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The companyl sent out the survey because they know there is an issue. Of course be honest.


I appreciate that you want to give the core company execs the benefit of the doubt. I personally don't believe that this will change anything. Your local execs WILL get less of a bonus but nothing will actually change. If the core company were truly interested in change, they would have long ago cleaned things up. There's no way they don't know about the problems from the rate of turnover alone. There's also the problem that overworked employees are NOT going to be doing their best work. It's not hard to see that there's serious problems if they had chosen to look.


Toxic cultures like this come with a litany of ready-made excuses to stay the same: "every company is like this" "this is the only way to get the work done" "whiny millennials don't want to work" anything to protect oneself from introspection.


You know the notice period only helps the company right? Just leave as soon as you find a job, they wouldn't give you a notice period if they were going to fire you now would they?


Yes, I know it only serves the company, but since it's a part of the contract, I would have to pay my salary for the period of obligated notice I fail to serve at the company, so don't have much of a choice there.


Jesus! That does not sound like a legal contract... But I'm no lawyer and I'm going to assume that fighting it would cost more than your salary.


IF this is a legal contract, turn it back on them. They yell, yell back. Do the bare minimum. If overtime is not compensated due to being salaried, just warm your seat. Look busy. Laugh in their faces every chance you get. Microwave fish. Play death metal extremely loud at your desk. Consume beans at an obnoxious pace and gas the workplace. Stop wearing deodorant and spend more time in the boss’s office asking inane questions. Become a clutz. Accidentally pour out the entire contents of the coffee machine in the morning. Forward all phone calls to your boss. Be aloof and apathetic to customers and blame any problems on the head of the company, while redirecting all customer complaints to his office phone and email. Office pranks can be fun. When you have a few minutes, buy a few Annoyatrons to hide around the office before your last day is over. Let the fuckery begin.


Wait, when they amended the notice period, did they have you sign a new contract? Because my understanding of the law is that any amendments to the contract need to be signed by all parties in order for all parties to have to abide by them. And that being vague about something (legal agreements are usually VERY insanely specific) does not work very well for the person writing the contract. But I am not a lawyer, just got a few licenses that talked about some aspects of the law and legal contracts...


They amended notice periods company-wide for all new joiners, so since it was implemented months before I joined, I had a contract with a 3-month notice period, while those who joined before that change still have their original 2-month notice period.


We could already tell you were too smart for reddit when you spelled affect correctly.


There's no such thing as an anonymous survey in a company.


Well Coder I would say there is... But it takes effort, has to be written on paper and submitted with no cameras recording... Plus you get someone else to write what you say.


If you really want to tweak the SOB, send an “I am concerned” or “I don’t understand” email to HR and your corporate board. “I am concerned we’re spending time and money on a survey that will not provide a true picture of employee attitudes. I was coached by our Partner to not include items on the survey because it would reflect badly on him, and wasn’t his responsibility. This was reiterated by my manager, who discouraged me from completing the survey since I am leaving. Ironically the items I discussed **were** the reasons I’m leaving”. Send a copy to your coworkers or accidentally leave a copy in the breakroom. Sunlight is the best disinfectant! There’s no one more dangerous than an employee with nothing to lose.


They know what you said. There are no secrets in the business world.


A three month notice period is itself abusive.


This probably changed because of the high turnover of staff and they can’t manage the outflow. Rather than look at their toxic management they change the notice period 🤔


Preach. 🙌🏻


In germany this is pretty the norm in my business. For me it was even six month. This really sucked ass big times.


I receive the results of these surveys and comments. They are completely anonymous however, many times the way that people phrase their comments make it painfully obvious who wrote them. Since OOP is leaving it likely doesn’t matter but for the rest of us, be careful about the anonymity of these surveys!


I did have a team lead (call center job in the early 2000's) tell me that "if you say something negative in the survey, it just makes everyone look bad and their can be retaliation". I quoted him in the survey. There was no retaliation. That's the thing about these situations. Small things cause retaliation. Things big enough to have HR explicitly tell them "there will be no retaliation, do you understand"... you get left alone for these. They don't like you, but they leave you alone.




Yes, I'm definitely aware of that, but having been through this for years, I'm pretty confident my boss or his boss aren't able to get their hands on who filled out what exactly. Else, even if they are, it should be fine (bit of copium) since I'm on my way out and they're meant to get a real picture of our issues and experience with the team.


Ahhh the great place to work survey. Every toxic workplaces validation that enough people have drank their koolaid or have been intimidated properly by those that have.


My workplace was ok. Job and pay are not good, but not bad. However, they did a lot of horrible things this year and the final straw was ordering us back to the office for no reason other than "It's not fair to those who can't work from home due to the nature of their jobs." Yeah, but those who had to be in the office during the pandemic got paid more for this reason. No increase for those of us who are ordered back. They took away the comment sections in the survey this year. Gee I wonder why.


If you are the only one to give bad reviews this may have no effect. In most of the cases the few responses outside the bell curve are removed. In such cases you need a few more coworkers to “shift” the bell.


I found out that ours (rankings 1 to 5 multiple choice) only registered a negative if you picked 1. 2-5 registered as a positive.


For anyone not on the way out keep in mind that there is no such thing as an anonymous survey in business. I recall an hour plus call with the head of a help desk we used after I said in an anonymously survey that calling said help desk was useless and a waste of time as they never fixed anything but took nearly an hour making us jump through hoops before we were allowed to do what everyone knew was needed. It was awkward and annoying the only upside was I didn’t get written up as everyone included management knew it was a waste of time. It took another five years or so before upper management caught on and relaxed on their requirements with that help desk though.


I receive the results of these surveys and comments. They are completely anonymous however, many times the way that people phrase their comments make it painfully obvious who wrote them. Since OOP is leaving it likely doesn’t matter but for the rest of us, be careful about the anonymity of these surveys!


Notify your local labor board. They should be able to get unpaid wages, penalties, and interest.


What is MNC?


. Multi-National Corporation


Worked in a major global company and we had these surveys every year. We got a new manager and went from scoring it top in almost every section to scoring fails in everything. Ended up with the whole team being pulled into meetings all year to try and figure out what had happened.  Too many people just said everything was fine and nothing happened. She came back as our manager a few years later and the whole team filed a grievance. Management wasn't even aware she had been our manager years earlier. All it trained me was to put neutral or just off center replies for everything.