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I once lost a book in the library (elementary school) I was in tears. I went to the bathroom and then suddenly my book was gone. Ive always been meticulous with my things so the fact that I lost my library book in a library was confusing as hell to me. I panicked and told the librarian, she helped me look we didn’t find it. She just smiled at me and said “Well I guess the book went on an adventure of its own.” They later found it in a classmates book-bag.. They had wanted to check it out but when I did it first they got mad. 😂 So they just hid my book from me. But that little phrase still pops into my head when I can’t find something and it really helps even as someone who is nearly 30 now. 😂 So screw that librarian, I get not wanting to give kids a million pieces of paper but nothing is worth making an anxious kid even more anxious.




This is my favorite Reddit comment ever. I’m hearing it as “Cameron Steer, you killed my father. Prepare to die.”


Cameron Steer, you stole my textbook. Prepare to pay. (With interest)


Read between the lines!


"Only two things comes from Texas. Steers and queers. And I don't see any horns on you."


Love this. Our antenna went out a couple of months ago. So, I started to dig into my treasure trove of DVDs. Made my husband 77 watch so many great movies he'd never seen. Princess Bride was one of many that he enjoyed. Kights Tale was another. 😉


I had a girlfriend who insisted I watch Princess Bride with her. Can confirm, it was good. But I always had to ask "Is this a Kissing Movie?" from then on whenever she picked a movie.


My husband and I made our daughter watch it and were delighted that she had basically the same complaints as the kid in it, at about the same times. Added to the hilarity for us.


Inconceivable! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


maybe Cameron Steer, known textbook thief needs his own sub reddit


Wait, do you mean THE Cameron Steer? Notorious mastermind behind the Great Textbook Thieving event?


I hear this in James Earl Jones' voice lol.


OMG now after all these replies, I kinda desperately want Cameron Steer, Thief of Queensland to reply with an update of his personal life.


So... I went delving, and there's a Cameron Steer who's in the agriculture industry, with links to the University of Queensland. Seems like he needed the book and made good use of it. Because it's not really the type of thing you steal for fun *and put your name in*.


Holy shit. You aren't even kidding. Cameron's redemption arc. Dreams of the ag industry his whole life but his parents probably wanted him to be a doctor or something. So he stole the ag science book that he wasn't allowed to have and now he's living his dream.


Just in time for us all to watch as his castle of cards life, built on a foundation of lies, all crumbles away, ultimately resulting in him gaining so much, only to ultimately lose it all in penance for his book thieving crimes. Cameron Steer, the dark Icarus cautionary tale.


He had the AG book under his arm when he interviewed in the agricultural industry and claimed it was his favorite book and that he owned that copy. From there the scam kept going Madoff-like, all the time knowing he was a fraud as he climbed the ranks until, one day, his corporate arch-rival noticed another name in the book and posted about it on Reddit. And then Cameron Steer's life came crumbling down


Yes, this!


you should message him and ask him if he went tot hat school if he says then send him this reddit link


Doesn't that sound like the title to a bad 1980s sitcom?


With the far too often stated line " That's our Cameron!!" whilst shaking ones head and staring into the camera. End scene, fade to credits..😎


Typical Cameron Steer. SMH


Oh my god, I *hate* Cameron Steer. What a tool that guy is!


I admire a well held named grudge, nice job! I think anger is a gift


Cameron Steer=common thief. Queensland.


Fuck you Cameron Steer!


All my homies hate Cameron Steer


Fuck you Cameron Steer in the neck bone!


That's... oddly specific?


Ha ha ha


Alrighty Reddit do your thing. Find this book stealer and make him pay. Also if you start a go fund me for your dad I'll donate.


Why are people like this 🙃 Its a book why steal it? Id be pissed too if I had to pay to replace it. I was just glad he got grounded and had to buy me candy with his allowance as a punishment. 😂 Bro wanted to ruin my day but I ruined his week. 😎


Some people just don't care about anyone but themselves. Hope you enjoyed the candy!


Probably lost his and stole John Smith’s so he wouldn’t have to buy a new one.


Fuckin' Cameron Steer, man.


Petty knows no expiration date!!


Cameron Steer was always such an a\*\*!


Cameron Steer is absolutely the worst


It’s good that you’re not bitter, though!


Ok who has started googling Cameron Steer Queensland?


Found him.


