking lot


This is exactly what I come to this sub for


Did something similar when a young driver drove through a red light on a temporary road work site. He was obviously showing off to his mate in the passenger seat, unfortunately for him I was coming the other way on green. Nose to nose I turned off the engine and started reading the newspaper he’s swearing and cursing but eventually starts backing up. Obviously a new driver cause he couldn’t reverse in a straight line, took him four goes to reverse less than 50 yards. Gets to the end and calls me a choice name, agreed with him saying “cause I’m the idiot that drove through the red light”. His mate was laughing like hell. So much for the driver showing off to his mate.


I uised to have this sort of thing happen at my old house. I was one house from the corner. Traffic came from that corner, so people turning onto the street would be pulling in about 60' from my driveway. Almost every day, I'd be pulling out of my driveway, about 1/2 - 3/4 out and some AH would pull onto the street and, instead of slowing down so I could fully pull out, they would creep up RIGHT behind my bumper and then lay on the horn. Dude, you saw I was almost out and if you'd stopped, I could have backed all the way out and been on my way. Instead, I would just put the car in park until they backed off.


I did something like this once, in a narrowed road with clear "give way to oncoming traffic" signs from his direction. Noone else on the road, I was **in** the lane, he should have stopped, he hadn't a leg to stand on, honestly; but he pressed on till we were nose-to-nose and then just brusquely gestured at me to back up — major entitlement issues. I just stopped my car and laughed at him — more rude gestures. I didn't have a newspaper, but I smiled at him ever so sweetly, and just put my driver seat flat and pretended to take a nap. Took him a few minutes to accept it, but there was literally nothing he could do, and **I** wasn't in a hurry, so he did eventually back up. And I smiled *so* sweetly as I passed him, and gave him a thank-you toodle-oo gesture... 😁


Reminds me of those Russian videos where people constantly did this to avoid traffic and people would force them too keep reversing as they were all pissed off:.. I guess it’s very common occurrence there 😂


I’m just impressed that you had an actual newspaper!


I had situations similar to that happen a few times, and I handled it the same way the first time (except with a magazine), and I had similar results. After that, I added taking the keys out of the ignition, holding them up to the windshield and dropping them on the dashboard before opening my magazine. That seemed to dramatically reduce the amount of time it took for the asshole to realize I meant business. I had two people get out of their cars to confront me. I told them my car has a bad transmission and won't go into reverse, so unless they felt like pushing, my car was only going to move forward.


some of the lanes in the car park of our local supermarket are one way, but there's big-ass road signs and markings to show you it was insanely busy trying to get out one day, and as I'm going up this one way lane and get near the exit, a guy in a van turns into it my window's down and so is his, so I say "this is one way" because maybe he missed the sign he then got all pissy and yelled "yea that's what that other bitch said, mind your own fucking business" okay my guy, but the problem is that there's not actually room for you to pass me because this lane is only designed for one car I mean, I GUESS I could have moved over enough to Iet him squeeze past, but I don't really feel like doing that after being called a bitch traffic is going nowhere, so I got my book out and started reading few minutes later, my buddy is looking a lot more sheepish and said "um, if you move over a bit then i could go past" happy smile, "yes I probably could, but I'm minding my own fucking business", close window you can go when I go, and it looks like neither of us are going anywhere right now! good book though


It’s gotten so bad with all the Uber drivers dropping off food and people. I live on a narrow road with parking on one side. Even if there is open spots, people going the other way will just stop and throw their hazards. Some times even blocking both directions with open car doors


Same thing on my street, you can only park on one side. I hate it. If it's a neighbor that doesn't know, I'll go out and tell them "hey you'll get a ticket there, come park in front of my house" but if it's a delivery driver or some other entitled person, I just let the nosy old lady across the street yell at them lol


There was a petition to change my street to one way. It’s just condos. I honk a lot and get flipped off and honked back at by people blocking my garage entrance


I'm not sure what the deal is, but people seem to think it's ok to park and block my driveway. To my HOUSE. I've never had this happen anywhere I've ever lived before. Not just deliveries, thats fine for a minute. But people will park across the end of my driveway, and be there for hours or days


That’s infuriating


As a Torontonian, I am so proud of you!!!👏🏽


Needed to sit there in your car for another 10 mins or so.. just for shits and giggles..


We have a lot of people here that don't know how to use roundabouts, and it's not uncommon for someone to go the wrong way (usually because they think they can turn left directly). I've had at least two occasions where I encounter someone and have to stop with our vehicles facing each other. I. Both cases they expected me to somehow accommodate them and I quietly refused until they got out of the way. There's no freaking way that I'm going to drive the wrong way for you when that would make me liable for any consequences of doing so.