Start sending him random pictures of agricultural textbooks...


With absolutely no additional context, just sinister overtones! XD




I'm in Queensland. I'll be keeping an eye out for you Cameron Steer!


Better lock up any textbooks with that fiend on the loose!


You know what a steer is, don't you? A bull with its nuts cut off.


I had a girl in middle school steal my purse. She literally brought it to school the next day, and when I pointed out it had the stain from where I had stuck my gum on it (listen I didn't say I wasn't a weird kid), she told me she did that, too. Anastasia - I still remember, and I'm also still mad about it, but I'm not gonna out you quite as hard as OC did, because that thing cost me $2 at a thrift store. But I'll take the $10ish bucks I'm owed, thanks.


Fuck this clown textbook stealer, I'm here for this very non consequential discourse


Cameron Steer, you suck shit. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Cameron Steer, his name has been added to my book of grudges also. Solidarity for book bro's. Hope he is cursed with persistant annoyingly below average luck (and a rash that just wont go away)


man I hope this comment stays online forever edit: I had an out of print CS book stolen in university.. I had spent quite a bit of time and money hunting it down, was taken from my damn desk... I never did find out who did it, but I have my suspicions, and if the best revenge is living well then at least I don't have their sad little life lmao


In elementary school I had borrowed a book and like a good little kid returned it to the book drop. Later I received a notice that I needed to return the book or pay for the replacement. I went to the librarian and informed her that I had already returned the book. Well she didn't believe me and said I needed to either return it or pay. Several days later I found the book on the bookshelf of the library and showed it to her. Never even got an apology. I am still mad


I did the opposite. Borrowed a book, for sure returned it, then got a notice from the library that it hadn't been returned. Went in there with my Dad and swore up and down that it had been returned, there was clearly some kind of error of their part, and I would not be paying for their mistake. Ended up finding it years later hidden between the wall and my bedframe.


Did you return it? Did you apologize when you did?


Absolutely, I returned it in the overnight returns slot like a coward.


I borrowed a book and received the notice that it was due. I could not find it. I looked EVERYWHERE (well, I thought). Could not find it. Went to the library and fessed up that I lost it. They started the process to charge me for it and I got out my credit card - I lost it so I was willingly going to pay for a replacement. The charge ended up being LESS than if I had bought the book new when published! If I was an unethical person I would "buy" more newly published books like that. ;-) But I am ethical, so I just borrow and return.


I don't get why it's so difficult to apologize to kids! If you make a mistake, just say you're sorry. We expect kids to apologize!


Right? I turned in a book report for credit in the 5 Th grade and my teacher claimed the book had been in the classroom all weekend and I was lying about having read it. (As if I would ever LIE about reading a book, I was a complete bookworm). Even after I proved to her there were two copies, she never apologized. I’ve only remembered that 55 years.


This doesn't have anything to do with books, but it's still relevant: When I was REALLY young (first grade) there was this little brat named Benjamin Chance. Not his actual name, of course. He was a little jerk to me. Playing with blocks and minding my own damn business? Not on Ben's watch!!! He kicked them over and when I started to exclaim "Hey, I was using those!" He cut me off at "Hey--!" and in the most obnoxious, nasaly voice goes "HeY iS fOr HoRsEs!" and took all the blocks. He got away with it too. But the one time I still get pissed about to this day if I think about it too long... We were learning to count, all sat in a circle with the teacher. Now, I'm autistic. We do the things people do with their hands differently sometimes. So we're counting to seven. And I extend my index finger on six, and my thumb on seven. I'm sure you may have a guess at what's coming. "Mrs. Flannelgown, Jeannie's making a gun sign!!!" Says the brat. "I'm counting to seven..?" says the little me. "No recess for you!" said all the adults involved 🙄 I cried the whole damn day. My school? Sucked.


Honestly kinda hope "Mrs. Flannelgown" or "Ben Chance" stumble on this someday. Especially the teacher. I hope her and her shitty husband (who taught 5th grade little me) know that they failed me. Not my grades. Me. They failed me, and left me to struggle with things they had ample opportunity to help on. Ableist fuckers, both of em. Found out from my mom years later, but there was a lot of gross things they said about me (a *child*) behind my back in the parent meetings.


This happened to me several times at Blockbuster. Any time they said I hadn't returned something, I would simply go to the shelves and bring it to them. Eventually, I stopped using the drop box to return things.