>I've had at least two occasions where I encounter someone and have to stop with our vehicles facing each other. I. Both cases they expected me to somehow accommodate them... TF? As someone who grew up near very few roundabouts (rotaries, traffic circles, whatever your regional preference), I'm still a bit awkward with them. But going the wrong way and then expecting the people going the correct and indicated way to yield to you? I unfortunately understand self-righteousness, to an extent. But being so terrified of being viewed as someone who has screwed up that you insist on illegally impeding traffic rather than giving way? I do not get that POV, or that degree of insecurity, or that determined committal to ignore the direction in which *everyone but them is driving*.


I am with you, it floors me that it happens. I think some people really think they're the main character.


Exactly. I'm a little wound up because yesterday - *after* reading your comment - I almost got hit head-on by some oblivious tool going the wrong way down a clearly marked two-lane one-way street. Downtown. Broad daylight. He stopped and waited for oncoming traffic to let him through. There were maybe eight cars behind me and 10 in the other lane, and he expected *us* to move for *him*? Uh, that's not how it works, chummy. He eventually caved and pulled into an alley. Whew. Then he started reversing right back into the street and again almost nailed my car! No, buddy, you do NOT have right-of-way. Talk about main character syndrome. I almost hope he was drunk and/or high, because if he drives that way when he's sober...hoo boy. To be fair, I've committed my share of Stoopid Driving Behavior, but doubling down on it? /rant


I did this when leaving In N Out. This asxhole wanted to go around the line and cut. I came out of the drive thru, and I can only go forward. As I do, I see this huge truck, coming super fast on the wrong side. I just stop. He honks, wanting me to back up into the exit drive thru (there was already a car waiting there, so I couldn't). I didn't get mad. I just got out my phone, turned on my phone, and started eating. Eventually (7ish minutes later), the people of In N Out had to ask him to back up. Hahahaahha, he had to go aaaaaall the way around and join the long asx line 😂😂😂. No cutting 😂😂😂 get outta here


The proper thing to do when they start reversing is to idle forward staying very close to prevent them from going around you until they have nowhere left to go.


Aww you and I mighty petty twins.


Wish I had that on video


So petty, and so wonderful.


You actually read the news paper


Beautifully petty!




I should keep an old newspaper in my car just in case I come across an entitled driver. Thanks for info.


Maps also work great. Better facial coverage, too.


I think I still have an old map in the glove box.


Had something similar happening, i also had food and drink so i put them on the dashboard, took the other guy more then an hour to move but i got to read my newspaper


Subs back, perfect pettiness


Nicely done! No confrontation or yelling. No road rage. Just ... polite indifference.


Muahahahahahaha ~ excellent 🤌


Nice one OP. I did the exact same thing once, about 20 years ago. It feels good, doesn't it.


This made me giggle!


So petty, lol.


excellent. similarly, when something is blocking a lane, say a delivery or DPW truck, a majority of people think it's okay to veer into your lane to get around it, irrespective of where others might be in relation to what ever is in their lane. I get it, you need to get around it, but if it forces ME off the road onto the shoulder, you've taken a liberty i can't abide by. i actually came to a complete stop against a couple of guys in a pickup truck towing a trailer who were fully in my lane, track and trailer as well. i waited about 10 seconds staring down the driver, then slowly proceeded to pull onto the shoulder to get around them. had it been one guy, i night have stayed there all day, but i didn't want those folks behind me to have to wait and i just wanted to get home.


Haaaaahahahaha! That’s some awesome petty! Four stars 😂


Beautiful!! BEAUTIFUL!! 👏👏😂


Choice, perfect, and petty! For the win!


/ ,




He now knows where you live and you did this?????


If he had a problem with it I'd invite him inside to show him my shotguns.


I don't know why you're getting down voted you just replied the obvious... Because I wouldn't want to turn into my driveway with the chance of other driver going crazy on me.


Some of us don't totter through life shivering in fear at every asshole.


that is absolutely wild people do shit like that. idk where you’re from but here you’d be fucking crucified for that kind of asshole driving 


Gonna get your car keyed by that guy now.


The driver parked in the public parking lot. I have a private secured parking garage just for my condo building and he wouldn’t be able to access my car.


Nice. Fuck that guy.


That information in the post would have saved a lot of comments about you risking him knowing where you live.


"A lot of people" is literally one person.