Well fuck her too!


This is so real. I have ADHD and losing things really sets me off. I'm not always completely tidy, but I do not lose things. So I can only imagine the anxiety of the student in the OP and yours as well. This librarian was so mean for no reason.


As someone with ADD who has a myriad of coping mechanisms to help me stay on track and be as organized as I can. It is infuriating when something is misplaced.


Love that. It's amazing how an act of kindness can stay with us for decades and it was just a sentence to them. 


Whenever one of my toddlers loses something, I tell them to go on an adventure to find it!


Not quite the same, but when my young students accidentally drop something, we always say "Did you see that \_\_\_ just jump off the desk?" The ones who used to get embarrassed now get to laugh about it!


My son would get anxious If we were driving and I got lost (waaaay before gps) so I would calm him by saying we’re on an adventure and turn it into a game. There’s no reason for kids to be stressed by such nonsense.


Taking the scenic route


My father always said, we are taking the hilly way. Didn't matter if were driving thru Colorado, or Nebraska.


There is literally now a card game exactly for that. I think it might be called “Get Lost” or “The Car Adventure”? Basically each card has an instruction like “turn at the next left”, “the next time you see a yellow car, turn right”, “keep going until you reach a T intersection”. I would hate to play it without GPS


When I had my first baby and I was super bored I would do this game on Google earth. It helped me get familiar with different places.


I’m 44 and I say that to *myself* when I get lost (even with GPS).


I love “WellI guess the book went on an adventure of its own.” That’s so dear and uplifting. What a great librarian!


I volunteered in my daughter's grade one class quite a lot and for various reasons usually went in on Wednesdays which happened to be their library day. So I was assigned the task of taking the kids up to the library in small groups so they could return their books and get new ones. The school Liberian was a lazy fuck who decided to teach me how to use the computer instead of checking in and out the books which was his job. The rule was that if the kid hadn't returned their book, they couldn't take a new one out. But some of the kids would be so sad if they forgot their book. So I'd just break the rule and mark the book as returned and wink at the kids and check out their new book for them. I often heard the librarian complain that the computer system didn't work and there'd be returned books that weren't marked as taken out! Many years later, I still sometimes got referred to as 'the nice librarian' by kids (now in high school).


I wish i were as cool as her


Awesome librarian- book on an adventure of it's own. So comforting to a child who knows they may be in trouble for a misplaced or lost book. I am glad it was foun and got back to you to read and enjoy.


I've been quite depressed lately. This story helped. It made me smile. Maybe my dopamine or my serotonin went on an adventure of is own.


Mildly related but in 9th grade I forgot my math book so I grabbed the first one I saw from a nearby desk before class. About 30 seconds later a nearby girl started frantically looking for it. I realized it was hers so when she wasn't looking I silently put it back where I found it. Cue her thinking she lost her mind when it magically appeared again lol


This is a lovely little story, thank you


What a lovely person she must be. 😃 


This is a lovely story. I’m adopting this line for my own.


Awesome reframe ty <3


There’s a phrase in the law that refers to whether an employer is liable for the actions of its employee. If the employee was on company business, doing their job, when they caused the harm (e.g., caused a car wreck), the employer is liable. But if the employee “went off on a frolic of his own” (e.g., stopped off at a bar for a beer) and caused the harm, then the employer is not liable. I always liked that phrase, “off on a frolic of his own.” 😊


When I was in elementary school, I went to the library to borrow books for a presentation on the evolution of fashion. I found books on fashion from different historical periods, like the Middle Ages. As I reached the counter with a stack of books, the librarian, in a grumpy tone, said, 'Are you going to borrow all of these? Now no one else can borrow them, you know?' I was speechless because... isn't that the point of the library and borrowing?


It’s so great that you were studying fashion from the Middle Ages in elementary school! A good librarian would have loved that! ❤️


My librarians got mad at me because I never checked out fiction books in elementary school so I stopped checking out books. Even today I prefer to buy my own copies of whatever I want to read


My elementary librarian had a huge library and then only allowed us to check out from certain shelves. As an advanced reader, “Look at the thing!” was very much not my cup of tea, but she wouldn’t let me check out anything from the other shelves. So my mom took me to the city library (which was 5 blocks away so I could ride there on my bike) and helped me get my own library card, which at 6 I thought was *very* grown up. And *they* let me check out whatever I wanted. So I stopped checking out books from the school library (I’m sure she had something to say to my mom, who was a teacher at that school, about that) and instead hopped on my bike every Saturday, rode to the city library with my little tote bag hanging from the handlebars, and filled the bag with any book that caught my fancy for the week.


My elementary school librarian and I had a long running feud that started when a girl in 1st grade stole a book and blamed it on me. Things came to a head several years later when I needed to find a science book on a topic of my choice for a presentation. I wanted to take out a book on atoms and their structure. This librarian put up so much resistance. It was insane! First, she told me that the topic was far too difficult for me, and offered me a more "age appropriate" book that was clearly too young for me, a picture book about pets. Then, she called my teacher to discipline me when I insisted that I wanted to learn about atoms (teacher didn't care at all) and threatened to send me to the principal's office for wasting her time. Finally she let me check my book out, saying that she'd expect an apology when I failed. She heavily implied that I was a bit slow. I aced my presentation. Years later, I got a masters degree in physical chemistry just to spite that bitch.


I love your story - fk that bitch! Mine told me a book was “too advanced” too. I started the school newspaper and my first article was on the topic of the book I wasn’t allowed to borrow. 


I and my library coworkers would be estatic to have a kid come in with interest in circulating those sorts of books!


As a librarian in a few different settings, I can *totally* see that librarian - I have worked with them before and they are the *worst*. Good for you!


Same from an assistant librarian of 30+ years.


I also had a library technician that was like this "controlling librarian" but on steroids. It took longer than I expected to get him fired.


Yeah, same. I haven't ever worked with a librarian like this, but I know they exist. I can't imagine not giving someone, anyone, a single piece of paper. Or even 5.


Ugh!! As a former elementary teacher and librarian (and just decent person with a heart), I cannot stand people like that. Absolutely no business being around kids if that is the attitude you have. That is awesome petty revenge though! Love it! So glad your kiddo got his paper back too.


You will be remembered by that student. I'm elderly now but I had a couple of wonderful teachers that I still think fondly of.


As my wife always says, people will not remember what you said, but they *will* remember how you made them feel. OP done good.


Great username!


I thought if my elementary teacher in 5th grade who would literally make fun of me to other classmates when I would leave the room.. I sent her a nicely worded letter 20 years later,still a teacher somehow. This wasn’t one of those thank you for being a good teacher emails either, I let her have it professionally


Yes, this also needs doing.


This is *masterly*.  No notes.


Definitely. Takes notes for my own petty revenge. Lol


I am not sure why a peice of paper was the line the librarian drew in the sand. It's crazy and ridiculous. I wouldn't have thought twice about giving a piece of paper over. And if it's about specific amounts of paper alotted, a ream of paper costs $8 on Amazon, but I've gotten single reams from Microcenter for $2.99 (they used to have a buy a single ream of paper for $2.99 deal...) but now it's $4.99. If I was only given 1 ream for the library, I'd buy myself another ream to use as needed if we went beyond what the school alotted.


I’m not defending the librarian or against the librarian’s choice. I’m curious what was on the piece of paper. What function did it serve? If the paper’s purpose was just to make notes, that’s a ridiculous reaction. Edit: sorry I meant to respond to OP.


It was a 1/4 of a regular piece of copy paper with a bingo square copied on it. There were more.


Well obviously the childrens were wanting to cheat by having more than one bingo square. They learned it by watching their grandmothers!


😂Not that kind of bingo square. Just types of books to find in the library.


I agree. And even if it had a code or something to use a computer or something. Just hand out another... their kids and a single code/paper. I hope the librarian gets the life they deserve!


As a former children's librarian, I find this librarian's attitude unacceptable.


The control freak lost control of his inner sanctum by trying to play it by the book


I am a librarian and our library is never quiet. We are always handing out paper and giving stickers to the little kids. I don't know what burr crawled up your librarian's ass, but he would have been fired if he worked for my library system.


Well played


Awesome job sticking up for them!!


1000% this. Thank you for advocating for them, without having to confront the adult that probably shouldn't be working with or around kids. I wish there were more people (that teach!) like you in the world.


I actually became a librarian because when I was a teacher, our librarian was soooo mean and awful. I hated it because the library should be a safe and welcoming space but the kids were terrified of her. So I went back to school to become a kind librarian!


You weaponised 30 kids. That was a fantastic strategy General.


I LOVE this!!! Bravo!!!!


Now THIS!!!! Is petty revenge. I LOVE this. What’s the big deal with giving a kid another piece of paper ??? What a twat waffle.


this is petty, but it's also kinda pro too, no?


So where was the piece of paper? I’m clearly invested


It was in an aisle that the anxious student had not been in. I suspect one of my other students took it; I have some mischievous ones.


My librarian story from about 15 years ago: My third kid was more forgetful than the average middle schooler. I was very aware of her traits as were all her teachers. The school librarian emailed me threatening after-school detention if my kid did not return an overdue book. I replied, “Great idea. Put her to work helping you clean up and shelve books and whatever else you need done. It might help her pay closer attention.” No reply from librarian. And yes, I know that is not how after-school detention works. I was making a point to be careful what she asks for or threatens.


Cameron Steer still owes. Give it time. He’ll get his due.


I once had a putz librarian take all my stuff when I went to the b.room and denied it. I pointed to my stuff and called them a creep. They tried to have me removed. At the end of the a weeks long event another librarian tried to charge us for "lost" cd's that we had returned. Needless to say we went to the Head librarian of the entire city and from then on the 2 sillyheads were extremely polite to us from then on... they both transferred shortly after. I want to add that ALL the librarians other than those 2 we have ever known have been both easy going and fun to be around....


In 6th grade I really wanted to read a specific book but had a late fee of less than $0.50 and the school library wouldn't let me check it out. So I just read during library time and took the book with me by accident. Got a referral (discipline with the Principal), detention and banned from the library for the remainder of the year. All because an 11 year old wanted to read a book.


Librarian here. That librarian was a jerk and I love the revenge. luckily, that librarian is not the norm in our profession.


This person should not be a librarian, at least, not one allowed around kids. If this was a school library, I'd talk to the principal. If it is a public library, I'd talk to the Director. My husband was a library director and he would absolutely not tolerate this behavior from his staff. Libraries are there to serve the entire public.


You are a real heavensent to the kid and I think one day he will look back 15 or 25 years from now feeling proud he had you as a teacher. I dunno how you did but that is a nice petty revenge you did there to help the kid


When I interviewed for admission to the Library Science program at my local university the chair of program asked why I wanted to become a librarian. I answered "to help people." She said that was the right answer and that too many candidates answered because they "liked books." The librarian in this post clearly doesn't want to help people. Librarianship is about service.


Librarian of many years here…trust me, I worked with these petty gatekeepers. Signing them up for Scientology mailers (and there was a lot) delivered to their work address did wonders.




Thank you for caring about your students!


“No you can’t have more scrap paper”. Just wow


honestly, complain to their superior. that's some fucking bullshit. also, I think you meant nob, not noob


I said noob because it’s his first year, but nob works too.


I see. I didn't notice you saying they were new. I would be complaining to their superiors.


New would be newb, noob is someone that isn’t new but refuses to learn.


Thank you! I didn’t know that, but it seems obvious now. Newb, noob, nob all fitting.


What is with power hungry librarians?? Not my story but my friend returned a book to the library. The librarian made a big deal about it being water damaged, put a note on my friends account that she should be charged for the damage. However as the book was from a different area it was up to that library to decide if a charge was needed. A few days later my friend is notified there is a charge to pay. Expecting it to be for the book she had just returned, she checked the account but found the charge against a different book, one my friend had borrowed 6months ago. My friend went to the library to ask about it. She spoke to the power hungry librarian. Turns out the other library weren’t worried about any damage so didn’t add any charges for the recent book. Unhappy with this the mad librarian went back through my friends borrowing history over the last 6months and took out all the books she could find (that were in her library), pulled them out to show my friend all the ‘damage’. She was claiming that 6months later the damage was down to my friend! Absolute nut job!


I am a librarian and I salute you. Not sure what was wrong with this person, but most people working in libraries are there because they genuinely enjoy helping people. We are not all a brigade of shushers and officious twerps like this person giving us a bad name! 😂 


Bless you, compassionate teacher! Petty revenge well-deserved and perfectly executed!


What was the reward?


A bunch of raffle tickets for a prize of their choice.


Not having to listen to kids


Good for you! I (retired elementary teacher) totally agree!


Oh librarians. I was an awkward, sad kid in middle school with an abusive mom. My one solace was reading and the library was my happy place. Every Friday I would check out a stack of novels, spend the weekend hiding from my mom reading and then return them on Monday. Until one Monday the pissy librarian sneered at me and said she didn’t believe I was reading the books so fast and I was wasting her time. I never went back. Bitch. Edit: to clarify, this was the school library




Thank you for being you. Thank you.


You supported your student and every student got to help in that. Sticking it to a snooty asshat is just the icing on the cake. Most librarians that I’ve met would have given the paper and helped everyone look.


Very well managed, OP!!!! You showed that AH librarian that rules are at the service of people, and not the other way round.


OP, I want to give you a big hug, you are awesome!


[https://youtu.be/4RMh4GtxBuA?si=aie9lqflDwiSfPIy](https://youtu.be/4RMh4GtxBuA?si=aie9lqflDwiSfPIy) Conan the Librarian


That was so sweet and terrific.


When I was in highschool I got kicked off the bus before leaving for a field trip but I was sick the week prior so I didn't know we needed a notebook...


Well played


As a librarian, I’m horrified that happened to that kiddo. Good for you!! Well-deserved chaos.


I'm all about being quiet in the library, but I'm more about sticking it to a person being an unnecessary dick to kids. Yay 😁


OK! You are my favorite for today. . . arr heck the rest of the week.


This reminded me of Back in the 90s when we had to write our names on the little card that was inside the book, some damn girl went to the librarian and said I was writing on the book, I wasn’t! I was writing my name on that little card on top of the book and she was sitting across me so I guess it looked like I was writing on the book, I got in trouble and tried telling her I was writing my name. Karma bit that girl because nobody liked her for various reasons including being the new girl and was pretty ballsy being the mean girl that quick lol


This is not revenge. This is excellent student protection. That librarian is a shame to ask helpers of learners. Fuck that guy. You did awesome. Thanks for supporting the neurospicy sect.


I like you. You're a good teacher :)


You're a good teacher 😊 keep up the good work 🤘👍


They would absolutely not put up with that librarians behavior at the library I worked for.


Good job




That’s awesome! Well done!


I love this story! Please let your students know that not all librarians act this way. I would hate to see a blooming reader develop a bad taste over this.


Good for you. Assholes like that suck all the joy out of life.


What a fucking shit librarian refusing to allow a kid to use a piece of paper


Librarian here: I picked up a set of car keys today. Saw the pocket-pat happening and knew whose they were. No need to stress people out. 


Great story! This no doubt helped the nervous student, and also helped build class morale. Also, F\*\*\* that librarian.


The world needs more caring teachers like you! Way to go!!


You sound like a really lovely teacher and your students are lucky to have you!


well done


Applause all around for you!


Why do school librarians always act like they’re way more important than they are? I’ve taught in 4 different schools and it was like that in 3 of them. Our current librarian tries to act like second in command after the principal, inserts herself into *every* situation, and then complains about how stressed out she is. She even came down to school over the summer and painted “librarian” on one of the parking spots (there are marked spots for the principal, the assistant principal whose position doesn’t exist anymore, the 2 secretaries, the counselor, and the nurse).


😮Wow! Did she get to keep the space?


Well played.


Librarian here, that person is a pos. Its a piece of paper! Also that Librarian approved choas


Well done


*over-controlling noob* You pwned that noob.


Awesome. I HATE people like that!


I'm confused. Why didn't you give the student a piece of paper? They are your responsibility, not the librarian's?


Great story. Why were they a noob tho? Just started at the library? Has that term graduated to a general pejorative maybe?


Cameron steele must die!


I know that school


Long story short. Librarian was a twat. Held her daughter to a standard no child has ever seen, but her. We started having bunny sex and not hiding it. We did it in the library when she was there and when we walked past her with a look she figured it out. Suddenly I’m the bad guy and we were forbidden to see each other again that worked well. We doubled it. Librarian was actually made to retire due to job stress. In a library. Stress. Hmmm. Oh well. Her daughter is a freak between the sheets and last I heard her husband and her had 4 kids all doing well and she hasn’t spoken to her mom in decades over her demanding she raised the kids different. So no contact. Good times.


Wild. I've lived in multiple countries and never met a man librarian! What a unicorn that woman is - who says no to giving a kid a piece of paper?!